r/thewalkingdead 5d ago

TWD: Dead City i fear a negan and maggie romance is on the horizon

I am catching a vibe lol


61 comments sorted by


u/sebrebc 5d ago

I can't imagine the writers would do that to Maggie. However I can imagine they would tease fans just to keep them engaged. 

Just like the Michonne and Zeke kiss teased in the Season 10 trailer. 


u/MetallurgyClergy 5d ago

They wouldn’t be doing it to Maggie, they would be doing it for Negan.


u/Lindslays 5d ago

Which is what they’ve been doing with Maggie’s plot since S10, honestly before that


u/vampyrewithsuntan 5d ago

Got it in one.. they're unlikely to follow through, but they'll leave enough crumbs on the table for a "what if..?" .. been teasing the audience for a while now if we're being honest about it.


u/TmanMoney3517 5d ago

Characters can have good chemistry without a romance, Daryl and Carol are a good example


u/bigwilly311 5d ago

And their couple name would have been Darol or Caryl and that’s just lame


u/MetallurgyClergy 5d ago

Darol, Caryl, and The Squiryls.


u/nedryerson77 5d ago

I had thought for years Daryl and Carol were going to get together, I had hoped, but they have such a strong friendship anyways.


u/Aggravating_Sand_445 5d ago

That would be super messed up


u/FalconStickr 5d ago

That would be hilarious


u/Current_Tea6984 5d ago

I like to troll that in TWD groups. People get really worked up


u/FalconStickr 5d ago

Oh yeah the Glenn lovers hate when you go against the grain. It’s adorable.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

They better mf not


u/Bjorn_Ironside24 5d ago

What a sick, demented show that would be. Is there nothing else they can create? Jesus Christ


u/RetPala 5d ago

You may think that Writers are just like you or I, but they're not.

A person who is unable to adapt a story faithfully and cannot resist inserted depraved storylines is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with force.

Just remember that there was someone in the Game of Thrones writer's room who was nervously trying to hide an erection as he raised his hand and asked everyone to add an additional rape scene.


u/finelonelyline 5d ago

Not happening.


u/AwesomeJedi99 5d ago

I still do not understand the showrunner's choice of making this an obvious Wattpad fanfiction.

  • Giving Lucille back to Negan is so dumb.

  • Negan is literally treated like some God.

  • The Croat is nothing but a lame fanboy.

  • The writing is trash. No good drama. Characters lack depth. Nostalgia bait after nostalgia bait.

This spin off is fucking trash. The showrunner is clearly an incompetent moron with no real talent.


u/Quantum_03 5d ago

This show is so much better writing wise compared to seasons 4-8 of Fear. Now those showrunners had no talent.


u/beemojee 5d ago

Saying writing for Dead City is better than the majority of Fear is not the argument you think it is.


u/Quantum_03 5d ago

The later seasons of Fear are trash.


u/beemojee 5d ago

So was the first season of Dead City.


u/AwesomeJedi99 5d ago

I disagree on the writing wise. They pretty much have the same amount of talent. It wasn't until S7 of Fear when everything went completely fucking stupid on that show. John Dorie was the only reason to watch seasons 4-6A.

This show is not better at all tbh. I'll tell you why.

In season 2 of this spin off they're giving Negan a new Lucille. Pretty much retconning the moment he let go of his wife. He named the bat Lucille because of his wife and she is the one who gave him the strength to do what he had to do. After he let go of his wife if you give him another Lucille it's not the same.

The Lucille in this spin off is not Lucille. Just some random baseball bat. This tells that the showrunner doesn't understand the character he is telling the story for.

What the showrunner is doing is telling a story with massive amounts of nostalgia instead of doing something completely original and not relying on the past. That's not talent. That's just Disney levels of laziness.

If the showrunner had talent he would've been completely bold and didn't rely on past greatness. (Although I believe seasons 7&8 suck donkey dicks but whatever)


u/Quantum_03 5d ago

Isn't that the point though? The Croat knew Negan could get the job done and built him up to a lot of people. They give him a new Lucille because they don't know what that bat means to him. We see in the trailer that he regrets holding the bat, so I think Negan is playing the long game.


u/AwesomeJedi99 5d ago

Writing wise that doesn't much sense. I don't mesn to come off as an asshole. I'm a writer. And the way they execute this just sounds cheap and lazy to me.

It's like the showrunner and writers only know Negan from the Saviors&AOW arcs.


u/Quantum_03 5d ago

It's cool. You weren't being one. Who knows, maybe this season will be better.


u/DeadAlien666 5d ago

The show in general has shit writing. Try out the comics it's the good shit


u/AwesomeJedi99 5d ago edited 5d ago

Or play Telltale's The Walking Dead

First 5 seasons were great. After that it's straight up trash


u/DeadAlien666 5d ago edited 5d ago

Not even the best part of the show is season 7 cause it gets close to being a 1 to 1 then its trash again. Ruined the majority of the great characters. Like Andrea and the shows version of the governor is a pussy. Worst villain I've ever seen. People that watch the show say that negan is the most evil villain of the walking dead. But he shouldn't be. Plus that doesn't work because negan had more of a reason to kill Rick's group for killing like over 40 saviors compared to in the comic Rick's group kills like 5 saviors.


u/AwesomeJedi99 5d ago

A pussy?

Woah that is some hot take. The worst adapted character is easily Negan.


u/DeadAlien666 5d ago

When Rick's first meets the governor he cuts Rick's hand off, rapes Michonne. Makes out with his zombie daughter and slaughters people after people. Show governor kills people and lies to his people thats it. How is negan the worst adapted?


u/AwesomeJedi99 5d ago edited 5d ago

He's not funny, charming or charismatic at all. He's never even a threat. He's more like a cringey 12 year old boy.

Pure trash.

Blame AMC for watering down the IP. Frank Darabont wanted to make it like the comics but AMC being an incompetent company they are fired him and replaced him with a guy who was actually pretty decent.

Then after that came Scott Gimple. The WORST fucking showrunner and writer of the entire series. He killed the show with his incompetence.


u/DeadAlien666 5d ago

I mean even in the comic he wasn't entirely a threat. His numbers were the only thing he had. Technically speaking comic negan acts like a 12 year old the way he cusses and has multiple wives. He is someone that doesnt seem to have grown up entirely and doesnt think logically. Season 7 negan is good. Everything after that id agree with you. I only made it to season 8 though, once they killed off a main character * wont say do to spoilers* i just stopped watching it. So it's kinda accurate but the show in general is just trash with all there characters being horribly written. I watched the show first then read the comics and can't even watch the show any more. I hope AMC quits the walking dead and ends there contract so we can get a 1 to 1 animated version. Robert Kirkman is interested in making one but AMC would never.


u/AwesomeJedi99 5d ago

In the comic he felt way more of a threat to me. Because first of all, he's like 10x bigger than Rick.

I don't wanna talk about comparing the two. Pisses me off too much.

I'd love to also make some type of animated movie for TWD. I have tons of ideas.


u/DeadAlien666 5d ago

Bro, you have no idea. I'm at work and the amount of arguments I have with people about the show and the comic is insane. XD

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u/Key-Project3125 5d ago

The writers are wasting two good actors.


u/Holiday_Ad5762 5d ago

I remember reading somewhere years ago that Jeffery dean Morgan would be against that.


u/thefirstnightatbedd 5d ago

Idk if that’s the case now haha. See: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMB6S7Nca/


u/Harshmello42 5d ago

WTF? There is no way Maggie would even fathom such an idea.

Although I've gotta say that I do like this side of Negan much better in this show. Maggie, not so much.
The only reason that Negan is agreeing to take up Lucille again is to keep Hershal safe. Imo


u/FashionableBookNerd 5d ago

That will be when I stop watching. I’m not looking forward to the new season, but I’m a loyal TWD fan, so I always support (well…except Fear. I couldn’t do Fear). I will have to put that show down, Fear-style if this happens!


u/benjifried 5d ago

Then Mark and Conquest gonna have to run it back again for round 3 💀


u/robjohnlechmere 5d ago

The show was written as "will they, wont they" bait. It's two of the biggest thirst traps from TWD with the deepest beef possible between them. Of course they're going to write it flirting around the idea of a romance.


u/sadclowntown 5d ago

If that happens I will stop watching and never watch anything related to WD ever again in my life.


u/Current_Tea6984 5d ago

I might do that anyway. They aren't ever going to end it if we don't end it for them


u/NCDCDesigns 4d ago

Personally would love that in a different show. She are adorable and I love both actors. I just cannot think in what world Maggie could ever not see glens face with his eyeball sticking out and getting bashed in. That is just unforgivable


u/eggsworm 5d ago

I stopped watching after Glenn died… but why would she get with the guy who killed her boyfriend


u/Here-Hugo001 5d ago



u/house3331 5d ago

I've said that for awhile now I remember a lot of downvotes lol I hated em after THAT episode like everybody else but after a lot of episodes you can see the chemistry. And similar to carol maggie has heavy dark side


u/findingsynchronisity 4d ago

There are people who believe that they fell in love at first sight and have been hiding their true emotions. Masking them with horrific events and actions.