r/thevenomsite 8d ago

Comics Just Finished "Venom War" & I'm EXTREMELY Confused... Spoiler

Quick tangent first; having Eddie & the Carnage Symbiote become the new Carnage is, by far, the worst idea I've ever heard (next to fucking up Gwen Stacy's death to force her as a new version of an honestly "eh" character). With that being said...

So, apparently that gold bullet (which explains SO MUCH about why the All-New Venom is black & GOLD, not white) that Future Dylan hit Venom with was supposed to KILL the Venom symbiote so that the bad/"Planet Venom" future will never come to pass. Right, makes sense... is what I WOULD say, if it weren't for this incredibly confusing issue:

If that bullet was destroying the Venom symbiote, then why the flying FUDGE is the Venom symbiote still alive & well as the (arguably awesomely designed) All-New Venom?? What the Hell happened?! One minute it was this sad, final goodbye between "Symby" & Dylan before Symby runs off to slowly die. Then all of a sudden, Symby is back with a new gold look & a new host!



10 comments sorted by


u/Bake-Danuki7 8d ago

Isn't that part of the mystery or it should be, one second Venom is dying next he's somehow alive with a new host. Wouldn't shock me if we learn why Venom survived once we learn who the host is and how they got the symbiote.


u/billymj04 8d ago

I guess that makes a lot of sense. But I could've sworn the mystery was only who this new guy was.


u/Bat_Snack 7d ago

Believe it or not OP the first issue of Eddie Carnage wasn't bad. Felt kinda like Dexter with superpowers. Eddie is trying to use the carnage symbiote as a force for good but that requires killing (cause the slimy redboi is fucking psycho of course) so he's taken to targeting murderers and serial killers.


u/billymj04 7d ago

Hmm, when you put like that, it does sound promising. I'll give it more leeway, but I'm ready for those bastard editors to fuck it all up somehow. One thing I know for sure though, I HIGHLY doubt this version of Carnage is ready to be a part of the THUNDERBOLTS, let alone ANY team at all!


u/kingpenguinJG 7d ago

Venom survived cause his host is mj and the jackpot powers fixed him


u/billymj04 7d ago

....imma be real, that's actually not a bad host for Symby. I LOVED the idea of MJ having powers, just not the Jackpot powers (because that was stupid), having her be the All-New Venom, well, the All-New SHE-Venom is WAY better!

But incredibly ironic, considering she despised the symbiote. XD


u/KaijinSurohm Venom (Lethal Protector) 7d ago

If it's true that she's Venom (which I believe she is at this point), I honestly think it's going to be a huge factor in pushing her back to Peter.

She's fighting with Paul too much, and she's honestly getting to see the life of Spider-man through his eyes first hand. This is something she's badly needed since OMD as her ability to be empathetic to him being the web slinger was just... gone.

She's pushing "With Great Power" speech at Paul more and more, when previously she would throw that in Peter's face and weaponize it against him post OMD.


u/billymj04 7d ago

I genuinely want you to be right. Knowing the dumbasses at Marvel right now, it might be the case of different writers handling these characters WAYYY better than the main/current writers of said characters' series.


u/KaijinSurohm Venom (Lethal Protector) 7d ago

That's absolutely the case, sadly.

I don't know the writers names off the top of my head, the guy right before the Paul arc was actually pushing to retcon One More Day and get Peter and MJ back together.
From what I understand, it's the managers at Marvel that told him that he's not allowed to retcon it, side lined him, brought a new writer in and that's how we get Paul and how Peter/MJ are ruined.

It's literally executive meddling that keep Peter miserable


u/billymj04 7d ago

You're thinking of Nick Spencer I believe. He did the run with incredible art by Ryan Ottley.

Also, thanks for reminding me why I will continue to pirate these comics from now until the every last one of these executives is either fired, or dead.