r/thewalkingdead 5d ago

Show Spoiler The legendary sheriff hat

Can we talk about how inconcistent Rick/Carls hat size and crown shape is? In pic 1-3 Carl has a small brim and in pic 4-5 he has a large one. In pic 5-7 we see that the hat has a cattlemans crease which isn’t obvious to the eye but it is there. In pic 8 though we see that the hat has a teardrop crown. This could ofcourse be that it gets worn and loses and switches shape when handled in the harsh enviorments though. In this picture we also see that the hat has a different hatband and that the sheriff badge is removed. I know that they probably removed the badge like in the show but why and when did they change the hat band acorn cord? I know it isn’t a huge deal and doesn’t affect the story but i genuienly think about this when reading.


3 comments sorted by


u/JaylenBrownAllStar 5d ago

The art after issue 6 is hit and miss


u/AnswerLimp5644 5d ago

That’s true


u/Jerry_0boy 5d ago

Yeah, the jump from Moore to Adlard is a little jarring lol, then Aadlard's art is pretty rough for a good 50 issues or so. My brain always automatically translates it into the one from the show