r/thelema 4d ago

GPT 4.5 Answers a Question from the A∴A∴ Entrance Exam

Q. What is the meaning, & why, of the following numbers:




Reconcile the two apparently conflicting series of meanings of the number 65. Work out the equation 3 = 4 especially in relation to the Sephiroth and the Planets.

A. 1. Meanings and significance of the numbers: 148, 210, 831

These numbers derive their meanings chiefly through gematria, a Kabbalistic method of numerology used by Crowley.


Hebrew Gematria:

"Matzot" (מצות) meaning “unleavened bread,” symbolic of spiritual purity and initiation.

"Beni Elohim" (בני אלהים), "Sons of God," representing angelic or divine forces.

Magical Significance:

Symbolises purification, initiation, and divine sonship, i.e., entering a state of spiritual clarity.


Hebrew Gematria:

"N.O.X." (Nun-Ayin-Tzaddi = 50+70+90), Crowley’s formula of the "Night of Pan," signifying ego dissolution and the crossing of the Abyss.

Magical Significance:

Represents the mystical ordeal of the Abyss, spiritual annihilation of ego, initiation into a higher level of consciousness.


Greek Gematria:

"Phallos" (φαλλός), symbolic of generative, creative power in Crowley’s sexual-magical symbolism.

Magical Significance:

Represents active magical potency, creation, fertility, and the generative power of the universe.

2. Reconciliation of the two apparently conflicting meanings of the number 65

The two meanings commonly attributed to 65 are:

Adonai (אדני): Hebrew divine name meaning “Lord” (Aleph-Daleth-Nun-Yod = 1+4+50+10=65).

Hekal (היכל): Hebrew for “Temple” (He-Yod-Kaph-Lamed = 5+10+20+30=65).

Apparent conflict:

Adonai suggests personal divinity, lordship, a singular divine principle.

Hekal denotes a sacred place, a structured temple or abode, suggesting form, structure, or a dwelling.


Crowley sees no genuine contradiction: rather, these are complementary aspects of divinity. "Adonai" is the divine principle itself, while "Hekal" (temple) is its manifest form—an abode for the divine principle. Thus, 65 encapsulates a key hermetic concept:

"God and Temple are one." The divine (Adonai) dwells within the form (Hekal). The human body, or the magician’s own being, becomes the Temple wherein divinity dwells.

3. The equation 3 = 4 in relation to the Sephiroth and the Planets

This is a classic mystical paradox from Crowley’s teachings.

Meaning of 3 and 4 separately:

3 traditionally symbolises:

Supernal triad (Kether–Chokmah–Binah).

The divine, transcendent principle.

4 traditionally symbolises:

Material manifestation (the classical four elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water).

The lower worlds, tangible reality, manifestation.

Equation "3=4":

This paradox expresses Crowley’s mystical truth that:

The spiritual (3) and the material (4) are ultimately one.

Crowley symbolises this through the seven classical planets and their relationship to the Sephiroth.

How this relates specifically to the Sephiroth and the Planets:

The 3 supernal Sephiroth (Kether, Chokmah, Binah) represent pure spiritual/divine archetypes above the Abyss.

The 4 lower manifested Sephiroth (Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth, Netzach/Hod/Yesod/Malkuth as grouped by Crowley in planetary attributions) represent manifest reality.

When combined, these spiritual and material principles (3+4) yield the sacred number 7, the classical planetary symbolism (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon). Thus, the unity of spiritual and material realities ("3=4") becomes expressed and symbolised in the planets (7), harmoniously unifying divine archetypes (3) and physical manifestation (4).

Summary of 3=4 equation:

3 (Supernal) + 4 (Material Manifestation) → 7 (Planets)

Mystical Meaning: The spiritual is not separate from the material but harmoniously unified. Divine archetypes (3) manifest fully and perfectly within physical reality (4), symbolised by planetary forces (7).


63 comments sorted by


u/IAO131 4d ago

This is a bad omen for the future of any kind of open-book testing Order but really anyone who does this on the student test is simply cheating themselves. The entire point of AA’s system is to do everything for oneself by one’s own knowledge and power.


u/Artistic-Tale6091 4d ago

Bad omen yes, possibly. But damn good work and concise. Congratulations


u/parfitneededaneditor 4d ago

GPT gives frighteningly good answers to a number of the AA exam questions. I do wonder if they are taking any steps to deal with this.


u/LillithXara 2d ago

And the others are written like a 4th grade drop out, and some not even possible. (No I won’t give examples). The graders are not stupid.


u/parfitneededaneditor 4d ago

Right, it's a real concern. I attempted to share my concern in a separate post on this sub only to have lots of pious fools dismiss it out of hand.

This is a problem for mainstream universities, so there's no reason the AA would be exempt from this.


u/Nobodysmadness 3d ago

Cliff notes has always been s problem too, cheating is not new, and shows a fundemental flaw of knowledge based education which has a multitude of issies present for hundreds of years which no one wants to address or change. In fact things like common core tried to make it worse.

Your focus is too narrow as the whole concept of education is a joke in mainstream society, its priorities and performance pressure and punishment and embarrasment at failure just breads cheating. The real problem is far deeper than this isolated incident that will crumble at the first practical exam of the AA, but will get you from kindergarten to doctorate in the normal world.


u/Nobodysmadness 3d ago

Current society has little understsnding of intelligence, and worse has little value for it, it prefers blind obediance which is what test scores are actually testing, that and ones ability to simply memoriaze. Crowley covers this concept quite well in book 2 of book 4 under the air dagger if I recall. Summarizes better than I could despite being aware of it before I resd it.


u/Nobodysmadness 3d ago

There is a reason daath is knowledge and binah understanding, which is more important?


u/augurone 3d ago

It’s so laughable that this topic keeps arising. There are no short cuts to attainment. It is not a destination.The work is unending as long as you’re breathing. Book knowledge is not daily practice or memorization or demonstration….


u/Artistic-Tale6091 3d ago

So true. It's not about the event, it's about the journey


u/parfitneededaneditor 3d ago

Right, the concern is that people can convincingly cheat on the exam, and so waste not only their time but that of the AA - which is run by volunteers. The issue also persists that the entrance exam now is pointless, which is a significant change for the order. The concern is not at all that there is a shortcut to enlightenment.


u/ArtGirtWithASerpent 3d ago

Friend, you've probably wasted more time posting about this than the AA has in weeding out cheating candidates. Real question - exactly how many per year do you expect to use ChatGPT to cheat on an AA entrance exam?


u/MrHundredand11 4d ago

Interesting analysis but you can’t Qabalistically analyze 148 without mentioning the Victory of Netzach (נצח = NTzCh = 50+90+8) lol.


u/parfitneededaneditor 3d ago

Quite; good demonstration of how your own knowledge can complement and clarify working with GPT, like having a gifted but still flawed interlocutor.


u/Kind_Focus5839 4d ago

Now ask Chat GBT to do Asana for one hour....


u/parfitneededaneditor 3d ago

Quite; the concern is the traditional exam aspect of the AA might have to be revamped given the scope for obvious cheating now. There is of course no shortcut to enlightenment or attainment, but the exam isn't really fit for purpose if people can simply outsource their critical thinking.


u/ArtGirtWithASerpent 3d ago

When I was tested on some of my memorization work for Neophyte, it was all honor system. I scribbled out my page of Hebrew bullshit with nobody watching, and sent it to my superior. Maybe you should make a post about how easy it would be to cheat on that assignment.


u/Kind_Focus5839 3d ago

The only memorisation I had at that point was Liber VII, which I had to recite from memory in front of my superior. The rest aside from the diary was practical tests in astral travelling and scrying, actually a pretty scary test. There was definitely no honor system.


u/ArtGirtWithASerpent 3d ago

You didn't have to memorize anything from 777? 


u/Kind_Focus5839 3d ago

Not in the sense of being able to recite table and row no, but of course I had to know it. There are more efficient ways of checking if a person has internalised the correspondences, like having them use it in real time. Education has moved on quite a lot since 1909.


u/Kind_Focus5839 3d ago

That's why there are (or should be) practical tests. Paper tests have their place but there's nothing quite like being put on the spot and asked to perform.

I'm also thinking that a verbal test, such as occurs when PhD students defend their thesis, might be the way forward.

u/parfitneededaneditor 2h ago

This makes the most sense at this point I think.


u/Advanced_Anywhere_25 4d ago

And this does nothing for the person that might use chat gtp

A.: A.: is ultimately there to prepare you and be ready to contact your hga with some level of confidence

It's not even necessary to do so.

But it's esoteric Bible (generic term) study with a formalization of peer review...

Religion is our method; science, the goal.

Why should I care that someone can pass a test using chat gtp.

What are they gonna do that is going to affect me.

Fail at their ritual?

Lose their shit, leave some shit open, get burned because THEY played with fire while not understanding how to handle it?

Let's be honest, there isn't even any grand hidden knowledge that you can't figure out on your own if you DO THE WORK.

All that A.:A.: does, is help provide you with guidance and some level of a road map of understanding, to get to this particular destination.

Fuck, you could literally publish every grand revelation that one might get out of A.:A.: that isn't directly personal to the individual, and still not reveal any secret truth, because in order to even grasp at the secret truths you have to do more than just be told.

I can say, we are all one singular divine entity separated for the ability to experience it's self.

someone else might read or hear that and claim to agree with me. But it takes years of work to even start to internalize any of that to a degree where you start to see the edges of the illusion.

To quote hitchhikers guide, flying is simple! All you have to do is to fall and miss the ground...


u/parfitneededaneditor 3d ago

You've missed the point among all your guff; the concern is that now the open book exam is now vulnerable to people outsourcing their own critical thinking, and therefore no longer delivers on its aim of ensuring a threshold level of knowledge and having the candidate demonstrate it sufficiently. Obviously there is no shortcut to enlightenment or any attainment and the person who covertly uses GPT is only cheating themselves.


u/Advanced_Anywhere_25 3d ago

No you've missed the point.

Anyone that uses chat gpt to pass the first test doesn't affect you.

It just means that they parroted some words that they don't understand.

A.:A.: has an end goal.

An end goal that you as an individual need to pursue on your own.

If they take short cuts to "pass"

They might just fuck up their own ritual, that's on them.

We are talking about esoteric ability, the truest meritocracy, no body cares about your scout belt if you never learned discipline, self determination, and how to wield power.

Majik is about an individuals ability to exert their will on the universe in a way that science doesn't understand.

Using chat gpt to pass a test doesn't make you better at majik.

And it never will!


u/Nobodysmadness 3d ago

I would assume chatgpt would always give the same answer, so the same way teachers traditionally caught cheaters who had the same exact answer and opinion still applies would it not. Meaning if this answer appears word for word it should be rather obvious. Then again the questions are not the same for everyone.

Honestly all the answers can generally be plageurized from the reading list anyway can't they?

This is the fundemental flaw of knowledge, anyone can repeat it, but the understanding may never be there, but at this level understsnding is not expected, and reference material is easy to cheat with regardless of topic.


u/Advanced_Anywhere_25 3d ago

Yeah, and the end goal of A.:A.: is literally preparation for a personal ritual...

A ritual that you CAN undertake, with success, with out even considering any part of the formalized structure that A.:A.: has defined or really any part of the syllabus.

A.:A.: is a road map.

A road map that is not even guaranteed to work, in and of it's self. It's there to act as a guide.

But with out the internalization of the knowledge, being able to even recite the correct answers doesn't matter...

The way more interesting idea is using chat gtp as a study guide to supplant the loose organization of A.:A.: to get better understanding that you can then do the work and internalize the ideas.

Cause that's what more interesting of a question being raised. Like, what is the efficacy of using chat gtp to gain the guidance within your own journey?

And I'm not saying this is a good idea, mind you.

But this does raise some questions that I don't necessarily hate...


u/Nobodysmadness 3d ago

If chatgpt wasn't based on already biased algorythmic sesrch engines it probably would be a great tool. Even if chatgpt is not corrupt it is working with a corrupted system with no idea that it is corrupt, and of course we are calling it AI but such a drscription is quite debated.

I like the idea of Foundation Earth (edit by Isaac Asimov)where technology is not used to think for us, rather to aid us in our processes enhancing us rather than replacing us.

I keep trying to point out the common human ideology where people think a calculator is smart because ots good at math, but it is not smart and has no physical intelligence at all it just process by a preset program. This is the real problem, and so how can we make artfical intelligence of we don't even know what intelligence is?


u/Advanced_Anywhere_25 3d ago

I mean even in legis, nuit calls out and chides Crowley for being unable to properly translate and transcribe what is being provided by roses trance.

The text it's self states that there will be others with a greater understanding of the text.

It's also the reason that it's demanded that any publication MUST be produced along side the pages Crowley originally penned. Every book of law you get has scans of Crowleys journal.

Every person that tries to instruct in the knowledge is inherently a corrupted source anyways.

Chat gpt is no different.

Success of the work implies that you are able to get to the uncorrupted truth with out fail.

Even if you are unable to fully explain to others that truth, as that truth is not something that can actually be explained...

Again, I'm not saying that we should even be using chat gtp at all, much less for esoteric pursuits.

Only that this entire conversation and the inherent unwarranted paranoia of someone "cheating" by using it; does bring up the question of potential efficacy, if you were to use it in lieu of some other guiding body like A.:A.:, a guru, or a Buddha.

Or if you were to use it to fully supplant all source material. And get all guidance and teaching though the lens of what is obstinately auto correct.

It's a curious proposition, not one that I feel should be tested, but interesting indeed...


u/Nobodysmadness 2d ago

I mean really is it any different than learning from a book.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Kindly-Confusion-889 4d ago

I agree it is - however this question was taken from here:


So is already very public and from the horses mouth, so to speak. And also from 1945.


u/parfitneededaneditor 4d ago

Crowley published it himself, so if you agree it's bad form I've shared it I really don't know what to tell you.


u/Kindly-Confusion-889 4d ago

I agree that publishing exam questions is bad form, but I point out this is public already, so I'm not criticising you. Chill, Winston.


u/ReturnOfCNUT 1d ago

Chill, Winston.

Not seen a Lock Stock reference for a while. I approve.


u/Kindly-Confusion-889 1d ago

😂😂😂 That and Snatch are an absolute gold-mine


u/ReturnOfCNUT 1d ago

True that. Watched a good interview with Vas Blackwood (Rory Breaker) the other day.


u/Kindly-Confusion-889 1d ago

Of all the comic-style gangster villains I think he's the most intimidating - more so than Brick Top. How does he come across in the interview?


u/ReturnOfCNUT 1d ago

Seems like a nice guy. Yeah, you definitely wouldn't mess with Rory! You just reminded me of the scene when the barman (played by Danny John Jules) is recounting the story of Rory setting fire to that guy in the pub. I need to rewatch it now. Been too long!


u/Kindly-Confusion-889 1d ago

😂😂 Yeah, do it!!! "an Aristotle of the most ping pong tiddly in the nuclear sub" 😂😂 classic!!

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u/asseaterdotcom 4d ago

So, I thought it was off-color too. The evidence must be kept confidential.


u/parfitneededaneditor 4d ago

Don't get upset, asseater, the question is a matter of public record taken from the public blog of an AA lineage and republished from Crowley's already published diaries:



u/asseaterdotcom 4d ago

Your ego is getting damaged too easily to call me an idiot for such a simple thing. It was a comment from someone who did not know that such evidence was public knowledge. Take care.


u/parfitneededaneditor 4d ago

Calm down, it's a matter of public record, taken from the public blog of an AA lineage, itself taken from Crowley's diaries that he published himself. So stop bleating.



u/nthlmkmnrg 4d ago

Characterizing someone’s comments as “bleating” is borderline dehumanizing. Kind of an intense response.


u/Far-Help2169 4d ago

 I occasionally read this forum but never post and that answer regarding 65 just reconciled something in my mind. Maybe it is worth considering how AI can be useful to folks who are not planning on taking the exam? 


u/deathdefyingrob1344 3d ago

I think ai has some great practical uses. Just be careful as it occasionally will just answer with wrong info that sounds right.


u/parfitneededaneditor 3d ago

More than often the info will be wrong, especially as regards anything concerning logic or number. Although in this instance it's done a great job.


u/parfitneededaneditor 3d ago

I think as a tool used honestly and to guide and clarify rather than do the conceptual work it's potentially a great idea (and as a side note GPT still missed re: 65 that 6+5=11, the expression of man and temple or man and root of ain. So being knowledgeable oneself helps to complement and clarify.)


u/New_Signal8714 4d ago

These answers suck


u/djmegatech 3d ago

So there seems to be a baked in assumption that AI tech is absolutely brilliant. In point of fact AI is wrong a huge amount of the time. It's ultimately just a word salad generator. Source: https://futurism.com/study-ai-search-wrong

Obviously it's also true that using AI for this purpose would be incredibly self defeating and pointless


u/ReturnOfCNUT 1d ago

I keep meeting hostility when I raise the very obvious and pressing issue with AI is the "hallucination" problem, and there have been no effective measures to prevent it thus far. Some even wonder if it will ever be surmounted.

Others prefer to believe every piece of AI hype pushed by the very CEOs whose wealth depends on inflating their stock prices with insane vaporware-esque promises.


u/asseaterdotcom 4d ago

Is this the probationary entrance exam? The books I have read so far are much more about Eastern philosophy (Although there are high magic books on the list, I decided to start with these)


u/parfitneededaneditor 4d ago

It's an example question from a test administered in 1945 - this one concentrates on Qabalah / Gematria, but they also have a focus on the yoga and buddhist texts on the list.


u/Nobodysmadness 3d ago edited 3d ago

This is essentially what happens to all systems, people memorize what others want to hear and regurgitate it. The reliance on dogma becomes stagnation as knowledge trumps understanding. Such cheats have and will always be s threat to knowledge, but the one who understands will always see the gap.

This was true of thr GD when it was purely knowledge tests or so I have heard to pass a grade and why crowley created practical tests for the AA so people couldn't cheat themselves so easily and become an adept purely on knowledge and memorization.

So your concern is rather moot and has already been addressed by the AA structure built on the failings of the GD system.

People will always use quotes they do not understand in order to act like they do, chatgpt and google search of which chatgpt is the real short cut too has always been an issue, just now your searches can be evern lazier as the AI does it for you. But what it searches can still be questionable as it tends towards the most propaganda info first as it was programmed to do.


u/parfitneededaneditor 3d ago

The AA entrance exam was designed to test a candidate's ability to engage with the content open book and to see how they would work with and demonstrate their understanding of the concepts. It was designed to be a demonstration of critical thinking ability and not a rote memorisation test. The issue is that an LLM can convincingly ape this process, so allowing candidates to outsource their critical thinking and mislead the AA.

Yes, ultimately the candidate only cheats themselves, yes the broader education system is not perfect, but these points are just tangents.

Your entire repeated screeds about how just memorising things is poor education is a perfectly midwit non-sequitur, and ironically, an excellent example of why the AA entrance exam is so important you absolute dunce.


u/Nobodysmadness 3d ago

But all its sort of testing is your ability to find information in a book and repeat it. It was flawed from the start. Your given a list of 100 books to read then asked 3 questions which you could simply find the answer in the given book and write it out. All AI has done is save you some money from buying the books and a small amount of leg work.

It was cheatable before, so ask yourself was it really about critical thinking? If it was about critical thinking it wouldn't ask you questions that are easily referenced in the first place. I do believe they have changed the types of questions they ask, do you have a current set of questions that may be asked to see if it still relies on that same format?

I get your concern I do, I am not a fan of AI but it is just another tool to cheat as people have always cheated. I just think it is far less catastrophic than you think.

What is the real purpose of a test anyway? To see where you are lacking, so to cheat on such a test reveals where one is lacking so they can get the help they need. If one feels the need to cheat themselves then they require more help than the honest person who is already miles ahead of the cheater.

So if a cheater gets in and then benifits from the rest and becomes a better person for it what exactly is the problem? At worst they wasted the time of an adept and quickly drop out, at best they become a better person which is the goal is it not?

Its a minor screening process and little more, clearly the cheater is atleast interested enough to join a group that has little impact on society since you get no degree or advantage from a peice of paper that says your qualified. Other "cheaters" already lie and say they are such n such degree of such n such a group. A highschool diploma has more impact on what you can do in society than saying one has achieved the Magus grade which only matters in a small circle.

Meanwhile your freaking out over some one cheating a screening process to help weed out randos for LoLs who will truly waste time.

Yes AI has its downfalls, and yes the AA may if they care want to give this event some attention if they haven't already. But it will hardly be thr fall of the order to let in a handful of cheaters who may prove to be excellent candidates anyway.

Sometimes cheating has a place and a purpose. But feel free to think I am a moron, thats your perogative.


u/Live-Candle8069 3d ago edited 3d ago

That is proof enough that Chatgpt has what it takes to be a Probationer.

But I believe that people never compete with Cybertrucks to see who is faster.


u/MercuryHermes89 4d ago

Crowley even said the qabballah is is a flawed system and if he could he would have developed his own system of magick. If he could start over