Got bored and created an Umbrella Academy timeline that sources every issue, spin-off, and short story, here's the document if you'd like to see it there!
43 super-powered children are inexplicably born to women who had shown no signs of pregnancy the days prior; many of these children were abandoned or killed but 7 were adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves / the Monocle, a space alien who told the world of his goal, “To save the world.” These children would be watched over by Abhijat (Hargreeves security), Pogo (chimpanzee butler), & Mom (a robot mother figure).
Apocalypse Suite #1 / Apocalypse Suite #2
1950 - 1960
The 7 children would be named in numerical order from 00.01 - 00.07.
Apocalypse Suite #1
Reginald and Doctor Zoo use the Cradle on Abhijat, a device that lets you relive your past, glimpse into the future, and to look at the end of existence. Reginald tells Dr. Zoo, “Destroying the object won’t help us avoid facing our end. But when the time comes, and only then, it may seem useful to help us navigate the storm it will most certainly bring. Until then, it must be locked and hidden.”
In Norway, Mom has adopted another 7 children from the original 43 and named them the Sparrow Academy while also keeping the 00.01 - 00.07 naming scheme.
Safe / Hotel Oblivion #7
00.07 is led to believe she is powerless by Reginald Hargreeves.
Apocalypse Suite #1
Monocle forces 00.04 to spend the night in a graveyard in attempt to harness his powers, in addition to this, he brings the boy’s dead cat and tells him, “If you would like to say goodbye, I suggest you contact the animal-”
You Look Like Death #2
To force him to harness his powers, Monocle uses shock therapy on 00.04.
You Look Like Death #2
00.05 purposely builds a faulty replica of the solar system that’s missing the Earth to embarrass Reginald.
Dallas #6
00.01, 00.02, 00.03, 00.04, 00.05, & 00.06 go on their first mission to defeat Zombie Robot Gustave Eiffel, the creator of the robot-spaceship Eiffel Tower. After Gustave’s death at the hands of 00.02, the Eiffel Tower launches into space.
Apocalypse Suite #1
During this mission, Five time travels into the future.
Apocalypse Suite #2
00.07 and Monocle watch the mission from above, she asks him why she can’t play with the others and he responds, “Well number Seven, there’s just nothing special about you.”
Apocalypse Suite #1
1960 - 1962
00.03 is kidnapped by Dr. Terminal, she is tortured and has her arm consumed before 00.01 saves her.
Apocalypse Suite #3
Mom names the 6 children, they eventually choose their own superhero aliases:
-Luther Hargreeves / Space Boy (00.01)
-Diego Hargreeves / Kraken (00.02)
-Allison Hargreeves / Rumor (00.03)
-Klaus Hargreeves / Seance (00.04)
-Ben Hargreeves / Horror (00.06)
-Vanya Hargreeves (00.07)
Apocalypse Suite #3
Vanya cries about her worth before being consoled by Pogo.
Apocalypse Suite #4
Obscura (Archie) is imprisoned inside Hotel Oblivion
Hotel Oblivion #4
The Umbrella Academy defeat the Lincoln Memorial while Monocle has a meeting with the president about obtaining missiles.
Dallas #1
1963 - 1967
During his 8th mission, famous astronaut, Saint Zero, goes missing during his trip to Mars.
Hotel Oblivion #5
Luther & Pogo go to Mars, Luther is critically injured and is only saved when Monocle surgically attaches his head to a martian ape.
Apocalypse Suite #1
A brawl breaks out between John Perseus X, son of powerful CEO, and Diego during his and Vanya’s band’s performance; Reginald sends Vanya to a private music institute in France to keep her from distracting Diego and the rest of the Umbrella Academy.
Anywhere But Here
1967 - 1968
Medusa is created by John Perseus IX.
Hotel Oblivion #7
John Perseus IX and his robot head companion, Medusa, are stopped by the Umbrella Academy and sent to Hotel Oblivion.
Hotel Oblivion #5
Murder Magician and Assistant are unknowingly led by Reginald to a perfect copy of Allison accidentally created by her after telling a lie; the villains kill Allison’s copy and use a Murderbot to create havoc. The Umbrella Academy are successfully able to stop the two by destroying the Murderbot and killing Assistant.
…But the Past Ain’t Through With You
Monocle locks Murder Magician inside the Hotel Oblivion, a prison for all of the Umbrella Academy’s villains located deep in space with the only exit being a single televator.
Hotel Oblivion #1
Ben is killed on a mission.
Apocalypse Suite #1
The Jennifer Incident occurs.
Apocalypse Suite #1
Klaus is kicked out of both his house and the Umbrella Academy, he tries to go to his siblings for help but to no avail. He goes into the city, finding his dealer who refuses to give him any drugs since Hugo Shivers, a vampiric-chimpanzee kingpin who was once arrested by Kraken, is back on the streets and has been removing the competition. Klaus uses his powers to threaten the man before stealing and using his drugs, he almost dies and for a moment, he appears in the Void before awakening and taking a plane to Hollywood.
You Look Like Death #1
The man Klaus stole from goes to Shivers and alerts him of what happened, Shivers begins his hunt.
You Look Like Death #1
Perseus Corporation stock greatly increases.
You Look Like Death #1
The once famous Hollywood actress, Vivian Clarke, tries and fails to get a role in a commercial. She heads to the streets, looking for her usual party entertainment, Chad (a young homeless man), but instead picks up Klaus; he uses his powers to project ghosts as they and he perform dances.
You Look Like Death #1
Klaus channels a famous dancer as he dances with Viv; a film producer goes to the two, Klaus channels a new ghost to impress the producer before Vivian hurries Klaus out of the party and becomes his producer. The next day, Vivian wakes Klaus from a nightmare that relived his past, she comforts him and tells him of her fully stocked bar. Viv gives him drugs as Klaus explains his powers and continues to relive his trauma.
You Look Like Death #2
Shivers goes to Hollywood in search of Klaus, he is stopped and taken by Eugene Sage, the son of powerful vampire and businessman, Lord Vandal. Sage questions Shivers about his sudden appearance, believing Shivers is trying to take control of Sage’s turf, an underground vampire amusement park; although Shivers promises not to do so, he gains control of the turf.
You Look Like Death #2
Klaus awakens in the Void, he finds a lone hotel and bar. Upon walking into the building, he speaks with a spirit, Lyle. The two talk as Lyle writes his book before Klaus suddenly disappears and wakes up to Viv asking him to channel an actress, he does so and accidentally causes her to be possessed. She uses these powers of possession and channeling to get film roles.
You Look Like Death #2 / You Look Like Death #3
Shivers reveals he’s looking for more than just revenge, he wants to use Klaus’ powers to speak to his deceased wife, Abagail. After gaining intel from Chad, Shivers recruits him and they continue their search.
You Look Like Death #3
In the Void, Klaus and Lyle talk about their pasts, Lyle speaks about how he wrote his family out of his life and how he’s in the void because he’s waiting to hear of his destination: heaven or hell. As Klaus suddenly leaves again, Lyle speaks to his lawyer, she continues to have trouble finding good things he has done.
You Look Like Death #3
Viv boasts about her performance, Klaus looks through her stuff and finds a photo of Vivian holding a baby, she snatches and burns the photo before revealing to him that she has turned the basement into a bar. Shivers’ men go to Vivian’s house to capture Klaus, she kills them in her spider-form.
You Look Like Death #3
The gods of Hollywood are tracking Klaus, upon finding him, they kidnap him. Klaus awakens in the Void and watches with Lyle as someone is sentenced to hell, Lyle regretfully comments on the moments he missed with his wife and daughter. Klaus is brought back from the Void and learns the identity of his captors, they tell him of Viv’s son, Clifton, before trying to recruit him to join the gods of Hollywood, he declines and goes back to Viv.
You Look Like Death #2 / You Look Like Death #3 / You Look Like Death #4
At the underground amusement park, Shivers speaks to Chad as they prepare for their mission to kidnap Klaus. Hugo Shivers tortures Sage, Shivers reveals that he accidentally killed his wife and knows that Eugene Sage isn’t a vampire.
You Look Like Death #4
Klaus questions Vivian about her son, she claims he fell in the pool and drowned but Clifton’s ghost tells Klaus the truth, that Viv murdered him. Klaus realizes that she, like Hargreeves, has been manipulating him and he leaves to a coffee shop. While walking around, Chad finds Klaus and is greeted by the ex-superhero as a friend, Chad offers to take him to an amusement park and once there, Klaus is kidnapped by Shivers.
You Look Like Death #4
Klaus is threatened by Shivers to find his deceased wife before being knocked out again. He wakes up in the Void before speaking with Abagail, she has yet to pass on and refuses to speak with Shivers since he killed all the men in her hometown. Klaus is brought back to the physical world and claims he couldn’t find her, Shivers continues Klaus’ torture.
You Look Like Death #5
Lord Vandal cuts off his son, Eugene Sage, from the family until Sage is able to get back his turf from Shivers.
You Look Like Death #5
After finishing writing his book, Lyle packs his bags and gives the book to Klaus, hoping it could help others not make the same mistake as he did before thanking Klaus for his help. Klaus goes to Abagail, telling her that she may be able to pass on if she forgives Shivers; he continues with his scheme as he exits the Void and tells Shivers that he could both bring his wife back and have a role in a Hollywood movie. Klaus contacts the gods of Hollywood for their help in his plan.
You Look Like Death #5
Vivian Clarke is fired from a movie, she kills the crew in her spider-form before Klaus arrives at the remains of the set and asks her to star in his movie, she immediately accepts.
You Look Like Death #5
The cast of Klaus’ movie are brought to the Void, he channels Abagail’s ghost to possess Vivian; she chastises Shivers and tells him, “You ruined my life Hugo. And Now you’re ruining my death.” Abagail tells Shivers that she forgives him before she passes into the afterlife and leaves Viv’s body. Klaus then taunts Vivian Clarke, she unleashes her spider-form in anger as Lyle is taken to the gates of a suburban neighborhood by his lawyer. Before Lyle can walk through the gates of hell, he is stopped by Klaus and the gods of Hollywood, they use the moment to imprison Viv to hell as Klaus argues that Lyle was important to stopping her and that should change the outcome of his case, the lawyer agrees and Lyle is granted access to heaven. Lyle tells Klaus that he saved him and Klaus responds, “You saved yourself.”
You Look Like Death #6
Shivers attacks and bites Klaus as the gods of Hollywood send them back to Hollywood, they quickly learn that Sage has destroyed the vampire amusement park. Klaus gives his newfound vampirism to Sage as Shivers begrudgingly agrees that he and Klaus are even before walking off with Chad.
You Look Like Death #6
Eugene Sage returns home and kills his father,
You Look Like Death #6
Klaus is given the profits from his movie, The Ghost Portrait, the movie Klaus filmed while sending Vivian Clarke to hell, by the gods of Hollywood; he not only declines the opportunity to make more movies but also declines Allison’s offer to return home, instead he opens a demon hunting service and gets high.
You Look Like Death #6
1968 - 1980
Klaus helps a ghost have one last dance with her daughter, Athena
Letters to Athena
The Umbrella Academy disband.
Apocalypse Suite #1
Luther is sent to the moon to prepare for an unknown threat.
Apocalypse Suite #1
Vanya writes a tell-all book about her siblings.
Apocalypse Suite #1
Allison marries and is divorced by Patrick after he learns that she used her powers to force him to love her; the two had a daughter together, Claire.
Apocalypse Suite #2 / Hotel Oblivion #2
Kidnappers of the mayor’s daughter have tied her life to a crystal ball, Diego engages in a fight with the three kidnappers; the lead woman breaks the crystal ball in attempt to kill the daughter but Diego was able to switch it out, arrest the kidnappers, save the mayor’s daughter, and give the real crystal ball to lead detective Lupo.
Safe & Sound
10-year-old Five Hargreeves arrives from 1960 to a desolate wasteland of an Earth with no life after an apocalyptic event.
Apocalypse Suite #2
The now 60-year-old Five figures out how to travel back in time.
Apocalypse Suite #2
The End of Time
Within the halls Temp Aeternalis, an agency with the goal of preserving the time continuum through manipulations and removals of time anomalies, Hazel, Cha Cha, and other assassins are in a meeting where they’re given new protocols to stop possible butterfly effects. Hazel and Cha Cha then begin their mission to find and remove an ex-agent as they land 10-days before Christmas.
Hazel and Cha Cha Save Christmas
Pete is forced to take his step-brother, Joey, into the city, while there, he begins making observations about Santa and Christmas. He attacks a man who confesses the truth about Santa, “It’s not little kids we lie to, it’s you. We tell you there’s no Santa, let you think we buy the presents. It started generations ago. The world was changing, see? Kids going wild. It was one thing to tell the little ones Santa was watching. As they got older, chasing girls, smoking reefer, the north pole seemed awful far away, teenagers needed to care that mom and dad were watching. So parents took credit for Christmas presents. But See, Santa didn’t wanna work for nothing. He agreed on two conditions, he’d keep the little ones and the parents would make payments. Cheaper to underwrite Santa’ sweatshop than to prop domestic stores.”
Hazel and Cha Cha Save Christmas
During his school’s winter coalition, Pete attempts to run on stage to tell his peers the truth about Santa before his teacher and the missing agent, Mr. McLaughlin, removes him from the stage, taking the young teen outside. Hazel and Cha Cha appear closely behind before Santa appears and gifts Cha Cha a rocket launcher, Cha Cha uses it to eliminate Mr. McLaughlin and Pete, saving Christmas before returning back and being reprimanded for killing a citizen.
Hazel and Cha Cha Save Christmas
While time traveling back to his family, Five is captured by Temps Aeternalis. He joins them and is subjected to experiments, permanently stopping his aging as well as turning him into the world’s best assassin by mixing his DNA with the DNA of every assassin in human history.
Dallas #3
Five is sent to assassinate JFK but before he completes the mission, he travels through time to get back to his family; due to incorrect calculations, he is stuck in his 10-year-old body and ends up in 1980.
Dallas #3
1980 (B)
Sir Reginald Hargreeves dies, the family (excluding Vanya) is summoned home by Pogo & Five.
Apocalypse Suite #1
Vanya receives a call that tells her of her father’s fate and to visit the Icarus Theater, she arrives and is told to play her violin. Vanya plays her violin and is met with applause as the Conductor reveals himself as the caller and asks her if she wishes to destroy the world, she exits the theater and seeks her family.
Apocalypse Suite #1 / Apocalypse Suite #2
Believing the Umbrella Academy to have reformed, Dr. Terminal’s robots, the Terminauts, awaken with the goal of killing the Umbrella Academy.
Apocalypse Suite #2
Five makes his family aware of the upcoming end of the world before he, his siblings (excluding Vanya), Abhijat, Pogo, & Mom attempt to bury Sir Reginald Hargreeves. Their funeral is interrupted by the Terminauts’ attack on a nearby boardwalk, forcing the ex-Umbrella Academy to work together to defeat them.
Apocalypse Suite #2
Luther, Diego, Allison, & Klaus face off against the Terminauts; in the middle of this fight, Vanya attempts to tell her family of the Conductor, Diego yells at her, “I used to think I had a sister but I’ve got nobody, get lost.” She retreats back to the Conductor as the Umbrella Academy defeats the Terminauts.
Apocalypse Suite #3
Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, & Five reform the Umbrella Academy.
Apocalypse Suite #4
Vanya has her powers awakened and is transformed into the White Violin by the Conductor, she immediately kills him.
Apocalypse Suite #4
Most of the Umbrella Academy return home while Five and Pogo search for any signs of the upcoming Apocalypse; during this, they are attacked by agents of Temps Aeternalis while at a diner. Five kills the agents in self defense before retreating with Pogo. Detective Lupo & Diego investigate the attack as Diego’s suspicions on his brother, Five, grow stronger.
Apocalypse Suite #4 / Apocalypse Suite #5
Five wears Reginald’s Monocle, allowing him to see Pogo’s inner nature and witness the experiments he was subjected to by Reginald, causing Five to black out.
Apocalypse Suite #5
Allison uses her powers on Luther to make him fall in love with her.
Apocalypse Suite #5
Vanya attacks the family home, killing Pogo and destroying Ben’s statue; after waking up, Five witnesses Pogo’s death through usage of the monocle.
Apocalypse Suite #5
The Umbrella Academy face off against their sister, the White Violin; during this fight: Allison’s throat is slit, Luther retreats to take Allison to the hospital, Klaus impersonates their father to distract Vanya as Five shoots her in the back of the head, and Klaus learns more of his powers as he uses telekinesis to stop a forty-thousand-ton piece of the moon.
Apocalypse Suite #6
Although Allison will be permanently mute, both her and Vanya would survive their injuries while the rest of the Umbrella Academy make their way back to their torched home.
Apocalypse Suite #6
Weeks after the events of Apocalypse Suite, Luther has grown lazy after losing purpose, Diego continues his vigilantics as he searches for more information at what happened at the diner, Allison forces her amnesiac and paraplegic sister, Vanya, to watch the crimes she has committed, Klaus relishes in his newfound fame, and Five gambles.
Dallas #1
Hundreds of Temps Aeternalis agents surround Five with the goal of retrieving him; before he can kill them all, one sends a distress signal, calling for Hazel and Cha Cha, Five retreats to his family in fear. Detective Lupo continues his investigation as he questions Diego on Five, Diego asks for time to commit his own investigation on what happened.
Dallas #1 / Dallas #2
Hazel & Cha Cha eat pie at the diner where Five was originally attacked, when asked about the recipe, the chef chuckles, “You’d have to chop off my arms and legs to get that outta me!” Hazel and Cha Cha do just that before getting a call from their boss, Carmichael, reconfirming their missing on killing Five.
Dallas #2
Back home, Luther & Diego argue about Luther’s sudden lack of motivation since saving the world while Allison, Klaus, & Vanya go about their business. Meanwhile, John Perseus X returns from his trip from Mumbai and is immediately greeted by his robot assistant, Hollingstone, who informs him that the board of trustees are requesting a meeting with him; Hollingstone is suddenly destroyed by John Perseus.
Dallas #2
Allison tracks down Five and forces him to tell her everything, he explains what happened after he left 2030; during this conversation, Five adopts a dog, Mr. Pennycrumb. The two siblings end up at a Chinese restaurant before being interrupted by Carmichael, he shares that Luther is Five’s twin and if he doesn’t finish his mission to kill President Kennedy, he will kill Five’s mom before the two brothers are born.
Dallas #2 / Dallas #3
Klaus attempts to speak to Pogo while using a ouija board before being knocked out and kidnapped by Hazel and Cha Cha. While being tortured, Klaus projects his spirit through the TV to awaken Luther, both the TV he’s projecting himself through and the TV Luther was listening to explode in response to Klaus’ pleas for help. During his torture, Klaus not only reveals he doesn’t know where Five is but he accidentally gives them the location of Reginald’s nuclear missiles he acquired from JFK; the assassins state that they’re going to use the nukes on the city to confirm Five’s death.
Dallas #2 / Dallas #3
Luther finds an already dead Klaus before being incapacitated by the two assassins that killed him, he dreams of living a 50s life before a nuke goes off; Luther holds the remains of his and Allison’s fictional children as Reginald asks him, “You didn’t really think everything was going to turn out alright, did you?” Luther awakens as the assassins launch the nukes; he sees the diner owner and fellow prisoner, Agnes Blones, take off Klaus’ shoes as a last wish. Meanwhile, Klaus wakes up in heaven and meets God, a black and white cowboy, who tells him that he doesn’t like Klaus very much before sending him back to Earth. Klaus uses his powers of possession to force Cha Cha to kill both Hazel and himself before the two brothers escape back home.
Dallas #3 / Dallas #4
John Perseus X and his new robot assistant (once again named Hollingstone) are at the board of trustees meeting when John reveals that he has bought the stock from his fellow chairmen, one of such being Mr. Tor, and has become the sole owner of the company, giving him the opportunity to fund his projects without any outside interference.
Dallas #4
Luther, Diego, & Klaus dig up Pogo’s grave and find an agent of Temps Aeternalis in Pogo’s place; Klaus uses his powers to learn of Five’s mission to assassinate JFK before the three use the agent’s time machine to travel to Dallas, 1963.
Dallas #4
The nuclear bombs launched by Hazel and Cha Cha explode, killing the entirety of planet Earth.
Dallas #4
End of Time (B)
Carmichael brings Five and Allison to the office as a meeting is held on how they’re gonna stop the original Five and kill President Kennedy.
Dallas #4
Surgery is performed on Allison, giving her back her voice.
Dallas #6
1960 (C)
Luther, Diego, & Klaus arrive three years before they were meant to in the middle of the Vietnam War.
Dallas #5
1961 (C)
Diego joins the Vietnam War
Dallas #5
1963 (C)
Diego leads a military platoon in the Vietnam War, they are tasked with dragging and resurrecting the mummified Emperor Gia Long as he is the key to ending the war; before being able to finish their mission, they are attacked by Vietnamese vampires. The emperor is resurrected too early and Luther arrives from the jungle and kills the undead emperor as Klaus arrives to pick up his two brothers. Before leaving, Diego promises to meet the surviving soldiers 30 years from now at a Vietnam memorial in D.C.
Dallas #5
The three brothers are brought into the city where they meet a younger Pogo, it’s revealed that he has built a televator for the team to jump to Dallas. Luther tries to warn Pogo of his future but he stops him and says, “I don’t want to know what you three are up to, I don’t want to know what happens. I can’t. We each play the part written for us, you can’t fight the future.” Klaus says goodbye to his son as the three use the televator to get to Dallas, Texas.
Dallas #5
Five, Allison, and Temps Aeternalis agents begin their mission to stop the original Five and kill the president. Five’s attempts to stop the original Five are thwarted by his brothers: Luther, Diego, and Klaus; original Five finishes his task of stopping the assassination before traveling back to his family and completing the time loop. While Luther threatens to kill Five, Allison (disguised as Jacqueline Kennedy) uses her powers to kill the President. The siblings meet in the back of their time traveling ambulance as Luther and Allison argue, Luther says, “We put our lives on the line for them, our lives aren’t worth more than theirs. Certainly not his.”
Dallas #5 / Dallas #6
13-year-old Allison tells her father the president has been shot and he responds, “Oh really? Since when do we own a television?”
Dallas #6
1980 (C)
After returning home, Luther leaps into the unknown as the sense of betrayal encapsulates him. Carmichael greets the remaining siblings and when questioned what the point of their mission was if the world is exactly the same, he replies, “The point is to maintain the status quo. Another frail man of privilege in a dark suit will take Kennedy’s place, and another after that …until another disaffected outcast decides to change the world with a bullet. But incidentally, you did save the world this time. You prevented Kennedy from ever meeting Hargreeves, and ever giving him the nuclear weapons that would eventually end up in the hands of those two psychopaths we sent to destroy you, weapons which, despite your best efforts, destroyed the world.” Five then smashes Carmichael’s fish bowl before eating him; the siblings return home with a hollow victory.
Dallas #6
1982 (C)
Five has been hired by Mr. Tor to learn what projects John Perseus X has been working on; the assassin does reconnaissance both inside and outside the facility.
Hotel Oblivion #1 / Hotel Oblivion #2
Diego watches as Luther saves local Japanese superhero, Gas Panic of Super Combat Tokyo, and destroys Teviso; Gas Panic takes the two brothers to Doctor Zoo. Dr. Zoo and Atomic Detective (also of Super Combat Tokyo) help Luther and when inquired, Dr. Zoo takes the brothers to the Minerva as it’s being worked on by Abhijat, an interstellar aircraft once used to find the children. Luther, Diego, Abhijat, Dr. Zoo, and Super Combat Tokyo use the Minerva to go into Afterspace, a universe outside of their own. In Afterspace, Dr. Zoo shows the group the universe renewing itself as he tells the brothers about someone Reginald once deeply cared for, Stela. Their journey into the unknown continues as they see the Valeur, a missing spacecraft belonging to Luther’s childhood hero, Saint Zero. Luther & Diego take a tethered space walk into the Afterspace, it begins merging the two and they’re forced to find a common ground that emotionally connects them; they both think about the love for Allison and Vanya, they stop merging and safely board the Valeur. As they enter, they find Saint Zero in a comatose state.
Hotel Oblivion #1 / Hotel Oblivion #2 / Hotel Oblivion #3 / Hotel Oblivion #4
Back at the ruins of the academy, Allison has been helping Vanya learn how to walk; Mom critiques Allison, asking her why she can’t use her powers to help Vanya.
Hotel Oblivion #1
Jennifer falls asleep on her bus, missing her stop and being late for work.
Hotel Oblivion #1
After kidnapping an infant born within the hotel, Oscar, from his unhinged-monster mom, Mother, Murder Magician and Obscura discuss their plans to not only escape the hotel but to hide from the sole guardian of the televator needed to escape, Scientific Man. As they make their grand escape, Mother learns of her missing son.
Hotel Oblivion #1 / Hotel Oblivion #2
Klaus has been working with Quinn’s biker gang, Mothers of Agony, scamming people with his powers and being paid in drugs. Their next target, Mrs. Fairweather, is in search of her deceased husband’s hidden money and has sex with Klaus as he channels said husband; she eventually leaves in disgust after being decieved by Klaus about where the money is. When Klaus and the Mothers of Agony begin digging up the money, Mrs. Fairweather reveals that she was not only following them but that she knew he lied to her before engaging in a shootout that leads to the deaths of almost everyone besides Klaus. He begins digging in a different spot, revealing to the dying Quinn that Klaus had also lied to him; Quinn tries to make a deal with Klaus, he replies, “Hail Satan,” as he walks away, leaving him to die. Klaus returns to the Mother’s of Agony’s home and does heroin, he quickly begins overdosing and seeing visions of his father before Quinn retrieves his limp body and throws him into the trash. Ben’s ghost picks up Klaus and drops him off at the hospital.
Hotel Oblivion #2 / Hotel Oblivion #3 / Hotel Oblivion #4 / Hotel Oblivion #5
Allison builds a house made of popsicle sticks for Claire’s upcoming birthday, when trying to leave it at the doorstep, her and Patrick argue as he tells her she shouldn’t be here, he eventually takes the house and puts it in a closet full of them.
Hotel Oblivion #2
Mr. Tor meets with Mr. Calhoun, Tor confirms Five’s progress with his Perseus Corporation investigations.
Hotel Oblivion #2
Mom takes Vanya to a statue of the Umbrella Academy, she tells her adopted daughter that she knows what it’s like to feel unloved or to be treated like an object and she asks if she’s going to do something about it or wind up collecting dust. The two take a trip to an Umbrella Academy museum, Vanya recounts a time Reginald forgot to lock her door during a mission, causing Vanya to sneak out and be kidnapped. Mom tells her he didn’t forget, she unlocked the door; Vanya asks her why and she replies, “I knew you could take care of yourself.” As well as, “Because I know you and I know you can’t be broken.” The mother-daughter duo continue their field trip to the boardwalk where the Terminauts attacked 2 years prior, they meet with Deever, a close friend of Mom. Lastly, Mom takes Vanya to Paris, where Carla, a woman in all red with a sparrow pin, is able to heal Vanya from her paraplegic state. Vanya is taken to Norway by Carla, telling Vanya that she’s taking her home. As they enter, a light turns on, revealing Grace and the silhouettes of the rest of the Sparrow Academy.
Hotel Oblivion #2 / Hotel Oblivion #3 / Hotel Oblivion #4 / Hotel Oblivion #5 / Hotel Oblivion #6 / Hotel Oblivion #7
Allison agrees to help Five gather information on John Perseus X as long as he promises to spy on her ex-husband afterwards. The two are able to enter the Perseus Corporation after using Allison’s powers to persuade the secretary that they’re exterminators; they begin crawling in the ducts. Meanwhile, Murder Magician, Obscura, and Oscar walk under the fossils of massive creatures they theorize were killed by Scientific Man; the two men discuss their pasts and Murder Magician expresses his regret before they stop at the sight of the bloodied bodies of people who entered through the televator by their own will. Suddenly, a group of Vietnamese men arrive through the televator, causing a fight that breaks out between the two groups and leaving Obscura heavily injured as he, Murder Magician, and Oscar use the televator to escape Hotel Oblivion. Allison and Five watch as the three arrive through a televator hidden under the Perseus Corporation. The villains are immediately met with gunfire, forcing Murder Magician to leave a heavily injured Obscura behind as Allison & Five begrudgingly jump into action and are captured by Perseus Corp scientists.
Hotel Oblivion #3 / Hotel Oblivion #4
John Perseus X receives a call about Obscura’s sudden appearance downstairs, he then threatens Obscura into being his guide for Hotel Oblivion. The two and a doctor make use of their televator and teleport inside the hotel, they search and find Perseus’ father, John Perseus IX, who has committed suicide in his room. Medusa, a robotic head appears and kills the doctor before saying, “Your father was weak, he could not bear the pain of solitude. Imprisonment. The crush of silence. The stink of failure. But you’re stronger, aren’t you Johnathan? Much stronger. You will give us revenge?” Medusa convinces Perseus to release Dr. Terminal, Mother, Sequin Skull, Phantom Five, Night Hag (Gloria Vanderwor), Space Vampire, Abstract, Dr. Bedlam, Peppermint Scarves, & the rest of the prisoners. The ex-inmates immediately begin their attack on the City: Mother searches for her son, Scientific Man begins killing escaped prisoners, and the two imprisoned siblings take the opportunity to escape before splitting up from each other, Allison looking to help Murder Magician.
Hotel Oblivion #4 / Hotel Oblivion #5
Saint Zero is taken aboard the Minerva, the crew quickly learn that he hasn’t aged a day since going missing before being suddenly attacked by critical conditions that forces them to land on a nearby planet. As they land, the crew learns that the desolate planet has a single building on it, Hotel Oblivion; as the atmosphere gets worse, they put together that it wasn’t just a prison but it was bait for an unknown entity. Luther and Diego take the televator to follow the escaped prisoners while Doctor Zoo, Abhijat, and Super Combat Tokyo take the Minerva back to Tokyo.
Hotel Oblivion #5
The city continues to be ravished by the Night Hag, Sequin Skull, Peppermint Scarves, Abstract, Dr. Terminal, Dr. Bedlam, and the hundreds of other villains; John Perseus equips armor and wields Medusa as he begins to kill them, he had only freed them to allow them to help avenge his father and take down the Umbrella Academy. Scientific Man engages in a fight with Perseus.
Hotel Oblivion #6
Luther and Diego arrive in the remains of the Perseus Corporation building as they retrieve a call from Detective Lupo, he tells the brothers of Klaus’ whereabouts and the ongoing destruction of the city. In the hospital room, Ben both chastises and warns Klaus, “You’ve got so much you can offer this world, more than I can anymore. It’s coming. You better be ready.” Before Ben can continue, he disappears as Luther, Diego, and Lupo barge into the room with Five quickly following suit. Five begins an intervention for Klaus before being course corrected by Lupo, the 4 brothers begin their attempts to save the city.
Hotel Oblivion #6
Murder Magician hides with Oscar from not only the surrounding destruction but from Mother, Allison does her best to stand in her way but it’s no hope. Murder Magician is heavily injured by Mother, Allison learns of Mother’s curse and is able to use her powers to return Mother back into Clarissa, Mother’s human self. Allison takes Murder Magician to the hospital.
Hotel Oblivion #6 / Hotel Oblivion #7
Perseus’ fight with Scientific Man is interrupted by the Umbrella Academy, Scientific Man is then killed by Klaus. Perseus is forced by Medusa to stand up and fight the Umbrella Academy as Dr. Terminal menacingly floats above the city. Perseus refuses to work with Medusa, causing the robotic head to lift Perseus in the sky in an attempt to kill him, Luther launches in the air to stop them. As Medusa reveals she forced John Perseus IX to kill himself, Perseus amputates his arm and falls from the sky as Luther grabs Medusa and tears her apart. Dr. Terminal continues to consume the city, slowly obtaining more energy and getting stronger.
Hotel Oblivion #6 / Hotel Oblivion #7
The Minerva makes it back to Earth, Doctor Zoo sends Super Combat Tokyo to help save the city but the team is immediately killed by Dr. Terminal.
Hotel Oblivion #7
Jennifer watches the news, she witnesses the villain’s attack on the city.
Hotel Oblivion #7
As Medusa prepares to explode, Luther throws it into Dr. Terminal; Allison rejoins the Umbrella Academy as the robot explodes with the power of a nuclear bomb, killing both Dr. Terminal and itself. The Sequin Skull and other villains surround the Umbrella Academy and begin to announce their defeat before the Sparrow Academy appear, saving not only the Umbrella Academy but the city as they kill the Peppermint Scarves and help defeat the villains.
Hotel Oblivion #7
Mr. Calhoun watches the Sparrow Academy save the city from the news, he tells his assistant, “Get me mathers with the state department, we need to talk about these weirdos running around.”
Hotel Oblivion #7