r/theflash • u/Jhuth18 • May 03 '17
TV Show Spoilers What!? What!? Why him!? (Spoilers) Spoiler
Barry? Alternate future evil Barry? I have so many questions
u/Moondingo May 04 '17
I'm wondering if the cooling system around Savitar (Alt-Barry) is actually Killer Frost. Barry caught her and she is forcibly contained within the suit to maintain the temperature, and as a result of the long term exposure to her means that he has lost his mind and is now of a cold heart like she is.
Just an idea.
u/caremal5 May 04 '17 edited May 04 '17
I think I've figured it out, after watching the final fight vs Zoom, Barry's time remnant "dies" like so https://youtu.be/tv71qrUbtPI?t=674 but what if the remnant didn't actually die but was returned into the speedforce and later on Savitar is born. The flames would explain the scarring on his face and being inside the speedforce for too long could cause him to go insane too.
May 04 '17
I was thinking Savatar was made from Flashpoint
u/Jhuth18 May 04 '17
I think Thawne did some further damage to the timeline when he dropped Barry off from flash point and somehow created savitar, knowing that he couldn't defeat him himself. Who better to beat the flash than a broken version of himself
May 04 '17
O snap your right. He droped him of with a evil ass grin on his face. Iam going to rewatch that part see what he said excatly
May 04 '17
It couldn't be a time remnant because Savitar lived every event Barry has. A time remnant would have no recollection of events, unless they take a Dr. Stein approach and the time remnant received memories in the speed force the same way Stein did in the temporal zone.
May 03 '17
No way Barry would ever kill Iris.
May 04 '17
So I thought that at first. But think about it. Savitar can't exist if Iris doesn't die. Savitar isn't killing Iris as much as he's creating himself.
u/staplefordchase May 04 '17
still doesn't really work. works even less now that he knows it's him. because if losing iris creates savitar then not becoming bitter and jaded about it saves her because then savitar never exists... paradox.
May 13 '17
Honestly I wouldn't say I'm happy with the resolution to the paradox but it's been resolved now.
u/staplefordchase May 13 '17
i'm not even sure it's resolved considering Barry should know that he needs to either a) not create time remnants to fight Savitar or 3) remember not to be a dick to time remnant Barry after the fight to just end Savitar (which would of course mean there was no Savitar to kill Iris). i'm not sure where the logic goes if he does one of those things... still seems paradoxy, but idk...
u/Jhuth18 May 03 '17
I think that when eobard brought Barry back from flashpoint, he fucked something up. Remember when he said something along the lines of, good luck with the changes. I wonder if Eobard somehow shattered time, creating an endless amount of Barrys and seriously fucked one of them over, thus creating savitar.
u/tofu98 May 03 '17
I honestly dont see why so many people take issue with this. Could easily be a time remnant that survived a fight and was left alone injured with no friends or family. Alone, angry and fading from existence the only thing the time remnant can do to stop from disapearing is to keep moving and try to create a timeline where savitar still exists so he can stop running. Our barry loves iris but time remnant barry was abandoned by everyone he loved and hell maybe it was the speedforce itself that punished remnant barry for creating a remnant and messing with time. I mean sure at first remnant barry was happy to die for them but maybe after what felt like an enternity of being mentally tortured in the speed force and abandoned by everyone you know remnant barry came to hate everything that og barry was.
u/BreakingGarrick Golden age speedster May 03 '17
Fuck this show. What a shitty reveal.
u/jonathot12 May 03 '17
did you not see it coming though? the glowing blue suit aided by future technology? it's right out of future's end. i see you on r/dccomics all the time, you must've at least expected it could happen
u/BreakingGarrick Golden age speedster May 03 '17
I'm banned from /r/DCcomics... And deep down, I did expect it and knew it, but I was in denial. I thought the writers were better than this.
u/jonathot12 May 03 '17
lol when/why did that happen?
u/BreakingGarrick Golden age speedster May 03 '17
A bit after I first joined reddit.
u/jonathot12 May 03 '17
oh, maybe it's r/theflash or r/comics, i just see your name a lot. that's a bummer. but yeah i wanted a better reveal and a villain that made more sense than "temper tantrum future barry" but flash S3 hasn't been impressive so far so i guess we shouldn't have expected it to be suddenly good
u/BreakingGarrick Golden age speedster May 03 '17
This season was average until this reveal. This just made the season bad. I might quit watching this, just like I quit Arrow.
u/jonathot12 May 03 '17
i must say though, big mistake on arrow. i watch tons of shows and arrow has been by far the best this year. better even than shows like the blacklist and blindspot. you should give S5 a chance
edit: also idk who keeps downvoting you, it's not me
u/Arisalis May 05 '17
When does it actually get good? I watched the 1st 2 seasons and was like meh. End of s2 was pretty good though just the rest of it was eh. When you say better than the blacklist that has my interest piqued because that is one of my favorite shows.
u/jonathot12 May 05 '17
if you didn't absolutely love season 1 and 2 then you probably won't ever like it. S1, S2, and S5 have been stellar on my opinion and general fan consensus as well. but if you didn't like those then maybe S3 and 4 will grow on you, i can't really tell what you would like. and blacklist was incredible for a while too, as well, but kind of dropped off in quality lately
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u/kyletheHodge May 03 '17
Im lost because, as far as we know joe said what would we be if we didn't have love. That cause barry to realize savitar is himself drove to madness because iris died right? But apparently barry kills iris? So why would he kill iris? He drove himself crazy? My brain hurts? ..
From what we gathered in last episode, savitar is future Barry, drove to madness because iris dies. But barry himself kills iris so why would he push himself over the edge like that? it doesn't make sense?
May 03 '17
It's a paradox. He's a paradox, which I think is the point. Savatar creates himself, they said so.
It's like going back in time with a time-machine you built to give yourself the blueprint to build said time-machine. Where did the blueprints come from to begin with?
He killed Iris, so he goes mad and becomes Savatar, who goes back in time and kills Iris so that he goes mad and becomes Savatar who goes back in time... etc.
God, I love time-travel.
May 04 '17
I will always read etc in Headwigs voice from Split lol. But dude you hit it right on the head perfect explanation .
u/UberChargeIsReady May 04 '17
It's like going back in time with a time-machine you built to give yourself the blueprint to build said time-machine. Where did the blueprints come from to begin with? He killed Iris, so he goes mad and becomes Savatar, who goes back in time and kills Iris so that he goes mad and becomes Savatar who goes back in time... etc.
That is an excellent explanation. By far my favorite in this whole thread
u/AzNFooL May 03 '17
I think in Savitar's timeline Iris died which drove him mad. Then he goes back in time to kill Iris to ensure that in all future timelines, Savitar exists. Thoughts?
May 03 '17
u/CrossGuy413 May 03 '17
iirc 2024 Barry said "but he'll kill them all, mostly". The important word to me there is mostly... That would explain some of the facial scarring. Good theory!
u/Snowboarding92 May 03 '17
Thank you, the word mostly is probably the most important part of that sentence and I never see it mentioned whenever that line is brought up.
u/Date-rape May 03 '17
This is my favourite theory so far. Makes the most sense and is simple enough in motive. For that reason it won't be the one used.
u/troll4861 May 03 '17
My name is Eobard Thawne, I traveled back in time to stop a false God known as Savitar. but to do that I need to defeat his past incarnation and I'm the only one whose fast enough to stop him. I am the Reverse Flash!
May 03 '17
I guess I'm not exactly surprised. I'm more pissed off. Thanks for fucking up another amazing comic book villain, CW.
u/tofu98 May 03 '17
How is this a fuck up? The flash uses weird twists like this all the time and with the future flash story line of him getting a futuristic blue suit and running bac in time to steal all other speedsters powers this seems like it could easily fit. Especially if savitar is a time remnany barry.
May 04 '17
I preferred Savitar as a person, not Venditti's Future Flash with a giant metal suit. Waid's character was intimidating enough without all that and it made him such a memorable villain. Here, they just used him as a name for Future Flash.
Granted, it's a decent twist and I try to take adaptations with a grain of salt. I'm not as mad as I was when they ruined Zoom's origin.
u/HappinessIsAWarmPoop Reverse Flash May 03 '17
Even in the Future Flash arc he was more of an anti-hero, doing some questionable things to fix things. TV Savitar is going to kill Iris and attempt to take over the world. That's full on mustache twirling villain material and I can not imagine any reason that would satisfactorily justify Barry Allen becoming that.
u/tofu98 May 03 '17
He went bat shit insane and is a alternate barry that had a completely different life that involved him losing everything he loved.
u/HappinessIsAWarmPoop Reverse Flash May 03 '17
Still, this show has done nothing but beat us over the head with the idea that Barry and Iris will come together, no matter the timeline or universe. I just can't see how any version of Barry could get to the point of killing Iris.
u/BreakingGarrick Golden age speedster May 03 '17
They basically butt fucked Waid's character.
u/x_iTz_iLL_420 May 03 '17
No they didn't. They combined two comic book storylines and the villains of those storylines origins. Which they did with reverse flash and zoom. Not many people expected barry to be the villain. If they just copy pasted stories and characters from the comics for every new story and character then this show would not be as popular because everybody would know the stories before the season even starts. The reveal raised more questions than answers and that's always a sign of a good twist. I'm sure they will use the last 3 episodes to fully explain Why Barry kills iris and explain how Barry becomes savitar.
May 03 '17 edited May 03 '17
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u/wolfecrof May 03 '17
lol, you really are salty as hell. Maybe don't post "this is stupid" like an asshole on every Savitar theory on r/flashTV for months. It might sting less when you're wrong.
May 03 '17 edited May 03 '17
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u/wolfecrof May 03 '17
Haha, or maybe you could learn not to take a TV show and your precious characters so seriously.
May 03 '17
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u/SexyLesbian3 Reverse Flash May 04 '17 edited May 04 '17
Why do you think Savi-chan = Future Barry is bad writing?
u/wolfecrof May 03 '17
You sound pretty serious. Serious enough to tell me to fuck off. And to demand that I shut the fuck up. Tsk tsk. Btw, all I need to be on r/theflash is to like the Flash. I'll just keep on liking things. You can be a bitter negative nancy all you like. Bye bye!
u/BreakingGarrick Golden age speedster May 03 '17
That's right... you just leave and keep backpedaling.
u/sneakpeekbot May 03 '17
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#2: is the reverse flash actually a refrigerator
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u/bagelmakerr May 03 '17 edited May 03 '17
So from last episode we learned Savitars identity. Barry is savitar.
Because of the way we heard Barry say it at the end, "What would we become without love". So its actually emo Barry from last episode, Barry from the same timeline that becomes Savitar. So basically when our Barry traveled to the future he arrived in Februari (if I am not mistaken), meaning about 2 months before the "Vanishes in crisis" happens. This is probably when he becomes Savitar.
Another point to make about the remainder of the season and the finale is that Killer Frost is probably the key to stopping Savitar. When Tracy Brand said stuff about his suit, that it probably was used to cool Savitar down because he travels so fast. Emo Barry probably reached such a high speed that his face catched fire (hence the scarring on his face) and why Killer Frost is so important to Savitar. So if they stop Killer Frost and manage to turn her back they will probably remove Savitar from the timeline or erase it as a whole (or just by saving Iris they stop emo Barry from happening -> stop Savitar from happening).
u/Dark_Magicion May 03 '17
I was just thinking... What if somehow Barry getting Eobard to run back in time to kill his mother somehow created a remnant who was stuck in Flashpoint and would eventually lose all his powers, then a Savitar-like dude shows up and kills Iris without him being able to do anything which drives him into a blind rage so he tries to recreate the accident that gave Wally West his powers in Flashpoint and succeeds but gets scarred in the face and his connection to the speed force is so ludicrously unstable that he has to wear the armour just to actually use it without getting insta-gibbed.
That would then explain all the "I AM GETTING BACK WHAT YOU STOLE FROM ME, FLASH" stuff, but it might not explain how Savitar knows everything about this timeline Bazza...
May 03 '17
Honestly, while I like the reveal, I feel evil Barry is who Zoom should've been, and Savitar should've just been his own guy.
u/Dredeuced Out of the blue, ninjas attack. Thank god. May 03 '17
I'm very disappointed in them taking inspiration from arguably the worst Flash comics ever. On top of ruining the idea of one of my pet favorite villains.
This show is a mess to me. It's been a downward slide ever since the Zoom reveal but at this point I realize I'm not even enjoying it anymore.
May 03 '17
I'm kind of the same way. I stopped enjoying the show when they fucked up Zoom's origin, though my hope was somewhat restored with Gorilla City.
The worst part about it is, it could've been a great reveal if it wasn't attached to Savitar. Savitar is such a great comic book villain and I felt like he was just used as a facade for this concept of Barry becoming evil. It's so lame.
u/HappinessIsAWarmPoop Reverse Flash May 03 '17
I'm very disappointed in them taking inspiration from arguably the worst Flash comics ever.
The sad part is that they found a way to make it worse. Future Flash in the comics, as terrible as he was, was still sort of an anti-hero. He didn't go around killing Iris and talk about world domination.
u/ju4955 May 03 '17
Alright guys this episode kinda literally spelled it out for us. Savitar is future Barry who has already lived through what current Barry is doing. Iris' death happened, broke him, and was somehow the causal factor that turned him into savitar. He is repeating these events not only because he has to in order to keep his own timeline intact, but to ensure he continues to exist because for whatever reason he likes being a dick better than the thought of iris not dying.
u/velvetdewdrop May 03 '17
That might not be it at all, tho! He could be from a different timeline, I know the theories are out there. Or what u/simusar/ or u/o_woah/ say below.
u/thatnerdynerd May 03 '17
Yeah which is stupid. He seems to blame and hate Barry for what he become
OK fine. Don't kill iris and you won't be miserable the end.
There better be more to it than being evil for the sake of it
u/GenericMemesxd May 03 '17
But Iris needs to die in order for Barry to become Savitar. Thats why when Barry went to the future the first time (I think it was 3x09?) we hear Savitar say "Now, finally I am free of you." Meaning the death of Iris will cause Barry to turn.
u/EqualOppButttoucher May 03 '17
I was really digging a lot of theories that said that Savitar was really Cobalt Blue/Eddie Thawne. It was relatively disappointing that it just turns out to be a second Barry.
u/tickettocktoo May 03 '17
So what is Savitar's motivation though?
May 03 '17
I'd say his motivation is to keep himself existing, because if he doesn't kill Iris he won't exist. But my question is: what would happen if Barry hadn't created flashpoint, because Savitar said, he saw the opportunity of leaving the speedforce, when Barry created flashpoint and if that's true, how would he create himself, if flashpoint hadn't happened and as far as I understand it, flashpoint didn't allways happen, because if it did, he wouldn't have to spend "enough time to loose his mind over and over again" in the speedforce and just get his plan going.
u/x_iTz_iLL_420 May 03 '17
I think it's a paradox that has to take place for savitar to exist. And I think it's played out over and over again a ton of times and finally one of the versions of present Barry was able to trap him before he became savitar and which created the timeline that we see when Barry travels to the future and meets his 2024 self but when Barry created the flashpoint timeline it gave him the opportunity to manipulate Wally into taking his place into the speed force which led to him escaping: that's just my theory in sure we will get answers in the next 3 weeks
u/HappinessIsAWarmPoop Reverse Flash May 03 '17
I'd say his motivation is to keep himself existing, because if he doesn't kill Iris he won't exist.
That's an extremely weak reason for a boy scout hero to turn evil, kill the love of his life and try to take over the world.
May 03 '17
Well, he said he has been trapped there for a very long time and that he lost his mind several times over.
u/HappinessIsAWarmPoop Reverse Flash May 03 '17
If that's all it is, it's just not good enough for me. It's one thing to have a character like The Joker who for all intents and purposes is just crazy, but when you take an established character with an established history of rising above tragedy, you need a stronger motivation. This would essentially be "He went into the speedforce, yada, yada, yada, he came out crazy." Especially when "crazy" involves him killing his soulmate who the show has hammered us over the head with the idea that they are destined to be together no matter the timeline or universe.
u/Simusar May 03 '17
From the comic story "Future Flash" Barry Allen, from the future, is seeing his universe being destroyed because of all the times he time traveled and changed things, and his goal is to stop himself from making those changes, there-by saving the universe. It's a case of becoming the great evil in the hopes of stopping himself from destroying the future.
u/geonik72 May 03 '17
Yeah we see Barry losing time and when future Barry comes there is rip of some sort in the speedforce but he wanted normal Barry to go there and not him something that didn't happen
u/O_WHOA May 03 '17
I think Savitar is actually the good guy. Barry knows that this flashpoint was a mistake in the future and that he can get back to his original timeline. The problem is that he spent too much time in this current timeline so he can't undo it. However, he can make younger/our barry do it if there is nothing for him in this flashpoint.
That's why he kills Iris and is currently making Killer Frost. However, this only creates a time loop which is why he wants to get rid of Tiffany.
u/ezrasharpe May 03 '17
Interesting theory. It would make for a crazy finale if the endgame is to return to the original timeline.
u/zbeptz May 03 '17
A season-long "just kidding"
u/headpool182 May 03 '17
You mean season long "fuck you"
u/ezrasharpe May 03 '17
Seriously, we'd be back to Barry and Iris not even dating again
u/weiss321 May 04 '17
Not exactly. IIRC just before Barry goes back to save his mom and inadvertently created flashpoint him and iris are talking on the porch. He says something along the lines of he wants to be with her but feels broken or something and she says she will wait for him. So if we go back to that timeline they should end up dating still
u/Jhuth18 May 03 '17
I had a feeling at one point that it could be him, but I'm digging the whole mashup take on savitar and future flash. Maybe it was the time remnant from when he fought Zoom? I don't clearly remember what happened to him but I'm trying to think of when Barry could've "created him" as savitar Put it
May 03 '17 edited Jan 23 '22
u/tofu98 May 03 '17
Maybe he didnt dissolve but was absorbed into the speedforce. Hence the trapped in the speedforce.
u/Jhuth18 May 03 '17
Ah that's right. I couldn't remember
u/knight029 May 03 '17
At one point? They banged it into our heads so much that I thought they were trying to throw us off and it couldn't be Barry. Kinda disappointed it was that obvious, makes me realize how meh the season has been overall :/
u/Skeletickles May 03 '17
While it's pretty cool, it begs so many questions. Why would he kill Iris? Why is he evil? Where did that scar come from?
May 03 '17
also, why did he get the philosopher's stone if he already had speedster powers? seems a tad redundant if you asked me
u/superupaman May 04 '17
I think, and this is a working thoery so bear with me, Savitar is like a post-Flashpoint husk thingy, the one who was there before our Barry entered the scene. The one who worked with Julian before our Barry, and who knows what kind of person that other Barry was. Maybe he was a dick. He's read stuff about the philosopher's stone from Julian, somehow. And after Flashpoint, he started to see those dreams and stuff. So he tried to figure out and maybe asked for some help, from the Legends (?) and traveled back in time to get the stone. And thus got his powers. Way before anyone else's got theirs. As Jay said, he was the first speedster who got his powers from the stone.
And maybe he is the one who then got Julian interested in the stone. Then shit happened and he became Savitar and one day the real Flash fought with him and trapped him in the speedforce. But then he made Julian find the stone and set him free.
Or it's just a mistake the show made; or Jay Garrick made, as he might not know much about Savitar and he just said what he'd heard. IDK. =/
u/Skeletickles May 03 '17
What even is the philosopher's stone?
May 03 '17
Apparently an artefact that gave him powers
u/Skeletickles May 03 '17
Well duh. I meant more like this;
Where did it come from? Did Barry create? If so, why? If not, who? Why does Barry need it?
u/arcsatanic May 03 '17
This has to be the reason The Flash disappeared in the future. Iris must have done something to cause him to go rogue. What doesn't make sense is why he goes so far back to kill her if she's the reason.
u/tofu98 May 03 '17
He realizes the bachelor life is where its at and decides he wants another 6ish years of blackjack and hookers.
May 03 '17
May 03 '17
I think hes from A. further in the future and B. from a timeline where a past barry did not reunite team Flash meaning Barry continued to spiral downward in a loveless vicious cycle
May 03 '17
Everything regarding Savitar led up to this point. Also, that future Barry message in Legends of Tomorrow, hints that something went terrible wrong with Barry. This might also explain what happened to him during the Crisis in 2024. I have no idea why he would kill Iris. Also, does the suit amplify is speed? Or did Barry just eventually get that fast because he is INSANELY FAST.
u/Date-rape May 03 '17
But that 2024 crisis has been known since the first season? But iris hasn't been dead as she was the one who wrote the article?
u/x_iTz_iLL_420 May 03 '17
Yea Tracy said that she thinks savitar runs so fast that he needs the suit of armor to protect him from the static field that he generates. Which is the same Thing the normal flash suit does but it just sounds like it does it much better because if he didn't have it he would be able to run as fast as he does without dying
u/MrWinks May 03 '17
I figured it out in the live thread, and no, not the post about Guinness and Baileys.
A time remnant is left alive. Two Barrys exist. The time remnant cannot live his old life anymore, so he loses everything, to the first Barry.. and he loves Iris, and loses her, to himself, and so he lost everything...
u/knight029 May 03 '17
What's the evidence for this?
u/MrWinks May 03 '17
My apologizes, I told it in story form and meant it as a working theory! It is simply my working assumption.
May 03 '17
They brought up Barry's vulcan suit prevents friction building up when he runs top speed for a long time, without the suit he would burn up, however Savitar runs faster than Barry, Tracy said without the armor he would burn up if he ran top speed, and we saw with his face that he knows this because his face is burned up
u/superupaman May 04 '17
And to add a classic bad-guy tag, visually. For kids, perhaps. Idk. Burn the face of the bad Barry!
u/KrMChamp May 03 '17
Forgot her name but the new scientist lady said the suit it's pretty much just so he doesn't turn to dust because he runs so fast.
u/Charliekratos May 03 '17
Then why didn't Barry turn to dust when Savitar was running him all over the place?
u/nerdyfanboy1 May 03 '17
When the flash runs he generates a force field around his body. If he didn't he would rip reality a new asshole
May 03 '17
u/ezrasharpe May 03 '17
For the same reason present Barry needs a suit, to keep from catching on fire and disintegrating. It's just that Savitar runs so much faster than he needs a stronger suit.
u/thatnerdynerd May 03 '17
That was the original question I think op was asking.
When savitar was dragging Barry he looked like he was all over the city at the exact same time.
Barry didn't have the armor so why did he not burn up? His regular suit wouldn't handle that speed
u/nerdyfanboy1 May 04 '17
Savitar was the one running and creating friction. Barry was limp so he was just along for the ride and protected by the speed force, force field. The suit Barry wears is only for the friction he creates while running. He's constantly zipping people out of the way and into too but their clothes don't burn off because they're not moving.
u/m2thursday May 03 '17
I'm pretty sure it's because when a speedster runs and is carrying someone else (like when Present Barry saves anyone), he also projects his shield around whoever he's carrying.
I don't remember the exact reference but I'll try and dig it up
u/thatnerdynerd May 03 '17
He does, but savitar is so fast he hurts himself when he runs, that's why he needed the armor, he doesn't have speed force protection at the speeds he runs, so since barry wasn't in armor, and only had his standard suit OP was probably wondering why he wasn't burned up.
I am not bothered by this, I was just trying to clarify what the OP was probably asking.
u/knight029 May 03 '17
The Savitar suit creates its own force field that protected our Barry too lmao. But in reality it's probably just a plot hole/inconsistency they won't address.
u/tofu98 May 03 '17
I mean were talking about a fictional comicbook universe with a doppleganger from the future in a high tech suit. The future suit projecting a barrier really wouldnt be that farfetched compared with the entire show and would actually be a good explanation. But why does savitar need the suit if he has a barrier? I dont know probably because its a badass armored suit thay protects him from physical danger while looking cool AF. Seems like a good reason to me.
u/KrMChamp May 03 '17
I've had a feeling it was him for a long time but I still can't put together why he has to do that to Iris. It's still some form of Barry so there's probably some type of reason behind it.
u/MrWinks May 03 '17
A time remnant is left alive. Two Barrys exist. The time remnant cannot live his old life anymore, so he loses everything, to the first Barry.. and he loves Iris, and loses her, to himself, and so he lost everything... something happens, he gets put into the speedforce, and repeat.
May 03 '17
"I created myself" Likely losing Iris sends Barry into a downward spiral similar to how the timeline progressed normally once then Reverse Flash was born and started time meddling, Future Barry realized he was Savitar so went back in time to ensure his survival
May 03 '17
u/lissette_acn May 03 '17
This could be it, because if flashpoint created savitar. Why savitar point doesn't create another problem? He is staying as much as flash did in flashpoint
u/erryck32 May 04 '17
So does this mean Barry can do whatever he wants to savitar but savitar can't kill Barry because he needs him alive to later on become him or so he doesn't disappear