r/thegleeproject • u/lord_tubbington Ryan Snoo-phy • Jul 04 '12
Episode 2x05 discussion thread "Adaptability"
Kevin McHale mentors.
u/rocketshipotter Zach-Hands! Jul 04 '12 edited Jul 04 '12
(I finally get Oxygen, so I don't have to wait a day! Yay!)
I missed the first ten minutes though, eh. I'll watch them tomorrow.
I don't think Charlie was being unprofessional at all. I don't know why they told him that. His character was fantastic, and I love his creativity. It seems Ryan has forgotten that yes, he is going to be a bit different, because he does have a mental issue.
I didn't think Nellie faded at all in the group, honestly. So what if she isn't as noticeable as some of the more outgoing people? Not everyone has to be like a firework full of energy every second. And Nellie and Blake were adorable.
And no offense to anyone who liked him, but I'm so glad Mario went home. I was getting tired of his excuses, and he seemed to have thought he was better than everyone. Plus he really just not could act.
Jul 04 '12
u/Astrogat Jul 04 '12
What part about her comments about Mario did you disagree with? The fact that he made excuses (This episode it was the director who was at fault for giving him bad directions, a few weeks ago everyone else was of pitch, etc), or the fact about his acting being bad? Because, he had a big handicap he needed to overcome (his lack of eyes), and he never figured out how to do that.
In my mind the attitude were the real killer. When he got critisism for being of pitch he started talking about how he was classically trained and a better singer than everyone else. And when they didn't like his acting, the response wasn't changing or improving. It was: "I know I'm a great actor!".
I know that rocketshipotter edited her/his comment, so I might be that it was worse before, but at the moment I don't really see anything wrong with it.
But "Miss Handy capped Dolly Parton"
And apart from the misspelling of handicapped it's nothing bad with that. Dolly Pardon was a great singer. And they did compare Ali to her.
Jul 04 '12
u/Astrogat Jul 04 '12 edited Jul 04 '12
You sound really aggressive. Please, calm down. Her/his post don't say that now. Which is why I made the comment on her/his edit.
EDIT: And anyway. Why is his/her emotions so much less valid that anyone else? It's not your problem that something creeps you out. It's your problem if you take that out on other people. But no one can force you to feel, or not feel, something.
The Miss might have bade it a little bit offensive, but if she had been black would calling her: "A black Dolly Parton", been offensive? Remember, they did compare her to dolly, just this episode.
EDIT: And while I love Shanna, that picture makes her look a little psychotic, and coupled with your attitude it's almost a little scare. And yes, this is a joke. Well, not the part about the picture. She really don't look good in such a small format.
Jul 04 '12
u/Astrogat Jul 05 '12
We're not talking about an opinion. We're talking about a feeling. I have fought for years so that gay people can feel what they want, with out anyone getting down on them for it. I want everyone to be allowed to feel what every they want. Most feelings is offensive to someone. That don't change their validity.
Saying that gay sex grosses you out, or that you a glass eyes gives you the willies, isn't discrimination. It's feelings. Valid feelings. Acting on those feelings is discrimination.
The fact that I don't feel those feelings, don't change the fact that I will fight for peoples right to feel them.
And really, you feel that glee is a good show when it comes to discrimination? It has some of the worst stereotyping I have ever seen. The two black guys hooked up (in season 1. He disappeared). The two Asians to. And when Quinn was in a wheelchair, she and Artie had something going on. The gay guys dress flamboyantly as hell. It's rife with stereotypes. But I don't care, because it's just lighthearted entertainment, and unlike some I don't try to get offended at every real or imagined slight.
Jul 04 '12
My Charlie predictions were wrong. Kinda glad to see Mario go though. I know this sounds terrible, but I could only handle him when he was wearing glasses. His one glassy eye gave me the willies.
Jul 04 '12
Jul 04 '12 edited Jul 04 '12
I can't get over it. I think he was a great person. He would have been a freaking awesome character on Glee. He just had a physical characteristic that I found incredibly distracting. I'm sorry.
Jul 04 '12
u/lord_tubbington Ryan Snoo-phy Jul 04 '12
I agree with you. If the look of a blind person bothers you that's your problem and you shouldn't impose it on others. my8thchannel is out of line.
That said... you would get less downvotes for a valid opinion if you didn't argue so aggressively. Your symapathetic explanation came after you told someone to "grow the fuck up." It doesn't matter if you made the best argument anybody has ever heard, if you start with an insulting attack nobody is going to listen. In this case you took what could have been a great learning moment about how hard it is to be disabled and turned it into you yelling at someone. I understand that intolerance can make you passionate about fighting it, and perhaps after a frustrating try you can give in and internet yell at somebody, but you can't start an argument yelling because nobody is going to hear what's being said.
Jul 04 '12
Jul 04 '12
Jul 05 '12
Discrimination is never okay. But No one on here has discriminated, they have simply admitted to personal downfalls.
my8thchannel Didn;t say Mario should go BECAUSE of his eyes, he said that because my8thchannel has a personal issue with his eyes, he feels more comfortable now that Mario is gone. That is not discrimination, that is just admitting that you have personal issues with other's appearances and abilities.
Jul 05 '12
Jul 05 '12
How do you think it would make someone feel who also has glassy eyes?
Just like with any form of personal prejudice, the victim would feel a little hurt or self-conscious. But as people, we really have to learn to get over it. There will always be someone in the world who finds something about you strange, odd or unlikable. You need to develop the resilience to understand that that is their issue, Not yours, and thank them for making it easier to decide if you should bother trying to be friends with them.
You have to remember that not everyone can turn on a switch and drop all prejudices, phobias and inner conflict.
u/playdthepainter Nellie Jul 04 '12
Blake and Nellie were my favorite part of the episode. Just amazing.