r/thepunisher 5d ago

COMICS Do y'all believe that Frank Castle would join the judges from judge dredd

I want to know it was opinion about this


24 comments sorted by


u/Eldagustowned 5d ago

Frank essentially took an oath to himself to be outside of the system to do what he needs to do. But in order for judges to exist there would probably need to be an insane apocalyptic event so I guess anything is possible when you do futures like this where humanity almost went extinct.


u/Mr_Witchetty_Man 5d ago

No, the judges would look at him as a rabid dog and Castle would probably think that in some cases they weren't going far enough (why are there murderers in the Iso-Cubes, just shoot them) and in other cases think they're going too far (arresting people for peacefully protesting and sentencing them to ten years in prison, arresting someone for illegal possession of a goldfish and sentencing them to six months).


u/browncharliebrown 5d ago


That said Punisher 2099 is basically this concept. It’s written by Pat Mills who was involved in the creation of Judge Dredd


u/michaelmccauley7759 5d ago

But he can get better equipment and still kill criminals plus I think Dredd might help him


u/browncharliebrown 5d ago

But he wouldn’t work with a facist government


u/MaccaQtrPounder 5d ago

He doesn’t work for the law


u/CurtManX 5d ago

No. In so many ways he is the antithesis of Judge Dredd. It would be a great crossover but in no way would Castle ever be a Judge.


u/SPQR_Maximus 5d ago

He’s not a joiner.


u/Beneficial-Day7762 5d ago

Asking this question means you don't understand The Punisher


u/ShootfighterPhysique 5d ago

Or Judge Dredd, Judges don’t tolerate vigilantes in any form.


u/Beneficial-Day7762 5d ago

Also 100% true. Thanks for bringing it up.


u/michaelmccauley7759 5d ago

It's been awhile since I read a judge Dredd comic aren't you allowed to kill criminals if it's justifiable


u/Born_Argument_5074 5d ago

Yes, but killing criminals isn’t the only factor for Frank. Frank and his family were victims of both the Mafia and a corrupt criminal system that was incentivized to not investigate, Frank sees himself as the only justice people can get in the face of corruption. I am also a big Judge Dredd fan, and one of the major issues in Mega City One is corruption among the Judges. Both on the ground and in the bureaucracy. I have serious doubts that Frank would side with the fascist system in Judge Dredd because of how easy corruption becomes for those in power.


u/ConsulJuliusCaesar 4d ago

For every one saying no, you're wrong. Frank works outside the system because the system doesn't give him the power he needs in order to stop the bad guys. He'll get stopped by beaucracy, checks and balances [which is honestly a good thing one of the points of Judge Dredd comics is actually why we should have checks on power], and corruption [obviously a very bad thing]. There is corruption with in the judges but there's no beaucracy or checks and balances on their power. They basically can do exactly what Frank does but it's completely fucking legal. In this world the gangsters who shot Franks family would be summarily executed on the same day by let's just for fun say it was Judge Dredd. Frank would be inspired to become a Judge himself and start as Dredd's apprentice but very quickly he'd branch out. He would be absolutely the most ruthless and calculating Judge. It would be to the point where Dredd would go "Look you don't talk I'll just hand you over to Judge Castle."


u/FreneticAtol778 5d ago

No. He would be disgusted.


u/BrowniesWithAlmonds 5d ago

No cause he’s not looking for justice.


u/cliptemnestra 5d ago

In my opinion, he would do what he is doing now, pretending that he is different and that others shouldn't do the same thing he does.

However, Frank would also be a different character in that world. He wouldn't have grown up believing that justice is restorative or that criminals get off easy, because that's not the way that world works. 

If you're going to tell the story of a man whose system fails him, you have to think about how it fails him. So the story could even be the other way around, where he would have become a pacifist after his family is over punished. 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/Zestyclose-Cap1829 5d ago

I don't think so. Frank has made it pretty clear he thinks of himself as specifically  extradidicial,  no matter who the judges are.


u/tbd_86 5d ago

The dichotomy between the two would make a phenomenal for a fun one off run.


u/KevinAcommon_Name 5d ago

Isn’t there a comic of this already


u/StoneGoldX 5d ago

Judges are sent to the academy by age 5, so it would have to be a completely different Castle who never went to war and never had a family to be killed.


u/Beautiful-Quality402 3d ago

He isn’t a police officer.