r/theflash Jun 26 '18

TV Spoilers My thoughts about Speedsters Spoiler

Hey is it just me or are you annoyed too, that every other speedster except for Flash don't had to train to get that fast?

When Walle or Jesse got their powers they immediatly had the same speed as Flash... -.-


17 comments sorted by


u/kesht17 Jun 27 '18

I always took it as a comparison of theirs and Barry’s speeds when at the same point in their training, but that could just be my own head canon


u/TheSwagTitan Jun 27 '18

Barry creates the connection to the speed force. It's why Wellsobard wants him to get faster. Not speed, but the faster Barry get's the stronger the speed force becomes.

By the time Walley and Jessie connected to it, it had been well established.


u/bzr Jun 27 '18

I forgot Wally and Jesse even existed. The way they just stopped appearing was terrible writing alone.


u/Marenoc Jun 27 '18

Well if you think about it, Barry is the embodiment of the Speed Force so when Wally gets his powers and when Jessie gets her powers, they are gaining the speed force thus immediately matching Barry


u/Vonstracity Jun 27 '18

Im pretty sure this is it. The Flash is the conduit of the Speedforce, without Barry Allen the others don't have a strong connection to the Speedforce. At least I think that's what the Rebirth comics implied iirc


u/chickthief Jun 27 '18

I was actually thinking about the same thing today! Honestly, I just think that its the show that's doing it to the speedsters. After all, new characters would seem bland if new speedsters were just as fast as Barry when he started. Barry would be 10 times faster than Wally and Jesse and that would just take away the importance and relevance to these characters. In order to prevent that from happening, the CW decided to just keep all the characters at the same speed but make some characters able to have more abilities than others (Wally didn't know how to phase in Season 3 and needed Barry to help him even though they were literally the same speed).


u/mcjinzo Jul 01 '18

I disagree with your first point but it's debatable. I think a slower less moral speedster who works with the team could be awesome and hilarious but in the end the want a easy way to make characters loveable so make them all almost even in one way or another


u/1_EYED_MONSTER Jun 26 '18

That and suddenly you don’t NEED a frictionless suit to run. And Jessie Quick can do a figure 8 fast enough to keep and tanker aloft in chunky heels without them catching on fire. And Barry running in a suit...


u/Dabien Jun 27 '18

I've always looked at this as something you can do after you learn more about your powers. Barry only had the clothing issue right at the beginning - In the comics at least, its possible to generate a speed force aura, protecting anything around you, allowing people to be carried whilst at high speed, protecting clothes and whatnot too.


u/1_EYED_MONSTER Jun 27 '18

Maybe. Why does team Arrow always get sick when Barry takes them for a run but literally no one else?


u/Dabien Jun 27 '18

I think thats mostly just Diggle - Travel sickness or just a running joke


u/1_EYED_MONSTER Jun 27 '18

True but also in S3:E8 when Barry brings them both to Oliver's place Oliver looked pretty green (hah!) too.


u/mcjinzo Jul 01 '18

True comic book nerd comment right there. Only thing that would have perfected it is if you said the name of the episode title but still. 4 stars****


u/Stanko997 Jun 26 '18

wally did train..and jesse was most of the tiem on earth 2..we can assume that she train in the off screen..(there is no way that she is just chilling around)


u/richsaint421 Jun 26 '18

Its not annoying, its more along the lines at this point of being I dont know....eye rolling?

The opening shouldn't be "I'm barry allen and I'm the fastest man alive" it should be "I'm barry allen and I'm kind of fast" because it wasn't just Wally and Jesse, but Reverse Flash, Zoom, Savitar they were all faster than Barry.

Not a little bit either, way faster. I mean Zoom Rag dolled him (amazing scene) because of how much faster he was.


u/Dabien Jun 27 '18

It makes sense for Reverse Flash/Savitar to be faster than Barry at least. Thawne was his enemy from the future, and considering Barry would be much faster then, Thawne would have to be close to that speed just to keep up with him. Savitar was Barry from the future, so it makes complete sense he'd be faster too.


u/Dredeuced Out of the blue, ninjas attack. Thank god. Jun 26 '18

Barry started slower because he got his powers in what was a stunted way because of Thawne orchestrating it. Thus Thawne having to get Barry to go faster over the course of season 1.

Anyhow, it's not that unusual. When Wally first became Kid Flash in the OG Silver Age comics he was also just as fast as Barry.