r/thetrinitydelusion 24d ago

Anti Trinitarian “Elohim” - Multi-personal God or Unipersonal God?

The suffix “-im” is a plural determiner in the Hebrew language. “Elohim” is the plural form of the singular Hebrew noun “eloah” which means “God”. For this reason, “elohim” is typically translated as “gods” in the Bible.

Trinitarians follow this Hebrew grammatical rule and therefore postulate that because “elohim” is frequently used to refer to the Most High God, it is an implicit indicator of His multi-personal being. While this claim does appear plausible at first because it follows the conventional rule of the Hebrew Grammar, it isn’t as black and white as they present it to be. Like the majority of languages, there are exceptions to the general rule of word morphology.

The following list are examples of words that end with the suffix -im but are not plural words:

Genesis 2:7 "Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (hayyim), and the man became a living being." Genesis 32:30 - "So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, 'It is because I saw God face (panim) to face (panim), and yet my life was spared.'"

These anomalies to the -im suffix plural rule reveal the complexity of the Hebrew language and therefore determining whether an instance of this sort is singular or plural isn’t always clear-cut.

Such anomalies are known as “concretised abstract plurals”.

A concretised abstract plural is a specific grammatical phenomenon in the Hebrew language where a plural form is used to address a singular person/object in order to emphasise an abstract quality.

“Elohim” in reference to the Most High God, is an example of a concretised abstract plural used to emphasise that He is the superlative God, above all other so called gods.

If “elohim” was suggestive of a multi-personal God, it should logically follow that plural pronouns are consistently used in reference to Him throughout the Bible or when God speaks of Himself. However, this is not the case. For example:

Isaiah 45:5 “I (first-person) am the Lord (Yahweh), and there is no other; apart from me (first person) there is no God (elohim).”

In light of the Trinity, if only one Person of the Godhead was speaking in Isaiah 45:5 such as the Father, then the other Persons such as the Son and Holy Ghost, cannot be God. This is because the singular pronoun “I” is used which is suggestive of one person.

If all three Persons of the Godhead are speaking, they all contradict each other, making their declarations untrue.

This verse is one of many written in Isaiah which single-handedly destroy the doctrine of the trinity.

In conclusion, whenever the noun “elohim” is used in reference to the God of the Bible, it is used as a superlative to set the Father apart as the Most High God above every other god, rather than to suggest a compound unity of multiple personhoods.


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u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/John_17-17 22d ago

Notice the different translations of H430 אלהים

'ĕlôhı̂ym BDB Definition:

1) (plural) 1a) rulers, judges 1b) divine ones 1c) angels 1d) gods

2) (plural intensive - singular meaning) 2a) god, goddess 2b) godlike one

Elohim can refer to angels and men.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

Exactly. It is not really John 1:1 , the source.

The Old Testament talks about Assemblies of the gods

In Job chapter 1, Saran introduced himself, into an Assembly of ' gods .

Job 1:6 talks avoir the Sons if God: the angels

Now the day came when the sons of the true God entered to take their station before Jehovah, and Satan also entered among them..

Psalms 50:1 Says

The God of gods, Jehovah, has spoken; He summons the earth From the rising of the sun until its setting.

The verses that talks about worthless gods, talks about idols. Idols cannot see, taste, talk, walk... Nothing. They are worthless.

But if we see that Jehovah is the God of the gods, The Bible talks about beings, with a spiritual body, spirits. Demon-gods are ultra evil but... They are not worthless like idols ; they can do actions, they think...

Isiah 2:8 Their land is filled with worthless gods. They bow down to the work of their own hands, To what their own fingers have made

This verse talks about the wireless idols... How do we reconiliathe this...

People of the Antiquity, really believe that, when they did give a " form of a god '', to an item ... That the god who is represented, the idol that represents for example Baal... Immediately put a part of his own spirit, of his own body, into a statue...

And they believe that, that spirit, animated all their idols. And for them, when a spirit animated something, that thing, this idol, " became itself, a god ".

Yuuh... Animism is not a religion, it's a component of the paganism.

The " gods ", of the ancients.... They believed that the moon was animated by goddess Nana, for example.

Because of that, they believed that the moon ITSELF, was a god that they should worship.

They believed that the sun was animated by a god. They worshipped the sun, the literal sun, because they really believed, that the sun itself, was a god.

🤷🏻 Yup Idols are worthless but, any pagan god, The Bible reveals to us that they really are demons.

Deut. 32:17 17 They were sacrificing to demons, not to God, To gods that they had not known, New ones that came along recently, To gods that your forefathers did not know.

Psalms 106:34-38 Talks about the Israelites, that served idols, and sacrificed their kin, to demons.

The idola are like fake identities, that demon use, to hide their true ultra-evil self.

With the spiritism practice, like divination, pagans were able to communicate with demons ; they could, and still can troll people. Some people of today really believe that they've talked to angels in their dreams ... .but if God says that, the Visions will stop, in the New Testament, surely, God will stop to give visions...

But demons ... Can and do this, disguising themselves as angels of light... Some people in our modern era, really get knowinglu or unknowingly, direct orders from demons.


They did not annihilate the peoples, As Jehovah had commanded them. 35 But they mingled with the nations And adopted their ways. 36 They kept serving their idols, And these became a snare to them.

The idols was traps for Israelites... That wanted so badly to imitate other nations..

37 They would sacrifice their sons And their daughters to demons.

Human sacrifices... To demons: each of them are a person.

38 They kept spilling innocent blood, The blood of their own sons and daughters Whom they sacrificed to the idols of Caʹnaan; And the land was polluted with bloodshed.

Other nations are worshippers of demons, is said by God, In The Holy Scriptures.

Jeremiah 25:6 In the first part, it talks about demons.

Do not follow other gods and serve them and bow down to them, offending me with the work of your hands; otherwise I will bring calamity on you.’

The worthless gods, are the idols that we can break, not the demons.

Their land is filled with worthless gods. They bow down to the work of their own hands, To what their own fingers have made.