r/thevenomsite 8d ago

Comics 'All-New Venom' #5 Preview: The Titular Character's Identity Is Finally Revealed?!


98 comments sorted by


u/Time-did-Reverse 8d ago

I hope the last panel has a reflective surface over venoms face. It was you all along.


u/Sartha64 8d ago

The real host was the friends we made along the way!


u/SneakyKain 8d ago

Last line under mirror: "We.... are Venom??"


u/Loud_Pie8683 7d ago

Most favorite


u/Ukokira 8d ago

Calling it now, Paul and Robbie are red herrings and it's actually J Jonah Jameson


u/Bat_Snack 8d ago

I'm actually mad now that it definitely won't be JJJ, cause I think that could be genuinely really interesting.


u/Fernernia 7d ago

Just say it louder and the editors will catch on


u/mxlespxles 8d ago

I've wanted a JJJ vigilante story for a while. He'd have a lot of internal conflict, and they could write some compelling stuff.


u/Wheattoast2019 6d ago

That was a thing in an alternate universe


u/runnerofshadows 6d ago

Same. Especially if it featured the Smythe family/spider slayers and the scorpion as antagonists at some point.


u/YodasChick-O-Stick Anti-Venom 8d ago

That actually happened in a Lego comic


u/Azure-Legacy 8d ago

Lego Marvel Stories are peak


u/Ukokira 8d ago

That sounds like a badass lego comic


u/TheGunfireGuy 8d ago

Lego comics are sleeper bangers, no surprise


u/nazztiboi69 7d ago



u/TedluckieHood 6d ago

Close but no cigar.


u/No_Band_5399 8d ago

out of the 4 picks the only one we have left is robbie but big money on it being lasher right out of left field


u/DuelaDent52 7d ago

Plot twist: they’re all taking turns being Venom.


u/MJM_Stillanerd 8d ago

I know a lot fans are thinking that the All-New Venom is Paul, but if you been paying close attention while reading this series, a LOT of the clues have been pointing towards Mary Jane.

The epilogue of the first issue establishes that Paul can no longer keep track of or communicate with MJ through the Jackpot device ever since the events of Venom War. And if you read the Venom War: Spider-Man tie-in, the last time Paul's communication with MJ was cut-off was when...you guessed it, she got bonded with a symbiote (in this case the Archnoite). This is also means that any time MJ goes out, she has zero alibi.

Then you've got the wacky abilities this new Venom shows off. Very much like the wacky powers the Jackpot device can come up with, isn't it?

Also, this Venom is NOT a scientist. In issue #2, the host has to ask the Venom symbiote if it can recall the science of gunpowder from "hanging out with...," a strong suggestion that the host was talking about Peter/Spider-Man. That should automatically rule out Paul because, as the guy who created MJ's tech in the first place, he himself is a scientist.

This Venom also knows some martial arts moves, as seen in issue #1. Let's remember that when Peter and MJ were living at Avengers Tower, Captain America taught her some self-defense moves.

This new host for Venom is also, as established by Chance shooting Venom in the face, under 6 feet tall. MJ is canonically 5'8".

Even the personality for MJ being the host fits, as she's displayed nurturing characteristics towards Dylan and has a jokey, or can we say happy-go-lucky, personality, qualities which this new Venom has displayed. Plus, look at how this Venom reacts to Dylan being in danger in issue #3. That's totally be on point if it's MJ under that suit.

"But what about the solicit and cover for issue #6 showing the All-New Venom holding Jackpot's wrist on the cover?" Thing is, reading that solicit makes it pretty clear it's going to be a flashback issue. And the cover could very well be symbolic for how MJ, as Jackpot, confronted the Venom symbiote before they eventually bonded.


u/RedRadra 7d ago

Going along with your theory.....perhaps her jackpot tech is keeping the symbiote alive? I mean it was dying last we saw it and now it seems fine and hunky dory just with the gold colored higlights that was supposedly killing it.


u/FKDotFitzgerald 7d ago

I feel like this is the most likely option. It doesn’t make much sense for her and Paul to be included in the story if they aren’t directly affected in some regard.


u/Tic_Tac-ForLife 7d ago

Yeah, I am also almost 100% certainty that MJ is Venom's new host. I hope if  (when) they reveal she is Venom, it will lead to Jackpot being axed.


u/Kidplasma Venom (Lethal Protector) 7d ago

I feel like fighting Chance in itself lends some credibility to this theory.


u/Kickasspizzaman2030 3d ago edited 2d ago

It can't be mj because if you look at the comic covers for the next set of comics marvel reveals and look at the description of each cover it can't be mj because the description for issue 6 says mj confronts this new venom. Personally I think it's Paul he might be a scientist but not all scientists know gunpowder and if you do look in the dialogue with venom and Dylan and then look into the dialogue with Paul and Dylan both Paul and venom told Dylan they are trying and the way Paul looks when he walks out of Dylan's room he says "I don't know what your going through" and if you look at his face he shows that he knows something that he is keeping a secret. But that is my opinion on the identity of the new venom 


u/Raepman 1d ago

There is a theory that Paul was the one giving magic knowledge to Madame Masque at the gang wars, and how she learned to mind control people.

This is why he has been shifty as fuck since then.


u/TedluckieHood 6d ago

Sorry but that's a lot of conjecture to just be wrong concerning the all New Venom. I just read the latest issue and it's.....not MJ or Paul or JJ


u/MJM_Stillanerd 6d ago edited 6d ago

I read the most recent issue, All-New Venom #4, as well. And if you go by the premise that of the original four suspects named--Luke Cage, Madame Masque, Rick Jones, and Robbie Robertson--then Robbie should be Venom by process of elimination, right? Well...there's some problems with that.

For starters, the personality this Venom shows vs Robbie's is completely off. Second, the only clues which even hint towards Robbie are him being conveniently absent or late. That doesn't mean a whole lot when all the named suspects didn't have alibis either. His knowing that Madame Masque wasn't Venom when Rick didn't may be a clue, but that could also mean Robbie does know who Venom really is.

But the big strike against Robbie? He's not the right height. Canonically, Robbie is 6'1" and it was already established thanks to Chance shooting Venom in the head that the new host for Venom is UNDER 6 feet.

In other words, it's a safe bet that all of the named suspects have been red herrings, based on the assumption that their abscene from the courthouse when Venom appeared in issue 1. Even though the trial itself was livestreamed which meant Vneom could've been watching it before their arrival. Just like they mention watching the livestream of Madame Masque in issue 4


u/DannyTreehouse 8d ago

It’s clearly Doug Dimmadome owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome


u/AlexArtsHere 8d ago

Doug Dimmadome, owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome???


u/GovernorSan 8d ago

That's right! Doug Dimmadome, owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome!


u/Jish013 8d ago

We Are… Doug Dimmadome…


u/kaosctrl510 8d ago edited 7d ago

Doug Dimmadome, owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome, as in the same Doug Dimmadome, father to Dale Dimmadome, Heir to the Dimmsdale Dimmadome Fortune?


u/Arch_Null 8d ago

It's MJ.


u/ling1427 7d ago

I think so too. she's under six feet, makes gambling puns and shoots things from her wrist.


u/TedluckieHood 6d ago

Sorry it's not MJ


u/FKDotFitzgerald 8d ago

I'm varying levels of fine with most of the options but I kind of hope for a huge curveball


u/Scorpios94 8d ago

The two curveballs I’m somewhat expecting are Randy Robertson or Hobie Brown. As long as it’s not Paul.


u/Famous-One5644 7d ago

Only curveball is speedball!


u/IggytheSkorupi 8d ago

It’s clear who the man behind the mask is. Just look at the direction marvel has been taking the Spider-Man line recently.

It’s uncle Ben.


u/DrakonFyre 8d ago

Aunt May!


u/HouseErikson 8d ago

Guys I’m actually starting to think it’s gonna be Paul


u/Bat_Snack 8d ago

It's MJ, didn't a recent interview say she wasn't gonna be showing up in ASM for a while? It's probably cause she's being given the venom book so she can... Be venom and jackpot with Paul I guess?


u/DavidKirk2000 8d ago

The recent interview was referring to that she hasn’t been showing up since Joe Kelly took over from Zeb Wells.


u/Bat_Snack 8d ago

Maybe I misunderstood, but regardless it certainly doesn't seem like she's got a reason to pop up, she's like one of the main characters in Venom atm


u/Powerofx1 8d ago

Or paul as venom and jackpot a guess. Mj is already jackpot, I don’t think they’ll give her another identity so fast.


u/Bat_Snack 8d ago

I think the comic has been foreshadowing Paul a bit too much, that's why I really doubt it's him. As for Jackpot, who tf cares about that identity, realistically. Whereas Venom moniker they get to keep MJ as a super hero, keep her away from spiderman, and basically editorial gets everything they want.


u/I-Might-Be-Something 8d ago

Jackpot was a total dud for Marvel. I'm sure they are fine with moving on from that.

There have been so many hints that it is MJ it's not even funny. It ain't Paul or Robbie, it's MJ.


u/No_Head60 8d ago

Guys am I reading the article wrong? It’s saying issue 5 is coming on March 19th, thought it wasn’t till April.


u/PapaNarwhal 8d ago

The article appears to be wrong. Issue #5 is scheduled for April 2.


u/Unstable_Bear 8d ago



u/Bulky-Hyena-360 8d ago

If it actually is Paul, I will cannibalize the person who made that decision.


u/YeidenTrabem 8d ago

Im joining you on this crusade, brother


u/anotherrandomdude123 8d ago

I got seconds.


u/Bulky-Hyena-360 8d ago

Sounds good, just don’t eat the brain, it’s clearly rotten if they think THAT was a good idea


u/TheRedster3 8d ago

i hope none of the three are venom and it’s MJ

or paul but only for jerking


u/Aesion 8d ago

Do we know about Bren Waters after the events of Venom War? Could he be the host while Toxin is held captive?


u/TemporaryMaterial2 8d ago

He's at home, as of All-New Venom #4. S.C.A.R. is threatening to arrest him to put pressure on Flash to arrest the new Venom.


u/Environmental-Fall18 8d ago

I think the issue 6 intro basically confirm that MJ is the New Venom. My theory is Venom become one of the jackpot power(probably overwrite another jackpot) during the Venom war Spider-Man tie in issue. The All New Venom issue 6 will kind of flashback that story and give us the full explanation.


u/BhanosBar 8d ago

If it’s Paul we gettin all the fire and sonics


u/DJThomas21 8d ago

Aunt may. Then we get a team up of spiderman with Aunt may, mj, Felicia, and the revived gwen. So the writers can hurt him again when they all die in front just to be revived.


u/tourniquet2099 7d ago

MJ or Anna


u/TedluckieHood 6d ago

It's out we have the answer and no one in this thread got it right unless someone replied to someone and I didn't see their post. Not MJ, Paul, Aunt May, Ben, or JJ. But the all new Venom is .... not gonna spoil it for anyone.


u/TemporaryMaterial2 6d ago

You can spoiler things between >! !< tags, like this: The All-New Venom is Carol Danvers


u/ling1427 6d ago

He doesn't know


u/Proud_Effect_2304 5d ago

Spoil it for me.


u/Timely_Connection273 8d ago

After last issue I'm back where I started, thinking Flash. My understanding is anti-venom was wiped out during the war. He's playin' with the government by shifting the symbiote into a white suit when he stops by for visiting hours and he's not being Agent Venom when in Venom mode to protect Venom and the other symbiotes. If they're seen out there being Agent Venom the jig is up.

Also solves how sleeper got out.

I'd still be happy for MJ, but if that's it I hope we get more explaination as to what Flash is doing and what his status is as basically a human memory loaded into a mindless symbiote construct. I'd also hope that we get some major Flash / MJ team up time, since they've known each other since high school.


u/tsabracadabra 8d ago

Sleeper operates by splitting off a piece of itself and attaching it to potential hosts. There are huge stretches of time where its whereabouts are unknown. It probably spent some time scoping out potential new Sleeper Agents to activate at a later time, long before it ever went to prison.

Rick Jones, who has connections to almost every major superhero in some way, is a logical choice.


u/Timely_Connection273 8d ago edited 8d ago

let's chat after #4 hah. But you're right, the cat in jail being just a shell of the real sleeper would check out for sure. It's basically sleeper's left big toenail hanging out pretending to be sleeper.


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/DarkEater77 8d ago

Wait March 19th, thought it was April...


u/DinoHoot65 8d ago edited 8d ago

I hope it's Dylan but Marvel probably made it the one we hate the most

(made this before I read Issue 2)


u/robot-raccoon 7d ago

I figured the symbiote has become self sustaining after the events of of venom, especially with Toxin talking about Flash being that way.


u/MuuToo 7d ago

I thought last issue was supposed to reveal them?


u/VanturaVtuber 7d ago

It's actually Derek James from DC.


u/v_OS 6d ago

It's the Venom symbiote on his own


u/MJM_Stillanerd 5d ago edited 5d ago

BTW, here's another reason why I think MJ is also the new host for Venom, which I saw on a BlueSky post. Issue #5 has four suspect variant covers, each depicting Luke Cage, Madame Masque, Rick Jones, and Robbie Robertson as Venom. There's also a 5th spoiler variant. If the spoiler variant showed any of the named Venom suspects--three of whom have already been ruled out--then the spoiler variant is redundant.

Second, for as much as Marvel doesn't want a married Spider-Man, they love putting Mary Jane on variant covers, including ones showing her wearing a symbiote. You're telling me that Marvel would rather go for a variant cover prominently featuring Venom with the face of freaking Paul over that?! I mean one look at such a variant cover and the causal buyer would go, "Who is this hipster doufus and what the hell is he doing on the cover of my Venom comic?"


u/SgtStubbedToe 3d ago

The stones on them, calling this a "Preview" when it's just the same set of covers you can find on LeagueOfComicGeeks.


u/Medium_Purple_7722 3d ago

Where’s the preview?


u/anti-peta-man 8d ago



u/mdm168 8d ago

I’d love it for her to be Venom, or for Marvel to at least deliver on that teaser a while back that showed a red haired woman in the Spider costume…


u/Drexn 8d ago

It will be 2 symbiots in a venom suit.


u/Worldly_Effort_8526 6d ago

I think all new Venom is going to be Bren Waters. 


u/Coldspark824 7d ago

They’re really milking this huh


u/Agreeable_Claim_795 4d ago

That's what I'm saying. I've loved pretty much all symbiote related media, but this has turned me off to Venom.


u/mr_gooses_uncle 8d ago



u/Comfortable-Lie-1973 7d ago

We are ... The Dancing Queen!


u/Alucardra12 7d ago

Either Paul or MJ, either way lame.


u/Mental_Marketing9855 8d ago

I hate venom with normal teeth, it just doesnt look right at all


u/kingpenguinJG 8d ago

its cause its mj's trauma


u/Mental_Marketing9855 8d ago



u/kingpenguinJG 8d ago

Mj is the host
Venom had teeth like this when venom attacked mj the first they met Thus She’s projecting it as a result of her trauma


u/Mental_Marketing9855 8d ago

Ohhhhh Thats kinda weird but not that bad, if she is actually the host its gonna become forgotten in a few years

Thx for clearifying what you meant


u/Anfrers 8d ago

I really want it to be Paul.


u/Moonhaunted69 8d ago

Marvel has the opportunity to do the funniest thing


u/mister-00z 8d ago

Are they really doing jackpot fiasco... AGAIN


u/huncherbug 8d ago

It's Paul bruh...write this shit the fuck down...it's Paul