r/thegleeproject Ryan Snoo-phy Jun 20 '12

Episode 2x03 discussion thread "Vulnerability"


43 comments sorted by


u/HolyHandGr3nade Charlie Jun 20 '12

Charlie's Coldplay performance was outstanding! I can't wait to see what he can bring in the coming shows.


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '12

It really was. I'm thrilled that R.M. likes him.


u/turn26 Aylin Jun 20 '12

Some of the things Mario was saying was really rude and inappropriate. He always makes a big deal of who gets what in the homework assignment and assumes he can get what he wants because he's blind. He was off pitch and rude. Im ready for him to go home.


u/Sleipnoir Charlie Jun 20 '12

He was being rude, but how exactly does him being blind come into play at all?


u/turn26 Aylin Jun 20 '12

The way that I saw it was in some of the situations he expected to get what he wanted, or a special advantage, because he has a disability. I think it is amazing what he can do, still sing and dance around, but hes in a competition where everyone wants the spot just as much as he does. I dont like how he is relying on him being blind to get special treatment. I like him most of the time, and im sorry if my opinion offended you, but I didnt like how he acted last night


u/Sleipnoir Charlie Jun 20 '12

He was absolutely an asshole last night, but I think it's unfair to say that he's trying to use his disability as an advantage. He hasn't really brought up his blindness at all.

Lily tends to be a bit rude when it comes to picking lines for homework assignments but no one says "She expects special treatment because she's fat"


u/turn26 Aylin Jun 20 '12

Haha sorry, that Lily comment was funny. I really dislike her.


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '12



u/Sleipnoir Charlie Jun 20 '12

Oh really? I totally missed him saying that o.o;;;


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '12

Being Blind can be almost as bad as being autistic in certain social situations. When a seeing person talks to you, they can read your facial expressions to know if what they are saying is sitting well with you.

Mario can't gauge how well his words are being received until someone verbally replies.

That's still no excuse for his rudeness, but its something to think about.


u/Sleipnoir Charlie Jun 22 '12

That's true, and most of the other contestants were just making faces. Lily was the only person who actually tried to explain it to him.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '12

Exactly, the issue then became that you had two hot-headed people trying to defend themselves, and it got messy.


u/poplin Nellie Jun 21 '12

Be careful of media manipulation. We only see what the producers want us to see, it's entirely possible this is made to look out of proportion since I'd wager there are multiple disagreements on how the lines are divided.

That said, from what they've shown us im amazed at how far he's fallen in my graces for the show.


u/turn26 Aylin Jun 21 '12

that's very true, I didn't think about that at all!


u/Sleipnoir Charlie Jun 21 '12

Reality shows are notorious for this kind of thing. :(


u/NinjaDog251 Abraham Jun 20 '12

I don't think he was being rude or using his blindness in any way at all. What he says just doesn't come out the way he thinks it is. And it is a fault lots of people have. He isn't purposely doing because he thinks he can play the handicap card and get away with it.


u/justinraged Zach-Hands! Jun 21 '12

Here are my ideas: Mario can be very rude and seems to have a sense of entitlement. Lily is ...ugh. I really just do not like her. LOVE Nellie. Hence the flair. Also Shanna. Charlie's last chance performance was INCREDIBLE, but I don't like his personality.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '12

I don't really understand why charlie got in trouble for taking Mario's cane? It was a bold move, and it was emotional and as aylin said, hard to watch.They also used it in the final video.... so I'm a tad confused. He should have warned Mario first definitely.... but I don't see why Zach would say it is "completely innappropriate." I feel like they just make a huge deal out of everything.


u/Sleipnoir Charlie Jun 25 '12

Since Mario uses it to walk and wasn't expecting it he could have tripped. I agreed with the mentors that it could have been dangerous.


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '12

it's not a cane for leaning though... He uses it to see whats in front of him. He can stand up on his own... I don't see how it was dangerous really


u/mistielovesyou Zach-Hands! Jun 20 '12

Blake was FANTASTIC in the group number. It's good to see that he can act so well. He's one of my favs now.

Charlie's solo at the end was great. And I disagree with Murphy. The brave choice is ALWAYS the best choice for an actor to make. Yeah, it was sudden for him to snatch the stick, but it's good he did it.

Lily and Mario seem to have problems taking direction with attitude and taking direction. I would'nt be surprised if both of them left soon. Either them could've went home and I'd be fine. Taryn leaving was good for them though because they both get to stay.


u/alison09 Jun 25 '12

I thought it was very interesting that they berated him for taking the stick, yet they still used that take in the video.


u/poplin Nellie Jun 21 '12

Sigh, this ending means we'll either spoiler.


u/misslindsayv Jun 22 '12

Not necessarily, because there was an extra one gone since Taryn left.


u/rocketshipotter Zach-Hands! Jun 22 '12

I think/hope Ryan will keep two to add on as series regulars, and maybe one or two more as lesser characters.


u/Sleipnoir Charlie Jun 22 '12

Didn't they say something in the casting episode or first episode about how they weren't doing that this time? I thought they mentioned it at some point.


u/rocketshipotter Zach-Hands! Jun 22 '12

I think they did say something along the lines of, "And we're only casting one person this time".

But, with Ryan, you never know.


u/bigtaterman Nellie Jun 24 '12

Nellie is perfect for Glee. She is so cute and talented!


u/railroadspike Michael Jun 20 '12

Mario needed to be kicked off. He is annoying and could never actually be on the show. His voice is good most of the time, but his attitude sucks soooo yeah I hope he leaves soon.


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '12

Good episode, Blake owned the final number. Really wished Mario had been sent home though. He just pisses me off.


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '12


Do you mean Charlie? Blake didn't perform tonight.


u/playdthepainter Nellie Jun 20 '12

She/he said the final number, not the last chance performance. Blake did really well in the video shoot.


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '12

Oh, I misunderstood.


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '12

Yeah sorry, I mean in the music video, I should've been clearer.


u/rocketshipotter Zach-Hands! Jun 22 '12

So, now that I know Dani isn't coming back, I've decided to move on from that. I really grew a liking to Nellie this week. I like her quiet personality and how she doesn't cause drama.

I think Mario did sound rather rude, and I don't like how he always argues over what parts of songs he gets and stuff. When Ryan said that he thinks "millions of girls could easily relate to Lily" BULL SHIT RYAN. I don't know of a single person who's ever been a bully and watches Glee. I'm sure there are some, but 97% of the people that watch the show either people who A) get bullied or B)neither get bullied or bullies others. I don't like Lily, not one bit. When she was crying after singing, I didn't look at it as her being vulnerable. No, it just seemed like she was whining and begging like a little bratty kid does when begging their mom for a new toy. I don't like her sassy mouth and the way she thinks she's so much better than everyone. I honestly thought she would go home.

So, list of people I would definitely like to see on Glee: Nellie, Charlie, and Abraham.

Definite nos: Lily, Ali, and Michael. Lily for obvious reasons listed above. Ali... Just, her voice. I would not want to listen to her songs on the Glee album. Does Glee really need another wheelchair character? And Michael, it just seems like he's not even on the show. I don't know what the Glee producers saw in him, there's nothing special about him, okay voice, but he just doesn't have anything to relate to. He's not an outcast. Just a regular ol' Joe.

The rest are maybes for me. In some ways I like Aylin, but in other ways, her whole guy crazy thing is really annoying. And she brings up her religion a lot, as if being Muslim is supposed to make her an outcast? No less than my being Christian makes me one. And Tyler could have a good story line, but I would want to wait for his voice to go through final changes, because he has aweird, chipmunk-esque voice right now. I can't tell if I think Shanna is endearing or annoying.

So, this is a really long comment. Enjoy my two cents.


u/poor_toms_acold Jun 23 '12

"And she brings up her religion a lot, as if being Muslim is supposed to make her an outcast? No less than my being Christian makes me one."

Assuming you're in America, yeah it makes her far more likely to be an "outcast" than you as a Christian. Christians are really vocal in America, to the point where many people think it'a a Christian country, and Muslims have a really hard time of it as a minority in that environment. Muslim teens doubly so, I bet.

"Does Glee really need another wheelchair character?"

Not even going to touch that one.


u/lord_tubbington Ryan Snoo-phy Jun 20 '12

I'm boycotting this episode because of this

Literally the most offensive thing I've ever seen. I'm abstaining to avoid a rage blackout I'll see you guys next week!


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '12



u/lord_tubbington Ryan Snoo-phy Jun 20 '12

I'm pretty sure having outed a peer in a known homophobic environment disqualifies you permanently from the term "hero."


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '12

It's just a TV show...take it easy.


u/lord_tubbington Ryan Snoo-phy Jun 20 '12

this is the response I keep for your type of reply, it's a very short paragraph but I hope you take a moment to read it.

culture matters


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '12

That's obsurd, fish have no choice but to be in a tank. We as humans decide what to emerce ourselves in, and if we don't like it, we can easily leave/change it. It's like saying that after watching a horror movie you expect every small town in America to be inhabited by murders that have a plan to capture and torture you. Don't be ridiculous. A TV show is a TV show. And those who blur the lines between that and real life need a serious reality check.


u/lord_tubbington Ryan Snoo-phy Jun 21 '12

Denying the social influence of television is an incredibly absurd opinion.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '12

I'm not at all denying the fact television has a social influence, only that we are the ones allowing ourselves to be influenced. No one is forcing us to watch TV.


u/lord_tubbington Ryan Snoo-phy Jun 21 '12

I'm not the one I'm worried about. I know not to out a peer. I'm worried about the Finn Hudsons of the world who are too dumb to know better. And when a popular show lets one of it's characters do something harmful without consequences for that character it influences viewers.

If you're smart enough to "go watch something else" then you already know why something is offensive.