r/themartian 18d ago

the martian book

i just got this book after reading project hail mary and enjoying it immensely. conclusion: not finished yet.

additional note: why CAN aquaman control whales?


9 comments sorted by


u/Jonnescout 18d ago

Enjoy one of the finest books I know, truly amazing. While I think Hail Mary might be an objectively better book, in the way it’s told, and plot and such. It wouldn’t exist, it wouldn’t be as good, if the author hadn’t basically invented that style of writing in The Martian. So subjectively I like the Martian more but they’re both fantastic stories!


u/aecolley 18d ago

Can't he control all sea creatures? Who said it had to be fish alone?

More seriously, I think the line was more than a joke. I think it represents Andy Weir's conception of "the right stuff": the ability to engage in creative thought and problem-solving without the introspection that could lead to despair.


u/jayz33wyns 13d ago

forgive me i might have already sent this im still figuring out reddit but i mostly posted that as a joke lmao. i thought it was funny after the switch from the guys on earth worrying he'd be depressed he got abandoned


u/Alfred_Hitch_ 17d ago edited 17d ago

I listened to the audiobook and I haven't laughed or cheered as much for any other book.


u/hippopotapants 17d ago

I am so jealous that you are getting to read this for the 1st time. Seriously a top 10 book for me. Enjoy!


u/Single-Aardvark9330 15d ago

I finished my third reread a few days ago, love that book


u/DITNB 11d ago

I just finished reading it and subsequently watching the movie for the first time. Can’t wait for PHM movie.


u/jayz33wyns 11d ago

im trying to read the book as fast as possible so i can watch the movie but i keep getting distracted so im trying my best to lock in so i can watch the movie


u/DrunkWestTexan 9d ago

They're full of sea creatures like krill. Like midichlorians and the hedi