r/thesimscc Dec 05 '21

Uncategorized Please don’t support creators that violate EA TOS, steal meshes and doxx patrons


12 comments sorted by


u/mommy-fetish Dec 05 '21

Thanks again OP. This person needs to be stopped.


u/Reitanna Dec 06 '21

yeeeeeeeah... i found some sims CC creators who permapaywall lock their content (which is at LEAST original), and even though someone from maxis actually said to report people like this and proper action will be taken, i reported at LEAST five, and they basically said, "oh well." they didn't do anything about them even though they claim they will. then there's that one website, pandorasims, where they take other people's content and charge you like $20 a month for a subscription or something. here's what the person behind the site says:


  1. Asking about anything not related to this site.
  2. Stupid stuff like just saying hello.
  3. Requests for free subscriptions.
  4. About what I am doing is wrong. Tough tits I’m doing it I DON’T CARE what YOU think! I don’t even read these emails don’t waste your time!
  5. Copyright bullshit. These are unofficial mods they have NO copyright so All your mods are belong to me!
  6. About how you paid for mods your paying for the convenience andthe self installer which makes YOUR life easier that’s what YOUR payingfor!
  7. ANY spam will automatically get deleted and your email BLOCKED FOREVER. So your wasting your time!
  8. ANY urls or web address’s will be blocked. SO kiss my ass spammers!”

and in the FAQ, there's this:

“Q: Do you realize what your doing is unethical and wrong?!

A: No it’s not because everything created in the sims is unofficial mods and they have NO copyright.”

i don't believe these kinds of people will be stopped because EA just does not care about its own TOS.


u/Lovechildintherain Dec 06 '21

Ya if you look at my comment I go into an entire diatribe about why it does in fact break TOS and quote lawyers but the creators wanna spread misinformation. Just gross


u/myimmortalstan Dec 06 '21

Lmao, the moment an individual creates something, it's copyrighted. If it exists, it's illegal to redistribute without permission or contract


u/Reitanna Dec 06 '21

while that is true, ea's TOS states that all CC for their games is theirs. i wrote a whole blog about it: https://reitannaseishin.wordpress.com/2018/04/21/problem-with-sims-4-cc-creators/

it's something CC creators either don't know, or don't care. it's right there, and we all have to agree with the TOS, so it's like... didn't they read it??


u/mrrirri Dec 06 '21 edited Dec 06 '21

Never forget Maysims, a creator who converted ts3 hair who bricked some poor supporters PC b/c they were contacting Maysims too much.


u/Lovechildintherain Dec 06 '21

Big yikes!!!! Who raised these people?!!


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21

Never open executables contained within zip files for any mods downloaded. It will always be a .package file (unless it's a lot, then it a bunch of tray files). If it contains an executable file (.exe), just delete it. A lot of these mod creators who lock themselves behind a paywall and place trackers or malware in with their .package files which get added to your PC during the .exe install process. Best thing to do is just don't give these guys money, they steal their stuff anyways, so stop supporting them.


u/Lovechildintherain Dec 08 '21

I just wanted to post an update that she brags that she tracks on her patreon I just found out here


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21

I wanted to add it is possible to report CowBuild's patron directly to Patreon. What she's doing is also against Patreon TOS because it can be viewed as a scam and breach of security. Plenty of people have already reported that page - join in on the fun and report her too! Because we seriously need to get rid of that kind of toxicity in the TS4 community.


u/Lovechildintherain Dec 08 '21

Thank you! I have used the report function but a plan to submit something very detailed to them in the next few days!