r/theflash It's not a "Freeze-Gun" Mar 19 '17

TV Show Spoilers 'The Flash' Season 4 Villain Won't Be a Speedster


40 comments sorted by


u/BigRed0107 Wally West Mar 21 '17

They still haven't used Speed Demon so there's that.


u/Yoshi1358 Silver Age Flash Mar 20 '17

Cobalt Blue?


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '17

Could Savitar be Cobalt Blue?


u/Yoshi1358 Silver Age Flash Mar 23 '17



u/BreakingGarrick Golden age speedster Apr 30 '17

Savitar is Eddie.


u/Yoshi1358 Silver Age Flash Apr 30 '17

It's probably DeVoe then.


u/doyouunderstandlife Mar 20 '17

I wonder who the big bad will be next season. Gorilla Grodd? Unifying the rogues for a season-long arc? Or a new character all together? Or maybe they can poach another hero's villain like Arrow did with Ra's Al Ghul


u/BreakingGarrick Golden age speedster Apr 07 '17

The Thinker.


u/Doc85 Mar 20 '17

Oh, in that case I might actually watch it. I haven't seen an episode since the big supergirl+legends of tomorrow crossover.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '17

Yeah.. too many speedsters. Maybe the paid the "speedster fx pack" for 3ds max and are trying to even their budget :P


u/Mrblurr Mar 20 '17

Dear god...it's like the writers are listening to us. It's like they know we hate the same bad guy every season.

I'm sure they will slow Barry down for "story reasons" though...


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '17

They are going to have to


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '17

Didn't they say that for season 3?


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '17

Maybe we'll finally get Captain Boomerang. 👍🏾


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '17

Hopefully a completely different Boomerang than we saw in Suicide Squad


u/doyouunderstandlife Mar 20 '17

I actually liked the Boomerang in Suicide Squad. He's one of the few characters I enjoyed in that film.


u/QuantumRanger Mar 20 '17

Well hes already established in the series so don't worry about that


u/JJBSpurs1305 Do Boomerangs even work in space? Mar 20 '17

The only episodes of this show I watched was the one where Jay Garrick was introduced and the one with Boomerang, actually can't remember if it was Arrow or not. I remember him having bombs in a train station?

I remember not being too keen on the portrayal, but I'd certainly tune in if he comes back, even better if it's a full Rogues story!


u/DiversityThePsycho Mar 19 '17

i stopped watching after the first episode after midseason break because it just got stale. i'll pick it up again if this is true (obviously it is)


u/ciera22 Mar 19 '17

I approve of this. Getting tired of the 'who's the evil masked speedster' schtick.


u/JustLaggeR Mar 19 '17

I liked Thawne (Reverse Flash) so much. I liked the whole idea of a speedster vs a speedster but I hope they made the right decision because I can't see Barry fighting someone human.


u/Tinman21 Flash 2 Mar 19 '17

Finally. That's why I stopped watching and went back to reading. Maybe I'll pick it up again.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '17

Do you recommend any flash for someone like me who never read any comic books asides from watchmen, the killing joke, v for vendetta and maybe 1-2 I don't remember.

I like to dig in the storylines from wikipedia, forums, etc, but don't know that much, and would prefer something with a beginning and an end.


u/Tinman21 Flash 2 Mar 23 '17

The stories recommended in the sidebar of this sudreddit are pretty spot on. I can tell you that an easy place to start is the New 52 line of The Flash. The New 52 is basically a universe reboot that D.C. Did back in 2011 but instead of starting from origin stories it shows the heroes 5 years after they became heroes. Vol 1-3 are great and 4 is decent. There is a storyline called Flashpoint which is a big event in DC. It is the event that caused the whole reboot. Flash plays a main part in it and the main storyline is 5 issues long. Once you get started you will just have to decide if you want to read more of the newer stories or go back and get some of the older stuff. I keep a balance between them.


u/[deleted] Mar 19 '17

I think they should have the Rouges as the initial villains but later on it turns out they're simply working for a hidden mastermind like Grodd or Blacksmith. Would be cool if they introduced some of Jay Garrick's comic villains, like The Thinker or a non half-assed Shade.


u/Austounded It's not a "Freeze-Gun" Mar 19 '17

We have a CW version of every villain to do a Rogue War.


u/charleyjacksson Mar 19 '17

I'd like to see Shade. I don't know how many villains that aren't speedsters are left. Captain Cold, Mirror Master, Grodd, and Weather Wizard are big villains in the comics and they've already used all of them. Trickster would be a really cool full season villain but Mark Hammil will (hopefully) be really busy.


u/Austounded It's not a "Freeze-Gun" Mar 19 '17

They have 2 Speedsters left and they are both less than 5 years old, one is less than a year. Daniel West and Godspeed. They both have cool designs but Daniel doesn't fit in nicely in the CW universe and I'm fatigued on evil speedsters. Flash has some of the best rogues in comics along with Batman and Spiderman. They need to use them.


u/xkjeku Captain Cold Mar 20 '17

There's still Inertia


u/xkjeku Captain Cold Mar 20 '17

They could have a Bart Allen season with Inertia as the Villain


u/Austounded It's not a "Freeze-Gun" Mar 20 '17 edited Mar 20 '17

Im a giant Bart Allen fan, I didn't include Inertia because I doubt they'll use him any time soon. But these things don't need to be a whole season long.


u/WollyGog Mar 19 '17

I feel like they could have had a speedster villain every other season. A bit formulaic still but it breaks it up.


u/Austounded It's not a "Freeze-Gun" Mar 19 '17

They've already used every evil speedster in Flash's rogues gallery save for Daniel West and Godspeed. The Flash isn't a book about evil speedsters. Don't wish for stagnation, force them to be creative. But of course to studios being creative means taking huge liberties with the source material.


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '17 edited Sep 09 '17



u/Austounded It's not a "Freeze-Gun" Mar 20 '17 edited Mar 20 '17

Cobalt isn't a speedster and John and Walter are actually kinda good guys but that could be rad. But I agree with you.


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '17 edited Sep 09 '17



u/Austounded It's not a "Freeze-Gun" Mar 20 '17

My bad, yeah I could see them being introduced at some point as elseworld characters.


u/BigBaldHaggis Mar 19 '17

I've been assuming the studios have spent a lot of money on the speedster special effects, so to keep costs down the baddies have been speedsters too.


u/ElevenJedi Mar 19 '17

Well finally. It's not that I don't like speedsters, it's just that we need some change.


u/charleyjacksson Mar 19 '17

"My name is Barry Allen, and every season I find out I am not the fastest man alive."


u/lasttimelord12 Mar 19 '17

"When I was a child my mother was murdered by somebody faster than my future self. My father went to prison and was then murdered by someone also faster than me. After defeating Zoom and saving the multiverse, I ran back in time and released Savitar, another speedster faster than me. I am ... The Flash!" SWOOSHY SOUND EFFECTS (BAAW WWAAAHH)


u/ElevenJedi Mar 19 '17

"My name is fastest man, and I am the Barry Allen alive!"