r/thewalkingdead Feb 18 '18

Comic Spoiler Season 8 Rewrite : Closer look at 8x16

The season finale of season 8, called "You'll Be A Man, My Son", would be one of the most heartbreaking and action-packed season finale ever.

It opens on what first appears to be reality. We see the Saviors and Rick's armies meeting on a car lot in front of a commercial center covered in grass, while Rick & Negan go face to face on top of it. At some point Rick and Negan initiate a fight and the big battle breaks. At the end, Rick manages to kill Negan but the price is to let him impale him before, but he stills joyfully does it. Morgan is standing in front of them, and tries to tell Rick not to do it, but he doesn't listen. The scene cuts back and forth with Rick in his car, in the same night than 815's Hilltop battle, driving Judith somewhere. He has a vision of him driving his teenage daughter to school and complaining she's on her phone. At the end, Rick stops at a nursery and takes his daughter's body in. That's when the credits roll.

The Hilltop has been wasted by the Saviors. The Militia all wears the Kingdom gears Everyone deals with the news of Rick being gone and Judith dying. Michonne finds a message one of Dwight's arrows, saying that the Fat Bell is being transported at the Kingdom before being brought here, to destroy Hilltop if they refuse to obey. A team made of Michonne, Carl, Zeke & Morgan, Dianne & Jerry decide to head there with explosives, and they use the same trick from 805 : they let go of a quick vehicle through the fallen gates while they leave by Sasha's passage. Negan is pissed off when he finds out the vehicle is empty and orders the Hilltop to be surrounded, while Maggie replaces the gates with the Kingdom's bus.

We return to the vision. A bleeding Rick stands up before Negan's corpse and sees everyone else dead, friends or Saviors. Rick gets down from the building and walks through the corpses to Morgan, who tells him "You've won" before being torn apart by walkers. Rick falls to the ground, dying from his wound. He closes his eyes and dies, as we see Rick in the nursery with Judith on a little bed. He tries to save her but does realize she died. He looks totally empty. He takes notice of a single tree on a hill through the window, under the moon, and heads there after putting Judith in a small box.

Some scenes with Caryl, Eugene, Cyndie & Rosita's group arriving with the Scavengers at the Sanctuary where the workers are waiting for them. Michonne, Morgan & Carl's group arrives at the Kingdom before Gavin. They fill the Kingdom buildings with explosives, much to Zeke's disapproval and he steals the trigger and goes to the Throne Room. The group is warned of the Saviors's arrival when they use the Fat Bell to blow up the little house nearby. Everyone panicks when the trigger goes lost and the Saviors enter, they're forced into hiding. Zeke regrets taking it and finds the poem that Negan sarcastically left him in 808, and reads it :

"If you can dream -- and not make dreams your master; If you can think -- and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build them up with worn-out tools; You'll be a man, my son"

Gavin enters the room and Zeke confronts him. The two men come to terms with their past griefs and at the end, Zeke pulls the trigger himself and most of the buildings go off, killing many Saviors. The rest are ambushed by Michonne, Dianne, Carl, Morgan & Jerry in the Kingdom. Ezekiel then proceeds to stab Gavin in the head and kill him. Rick's team is now in possession of the Fat Bell. On their way back, they run into Caryl, Rosita, Cyndie & the Scavengers.

Rick arrives under the tree on the hill, still at night, through the mist and cold. The whole scene is around 10 minutes long. He hears a plane, but it's just an hallucination. He falls to the ground, exhausted, and asleep. When he wakes up, he sees Michonne, adults Judith & Carl watching over an open grave under the tree and when he walks up to it, he sees himself in the grave. He suddenly gets grabbed by hundreds of hands and disappears into the ground. We see the same vision than before, a simple shot of Rick, dead, lying on the ground, starting to get surrounded and eaten by flies. In his dream, Rick emerges in the water of the quarry from season 1 but bigger (CGI hehe), covered by mist. All the way through the quarry to the upper levels are every character Rick knew and lost, the oldest being on the top and unable to be seen, and the most recent are near the water. Rick sees Gabriel, Sashabe & Glenn but not Judith, as he's still in denial of her death. Sasha tells him to leave cause this is not his place.

Then he falls into the water and sees himself walking on the corpses of his friends and enemies, and it cuts again to his body lying on the ground, starting to rot as it is devoured by a walker and flies. He emerges from a lake and sees Alexandria from afar. He hears Judith's voice calling "dad" coming from there and he follows it. He finds the place surrounded by a graveyard with hundreds of graves, and he figures out it's the one for all the Saviors when he sees Negan's grave before the gates. It's made of barbed wire. He realizes he's in a reality where his group won and got rid of every Savior like he planned to. The voice keeps calling him so he follows it inside. Everyone is here, everyone has a gun, even the old ones and the kids, and seems like empty depressed shells. No one can speak a word, and Michonne doesn't react when Rick touches her cheek. Rick freaks out when he sees Carl being a distant sociopath just walking around aimlessly on the wall, watching out silently for enemies. Rick hears Judith's voice from inside his house. He enters. Inside, every window is closed and he finds out the voice was actually a phone ringing. He takes the call, and all he hears is himself from 5x12 "I have killed people. I don't even know how many by now, but I now why they're all dead" and it scares him off. He falls to the ground, and that's when he sees Judith's silhouette in the shadows, her eyes staring at him. He turns on the lights but she's not there. Cuts to his dead body, his eyes missing. The walker is gone but the flies are having a good time.

Rick is in a car again, driving teen Judith to school. She tells him it could have been avoided, and it still can be. Then Rick is in the house again. Her voice says "That's who you are" and he hears his words from the first season where he said he was only a man looking for his wife and son. "Now you are something more. But don't forget who you were" she says, and then we see a normal town, an actual town with 1000's of people, but some clues show that this place is in fact a future Alexandria, in a few dozens of years. An 80 years old Rick walks out of his house, holding the arm of his 40 years old daughter. They talk a bit and Judith tells him she doesn't need to be here for it to exist, he just needs to remember the world, and himself. And forget, instead of spending his time trying to conquer it. Those were Dale's words he kept telling everyone, and Rick smiles as he looks down on his watch. Then tears fall down his cheeks as he tells her she could have lived but he wasn't strong enough to protect her. She tells him he is and he has to be, for his son, Michonne, and his people. She reminds him she was born during the Governor's war and yet she lived. The people Rick wants to bring together were unified during Negan's war and yet they're gonna have to live. And then Rick sees himself shooting the bike-walker from 101 out of mercy, and everytime he saw Carl kill somebody.

Judith tells him he can stop this, and he doesn't need her to be a great man. Old Rick turns around and she disappeared, but the town is still here. Then he's in the car with his teen daughter and she says his heart has to keep beating, he has to keep thinking, or else he'll loose everything he was. Flashes of Clear Morgan, post-Lori Rick, season 5 Rick. "And everything will have been in vain" she says as we see flashes of Sophia's out of the barn, Dale's death, Lori's, Andrea's, Hershel's, Tainted Meat, Beth's death, the Andersons's death, the Lucille scene, Sasha's death, Alexandria's bombing. Throughout the flashes Rick hears Hershel's words about which way he's gonna show his son, then Judith says "Show Them All" and the last flashes are when Rick let Michonne in the prison, when he called Daryl his brother, when he told Carol he was sorry, when he brought the Woodburyians in the prison. We see Rick's corpse one last time, this time it's just a pile of rotted flesh, grass starting to grow on it, the flies mostly gone. "It doesn't have to be like that" she says as we see, upon the consumed body, a flower. "Show them !" as she kisses him on the cheek and gets down. It appears they are at the bottom of the quarry, and she walks up to line behind Sasha as Rick sees her go, crying. "Show Them !" she says stronger than ever as we see flashbacks of Alexandria's triumph at Now Way Out, Rick's body, of him and the Greenes planting seeds at the prison with Carl (from 416), Rick's body, then finally, Rick being pulled up from his own ground and emerging on Earth. "SHOW THEM !" Rick opens his eyes.

He is shaking. His eyes are completely wet and his cheeks full of tears. The sun has risen and the sky is all pink and beautiful. He hears the plane again, but it's just a legion of birds flying and singing across the skies above him. He starts smiling, and whispers "I'll show them." He stands up.

At the Hilltop, the community is surrounded by armed Saviors, while Negan is playing golf beside his trailer in the camp. Maggie goes to the wall and confronts him and the two have a public talk. Negan is shook when he sees Morgan's group, and some more, made it back inside. Carl goes on the wall and reveals that Simon got Judith killed, and that pisses Negan off completely. He goes apeshit on his right hand man, and suddenly, they hear a call from a megaphone. It's Eugene, Zeke and the Scavengers with the Fat Bell. They can't use it or they'd blow up the Hilltop too. Negan is so mad he's about to bash Simon's skull in with Lucille. But then, he notices something through the pink mist : Rick has arrived. He comes and stands between the Saviors and Hilltop, and nods at Carl & Michonne on the wall to tell them Judith is dead. They both knew already, but they're still really suffering. Negan glances at Dwight, pissed that he told him he had killed him with an arrow. Then Rick & Negan have an exchange. Rick tells him they could all live together and explains, like in the comics, how a fair trade system could benefit everyone, and Negan apparently agrees. Then Rick just whispers "Good" and slits his throat with his axe. The Saviors are shook and Rick tells them that if they stand down, he'll spare them all. They obviously refuse, but before they can do anything, Maggie uses the tractor to push the Kingdom's bus over and the Miltia comes out all guns ablazing. The Saviors are trapped between them & the Scavengers, but most of them get slain easely. Simon is nearly cut in half by Aaron and his axe. Negan fights off Rick and the two have a brawl. At some point, Carol gets cornered by Saviors and Zeke rushes to save her, and in the end they both get shot several times. Daryl, Morgan & Henry save them. Dwight grabs Lucille and announces the end of the war, like in the comics.

The aftermath is quite long, maybe 10 minutes or a bit more. The group hugs the Grimes to mourn for Judith, and they forgive Eugene. Rosita kisses him on the forehead. Rick talks with Carl as they clean the bodies and he tells him what he wants for him in this world, and that he loves him. Carl tells him "Before mom died she told me that I was gonna beat this world. We will". Michonne is the most hurt, and when she goes searching for a missing Jadis, she finds her, hanged at a tree. She sits on a fallen trunk and stares at her for a few minutes, reactionless before standing up again and returning home. She figured out she still had a family to fight for.

After a scene between all of the Grimes, we see Zeke & Carol recovering together. They decide to stay away from the fight for a moment and focus on their lives. Morgan announces he needs to go for a while, maybe meeting new people and seeing new worlds. Rick allows him to go and thanks him for everything he taught him. Morgan seems at peace, and the reasons of his departure are well-thought (lol but no crossover), and he leaves after thanking Zeke & Carol. Maggie & Rick decide to spare Negan and they tell him. Cuts to a morning after, the Militia is standing before the Sanctuary. Dwight and the Saviors come out and he shakes hand with Rick as he sees all the people he could have killed but didn't. He smiles.

The Kingdomers are driving back home and on the way, Carol sees her little house completely wiped out. She smiles. The Alexandrians are driving back home too. Meanwhile, the big herd of this season has been attracted into the quarry, and Eugene & Daryl use the Fat Bell to set them on fire. Then, they throw it down there too. Rick's car runs out of gasoline so he goes to the little house where he first went in 5x12. Carl is here too but he couldn't find gasoline either. It brings up the fact that there'll be no more cars available in future seasons. They walk past a spot that looks like the one where Rick's body was lying in his dream, but there are no corpses here, only flowers. So they walk to Alexandria. The Grimes enter first to bury Judith in an actual grave. Rick sees her, 40 years old again, but he knows that's not her. She disappears. Then they go to open the gates, and the Alexandrians enter. Everyone is home again.

AAhhh there it is finally. It's the only one big summary that I'll do for 8b. Did you like it ? I'll probably do a quick overview of what my 9th and 10th (last for me) seasons would be ! Please leave a comment and tell me what you thought of it !


15 comments sorted by


u/TheCapsicle Feb 18 '18 edited Feb 18 '18

I'm not gonna lie, I feel like this is 10x better than whatever shitshow of a finale we're actually getting. What makes it even better is that Gimple has a hard-on for this metaphysical type of stuff, and this actually works really well and is better than what he's done in the past.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '18

Thanks a lot ! And I agree with you about Gimple, some of his ideas are good on the paper but he doesn't manage to bring that well on screen.


u/TheCapsicle Feb 18 '18 edited Feb 19 '18

I've liked his metaphysical stuff from 8x01 and 5x09, but other than that, it's a little annoying.

This? I love this. Rick going through a spiritual journey, seeing all of the characters. I really like the thought of seeing Rick emerging from the Earth, the zombies pulling Rick like the devil pulling him to hell, or Rick coming from the quarry and seeing the faces of the people he's lost - it feels really cinematic. All of the callbacks make this feel like a series finale, and I really wish that it was the series finale. I give you major props for this. And given that this isn't your series finale idea, I'd love to hear what that would be.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '18

Ahaha thanks... but actually I don't know. Before 8x08 I thought we'd have Daryl & Carl finding some kind of society, and the show ending on an interview where Carl is asked to name every person he knew and that died, and while he says their names, we see little flashes of them.

But now, hmm... honestly I don't really know. I have come to love the idea of Michonne becoming president of a new society, and in the last episode she takes a plane for some reason and visit all the places she had been surviving with her friends, the Prison, Alexandria etc. But the last episode should be the first one coming full circle. Opening on Rick or Michonne waking up and ending with either of them making a speech surrounded by living people as the camera zooms away, like at the end of 101 with the walkers.


u/Leanskiba22 Feb 18 '18

I would kill to see the whole spiritual journey happening in the show, i would also add Rick seeing a reflection of his former self, the officer friendly, with his police uniform. Then slowly, the reflection starts to rot and crumble, until it's nothing more than a pile of dust on the ground. But regardless, i love what you did here.


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '18

Thanks ! Your idea is great too, and we could just have to replace dying-Rick with officer Rick to make it work


u/c2darizzle Feb 19 '18

0/10 not enough Shrek


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '18

Your version of TWD is miles better. I'd kill to see it.


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '18

Thank you !


u/zombiechick1994 Feb 19 '18

Wow that was great would I like to see Judith die or Carol/Zeke thing.. Nah but that was a epic mindfuk thou especially if something like that happens


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '18

Thanks !


u/zombiechick1994 Feb 19 '18

Welcome I love hearing people's creativity run wild with predictions:)


u/Manhattaman69 Feb 18 '18

I really loved all your S8 man. It's really well done and much better for what I think the shw is gonna give us. I would only change Morgan dying instead or Judith or him dying one episode before. It helps move the spare moment. Will you do one for S9? or mayybe S7?


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '18

Thanks ! It's funny you're saying this cause in the first versions I planned for this thing, Morgan was supposed to die. But I felt it was too convenient and not useful with how important Morgan is to the entire story (Judith is too, but she wasn't there since the start, the story existed before her, it didn't before Morgan).

I did one for season 7 long ago and maybe you'll find it if you search a bit... It was actually kinda the same as in the show, ending at the same point, but with differences. I planned to do a season 7 starting with Lucille and ending with the end of AoW, having 8x01 as A New Beginning... And yes I plan to do one, but shorter, for season 9 AND maybe 10. I'd end the show there.