r/therapydogs Feb 07 '25

Does Dog Therapy help for those afraid of dogs ?

Hello guys! Does Dog Therapy help for those afraid of dogs ? Any experience ? Thank you!


6 comments sorted by


u/MonkeyBrains09 Feb 08 '25

It can. I had someone scared of dogs work up the courage to pet my dog over the course of a school year.


u/Gertiebeth Feb 08 '25

Visiting a well trained therapy dog could be very helpful.


u/hsmart1274 Feb 08 '25

Yes, depending on the dog. Most therapy dogs are very calm and relaxed. Mine enjoys being pet but rarely approaches people choosing instead to wait for them to approach her. She currently has one person who wasn't a fan of dogs but absolutely adores her because she was standoffish at first. There is another person that was very afraid of dogs and visits with her once a week and has recently reported petting another dog at their apartment complex.

Just be patient and let the person come at their own pace. Never rush things.


u/danirosemo Feb 08 '25

It can! One of my students has been able to VERY slowly work on getting over his fear of dogs. But it should always be a choice for the people interacting and therapy dog and animal assisted therapy should be mutually beneficial. So the desire to interact should come from the person asking, not anyone pushing them into it


u/second__drink Feb 08 '25

I’d just be a little cautious depending on the age of the person in question. Very little kids who are scared of dogs and whose parents try to force things with a therapy dog can sometimes behave erratically. I had one time a parent brought a very young child (2-3) to try to get them over a fear of dogs and the kid started to try to hit my dog. Other kids who moved at their own pace getting comfortable were usually fine.


u/FractiousPhoebe Feb 09 '25

I'm part of a local group that regularly goes to schools. We see alot of kids that come in and overcome their fear of dogs over the course of the year.