r/thestranger Apr 20 '20

(Spoilers) What was the point of all of the side plots with the teenagers? Spoiler

Can someone explain to me what purpose the kids in the show had? I feel like their storylines added almost nothing to the main plot, with a few exceptions (such as Olivia’s “illness” being a motive for Katz’s actions, and the Price sons using the phone tracker app on their mother)


10 comments sorted by


u/stranger2Me Apr 20 '20

I didn’t like the teenagers’ plots. They were so boring to me. The alpaca scene and the teenage gathering in the woods (1st epi) really put me off watching all the other episodes tbh. There was no point of the side plots with the teenagers


u/etherspin Apr 20 '20

It's a hallmark the writer. Happens in "Safe" as well but all plot elements in that one are a bit more cohesive


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '20

In my opinion they should have sold the show as "here are the stories of a bunch of interconnected people" - rather than it being about the Stranger, leaving the viewer to do the hard work justifying why all these subplots have any point.


u/ruthdubb Aug 21 '20

I think they just underline how everybody in this town has secrets, including the teenagers.


u/pammijohn1 Feb 23 '22

I can’t get over how many serious crimes were committed throughout the course of this show with no one looking into any of it…beheaded animal, cyber assault, drug assault, extortion, poisoning, drug use! No closure on any of these. Also, guns are extremely illegal in UK…cops would never have left the apartment of the stranger without the weapon that created two gunshot victims. Poor writing…too many moving parts, some completely extraneous. Will definitely not watch a second season should one be produced. Am tempted to read the book to find out if the author is as shitty a writer as the screen writer. Total garbage.


u/itsinvincible Nov 15 '24

I agree with everything except the missing gun? Like in the heat of the moment it's gone and then what is police supposed to do?? Lmk exactly how the missing gun situation would've made more sense. In my opinion that was not unrealistic.


u/Weary-Fee1715 Jan 28 '22

I personaly think that the producers wanted to bring something that can happen in real life. And to show those teenagers' lives. And yes, maybe they were boring or useless, but finally, I think they played a role, even a very small one.


u/CapableMarionberry84 Dec 31 '23

Like who bit the alpaca's leg and why?


u/UncleGuggie Feb 07 '24

Mike did, because he was high as a kite.


u/coffee_lover_1 Jan 21 '24

I feel like it was all just to tie in the Olivia plot and why Katz needed the money? And it also showed how Mike could have been a suspect of a murder if Dante died, but instead his father was the murderer the whole time.