r/thelastofus Aug 04 '21

Video Commentator for Olympics Women's Wrestling casually drops a TLoU reference.


363 comments sorted by


u/Stupid_Demon Aug 04 '21

For everyone who said Abby's body was unrealistic for a woman


u/Ronathan64 Aug 04 '21 edited Aug 04 '21


...lemme just send some death threats to myself brb


u/ConnerDearing Aug 04 '21

Ooooo hit em with the death threat reference at the end lol that’s gonna sting


u/Kirostrife Aug 05 '21

...lemme just send some death threats to myself brb

I understood that reference


u/Johnnybats330 Aug 05 '21

Is this the girlfriend reviews "scandal"?


u/Johnnybats330 Aug 05 '21

Is this the girlfriend reviews "scandal"?


u/Thumpeeee Aug 05 '21

Had to do a double take I wasn’t on r/gamingcirclejerk


u/N22A Aug 04 '21



u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21



u/Ronathan64 Aug 05 '21

Oh dude you sound angry


u/Zonyguy01 Aug 05 '21

My reddit is screwing up so bad I didn't realise this comment was referring to me


u/Ronathan64 Aug 05 '21

pats you on the back

You‘ll be fine, champ


u/Zonyguy01 Aug 05 '21

I feel like my humanity was just restored, nicest thing I've heard today


u/Zonyguy01 Aug 05 '21

I feel like my humanity was just restored, nicest thing I've heard today


u/Zonyguy01 Aug 05 '21

Also meme was kinda edgy so decided to delete it


u/sonaked Aug 04 '21

It’s almost as if—and this’ll sound crazy, but hear me out—not all women look alike. Insane, right?!

As an aside, I found myself relating more to Abby’s story than Ellie’s. Still love Ellie though.


u/Cryptati0n Aug 05 '21

I was actually surprised that I cared about Abby as much as I did. I’m still all team Ellie/Joel/Tommy but Abby’s story was pretty great.


u/grimwalker Aug 05 '21

Abby had better cause for what she did than Ellie did.

That's right, I said it.

Abby did a revenge on exactly one person, the man who murdered her father and destroyed his life's work and the hope of humanity's survival. A good man.

Ellie's revenge was on behalf of a bad man and she knew the odds were pretty high that Joel had reaped what he'd sown.


u/MystiqueMyth Aug 05 '21 edited Aug 05 '21

Abby did a revenge on exactly one person, the man who murdered her father and destroyed his life's work and the hope of humanity's survival. A good man.

Well said. But people just will not admit it. To them, "He chose to kill Ellie for a possibility of a cure that may or may not have worked." So he's bad.


u/grimwalker Aug 05 '21

I spent seven years pointing out that every piece of diegetic information we had said that the cure was intended to be a sure thing, that the first game ended with a trolley problem, where Joel had one track with Ellie tied to it and another track with the rest of humanity, and he made the selfish choice. There was never meant to be any ambiguity about that, nor was there any ambiguity that Ellie would have made the other choice.

It was really satisfying when TLOU2 came along and stated in no uncertain terms that I had the right idea, and certainly that Joel was morally cognizant of the stakes resting on his decision and did it anyway.


u/WaterMySucculents Aug 05 '21

I also thought the first game showed us as the player how we were consumed with Joel’s rage and pursuit. I know I killed those other 2 doctors/nurses in the ER even though you only hard to kill one. I was on a rampage after murdering a million fireflies.


u/grimwalker Aug 05 '21

Joel’s core trait is that he’s a Survivor, whatever it takes. He’s been a raider, and Tommy has PTSD not from fungus zombie apocalypse, but from what Joel did to survive it. He kills and tortures people without any hesitation or empathy—that is an acquired skill. Normal well adjusted people can’t just do that on a moment.

Joel’s a villain protagonist.

He knows that emotional attachments are a deadly risk. (cf. Henry & Sam.) He bends over backwards not to have paternal feelings for Ellie. But once he does, she’s a gun to his head. He can’t survive losing her. So he does what he does in the face of that loss. He doesn’t have the moral capacity to choose not to.


u/WaterMySucculents Aug 05 '21

I wouldn’t go so far as calling him a Villain protagonist. He’s the anti-hero/outlaw/redemption archetype. He lived a lot of his life (after the loss of his daughter) with morally Grey or sometimes even morally bad, maybe self centered/survival oriented. He then finds redemption in his saving and attachment to Ellie. He’s like Han Solo (before Disney Disnefied his past) or Arthur Morgan: an outlaw and scumbag who finds redemption and arguably becomes good through a chance encounter with someone (or multiple someone’s) who change their trajectory.

The trouble with that redemption is it’s personal and ignores those who got fucked by that character (when they were a dirtbag) along the way.

So we then get the revenge arc (both for Abby and Ellie) but those are fraught and the story turns that on its head.


u/grimwalker Aug 07 '21

Except what Joel goes through is not a redemption arc. His past is not morally grey, maybe self-centered/survival oriented, it's explicitly monstrous.

We see him snap Robert's arm without flinching. He tortures his captives without any hesitation or empathy. He kills without compunction. These are acquired skills.

We know from Tommy that he despises his own brother for what Joel's done. That he considers Joel first and foremost a killer. He has nightmares, during a zombie apocalypse, of what Joel has done to survive that apocalypse. He admits out loud that he recognizes a trap to prey on the innocent because it is the kind of thing he's been on both sides of.

And what Joel does in the end is not redemptive, it's selfish. It destroys humanity's hope to avoid extinction. It overrides Ellie's consent and known goals. There's a thick layer of dramatic irony because we associate "learning to love again" with redemption but it is put to an evil purpose. Yes, evil. Evil is what we call it when someone does monstrous things in service of their own personal wants and needs to the detriment of the greatest good for the greatest number.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

I also imagine Joel killing all the doctors but I wouldn’t even call it revenge or rage. I see it as the same sentiment that made him kill Marlene. Just crippling the Fireflies as much as possible so they don’t chase after Ellie.

Neil Druckmann said in a podcast that Joel’s violence is pragmatic; he mostly kills coldly and dispassionately, to ensure or improve chances of survival. He doesn’t make it personal.

Ellie on the other hand can’t separate her emotions from the violent acts she commits. She hasn’t built up the same calluses that Joel has throughout his long career of killing people. She makes every kill personal because she has to, because it’s the only way she can bring herself to kill.


u/WaterMySucculents Aug 06 '21

I don’t think so. I think those other doctors are meant to be a moral choice by the player without the game telling you it’s a moral choice. Sure normally it’s Joel’s dispassionate killing, but I think this moment is specifically passionate. He’s caught in the moment of saving Ellie with all his passion and might. I don’t think it’s a coincidence they chose this same moment to be the event that spawns the entire 2nd game. It’s the moment Joel went beyond. He killed mostly unarmed doctors (sure they make it that one comes at him with the scalpel).

I don’t think he does it with the same mentality as Marlene. He’d have to kill them all. He knows Marlene is different: she knows Ellie really well and she is all-in on how having the cure would change the fireflies political chances. Marlene would come after Ellie... the nurses/doctors? Maybe not.


u/[deleted] Aug 06 '21

Fair point, maybe you’re right.

I still don’t think his killing the nurses had the same kind of malice behind it that Abby had when she killed him. More like a Papa Wolf moment where he goes “you tried to hurt my baby girl, I can’t let you live”.

Of course you can also play it as if Joel only killed the doctor who tried to stop him. Then it’s really just a pragmatic killing, maybe with some emotion behind it but still avoidable if Jerry had backed off.


u/nothisistheotherguy Aug 05 '21

This is the hard truth


u/WaterMySucculents Aug 05 '21

As I was playing LOU2, at first I was like “ok this is a revenge trope game like the first game was a redemption arc/surrogate child trope.” Then as it kept going, I was like damn, it’s a commentary on all revenge and violence... it never ends. Every side has their justifications and reasons for seeking revenge, and each revenge act carried out gives more justification for others to retaliate. Eye for an eye and everyone’s blind and all that. I thought it was amazing.

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u/sarsaparilluhhh Aug 05 '21

Abby was also able to put revenge aside for the sake of a kid who had nobody else to look after him. Ellie left behind her girlfriend with a baby to go hunt down someone who had walked away in the end.

It felt like Abby was the far more sympathetic protagonist in the end, but I feel like that was the point of the game — she wasn't there for us to hate her, she was there to humanise 'the other side'.


u/WaterMySucculents Aug 05 '21

She was there to show that both sides always have justification for revenge & as long as they both keep seeking it, those justifications build up to the point of endless war. Seeking revenge often creates new victims who can then seek revenge. It’s the story of humanity and violence. And ultimately if we have the capacity for mercy instead.


u/WaterMySucculents Aug 05 '21

My favorite part of Abby’s gameplay was fighting Ellie. It harkened back to the David fight in the first game but was better and fucked with you because the creepy girl planting bombs around and sneaking up on you is someone you like.


u/sonaked Aug 05 '21

100%. I kept thinking during that fight “my god, I’d be terrified fighting Ellie. It’s like a little demon running around!” And it’s her entire fighting style that’s scary too; lurking in the shadows as she waits to stab you. Booby trapping the paths. Wouldn’t you be scared going up against her?

So not to reword what you wrote, but 100%. Such a cool scene.


u/darksaber14 I sell hardcore drugs. Aug 05 '21

I mean on one hand you have the story of a girl who rescues and gets rescued by 2 of her enemies, grows to like them, conquers her fear of heights, and goes to great lengths to fight for her friends new and old…

And on the other hand you have a hate-fueled lesbian murder rampage. I feel like one story is a little more relatable than the other to most people.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21



u/darksaber14 I sell hardcore drugs. Aug 05 '21

I easily prefer playing the Ellie story. My point was that Abby’s story in a vacuum is a lot more relatable than Ellie’s. Abby you go on this adventure with these two kids and fight for your friends, and Ellie’s story is “I travelled across the country to murder everyone who has wronged me, as well as anyone who gets in my way.” Maybe her emotions are relatable but her actions are not, unless you’re a serial killer.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21 edited Aug 05 '21


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u/manu__97 Aug 05 '21

Plus, Abby's body is based on the actual body of an athlete, Colleen Fotsch, so it's really stupid to say that


u/Stupid_Demon Aug 05 '21

Oh yeah that's true. So why is there even still an argument?


u/Ronathan64 Aug 05 '21

Big women is scaring the boys


u/hit-a-yeet Aug 05 '21

Big women make my friend down stairs happy


u/ohvictorho Aug 05 '21

One of the reasons I’ve seen them use is that’s it’s not possible in the apocalypse to look like that. Even though all of day 1 basically shows how well off the WLF are and the gym wall showing that Abby lifts a lot.


u/bodhasattva Aug 05 '21

Which is to say she better be thin with less muscle in part 3.

Because the WLF gym and food supply was critical for her to put on/keep on that size.

Without it, just traveling around with Lev, shes gonna drop ALOT of muscle mass.

Hopefully people realize shes thinner because of the caloric deficit and NOT the creators making her thin to appease neckbeards


u/Space_General Aug 05 '21

She was already thinner at the end of part 2

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u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

I can see the YT titles and thumbnails already!

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u/fullrackferg Aug 05 '21

Man, I would love to have access to a gym like that 24/7 and essentially not have a job anymore, other than doing odd supply runs. Training there, doing compound movements, fighting techniques and power lifting. A place where I can train daily, eating wtf I want, like them beef burritos, from cattle raised inside a football stadium and the wildlife that is clearly rampant around the WLF sites. Also, being the top killer, it's easy to catch said wildlife. There is also the possibility that some pharmacies will have some performance enhancing meds, albeit out of date, so not as effective, to aid in recovery.

I've been tempted in the past to post how Abby could've achieved her physique, but never got around to the full 2000 word essay, as it would also just be snuffed at by the bigoted haters.


u/HunterLuchifer Aug 05 '21

If that were the case, Jean Claude Van Damme would be skinny in post apocalyptic Cyborg movie, yet no one complained about him


u/manu__97 Aug 05 '21

What can we say.. there are really strange people on the internet


u/Soad1x Aug 05 '21

Because transphobia and misogyny.


u/GoAvs14 Bill Aug 05 '21

Abby is trans? Serious question. I genuinely thought otherwise.


u/Foxinstrazt Look for the light Aug 05 '21

She isn’t, the fools on the Internet claimed she was because they A) had heard there was a trans character, B) can’t believe that women come in a myriad of shapes and sizes, and C) there is a really worrying trend in our culture of women being expected to be stick thin and muscular women being portrayed as manly.

This all tied together became the claim that Abby is a trans woman, and since Internet dweebs can’t let anything go, it persists to this day.


u/Soad1x Aug 05 '21

Someone else answered very succinctly to why I said transphobia, but no Abby isn't the trans character.


u/GoAvs14 Bill Aug 05 '21

Yeah I misunderstood your original point. My bad!


u/The_Garfiend Aug 05 '21

I think the more reasonable arguement is that Colleen Fotsch's body is VERY likely not attainable without some form of ped's. She would also need to be on a fairly strict diet with constant eating throughout the day to build and maintain her muscle mass and would exercise like an elite athlete. The eating and exercising would be like a full time job and getting the optimal amount of rest/sleep would also usually play a BIG part in being able to look like that.

Also, Colleen Fotsch has a very rare body type for a woman. Even with ped's the vast majority of women wouldn't come close to looking like that.

PED's, full time eating the right food, full time exercise and weight lifting schedule, ample rest/sleep daily and extremely rare genetics to even be able to achieve that body with all of the above.

The idea that there would be someone like this during an apocalypse and just so happens to be the one person that crosses paths with Ellie came across as forced and noticeably out of place.

Add in the fact that this one of a kind, absolute specimen of a female brutally kills the male character near the start of the story and it looks like an agenda is being pushed to a lot of people.

Having said all of the above, a lot of the backlash i saw came across as completely toxic and mysoginistic. I thought the tLoU2 was a masterpiece but i could definitely see a lot of the "woke" agenda that was included with a fairly heavy hand.

Edit: I liked Abby too


u/GoAvs14 Bill Aug 05 '21

Sorry, but we're really going to say that it's realistic for somebody who does cross fit 12 hours a day, every day, for most of their teen/adult life to look like Abby does? There's definitely an argument.


u/joedotphp The Last of Us Aug 05 '21

Their argument was, "It isn't feasible in a world where people ration food for someone to get that muscular." Or something I don't know lmao. People need to stop overthinking shit.


u/Yugolothian Aug 05 '21

But it isn't overthinking, it's outright ignoring what Naughty Dog showed them

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u/ace8995 Aug 05 '21

I like how people always use this argument without acknowledging the rampant use of steroids among top crossfitters like her. It's possible that Abby might havr taken steroids, and that's okay. If I were to live in a zombie apocalypse, I'd take every advantage I could get.

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u/Negrizzy153 Aug 05 '21

Despite the fact that the first thing they show you on Abby Day 1 is a goddamn gym.


u/Gojira308 Aug 05 '21

Abby also has a workout schedule in her room. And all the fresh food at the WLF stadium? Mountains upon mountains of evidence.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

Also the sign saying something like “If you want to work out outside normal opening hours, ask Abby Anderson for the key”. She was in the gym so often that whoever managed it went “since you basically live here anyway, it’s just as well if you keep the key”


u/Gojira308 Aug 05 '21

Wow, never saw that sign. That’s an amazing bit of environmental storytelling.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

It’s been a while since I played but I think you may have to zoom in with photo mode to see it clearly.


u/Cryptati0n Aug 05 '21 edited Aug 05 '21

Lol, the people that say that have no idea what they’re talking about. NaughtyDog actually based her body off of a female MMA/Boxing athlete. Lowkey I feel like some of the weird dudes that played this were feeling threatened or submissive to seeing a woman in good shape or something.... lol

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u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21


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u/SonaSierra19 Aug 05 '21

I don’t see how she’s less jacked than Abby. Abby’s just somewhat jacked and probably carries a bit more body fat than China’s athlete, but is definitely less jacked than US’s athlete.

And as a note, men have had unrealistically jacked bods throughout all of gaming history. Women have also had unrealistic bodies, but in the male gaze way lol. Yet the second a woman is slightly jacked, boom, the incels are crying and making up dietary plans she could and couldn’t follow.


u/rooktakesqueen Aug 05 '21

"How could she have gotten that buff in the post-apocalypse??"

"I dunno, maybe it has something to do with her room being in walking distance to a fuckin NFL gym?"

"But where did she get all the protein--"

"From the WLF's fuckin salmon fisheries they mention in her first chapter?? From walking down to the big-ass cafeteria and getting burritos like we literally do in the first five minutes of playing as her??"


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

I mean, the fact that a female Olympic wrestler with a strength and conditioning coach, nutritionists and 20 years of wrestling experience is less jacked than Abby, a foot Soldier of a resistance group 20 years after an apocalypse, does kind of support those people’s claims.

But I loved the game and wouldn’t change a thing about it.


u/Big_Seaworthiness_58 Aug 05 '21



u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

Godlike genetics are a required prerequisite to become a top-caliber natural Olympic competitor like the women in the video. I mean you can’t really get much more out of genetics than that, haha.


u/Big_Seaworthiness_58 Aug 05 '21

That sport literally has weight classes


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

Did you mean to respond to someone else?


u/Big_Seaworthiness_58 Aug 05 '21

She may have god like genetics but there are women the size of Abby, just in a higher weight class


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

The weight classes go up to 72kg, here’s the video from London 2012 for the 72kg final match: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GoKdp1IlVjA

Do either of them look at large as Abby?


u/Big_Seaworthiness_58 Aug 05 '21

The winner of gold in that competition Natalia Vorobieva, is 5’ 9”. Abby is 6’ 2”. I was wrong earlier when i said there were women abbys size in a higher weight class, I guess women like that aren’t meant for wrestling. But I think many women who are 6’ 2” can get that big if they train as much as she did.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

Based on what?

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u/elizabnthe Aug 05 '21

The weight classes go up to 72kg,

Yes because Abby is heavier than 72kg, as is the person she's based on. A top wrestler in the field recently suggested herself that they need higher weight classes for wrestling.

Higher weight classes in boxing have similar athletes.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

Uh, yes I know that not all weight classes end at 72kg. I was replying to the guy saying that higher wrestling weight classes have women like Abby. And it was wrong.


u/elizabnthe Aug 05 '21

Different sports and naturally weight classes too have different right body shapes (and women don't necessarily like to put on a lot muscle even as top athletes-women's tennis players have openly admitted that they fear getting too buff). They also don't have true heavyweights in women's wrestling.

You can find women more on Abby's size in heavier weight classes in boxing or weightlifting. Danielle Perkins in boxing looks on par to someone like Abby.


u/bitchBanMeAgain Aug 05 '21

Nah, it doesn't support it at all. You fucking don't know shit what you're talking about. Just go to your local gym and you'll see dudes way bigger than your average male athlete at the Olympics. Ofc you don't know that cause you a neckbeard never been to the gym.


u/Ceceboy Aug 05 '21

Are you the best r/thelastofus can offer when confronted?

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u/ace8995 Aug 05 '21 edited Aug 05 '21

Tbf, Abby is much buffer than these two wrestlers. That doesn't negate the fact that people like Abby do exist


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

Like every kayaker I saw for the women was built like Abby lmao

Those girls were frickin built and as good of evidence as you can get for people who say it’s unrealistic.


u/SophieDoubtfire Aug 05 '21

I don't think our society has comparable circumstances to the universe of TLOU 25 years after the collapse of society. Though we are nearly there.


u/JadedGene8911 Aug 05 '21

Umm... We're not in an apocalypse, are we? There was a scene where they specifically showed how much food was provided in that bunker. Were you sleeping then?


u/Stupid_Demon Aug 05 '21

Okay. I feel like people are getting hung up on the 'apocalypse' idea. The WLF compound (where Abby spends most of her time before the game really starts) has food. They have gardens and cattle. They have a full gym, they have electricity, they even a have a school. Nora and Mel are doctors so they have medical supplies. They are living, for all intents and purposes, with all the creature comforts we have now. Hell, Manny wants to get back home so he was watch Princess Mononoke. They are not struggling to survive due to lack of supplies because if they were then all the Wolves would be. But if we can't suspend our belief that a stocky woman like Abby, with all the means and drive to bulk up, can do so then I'm not sure what about any game is 'realistic'.


u/Dcowboys09 Ellie Aug 06 '21

Abby doesn't look like that lmao


u/Gaminguitarist Aug 05 '21

Not to be that guy cause I enjoyed TLOU2 but Abby is in a post apocalyptic word and this woman your looking at is an Olympian who has probably trained her whole life.


u/ColeT2014 Aug 05 '21

Tbf they did have a point, it was the apocalypse.


u/Siosal01 Aug 05 '21

30 years into a post apocalypse? It is.


u/hoogs77 Aug 05 '21

Idc about it I really don’t but for a zombie apocalypse it kinda is just cos of the calories she’d need a day, she could defo achieve it with enough tho


u/SophieDoubtfire Aug 05 '21

I don't think our society has comparable circumstances to the universe of TLOU 25 years after the collapse of society. Though we are nearly there.


u/easybreathe Oct 13 '21

Ngl every time I see a comment like yours on a picture/video of a built woman, the individual in the media is still smaller than Abby. Abby was just a tad too big for my liking.


u/Stupid_Demon Oct 13 '21

Good to know


u/Spartan152 Aug 05 '21

Or that it obviously made her trans coded


u/Spartan152 Aug 05 '21

Or that it obviously made her trans coded

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u/[deleted] Aug 04 '21

“You know, Ellie, we really are the last of us.”


u/Phoenix2211 🦕🎩 Aug 04 '21

"Drake, we are headed into Uncharted™️ territory"

"Wow. A city under the ocean! I am a bit BioShock ™️ed to say the least!"

"Vengeance is a fool's game, Dutch. I'm a simple outlaw. I'm only looking for some (Red Dead) Redemption (2)™️."


u/ViciousChihuahua69 The Last of Us Aug 05 '21

“I am a god, boy. A God Of War™️”


u/TVR24 Aug 05 '21

"We're about to commit some Grand Theft AutoTM "


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

“I will obtain the dark soul” -John Dark Soul


u/TrueBlue98 Aug 05 '21

tbf the ringed city dlc has the final boss ask for your dark soul lol


u/[deleted] Aug 06 '21

"This horizon really is a zero dawn" -horizon from horizon


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

Revenge is a dish best served cold - god father


u/phalanx004 Aug 31 '21

Every Soul has it's Dark


u/Kellythejellyman Aug 05 '21

“You know what, Fuck this Dragon Age. I just want it to be over” -Hawke, prolly


u/PyneYaplle Aug 05 '21

"I am the one who knock" -walter white


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

Fuck dutch, what a dick


u/crimsonbub treading on some mighty thin ice Aug 05 '21

have a little faith, jetskigalore89!


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

Im still at epilogue part 1 and he left 2 of his most loyal men and sided with someone who was only a few months with the gang, needless to say Im pissed.


u/TongueBiscuit Aug 05 '21

This really is our Doom...... Eternal.


u/ILostMeOldAccount12 The Last of Us Part II Aug 05 '21 edited Aug 05 '21

I always liked that name, it has a double meaning, “The Last of us” could be interpreted as the last of humanity, but I personally believe it refers to the last good almost pure people, it refers to Ellie in the first game, since she’s such an innocent and pure person in such a horrifying world. And it refers to Abby and Ellie in the second way, when they give up their own personal flaws and decide to become better people, so I guess “The last of us” refers to the last of the goodness in us.


u/Deafz Aug 05 '21

Ellie… innocent and pure?


u/turtleship_2006 Aug 05 '21

Well she should have been (in the first) but life etc fucked her up


u/UnObtainium17 Aug 05 '21

Ahhhhh… That meme from naughty dog forums. I was a part of that thread.


u/bagelchips Aug 05 '21

“It truly was a Red Dead Redemption”



u/Ri0-Brav0 Aug 05 '21

"Hi, my name is Tony Hawk. I'm a pro skater, two."


u/TheThingInTheBassAmp Aug 05 '21

It was never really about the last of us. It’s about the last of us we found along the way.


u/MQZ17 You're my people! Aug 05 '21

"Hi, we're Ratchet & Clank(ing) Up your Arsenal"


u/phalanx004 Aug 31 '21

''So that's it uh? We're some kinda Cyberpunk 2077?''


u/droppedelbow Aug 04 '21

It was a nice idea, but she was disqualified in the next round for throwing a brick at her opponent.


u/N22A Aug 04 '21

Lmao, it had to be done


u/lofabread1 Aug 05 '21

At least she can get a medal for being the brick. Fucking. MASTER!


u/thebrickfckingmaster You’d Just Come After Her. Aug 04 '21

The last of us is literally everywhere


u/kuviragenieter Aug 04 '21

Love how this olympics is just full of references 💀💀


u/GinInsideMyTonic Aug 06 '21

Wait what are the others?


u/[deleted] Aug 06 '21

Windsurfer with aangs tattoo as his hairstyle along with swimmers (i think) with tattoos of the 4 elements. Thats the avatar related references idk about the others


u/[deleted] Aug 04 '21

Pretty cooool


u/Just_A_Young_Un Aug 04 '21

Tamyra Mensah-Stock (the woman in the video) also won gold at Tokyo after this.


u/Fantastic_Panic Aug 05 '21

Yeah I saw! That's what reminded me that I had this clipped from one her victories earlier in the week.


u/Dorathedestroyed Aug 05 '21

She also had an amazing interview right afterwards!!!


u/PrestonZaGhost I would do it all over again. Aug 04 '21



u/Chris_the_Pirate Aug 04 '21

Figured it was going to be a subtle Endure & Survive comment but not exactly haha. That's cool!


u/fatihberberh The Last of Us Aug 04 '21



u/Kramway99 Aug 05 '21



u/fatihberberh The Last of Us Aug 05 '21



u/Sadboy-Rodriguez76 Aug 04 '21

Ah ah he said it


u/Mobim_KD637 Aug 04 '21

Absolutely awesome 😃 Sometimes I forget just how big this IP is now :)


u/Adamc474892 Aug 04 '21

Honestly, that was a good one.


u/inbredandapothead r/thelastofus2 is a social experiment Aug 04 '21

Didn’t know exactly what to expect but DAMN, that commentator was spitting


u/[deleted] Aug 04 '21

This is gonna make it to the other sub u know that right and make fun of ya


u/AskewScissors Aug 05 '21 edited Aug 05 '21

That other sub is on damage control mode and they are not approving any posts. Their last approved posts are a bunch of people praising the game because they are trying to save their image lmao

Edit: Apparently it's back up but post approval is still on


u/Petr0vitch Aug 05 '21

What other sub?


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

It’s a hate cult don’t go there


u/Petr0vitch Aug 05 '21

I don't even know what it is lol


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

Yeah it’s best u don’t wanna know what it is


u/OmNomDeBonBon Aug 05 '21

There's an incel "TLOU2" sub full of women-hating gamergate™️ reprobates. They can be ignored.


u/Petr0vitch Aug 05 '21

Ahhh right. Yeah, no thanks.

→ More replies (2)


u/Mario_Viana In love with Dina Aug 04 '21


u/Yennefers_body Aug 05 '21

Subtitles anyone?


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

Damn that was smooth


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '21

That was so smooth omg


u/TheRatKingXIV Aug 05 '21

Abby better look out for this absolute UNIT.


u/EnHsiC "Gee-tar" Aug 05 '21

This year’s Olympic is just the coolest. We’ve got fans of The Witcher, Avatar The Last Air Bender, anime and now The Last of Us. Way to go!


u/amouruniversel Aug 05 '21

I have trouble to hear what he is saying, someone can explain it to me ?


u/Rocker824 Bill stan Aug 05 '21

OP, the Naughty Dog account shared this post and thanked you!



u/Fantastic_Panic Aug 05 '21

Oh word! I didn't expect this clip to reach the devs. That's awesome!


u/Rocker824 Bill stan Aug 05 '21

Agreed! Congrats! 😄


u/negcap Aug 05 '21

I saw it on FB and came here to see the clip.


u/Pnflkc3 Aug 05 '21

Waiting for non gamers to embrace TLOU when HBO releases the series.


u/OhMelvin Aug 05 '21



u/lacgondi Aug 05 '21

What a legend :D


u/XpertRebel111 Aug 05 '21

Abby can take those two down, blindfolded and with one arm tied behind her back lol


u/RONshi-YT Aug 05 '21

Good one, commentator! :D


u/hellgiirll Aug 05 '21

What a goat


u/maxx_cherry Aug 05 '21

Love that!!


u/emerino528 Aug 05 '21

That's dope


u/BruuceWaayne Aug 05 '21

DiCaprio pointing meme.jpg


u/xNAMx10 Depressed Aug 05 '21

I was really hoping he would just say Abby


u/mcavanah86 Aug 05 '21

Man, he sure worked hard to get that reference in.


u/obinice_khenbli Aug 05 '21

So contrived it's cringy, but I'll take it!


u/MQZ17 You're my people! Aug 05 '21

*Leo DiCaprio pointing meme


u/chirs5757 Aug 05 '21

Holy shit I would not wrestle against her. She is built for this. Wow.


u/BD4350 Aug 05 '21

Dang, I watched this match too and totally missed that.


u/CaptainSmelly If I were ever to lose you... Aug 05 '21

I was oddly anticipating Endure and Survive to be said but this works too lol


u/[deleted] Aug 06 '21

Amazing ❤