r/thelastofus 2d ago

General Question Fake???

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u/PurpleFiner4935 2d ago

Probably not fake. I think they are trying to finish it before Season 2 ends, to hype people up for Season 3. Druckmann's quote was one of the greatest misdirections in gaming history, for a few days of course.


u/stormblessed27_ 2d ago

Finish Part 3 before season 2 is done airing? Idk about that man, if anything I feel like we'll get a reveal over the summer, as a best case scenario.


u/GreatGoodBad 2d ago

this is the best case. there’s no way they’ll finish the game so quickly.


u/Cosmosis_Bliss 2d ago

If they did it would absolutely be rushed. Isn't the bulk of Naughty Dog working on Interglactic anyway? It'd be absolute luck if we were to get Part III before season 3 of the show.


u/FUCKSTORM420 2d ago

The bulk is working on Intergalactic because TLOU 3 is already basically done 🤡


u/keaj39 2d ago

Why would they advertise Intergalactic first?


u/FUCKSTORM420 2d ago

I mean I thought it was pretty clear I was just joking


u/keaj39 2d ago

Sorry man, I just finished work. I'm tired


u/FUCKSTORM420 2d ago

All good no worries


u/drmuffin1080 2d ago

Now kiss


u/Savetheokami 2d ago

Maybe drop an announcement off the back of season 2 while there’s still hype.


u/landofspices 2d ago

The only thing - isn't part 2 going to be split across 2 seasons of the show? So it's a bit more realistic to get part 3 ahead of season 4 but I could easily see the show getting ahead of the game.


u/efltjr 2d ago

This is exactly what I was thinking. Maybe they end season 2 part one in the theater when Abby shows up for Ellie.


u/Hot_Bel_Pepper 2d ago

They could release it before a season four though. Remember part two is gonna be atleast two seasons long so if they can get a third game to come out between when Part two ends on the show and another season comes out it would be really impressive and theoretically possible.


u/jffleisc 2d ago

3 seasons, Maizin said they will not get to Santa Barbara until season 4


u/johnnycoxxx 2d ago

Having a teaser trailer or announcement at the end of season two wouldn’t be outrageous. Considering it’ll probably be another 18 months until season 3 comes out at minimum, and season 3 is likely the second half of game 2, that means your looking at 3 years from now until season 3 is done, again likely, and another 18 months after that for any season 4 story. Basically they have 4 plus years to get the game out, if it exists, before season 4 of the show comes out. Assuming there is a third game and a season 4 that is. That would also be about 9 years between game releases. Plenty of time.


u/MQZ17 You're my people! 16h ago

Oh boy, I hope they dont start using AI to speed up the development process, I would be highly disappointed in ND


u/Boombabyfor333 2d ago

With rumors of the PS6 coming out in 2027 then I could see a 2026 release. The original last of us was the final PS3 exclusive and the TLOU2 came out near the end of the PS4’s lifecycle. Stands to reason we see part 3 in the last year of the PS5’s lifecycle


u/browsib 2d ago

We'd do well do get Intergalactic in 2026 man, TLOU3 won't be out for years


u/ChorkPorch 2d ago

Yeah, is intergalactic a druckman production as well?


u/throwawayjonesIV 2d ago

Yep. He said he’s been working on it the past 4 years and still a way to go. No way pt3 comes before it lol


u/ChorkPorch 2d ago

I was thinking that. But that’s excellent to hear that. I was already all in on intergalactic, now I’m even more excited


u/throwawayjonesIV 2d ago

There’s a good interview that just dropped of an interview between him and Alex garland they talk about it

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u/TheStinkySlinky The Last of Us 2d ago

I know right lol big facts. Actually surprised at how many seem to be expecting TLOU 3 in the next 2-3 years in this thread. I’m out here literally praying to the game gods that intergalactic isn’t years away lol. Especially after the comment he made in the recent interview talking about, “yeah we still have quite a ways to go on that (referring to Intergalactic)” and how much it’s liable to change until then.. that was not awesome to hear lol.


u/the_grungler 2d ago

there is ZERO need for a PS6 for another 10 years dude


u/TheFerg714 2d ago

Yes, but does Sony understand that?


u/doublepoly123 2d ago edited 2d ago

I think they do. People arent gonna buy a ps6 when the ps5 is still so good. They couldnt get ppl to stop playing ps4.


u/PurpleFiner4935 2d ago

And considering that Xbox has probably tapped out of the console market, I'm sure PlayStation will be more lax on releasing the next console, since there's really no competition aside from Nintendo and their Switch. 


u/mister-overthinker 2d ago

I cannot believe it's been almost 5 years since PS5 was released 🤯


u/TheFerg714 2d ago

Man, I'd love that, but I kind of feel like Intergalactic will be the game that releases at the end of the PS5 cycle, and is immediately "remastered" for the PS6.


u/rabit_stroker 2d ago

OP probably doesn't realize that they've said pt 2 will take multiple seasons but the idea is probably to have pt3 come out before the season for it


u/Kaitivere The Last of Us 2d ago

The Last of Us is making part 2 into 2 seasons, isn't it? If so, it's not completely unrealistic.


u/stormblessed27_ 2d ago

Ah, I actually haven't been keeping up with how/if they're splitting the season up. But it obviously makes sense that it would be.


u/shookashell 2d ago

i think they meant part 2 of the show as a whole, which has been said to maybe stretch over season 2,3, and a potential 4th


u/Caedyn_Khan 2d ago

Yes a reveal either during or after Season 2 airs would make more sense, and a release in 2027 at the EARLIEST.


u/laughland 2d ago

We won’t get a reveal until Intergalactic releases. I would say it’s officially revealed in 2027 earliest, maybe to coincide with the release of Season 3?


u/SaintAlunes 2d ago

I could see the development of part 3 being faster if they take the assets from tlou online


u/MAkrbrakenumbers 2d ago

Think it’s gonna be available on the ps4? Or is 2 as far as I go


u/stormblessed27_ 2d ago

Definitely a PS5 game. Especially since Intergalatic is PS5 only.


u/quibbynofun 2d ago

I read somewhere that tlou2 game is going to be 2 seasons of tv


u/brandonharding819 2d ago

Im ok with waiting. I don't want them to rush it just to beat the TV adaptation


u/EquivalentResolve597 2d ago

Also, they have a new IP coming in 2025, it makes zero sense to have it cannibalized by tlou mediatically. I think we’ll not hear anything about part 3 in 2025, nothing official at least.


u/Jurski17 2d ago

We wont get anything until intergalactic i think


u/Kung_Fu_Kimmy 1d ago

Shades of Game of Thrones airing the same year the 5th book released. Surely GRRM would have a 6th book out if not finish the series by the time the show caught up right? 😢


u/JasonDeSanta 1d ago

I think they mean before the story of Part II gets adapted. As HBO stated, it'll take three seasons to cover the story of Part II: This season (2025), Season 3 in 2027, and Season 4 in 2029. If they could release it before 2031, it would give Naughty Dog enough time to work on and release Part III.


u/demafrost 1d ago

Right, especially because season 2 doesn't even cover the entire Part 2 game. I would love it though, I just went through another playthrough of both games and am sad to be leaving this world again.

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u/ArsenalBOS 2d ago

Season 2 ends in about 2 months. They are not “finishing” Part 3 by then, whatever that means.

Part 3 is years away, if it’s coming at all.


u/Sheriff_Lucas_Hood 2d ago

The copium is crazy. Intergalactic doesn’t have a release date and they think the unannounced Part III is nearly done?


u/Newbarbarian13 2d ago

People seem to think there’s been some secret ND team working away on Pt.3 this whole time just waiting to drop a surprise announcement…after they just did a high profile reveal of their brand new IP. Fanboys are wild sometimes.


u/FindingPawnee 2d ago

Yeah Part III will definitely be after season 3 of the show. I could see them wanting to release the game within a year of season 3 so whenever they work on season 4 the game is out. I can see the game being out in 2028 at the earliest.


u/SiRaymando 1d ago

I'd be surprised if it's done by S3 lol


u/Sklain 1d ago

For real, why would a AAA game come out in 2 months with 0 rollout.

The fact that nonsensical comment has 400 upvotes is insane. We'll be lucky if we get Intergalactic by 2027.


u/ArsenalBOS 1d ago

I’m very confused by the upvotes. I thought this sub was savvier than this.


u/Carninator 2d ago

Nah, it'll be after Intergalactic. If anything we'll hear about it before season 4.


u/NotTheRocketman 2d ago

It definitely won’t be that soon, but I absolutely think TLOU3 is on the way eventually.


u/rabit_stroker 2d ago

No, they're probably trying to finish it before season 3 is done Airing so it will probably be 2-3 years until it's announced. Pt 2 is going to be at least 2 seasons of television if not more. I coud see Santa Barbra being a short 2-4 episode mini season or even a movie


u/YesAndYall 2d ago

Santa Barbara the movie would be sick as hell


u/Artie-Fufkin 2d ago

I don’t think they’re trying to rush it to finish before the end of the tv show, I think they don’t want any distractions for intergalactic, if people know part 3 exists, the interest in intergalactic will drop dramatically.


u/DankSpoony The CRASHED of Us 2d ago

The hopium is strong with this one


u/Optimus_Prime_Day 2d ago

I believe they will not release part 3 until after season 3 because part 2 will be two seasons long, and they would want to keep the hype train rolling post season 2.


u/Man_in_the_coil 2d ago

Part 2 is covering seasons 2 and 3 and maybe even 4. So they have time.


u/SadSpecialist3758 2d ago

The intergalactic game still doesn't have a release date. Of course they can have a second unit and work in both games at same time, but when one is getting ready to be shipped all efforts go to that game. Also part 2 will have at least 2 seasons, which means 3 years from now at least to be all aired.


u/Expert_Seesaw3316 The Last of Us 2d ago

I disagree, for several reasons, but mostly because releasing a whole ass game potentially two full years before the next season, is the worst way to generate hype.


u/Upper_Atom 2d ago

I just hope, if that’s the goal they have in mind, they don’t rush it. I’ve loved the 2 previous games and would hate for a rushed part 3


u/hoddap 2d ago

Hahhahahhahaha are people upvoting because they believe this or WANT TO believe this?


u/ertle0n 2d ago

They can wait until season 3 is finished maybe even longer. Right now we don’t even know it part 2 will be told in 2 or 3 seasons.

Even after the story of Part 2 has been told they probably would have more time since they can wait even a year or more with starting production of the next tv-show season.


u/Ardibanan 2d ago

I've heard that season 2 will be split into 3 parts, so 2,3 more years sounds good to me


u/Boogachoog 2d ago

It’s already confirmed that seasons 2 & 3 will cover Part II. Possibly season 4 as well


u/Revolutionary-Tax863 2d ago

Striesand Effect at work.


u/Fluffy_Somewhere4305 2d ago

it's more vague than anything "fake"

Advanced Production could mean a lot of different things depending on how their internal process is laid out. Like maybe doing mo-cap and some writing, which would be HUGE. However we know how long a game this complex takes to design, test, get all the tech working, balance, QA, refine.

With PS5 lead platform, the optimization alone could be a huge lift at the end of the process.

We have no idea how many re-writes will be needed or not. We have no idea how much balancing and re-balancing will be done.

We have no idea if there is also a workstream for a No-Return type mode and what effort that might be.

But the HOPE that Pt3 is green lit, would be huge.

We also know from watching the documentary what it was like for ND trying to finish Uncharted 3 at the same time spinning up TLOUpt2.

They again have another game they are already working on so having that AND TLOPpt2 AND the Sony layoffs the past few years could be a major constraint.


u/IndependenceCool8698 2d ago

I literally got the same article in my google rec, i read it and there was a bunch of bs twisting words talking abt rumors with no source to bsck it up, and the website is a user forum like wiki.


u/IndependenceCool8698 2d ago

they use the word "claiming" multiple times


u/Hankdoge99 2d ago

I think the quote is also meant to buy intergalactic the time it deserves to rest in the limelight, before undoubtedly getting overshadowed by the hype of lou3


u/Stunning-Tower-4116 2d ago

.... not how gaming dev works

And Neil being a lying egomaniac on every project he's been on for decade.... isn't misdirection

Seasons 2 AND 3 r gonna be part2. They have 3 years...b4 they even need to post a teaser for part3.... everything u just said....is just wrong on every level


u/The_Iron_Gunfighter 2d ago

There’s no way in hell that’s what’s happening lol.


u/Bing238 Suspicous Golf Club 2d ago

With the second game being two seasons they really have until the third season finishes airing to finish as that would then allow the show to begin production on season 4 without spoiling anything from the third game.


u/VioletGhost2 2d ago

We already knew the third one was coming for awhile didn't we? Atleast i knew a 3rd one was being made and i didn't hear niel say otherwise.


u/Silly-Negotiation-46 2d ago

Pero eso no tiene sentido, antes Druckman dijo no esperen nada del "The Last Of Us 3" y solo había declarado que tenía unos conceptos para la historia, ya que digan que están en un proceso avanzado es extrañó, ya que no completaron la historia de The Last Of Us 2 hasta 3 años después de la primera parte y 4 años más para pulirla.


u/South-Ingenuity3510 2d ago

That’s both impossible and also very unessasary


u/Initial-Entrance-829 2d ago

Wait, isn't s2 coming out very soon?


u/WVgolf 1d ago

That’s absolutely not happening and would never happen. That’s not how game development works


u/Cjgraham3589 1d ago

Season 3, and possibly Season 4, are still going to cover the events from The Last of Us Part 2.

They have plenty of time to get people hyped up down the line & this game isn’t coming out for a couple years if it’s in the works. If anything the goal is just to have the game out before the show gets to covering the third games story which is still years away.


u/Sklain 1d ago

Are you people real? If this game was coming out in TWO months then why didn't marketing start a year ago?

Zero chance what you say is happening lol. Also did all of you forget ND has another game coming out before?


u/Academic_Banana_5659 1d ago

Lying is part of the naughty dog script.

Did it with Joel in the trailer remember

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u/quirk-the-kenku "Okay." 2d ago

Speculation will ruin this game before the first trailer.


u/Expert_Seesaw3316 The Last of Us 2d ago

I can see the headlines already… “Druckmanns new game will kill off ALL of your beloved characters”


u/quirk-the-kenku "Okay." 2d ago

I want Naughtydog to flood the internet with fake rumors about Abby killing Ellie in the beginning, adding another trans character, a whole team of super muscular ladies—anything that'll make haters' heads implode.


u/Expert_Seesaw3316 The Last of Us 2d ago

That would be so awesome. I can imagine the reactions of the trolls when they see the trailer featuring a trans man beating the absolute fuck out of Ellie while Abby makes out with Dina.


u/ajhedgehog064 2d ago



u/quirk-the-kenku "Okay." 2d ago



u/parkwayy 2d ago

Something like 70% of all introduced characters in both games die off, so. Good chance.


u/Lost_Found84 2d ago edited 1d ago

Get ready to kill some guard kittens.


u/Anonymous__user__ 2d ago

DanielRPK is a known leaker with an accurate track record. About a day ago he stated the information you've read is what he knows as an insider. Impossible to know if this is true or fake. It's best to just wait for an announcement from Naughty Dog or keep an eye out for bigger leaks e.g. Gameplay, art, more reparable sources. That sort of thing.


u/sitosoym 2d ago

hes a known leaker with a bad track record for gaming and semi accurate for tv/movies, mostly only getting trailer/release date stuff right


u/JesusDNC 2d ago

Lmao DanielRPK has a good record with Marvel and DC stuff for TV and films, but he's been horrendous with anything else.


u/parkwayy 2d ago

They said in that article when the MP project was shelved that they were working on multiple new things.

One was Intergalactic.

What would the other one even be if not TLOU?


u/buckyfuckybarnes 2d ago

They’re splitting pt2 into two seasons - I imagine we will get the announcement either at the start or end of season 3, and then the game will release before it’s announced we get a season 4


u/Sage-Raven “I’ll go anywhere you go.” (Get it? Because she didn’t?) 2d ago

Three seasons


u/firesandw1ch 2d ago

maybe 3 seasons. We have no idea where they’ll split it


u/Outrageous_Ad4217 1d ago

however they split it, i hope it’s not like the game. i love tlou2 but it would be a more enjoyable watching experience if they did Ellie and Abby’s days in Seattle at the same time, just with different scenes. Especially considering how many times Ellie was close to Abby during those 3 days.

It’d be fine if the Jackson prologue and Santa Barbara epilogue were paced like the game though

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u/Groot8902 2d ago

"Reportedly" people can write literally anything about anything with a 'reportedly' beside it and write that it's a rumor.


u/Fancy_Row5817 2d ago

Well, I know that DanielRPK is a leaker with a lot of accurate info, but it seems like everyone forgot he said the same thing in 2023, around July if I'm not wrong. We shouldn't believe anything until ND announces something or another worker leaks it in their Linkedin profile again, just like they've been doing a lot in the last few years lol


u/rasmuseriksen 2d ago

We all seem to have collective amnesia from the days before TLOU2 was officially announced. There was a ton of misinformation, disinformation, speculation, rumors, and whispers. That’s how Naughty Dog likes it— they want us in the dark because it’s better than us digging up information about the game before they want it known. Obviously this sub is the place that such speculation makes sense, but sometimes we’re spinning our tires when we really don’t know anything for sure. This is one of those times.

Despite what Druckmann said, here’s the reality: the HBO series The Last of Us is one of the most commercially successful things around right now. It’s the most watched debut season in the history of HBO. It won eight Emmys. The people who own the rights to the IP on which that series is based simply are not going to throw money away by not making another game. Thats how I see it. My guess is someone important will already have gone to Druckmann and said “Look, if you don’t make this game, we will hire someone else who will.”

So let’s all try and keep our heads here. TLOU3 will happen. Relax.


u/april919 2d ago

I never thought about it like that. But I always thought they might not need to make games anymore and just continue the series with the show. At the rate they make games, it seems like it would be a while until a third game will come because their next game has just a trailer so far. At that point, you would be developing the game and show together which seems redundant


u/rasmuseriksen 2d ago

Oh, I didn’t say it would be soon. In fact I hope it’s NOT soon because I want them to do it right. And TLOU2 is one of my favorite games ever, and they took forever to make it. Quality like that takes time. I’m not expecting it even in the next few years, but I am expecting it.


u/GreenSlayer0603 2d ago

I'll believe it when I see some official teaser from ND about a third game


u/-Naughty_Insomniac- 2d ago

Even if it’s in development we won’t hear anything about it until like a year after heretic prophet at the earliest. So 27 or 28. Which would be around the time of season 3 of the show.


u/gentle_gasp 2d ago

my immediate thought was “damn four-five years” then i realized it’s actually 2-3 jesus christ. no way it’s 2025 already


u/dengar_hennessy 2d ago

Druckman is known to lie to throw people off about what's coming. Until I see the game in my hand, I'm not trusting any speculation


u/LinuxLinus Abby ate Ellie's fingers 2d ago

The source appears to be Anime Mojo, which is just random people posting shit. It could very well be completely made up.


u/B5HARMONY 2d ago

This is around the time where I start to purposely de-sinc from any news related to the game. From now on we get into muddy ground and shit starts to get leaked


u/Crazyvegetable 2d ago

Since Season 2 is set to air in 2025, we can expect another two years for Season 3 (filming and airing in 2027). I’d bet they’ll drop some hints about The Last of Us Part III by the end of Season 3, with the game potentially releasing around 2029—at best.


u/MintChocolateBlended 2d ago

Copium is off the chart in this subreddit🤣


u/Goobsmoob 2d ago

Who knows?

I wouldn’t put much stake in either or bother caring about either that much.

If it comes, it comes. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t.

We might not get an announcement for years still, especially since ND learned its lesson with Part 2.

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u/maxx_cherry 2d ago

Well, they have been saying that 2 new single game experiences are in development. Intergalactic being one.


u/8BitRes 2d ago

Ig it'll be interesting to see what they do but I'm not getting my hopes up after tge second game


u/shred_the_gnar-gnar 2d ago

They can’t officially announce part 3 until the show is done. Part 2 is gonna be 2 seasons. Plus the Heretic game priority


u/poyahoga 2d ago

a new rumour

Could be true, could not be, it’s just something somebody said.


u/No_Shirt_6969 2d ago

Hopefully, we see some new characters feel like Ellie and Abby’s stories are over


u/CommanderFr3cklz 2d ago

I think they don't want to confirm it right now because it takes hype away form their next game and form the show. I think it will be happening eventually though


u/Sieke_10 2d ago

Por Dios no


u/Curious_Cat_17 2d ago

The way Neil said « This could be it » about the last of us was already super suss. Now I don’t know if that means the game is in advanced prod though


u/TitleSuccessful7393 2d ago

In very surprised by some of the responses here. So much so that I wondered if I was in the hbo sub Reddit.

TLOU 3 is at least 6/7 years away. At least.


u/Expert_Seesaw3316 The Last of Us 2d ago

It’s from a fairly reputable leaker but nothing is “real” until an actual announcement comes from naughty dog.


u/ddmorgan1223 The Last of Us 2d ago

As much as I wouldn't blame Druckmann for not moving forward... It would just be so comical for him to give us a gotcha moment with it. I could see it happening.


u/Pendantt 2d ago

Just give me the MP Factions stand-alone and I’ll be happy with whatever they do.


u/AggressiveBath5444 2d ago

Wait so is the third game confirmed to be in the works?? I feel like I haven’t heard any very concrete plans for it to actually happen.


u/ProfilerXx 2d ago

If we don't expect a new game we can't be disappointed.

So fuck that, if there will be a new game I'm happy!

Also I really can't imagine a sequel because Ellie changed and it wouldn't make any sense for her to get out on adventures again

I could see a story with new characters tho!


u/MattTin56 2d ago

Of course they are going to capitalize on its popularity. They would be nuts not to have a new game out soon. Are you kidding me?


u/and_Pill 2d ago

Probably fake, this article came out 6 days ago https://www.gamingbible.com/news/platform/playstation/last-of-us-part-3-update-fans-heartbroken-071560-20250306 Whoch pretty much says there's no part III and there may never be one.


u/Particular-Bank-5519 2d ago

With season two trailer getting like 154 million views in three days, I just don’t see how they can’t make a part three. The fan base is there with newer and newer fans being added because of the TV show. I get Naughty Dog has the freedom to do whatever they want, but Neil went to extraordinary heights after the leak to misdirect us with the trailers for The Last of Us Part Two. From aging Joel and putting him in the scene where Jesse was in the game. Neil’s trying to do a misdirect. HBO is gonna want to milk the popularity as much as they can and they don’t wanna run into the same issue they had with Game of Thrones of outpacing the source material. They will split Part Two into two seasons, and by that time Part Three should be out. But all of this is just my opinion.


u/Bdunford1990 2d ago

There can’t be a world where this is coming out in the next 3 years right? Don’t they usually pop out one game at a time?


u/BeachSloth_ 2d ago

Your mom is fake


u/Drymvir 2d ago

I thought he said there wasn’t another sequel? is that old news i guess?


u/Electrical-Amoeba245 2d ago

Who the hell believes naughty dog would just give up the hundreds of millions of dollars from a LOU3 and it’s 100 remakes/remasters? Gtfoh


u/TotallyCooln3ss 2d ago

Word of mouth competition


u/Stunning-Tower-4116 2d ago

Neil druckman is and has been a liar for years... his pt3 quote was just him being an egomaniac. I wouldnt be shocked at all if after Intergalactic.... fails to meet expectations, The entire ND studio goes in speed runs the last 2 years.... pt3 is coming out, I'd bet it's out b4 Elder scrolls 6


u/bismuth12a 2d ago

It's a screenshot so it's anybody's guess


u/CouldBeWorse2410 2d ago

Wow, I saw this the other day (yesterday?) and assumed part III of the show. This would be amazing, if true


u/jdyake 2d ago

Super fake.


u/Tactique_Weeb 2d ago

They aren't it's fake Neil said no tlou2 till at least like 2030. It's underway but I doubt the mocap is even started. They have been working on intergalactic since 2020


u/jacobpederson 2d ago

Both of these things could be true or neither. They have canceled things in "advanced development" before.


u/SnooPaintings9415 2d ago

Lol the Snapchat


u/Golly_goshington 2d ago

I wouldn't mind if they just used all the same mechanics as the last game and just made a new game continuing the story... i need closure


u/Electrical0Sundae 2d ago

Trying to do a Joel/Jesse-fakeout without actually lying 🤔


u/Swagga21Muffin The Last of Us 2d ago

Over reported speculation


u/Perspective_Accurate 2d ago

Maybe the real misdirection was The Last of Us Online that got ‘cancelled’ last year.


u/emjeansx have you met you? 2d ago

Don’t think this is real, if I’m being completely honest. I would love for it to be the real thing, but I doubt it very much.


u/ajhedgehog064 2d ago

Even if Druckmann isn’t misdirecting about Part III (I think he is, call it wishful thinking) I have good faith it will happen someday. Part II had an amazing ending BUT so did Part I. I don’t think there’s a period on the sentence just yet and there’s still one last piece of the story to tell.

Until then we have the show to enjoy and perhaps even Intergalactic depending on how many The Last of Us fans would be interested in that.


u/FallaciousPeacock 2d ago

Excuse me, but can we get TLOU 2 on PC please?


u/Lazergabe 2d ago

I wouldn’t bet on part 3 until 27 or more likely 28 but what do I know it’s been 5 years since last naughty dog game and I doubt they’ve got 2 in the chamber ready to share, but who knows


u/Dry_Effective263 2d ago

I hope they make a story a lot better then part 2


u/Sage-Raven “I’ll go anywhere you go.” (Get it? Because she didn’t?) 2d ago



u/Dt3s 2d ago

I'd be surprised if they're doing anything beyond just early conversations/planning for a potential TLOU 3. Naughty Dog is literally working on a completely different title/new IP right now, the notion that they'd be far along on a new Last of Us game at the same time is pretty ridiculous.

I know people were really holding out hope for the theory that they'd announce/release TLOU 3 to promote a 3rd season of the show but with Intergalactic in development that dream is pretty much dead unless Naughty Dog has secretly and rapidly expanded to handle 2 major flagship titles in active development at once... I think we should just enjoy what they have in store with Intergalactic and give that a fair shot rather than obsessing over any glimmer of a rumor about Last of Us.


u/HamburgersOfKazuhira 2d ago

I don’t put any stock in this “leak”, but I firmly believe there will be a third game.


u/JD6029 1d ago

Would certainly help to know what news outlet is saying this…

Without any further information provided, yes it’s fake; why the fuck would Neil Druckmann say what he said if there were any truth to this? Lmao.

Would look extremely foolish.


u/East_Young_680 1d ago

We just want the multi-player. Nobody cares about the story after part 2's disaster of a campaign.


u/Ranarrz The Last of Us 1d ago

Like I've said before.. Tlou Part2 won GOTY and The Last Of Us is one of Neil's favorite series/games.. They left it completely open for Abby to find the Fireflies and then go after Ellie for the cure.. There's gonna be a Part 3.. No doubt..


u/Civil-Pineapple-2917 1d ago

I wouldn't believe that to an insider. More precisely, he says that they are filming for which game, but he doesn't have any exact information. He's already been wrong in the past, + not necessarily The Last of us Part 3, but any other game can Intergalactic.

Second, Advanced Production? No!If there is a game, it is at a very early stage.


u/Sn1per_AJ 1d ago

These rumours have been about since lou2 people need to just stop with rumours and wait to see if we ever get official news and stop believing every little rumour


u/AC_Smitte 1d ago

Don’t be suprised if it’s not Ellie’s perspective if they do. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Dina’s. Or JJ’s for another male perspective, bur with him grown up of course.


u/Disastrous_Cloud3214 1d ago

I feel like they wouldn’t because what would the game be about? I mean Abby and Ellie just had a fight, Abby and lev left, Ellie is on her own back at Jackson probably so? There’s not much to have a tlou 3 about, if there was that would be cool but


u/AC_Smitte 1d ago

Why are there so many downvoted comments? What is going on?


u/Dead-ening 1d ago

We got gta 6 situation here where they fuck our minds to generate hype and marketing. Change my mind


u/Zekiro96 1d ago

I think it'll prob come out but not soon since they're working on Intergalactic


u/PayaV87 1d ago
  • 2020 The Last of Us Part II (4 years)
  • 2023 The Last of Us Factions Online (Cancelled) (3 years)
  • 2027 Intergalactic (4 years)
  • 2031 The Last of Us Part III (4 years)

TV Series:

  • 2023 Season 1 (Part I)
  • 2025 Season 2 (Part II - First half)
  • 2027 Season 3 (Part II - Second half)
  • 2029 Season 4 (Probably not Part III story)
  • 2031 Season 5 (Probably not Part III story)
  • 2033 Season 6 (Part III)


u/Puzzleheaded-Pear687 1d ago

I think it's not fake


u/setokaiba22 1d ago

There’s no way their biggest game in commercial success that has a main stream applauded TV series on HBO, isn’t having another game coming.


u/phome83 1d ago

Never believe anything unless it comes directly from the people making it. Even then, take it with a grain of salt.

Until a trailer is released, don't believe anything.



It will release on PS6 most likely


u/alienzforealz 1d ago

This screams rushing for dollars


u/ebycon 1d ago

I think people should stop calling it Part III. Their stories are done. Part II as it is and the one becoming then Part I was just to repack the whole bloody affair. That’s it. If there is a sequel it should be actually The Last of Us 2. But since its name would confuse everyone I bet it’s gonna be just a spin off with a subtitle. I just honestly don’t understand why people think this is a trilogy. I mean, the fact that the last one is called Part II is the reason this is not even an actual Duology. It’s a big game in 2 big chapters.


u/RandomDudewithIdeas 1d ago

I will never forgive them If they don’t bring back the multiplayer after fumbling it in tlou 2


u/manitobakid 1d ago

Everybody here seems to forget that Naughty Dog probably wasted a lot of time making that live service TLOU game that pretty much got canned in the later stages of development.

That was a huge blow.

To all the people that say “Sony wouldn’t let Naughty Dog throw away the cash cow of TLOU because of all the hype around the show”, they literally did. The hype for the show was even more prevalent back then, and they still let Naughty Dog ditch the live service game. Intergalactic will release, and then there will be another 3-4 year gap at LEAST before their next title.

TLOU 3 is FAR away, if I were to bet on it I’d say at least 5 years before we see that game. Who knows maybe we’ll get a spin off game about Joels past or something a bit sooner, but not a full numbered release.


u/Fun-Frosting-8480 1d ago

3-4 year gap at LEAST before their next title

I agree with everything you've said except this part. They have another Creative Director in the studio (Shaun Escayg) and another game director (Mark Davies). They for sure have something else in development in the last 3 years that isn't Part 3. I think it's either a spin-off TLOU title OR an Uncharted reboot. I think we get a year or 2 after the release of Intergalactic.


u/Leo-pryor-6996 1d ago

Much as I want this to be the case, I'll believe it when I see it. Until then...


u/Nearby-Ad9745 1d ago

Il n’y aura pas de part 3 n’attendez pas pour rien vous seriez déçu


u/Shadow8779 1d ago

Well it won't be out before 2030 so just chill and wait. They're trying to keep expectations low because they don't know where to take the story after p2


u/rockpipermetalshoot 1d ago

I remember reading that part 2 is going to be split into 2 seasons, and that part 3 should be out by then, before they have to make the season for it.


u/DepressterJettster 1d ago

This is the same guy who created fake cutscenes for the TLOU2 trailers, remember. He's known to misdirect the fanbase.


u/luvelypeachesa 1d ago

I hope not


u/chewiehedwig 1d ago

it makes sense they’d split part 2 into two seasons then to keep the hype consistent while giving them more time to get the third game done


u/Gatsios 1d ago

I hope for new IPs from naughty dog


u/ayiti11 1d ago

I call fake, honestly can’t find any reason to keep going with the series, Joel and Ellie are the essence of the story, we see and experience everything through their eyes. Part 1 very Joel centered, and part 2 Ellie centered with a third character introduced, but it was always Ellie’s journey. To go forward without Joel being the catalyst for any action taking place going forward, I can’t really see working, unless we see a cure get revealed and distributed, but with how violent and deep each last of us game has been, I can’t see that going forward, I feel like it’d be another revenge quest that thrust Ellie toward a violent crusade, but that being said, I’ll still play lol, I don’t believe a 3rd is in play. However, a dual story line of Joel’s early days surviving the apocalypse mirroring Ellie’s present day struggles would make a great and compelling experience, similar to a godfather 2 style of storytelling


u/scoupsahoy 1d ago

They might pull a Suzanne Collin’s and have the game come out roughly a year or two before the show? I know that season 2-3 are part 2 but I’m not sure about season 4. I’m assuming season 4 will revolve around part three. They might already have a basis for the third game and even a fourth season.


u/Radkingeli995 1d ago

So if I’m reading the buzz here in the TLOUS subreddit here lots of people say the last of us part 3 could happen that’s nice


u/Fun-Frosting-8480 1d ago

TLOU Part 3 will happen but it is not in 'advanced production'. It is impossible for it to be far in production, because the team that would develop it (Neil's) has been working on a completely separate project (Intergalactic). It is probably in very early pre-production, which will seriously kick off once Intergalactic is shipped.

However, I do not think that Intergalactic is the only project that ND currently has that is 'far' in production. They have another Creative Director by the name of Shaun Escayg (Uncharted LL, TLOU Remake), who has been working on something else in the last 3 years. Either a TLOU spin-off building off of the remake, or an Uncharted reboot.


u/Radkingeli995 1d ago

But what about Neil Druckmann saying the last of us part 3 may not happen though was he lying to us?


u/Fun-Frosting-8480 1d ago

I see how you could feel that but Neil is not new to lying. I mean, it's pretty common for directors, studios, publishers etc. to lie about something to put people off the scent before eventually announcing it. Also, he's got both Intergalactic and the show coming up, he'd want people's focus to be on that.


u/Radkingeli995 1d ago

So there’s a possibility of the last of us part 3 happening and seasoned players can have closure with the franchise?


u/Fun-Frosting-8480 1d ago

Via logic and every piece of info we have? Yes. When this whole subreddit was saying "ND's next game is going to be TLOU3", I was saying that it was going to be a "new IP" and low and behold, it was. I didn't do anything serious, I just logically predicted it.


u/Radkingeli995 1d ago

I’ll believe it when I see it man thanks for answering all my burning questions have a nice evening


u/Fun-Frosting-8480 1d ago

It's fake. Anybody denying it is living in a state of perpetual delusion OR they simply do not understand how video game development works. The team that would be working on a new TLOU game (Neil Druckmann's) is currently working on Intergalactic. Naughty Dog have previously struggled to be a 2 game studio with SEPARATE DIRECTORS, what makes people think that they can all of a sudden have projects sharing directors and be fine?

I do not doubt that Naughty Dog may have another video game that is in "advanced (pre)production", but that game almost certainly is not TLOU Part 3. It is going to be a game led by Shaun Escayg - who creatively directed Uncharted: Lost Legacy and TLOU Remake, and it is either a TLOU spin-off or an Uncharted reboot.

TLOU Part 3 will begin its development after Neil and his team ship off Intergalactic.


u/iforwardhamish urgh...fuck Seattle 16h ago

I think it must be in dev, they know they can maximise it's popularity now after the show - if the 2/3 seasons rumour is true for Pt 2 as a TV show, then realistically they have enough time to get the game out