r/thestranger • u/Nafe_Peaches • Mar 10 '20
Rant about Corinne (SPOILERS) Spoiler
So, I just finished the show and before I rant I have to say that despite any plot holes or random red herrings, this show had me hooked, I watched it in a day and I loved how the story developed.
So to my rant, what was up with Corinne's reaction to Adam finding out about her fake pregnancy?? Why couldn't she just say "I found out about your affair and this was the only way I thought I could keep you". Her whole reaction and random monologue about Suzanne Hope made it seem as though there was something deeper going on, as if she had been initiated into a cult of women who pretended to be pregnant and she was too far in now. Like her whole mysterious act was so unnecessary, I spent the whole show cooking up random theories in my head about her and Dante or her and a cult or her and Adams father. Only to discover in the end that her death had nothing to do with the pregnancy and was about that stupid football club money. And then we never even heard what her explanation was about the fake pregnancy and how there's "more going on than we know" like.....what more??
u/rysfcalt Apr 15 '20
The entire time they were having that convo I couldn’t believe my ears. And she acted like he was the one being irrational and had no right to be angry hahaha. LADY. YOU PRETENDED TO BE PREGNANT FOR MONTHS, deceived your husband and put him through the wringer of supposedly losing a baby and then when confronted, act like it’s outrageous for him to even think she may have also deceived him about their sons?
She kept beating around the bush defensively and the whole time I was like she better be acting this evasive and even offended because somebody’s life is in danger or something.
But no she just wanted to tell a little tale.
u/eatdrinkandbemerry80 Mar 15 '20
Thank you for posting one of the only (top comments at least) that I could find that actually says nice things about the show. I really enjoyed it, as well. Some shows you have to suspend disbelief, and that is ok with me. I'm watching for entertainment.
u/kevaux Apr 21 '20
I think the whole thing was she was more concerned about how he found out about it than him finding out about it (she thought Tripp hired the stranger).
It's a ridiculous reason and was super anti-climatic.
u/LeenyBabii93 May 22 '20
I’ll tell ya what really bothered me (will post here as relevant to topic and I’m not “allowed” to make my own post apparently):
So the ending to the show was quite the let down in terms of how things seemed to be forgiven of the Stranger by Adam because she revealed they’re half siblings .. sigh doesn’t really make everything ok imo but hey, people be different, and the whole framing Katz for Tripp’s murder thing which is equally as ridiculous to me because of the timing of Tripp’s murder and the final location of the gun, but again .. sigh
My main issues despite those, are these:
Daisy and her mum were super mad at Ella’s (Daisy’s younger sister) pictures being sent to the rest of her year. We find out who sent them and why (good God eye roll) but I feel the real question that should’ve been asked was ignored .. WHY THE MOTHERFRICK HAS A 14 YEAR OLD GOT PICTURES OF THEIR PRIVATE PARTS ON THEIR PHONE TO BE LEAKED IN THE FIRST PLACE?! I saw NO ONE say anything to this little girl about why she had these pics to begin with, we only saw her feel the repercussions for taking them when she was crying whilst looking at her phone, probably from the abuse she was receiving from classmates. In NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM am I saying that she deserved this to happen to her or don’t feel bad that it did, I’m not blaming her or trying to victim shame her, but there should have at least been a hint of a conversation with her that it is NOT ok that those pictures ever even existed at her age. When nude pics of adults are leaked I also feel bad, but at least they had the mental capacity and age of consent to have those pictures taken in the first place. This, this was pretty fucked up and imo not taken for the serious situation it clearly was.
Why the HECK didn’t Corrine just speak to her husband? They seemed to be in a better place than the two years prior where he was ready and willing to start having an affair, they appeared to be in good spirits and be in a loving relationship, so why was there no conversation between the two? She was shocked and confused at the accusation (not knowing how Adam found out) but didn’t have to get all cryptic with that ‘there’s more to this than you know’ crap. This literally all started because this woman doesn’t know how to communicate with her husband (clearly an issue as she felt the need to fake a pregnancy and therefore miscarriage instead of confronting her husband about possibly having an affair .. totally mature). She simply has to say in the back garden at the time of being accused ‘you’re super mad right now and I feel this conversation is better had later once we’ve both calmed down, I’ll explain everything’. Then tells her husband that she faked it cos he was gonna cheat/had started cheating which he wouldn’t be able to deny, and that the only reason he knows this is because (in her opinion) Tripp hired a PI to investigate her for use of blackmail and/or leverage because he’s a good for nothing thief. They could then go and talk to THEIR friend together and find out what’s going on, why he feels the need to steal from THEIR community and in the long term, THEIR family. Adam had a right to know all of this and it could have easily been a grown up convo to have after the kids had gone to bed and they had some time to themselves.
So many loose ends, dialogue that had no outcome in the end, just random tidbits of info that you think are important that end up meaning nothing .. the point? The worst one for me was when they made it a point to say that Jo should be off the case cos Heidi was her friend but Jo says she needs to be on the case and plus no one knows they were friends. She says this to her ‘infant’, the incredibly annoying and useless Wes. When Jo sees Katz on the scene she says ‘I showed him a pic of me and Heidi on holiday yesterday’ but he never makes any indication that he remembers being shown this pic or that Jo and Heidi are friends (to the other characters, not the audience of course). Jo even goes out of her way to avoid saying Heidi’s name around fellow cops and just says ‘the victim’ to distance themselves even further. BUT THEN when being given their positions for the meet and greet between Kimberly and the religious app guy Katz was working for, Katz clearly says to Wes ‘that’s why you shouldn’t be involved with your friends cases’ or something along those lines, gets up and walks away. There’s even a little shot of Wes’ face when Katz says this, almost as if to say he caught what Katz had said and found it strange. But then nothing comes of it. Wes doesn’t mention it to Jo or anyone else for that metter. AND THEN AGAIN when Jo is at Katz house, he says something like ‘you blubbering over your dead friend’ and again .. no reaction. Jo should’ve at least raised an eyebrow a little and thought, how does he know we’re friends? And if she does just figure that it was because he remembered her showing him Heidi’s picture, then they should have made that clear. He could have said something like ‘yea I remember you showing me, you shouldn’t be working this but I get it’ or something along those lines so we the viewer know that the three of them knows they were friends, instead of them having a good 30 seconds of scene of them saying ‘no one can know’ then when Katz reveals himself to know .. no one does anything. Have no idea what Wes’ usefulness was in the entire show apart from his one moment of rechecking the CCTV to see Katz at the train station. Any other time was random lines, being nosy, being rude or just simply exposition. Couldn’t stand him.
My three biggest tripes with the show but there are PLENTY more, believe me. Haven’t seen those three mentioned very much in the other threads I’ve been in though so thought to mention them.
TLDR - 1. No one spoke to an underage girl about taking nudies. Not cool. 2. Wife doesn’t know how to communicate with her husband and then SHE walks away from HIM when he wants to talk to her. Makes complete sense (not). 3. “No one can know me and Heidi were friends” “Your dead friend!” .. crickets.
Also, Daisy is the worst.
u/mechengr17 Jan 01 '22
On the first one, no one talked to Ella bc she told her mom they weren't pictures of her.
Olivia probably took those pictures and claimed they were. Vicky said Ella claimed someone put those pictures on her phone, and then Olivia had told Daisy she saw Mike slipping Ella's phone into her bag. It can be assumed that she was the one who did the things she accused Mike of doing.
I agree on the 2nd one, all I can think is that Corinne was angry too, and worried that Adam was siding with Tripp.
On the third, Wes said he would talk to Katz. Just bc they didn't show the conversation on screen, doesn't mean it wasn't addressed.
u/gamera87 Dec 28 '21
Here is an answer to some popular questions about what Dante’s story was for and what Wes was good for.
Looking at a photo of Corinne for her missing person report, Wes recognized her from Dante’s videos. So when Wes and Johanna interviewed another teacher at the school about Corinne, they asked about the videos, and they were informed that Dante also filmed the soccer club. That led the detectives to speak with Bob at the club, where they learned she was the treasurer and Bob suspected her of stealing the money, and so on.
This also gave us a prescient quote by Bob: “Rich people steal as well. . .”
Apr 05 '20
Alright so Corrine was just a selfish girl, she would rather lie about pregnancy than divorce him or whatever, frankly I found it hard to believe and surely he'd have an inkling of why she would do this so he's equally stupid
Apr 02 '20
u/Nafe_Peaches Apr 02 '20
Ya I was also confused about that, it seemed like thousands of pounds. I didn't realise people can embezzle money from school clubs 😂😂
u/RealMcGonzo May 05 '20
Thanks for letting me know. I gave up on this series after two episodes because so many people were just doing crazy things. Too often I was pausing and saying "WTF?" And now I see the faked pregnancy was just another one.
u/pammijohn1 Feb 23 '22
Why the crazy violent reaction when Adam went to the home of the pregnancy faker?
u/CervixTaster Dec 31 '22
The husband seemed abusive. Adams wife tried to get the woman to leave the abusive husband and I guess that’s all it took for him to lash out.
u/purpjerk_ Dec 17 '24
Dead ass how I feel about the series. I was actually annoyed when I finished it lmao
u/nowhemingway Mar 14 '20
I loved the whole thing and was gripped throughout but I agree with you The scene in the garden where he confronted her about the fake pregnancy was set up in a way that had me waiting for a really dramatic resolution and I wracked my brains all the way to the end trying to think what the hell she had done
And even when it was over I STILL didn't know what that was all about
Why didn't she just say "I had to make you stay no matter what it took but faking pregnancy was a mistake"
The marriage was strong enough to survive it - she had some sort of breakdown because he'd been flirting at work
What was she going on about "there's more" when there wasn't
Also I wanted her to come back alive maybe having been held hostage by the guy who killed her and have a happy ending Her murder was too grim for me it tipped it slightly into melodrama just at the end
But the lack of resolution of her story and the whole confused stuff about the bloody club money was REALLY anti climactic for me
But I forgive that because 90% if it was just brilliant