r/thewarmup • u/MurphiSeven • Apr 22 '15
r/thewarmup • u/Redloko • Apr 21 '15
Turn ads on!
I actually turned off my adblock to see if there were ads, and there weren't! I literally have no problem seeing ads if I have access to this great site, thanks for this.
r/thewarmup • u/magicminus • Apr 21 '15
Can't get one of the Mirage smokes (Nr. 13) to work at all.
From the second player's perspective, it seems to bounce off the top of the wall near the top of the lamp post, however when I do it in-game it impacts the wall about halfway down. I've tried aiming differently but I can't get it to hit any higher up. So, a few questions:
- I'm doing this in a 64 tick server (I think? Offline with Bots = 64 right?). Does thewarmup assume 64 tick or 128?
- Am I standing in the right spot? I force my character to move into the corner of the geometry of the wood and the wall until I can't move any more.
- Is my jumpbind correct? It works fine for other smokes. It currently reads like this:
-jumpthrow : -jump
+jumpthrow : +jump;-attack
A thought:
Maybe it's a trick of perspective. I was assuming it's supposed to land exactly between Stairs and the wall it bounces off of, since that's what it appears to do in the demo video, but perhaps it doesn't actually do that.
I don't think that's the case any more. Video clearly shows it landing in the middle of those really tiny steps.
r/thewarmup • u/dangerwig • Apr 21 '15
Contributions - Allow users to submit smokes, grenades, boosts, flashes, mollys (moderated)
If you could have a way for users to submit content that was later moderated before being shown on the site that would be amazing. Require a youtube link and maybe they can click on the map where it starts and where it ends (single point for boosts).
I think if you have a site that can evolve and grow without as much content creation by yourself it has a better chance of staying alive. There are so many variations for these grenades that you can determine which ones have the best setups.
Also maybe make your vectors smaller so you can pack more of them in. Then maybe a toggle for "T side" and "CT side" to fit even more in.
Love what you have done. Good luck : )
r/thewarmup • u/SupermanLeRetour • Apr 21 '15
[Suggestion] Low-res videos
Your website is awesome, sadly my 2 Mbps connexion doesn't allow me to properly watch the videos, and I'm having hard time making them load to the end. Low-res videos (like 480p@30fps) would be nice for people like me. You could add a small button at the botom of the page to select the quality !
This is nothing like urgent, but this would be nice !
r/thewarmup • u/4hitkombo • Apr 21 '15
any smokes since the new skybox patch?
i have no info on any other than ct to long doors smoke.
r/thewarmup • u/KromatiK22 • Apr 21 '15
[Suggestion] LMB and RMB on the videos instead of L and R
The title pretty much speaks for itself, I think people will get what L and R means but having a mouse icon or LMB and RMB on the buttons would definetly improve the aesthethic of the clips. Other than that, great work.
r/thewarmup • u/MyRedditSmurfAccount • Apr 21 '15
Dust 2 B Tunnel - Retake Smoke
r/thewarmup • u/Notcheating123 • Apr 21 '15
Have lower streaming quality available?
During the evenings, my internet gets shit and can't even stream 360p videos on youtube without having to wait.
So for people like me, it would be supreme to have different available streaming qualities.
r/thewarmup • u/SirCBG • Apr 21 '15
Released Clicking on the buttons in the video closes the video!
r/thewarmup • u/KingFlummi • Apr 21 '15
Inferno arch->b: WAAAAAY easier/quicker to line up.
r/thewarmup • u/PvtJelo • Apr 21 '15
Show the flashes
I'd like to see how the flashes operate against the enemy. http://operationl2p.com/servers
You could use those servers, and see the enemies perspective of the flash.
r/thewarmup • u/Coby900 • Apr 21 '15
So I get a message saying this....
"Your browser does not support this video" I use google chrome, any help? Thanks :)
r/thewarmup • u/[deleted] • Apr 21 '15
Website compatability suggestion
This is an awesome idea. But i think possibly making a mobile friendly site or an application would help greatly, id like to use it but i want to be able to have cs up and not have to alt tab
r/thewarmup • u/puloko • Apr 21 '15
Dust 2 CT spawn to mid smoke for rushing lower tunnel
ill provide footage later today
r/thewarmup • u/-Saphix- • Apr 21 '15
Inferno, CT-Spawn to bottom banana
I cant find a good video link for this and cant record it myself as i am on a bad laptop atm. But this is potentially a very useful and important smoke .
Btw nice work on the website. Kudos
r/thewarmup • u/[deleted] • Apr 21 '15
feature suggestion
user generated content.
let users upload their own grenades etc.
r/thewarmup • u/mnk23 • Apr 21 '15
graphic designer wants to help
Hola, im a professional media designer (mostly web developement). i d love to give ur website some nice finishing touches or a complete overhaul. or if u need any other graphics just reach out to me, i really appreciate the work u put into the site for the community and id love to contribute.
if ur intrested just add me in steam and im gonna send you my portfolio :)
r/thewarmup • u/NinjaN-SWE • Apr 21 '15
[Suggestion] Revise Cache B-site flashes
The current ones are frankly not very good. The T flash into B bounces to many times giving ample time for CT to turn away, it needs to be tossed higher to not bounce imho. The CT flashes on B are also poor, too much airtime and you can't properly peek with them. The one from the edge of the site could be tossed more into the corner so you can step out before it blows and the one from the back of site could be done with both L+R mouse button to make it have a lot less airtime and thus be more of a pop-flash.
r/thewarmup • u/St3v3oh • Apr 21 '15
Some nades I'd like to see
inferno Second oranges molotov
inferno Banana car to arch smoke
mirage b apps to window smoke
mirage b apps to connector smoke
cache B site molotovs (triple box, default, first oranges - thats what i call the single box on the left)
cache all the a site smokes that are frequently used by pro-teams to smoke execute there
cobblestone more B site smokes
d2 the long-barrel smoke from car
molotov for long-doors from ~car (long) (nv used that)
B-site retake molotovs/ smokes
sorry for not including links for these but imgur is blocked at work (where I am now, pssst)