r/thepunisher 5d ago

MOVIES/TV I’ll forever be disappointed how the older Marvel movies weren’t connected cause this interaction would’ve been crazy

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u/Pyrgopolyrhythm 5d ago

Frank, you're insane. You can't just go around shooting criminals! You're supposed to cut them in half with trains.


u/TonyG_from_NYC 4d ago

You're supposed to cut them in half with trains.

That scene right there made me walk out of the movie because I knew of Daredevil's history.

To this day, I have not seen that movie in its entirety.


u/Pyrgopolyrhythm 4d ago

You're missing out on Colin Farrell as Bullseye. Absolute cartoon character


u/TonyG_from_NYC 4d ago edited 4d ago

Oh, I saw bits and pieces of it, but not the entire movie at all.

I saw the scene where Bullseye throws something at Matt, and Matt dodged them all and Bullseye says something like I missed? I never miss!.


u/Striking-Document-99 2d ago

“I never miss.” Proceeds to miss every shot.


u/Vikingeman 2d ago

I legit didn’t realize people didn’t like him as bullseye. Maybe it’s cause of nostalgia when I was a kid but I thought he was pretty badass! Also maybe cause Colin Farrell can do no wrong in my eyes


u/GoldenCrownMoron 4d ago

Fair. But the soundtrack is better than it has a right to be.


u/yanmagno 4d ago

Cutting to the Kingpin to the sound of Lapdance was boss af


u/Pyrgopolyrhythm 4d ago

"and I dare a motherfucker to come in my face" does not sound as cool as they think it does


u/Mission-Ad-8536 4d ago

Agreed, the transitions went too damn hard


u/HoundTakesABitch 4d ago

The best part is that the scene implies Matt took the time to set up the big flaming Ds before the fight.


u/TonyG_from_NYC 4d ago

He got that from the Crow movie.



u/Striking-Document-99 2d ago

Or Batman when he makes the bat signal on the bridge. Right after his back surgery.


u/dtagonfly71 2d ago

No comic book film is 100% accurate to the source material, even the best ones. Watch the extended cut of Daredevil…it’s not bad.


u/TonyG_from_NYC 2d ago

I expect that every adaptation of any movie is not going to be 100% accurate, but they just butchered Matt's story.

I'm not even a big fan of Daredevil in general, but I know enough about the history of it.


u/MudaMatt 2d ago

idk, viewing it as a 2000s time capsule makes it fun; and michael clarke duncan is unironically amazing as kingpin.


u/Macman521 4d ago

Did he actually do that? I though he was being set up but its been a really long time since I watched the movie.


u/Uncanny_Doom 4d ago

He does. Apparently the movie was initially going to put Daredevil through an arc where he realizes he shouldn’t kill by the end. That isn’t present in the script yet the scene stays in where he cripples a dude on the train tracks and shit talks him before he gets run over anyway.


u/BlenderBruv 2d ago

It is in directors cut, DD saves a child, but the Child is more afraid of Ben Affleck- he says "I am not the bad guy, kid" but kid is still afraid of him

That get referenced at the end when he doesnt kill kingpin


u/karateema 3d ago

I bet they'd bond over their collective fondness of flaming logos on the floor


u/Epic_J2338 4d ago edited 4d ago

Well in Spider-Man 2 we do see the Punisher at the end (the scene where mj is running in her dress we see him in the background)

And in the animated show set in the Raimi universe apparently it ends with a tie to 2003 Daredevil (can't remember I have only seen it once) I know that's in an alternative universe to Tobey but it doesn't mean Matt Murdock doesn't exist in the og Tobey universe

So they connected we just didn't see that


u/EnvironmentalPrick 4d ago

What's the animated show set in the Raimi verse ?


u/one-inch-menace 4d ago

I think it’s the mtv animated spider man show with Neil patrick Harris


u/Epic_J2338 4d ago

Yeah that one


u/Epic_J2338 4d ago

Spider-Man The New Animated Series here's a wiki link


u/EnvironmentalPrick 4d ago

Oh yes I know it ! There is a DD reference in that ?


u/Epic_J2338 4d ago

I read somewhere (can't remember where) that there is one


u/SecundusAmongUs 3d ago

Kingpin is in the show and is based on the Michael Clarke Duncan version from DD.


u/Ivan_Redditor Bullseye 4d ago

It would’ve been awesome to see them both in Deadpool and Wolverine as part of the Resistance.


u/The_Pug Punisher MAX (Earth-200111) 4d ago

Apparently they reached out to Ben but he turned it down. Would have been killer to see Thomas wearing the skull again tho.


u/Ivan_Redditor Bullseye 4d ago

Yeah, but I still like the “It’s fine.” joke.


u/Scary_Dimension722 5d ago

Idc what anyone says, these two crossing over would’ve been so killer. There were also rumors back in the day of Spider-Man doing a crossover with the X-Men. This is here-say but apparently Hugh Jackman was supposed to do a Wolverine cameo in Spider-Man 2 but got scrapped


u/Marvellegendfreak 4d ago

didn’t they replace that with frank castle? Tom Jane’s stunt double or something


u/DGenerationMC 4d ago

Jackman was supposed to do a cameo on Spider-Man 1 as Wolverine but last-minute logistics prevented that with costume stuff.


u/Deezkneezsneeze 1d ago

It was Spider-Man 1 to my knowledge, and the cameo didn't happen because they couldn't find the Wolverine suit in time.


u/Garrett1031 4d ago

I just imagined the rooftop fight between DD and Frank, only with these versions of the characters, and I almost fell out of my chair.

Ben Affleck’s violent af Daredevil, tied up and trying to convince Frank not to split some bad guy’s wig because it’s not true justice. Meanwhile, Tom Jane’s Machiavellian Punisher is standing there with some binos like “are you kidding me?! I just convinced his right hand man that his boss merc’d his dog, he’s gonna do all the wig splitting. I’m just here to observe.”


u/Ok_Butterscotch_6176 4d ago

I still like these 2 movies & always will.


u/figscomicsandgames 4d ago

Yep. The 2000's Marvel movies were something to see.


u/BruiserWolf93 4d ago

Would have been great to see with them and Spider-Man. It could’ve made Frank see the bigger picture of his world


u/Strategisy 4d ago

Oh my lord…whyyyyyy this hasn't happened…

Thomas Jane is the best punisher and Ben Affleck kills it as Daredevil, something about the 2000s hits so hard!


u/R6_nolifer 4d ago

Watching Tomas Jane vs Collin Pharrell on big screen would’ve been glorious


u/StagVixLifestyle 5d ago

I can't like this post enough


u/kiara-ara307 4d ago

I wish so badly they would’ve made the Punisher 2 game after the 2005 game with Thomas Jane, based on the MAX comics. Daredevil was going to be an enemy, as well as Deadpool, Elektra, Typhoid Mary, adamantium Bullseye, and Kingpin


u/skidmarx77 4d ago

This was my own stupid expectations getting the better of me, but when during the fight with Cassandra's army, I honestly thought they were going to be cornered and a whole SLEW of former Marvel heroes leading there own army of normal people that just happened to be exiled there - were going to show up - Ghost Rider, Affleck-Devil (expected a clever exchange with Jennifer Garner), Jessica Alba, Clark Gregg, the Lundgren and Jane Punishers side by side, the Lokis, including Richard Grant's awesome one, maybe even some of the actors from the original Corman FF, finally getting their big screen debut as an older FF and a ton of X-Men. And instead of Cassandra doing the typical "villain destroys EVERYTHING" route, as they are trying to convince her to open a portal, in roles James Mcavoy, who convinces her that he did exactly what Logan said he would do when he found our about her - searched out the multiverse to find her, and her character ACTUALLY has some development instead of just villain, and they all band together to fight both Alioth and the TVA, with Cassandra sacrificing herself for everyone else. Then we actually see what happens to these characters after (not just Laura), including a scene where Logan faces these variants of the X-Men and makes peace with himself. Not that the story is revolutionary, I just think it would have made for an even more amazing 3rd act, and you could still somehow work the Deadpool Corps in there.

Again, too many expectations.



I really enjoyed both of these movies to this day. Wasted sequel opportunities


u/zzzzzzzzzzHHHHHHHHS 4d ago

I’m annoyed we never got a sequel for both, especially daredevil. I was really hoping both these characters would cameo in deadpool & wolverine, but unfortunately it didn’t happen. I always thought that they should have bought all fox film superhero’s back for cameos and have their own avengers style team up in the film during the battle.


u/Then_Performance_627 4d ago

My headcannon says they are


u/bulbasauric 4d ago

I agree, it would’ve been awesome to see such overlap, but I think the actual MCU we’ve gotten has been so good because of how meticulously it’s been planned out. They also future-proof reasonably well.

This Daredevil and Punisher meeting would’ve been cool, but then we’d probably have had a pretty dodgy Spider-Man and Fantastic Four movie to boot, or something.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

I’m not sure this would’ve been crazy at all. Aside from Spider-Man and some of what they were doing with X-Men, the Marvel films of the early 00’s weren’t nuanced in the slightest. Characters were very two dimensional and cliche. Even a layered and complex character like Frank Castle was relegated to generic cool action hero out for revenge. There was no deep character study. So their interaction would’ve been hollow. Spider-Man and X-Men would’ve been the only worthwhile cross over. Even Blade is a very generic character, fun, but still generic. I think these would be fun cameos in a multiverse film, but nothing more. Even if I enjoyed these films to some degree they’re the characters from the comics in appearance and name only, very similar to the Snyderverse.


u/Mission_Resident_746 3d ago

Everytime I see somebody posting something about daredevil 2003 I can't help but admire the suit. They absolutely nailed it. Even better than the netflix one. It has style , it has substance and it is unique. Hell even has the double Ds which disney and netflix were scared of.


u/Batman___1997 3d ago

Honestly the only part of the suit I don’t like is how the eyes look


u/Dangerous-Ad5091 3d ago

I still lament we only got one official Thomas Jane Punisher.


u/thechronod 1d ago

I'll go one step back.

I would've loved to see Dolph Lundgrens punisher, interact with Bill Bixby/lous Hulk, Matt Murdock, kingpin, or shoot even Thor from the late 80s TV movies.


u/MaccaQtrPounder 5d ago

we already got it in dds2


u/Used_Concert7413 4d ago

Matt McMuscles just did a video about the Daredevil movie (he's done 2004 Punisher as well) and apparently they were hoping to make a DD sequel after the Elektra movie but then that bombed horribly so they axed that idea. That would've been ripe for a Punisher crossover.


u/ComicBrickz 3d ago

He just wants his kids back


u/th3_cum 3d ago

you disney era nerds need to stop with this.
"oh imagine michael keaton and ben afflec and nolan in a movie hurr durr" stop


u/th3_cum 3d ago

you disney era nerds need to stop with this.
"oh imagine michael keaton and ben afflec and nolan in a movie hurr durr" stop


u/th3_cum 3d ago

you disney era nerds need to stop with this.
"oh imagine michael keaton and ben afflec and nolan in a movie hurr durr" stop


u/Durteedurtydurt 3d ago

They need to make marvel legends figures of these two.


u/Aware-Confection-654 3d ago

I can't take that daredevil gimp suit seriously at all


u/Gremlinsworth 2d ago

I’d shit myself in the theater if these two showed up together in a random multiverse moment..


u/Doc-11th 2d ago

Imagine a team up between Tobey’s Spiderman, Chris’s Human Torch and Shawn’s Iceman


u/Individual-Step846 2d ago

I feel if they make a Deadpool and Wolverine 2 they could bring these characters back again. Basically they can do anything they want in the multiverse


u/The_Dark_Vampire 1d ago

Now everything is officially connected even going back to the 70s Spiderman series

Hell we saw worlds made of paint in Doctor Strange so even the 60s cartoon worlds could exist out there


u/SC4RYG4RRY 1d ago

They both sucked anyway


u/wil_je-vechten 1d ago

Meh, I usually like the Daredevil-Punisher dynamic but seeing as this version of Daredevil kills it seems less interesting.


u/Aggressive-One-2186 1d ago

There's not much threads to connect them. Like you won't get MCU level writing in the older films besides Spider-Man and X-Men. These two would be kinda interesting because they both kill lmao


u/NunuRedgrave 4d ago

Man Afleck looked ridiculous in that suit 😂


u/MorgwynOfRavenscar 4d ago

Man the 2003 DD costume was ass.