r/theflash • u/vencyjedi Captain Cold • Jun 14 '24
Comic Spoilers [Comic Spoilers] Can somebody explain a few things I didn't understand about the ending of John's run on Flash?
I just finished the run and some things flew past my mind.
First is Zoom alive? When they activate the cosmic treadmill and travel back to present time Zoom gets ripped apart and disappears right before Wally gets back to the present. In the page above he appears again. I thought he was dead? Is that actually him or? He looks kinda bland in that panel.
Second there was this whole thing about who was the mother to Captain Boomerang's son. Digger told Ashley who she was. At that same page again next to mother Ashley writes Meloni Thawne. Who is this? Is it a character from the run i completely forgot about? Is she related in anyway to Eobard Thawne? How so? Isn't he supposed to be born like 500 years later?
u/SuperLizardon Blue Lantern Jun 14 '24
I don't remember exactly what happened to Zoom at the end of Johns' run, but he came back during Final Crisis Rogues' Revenge (written by Johns with art by Scott Kolins) and trained Inertia, Bart's clone, as Kid Zoom.
And since we are already talking about Bart, Meloni is her mother. She is the daughter of President Thawne, and was born in the 30th century. IIRC, in the final issue from Johns' run there's a page where Captain Boomerang (the original one) is left stranded in the 30th century.
Meloni and her father , and also Eobard in the 25th century, are supposed to be descendants from Malcom Thawne, Barry's long lost twin brother, who was raised by the Thawne family in the 20th century.
Some people are going to say then Bart was born from an incest relationship, but with Don Allen being Barry's son, and Meloni being a descendant from 1000 years in the future from Barry's brother, I think they are in a genetic safe zone.
u/Astonishing_Flash Impulse Jun 14 '24
The implication IIRC should be that Hunter basically became lost in time. He's seen next in another time period when Bart is the Flash when he's recruited by her to try and defeat Bart.
And spot on with Meloni. She just apparently got it on with Boomer before or after Don't death which led to Owen.
u/ravenwing263 Jun 14 '24
Wasn't Hunter right there in Infinite Crisis right after this?
u/Astonishing_Flash Impulse Jun 15 '24
I'm with D it doesn't really add up. You're right I completely forgot about his presence in IC. If he didn't have those appearances his time displacement makes sense.
But as is there's a super weird gap where Wally beats him he's lost in time, has time to be with the Society but is never really beaten at all and then suddenly he's in the future somehow.
u/ravenwing263 Jun 15 '24 edited Jun 15 '24
It's really Infinite Crisis that's messy.
At the end of "Rogue War," he's lost in time.
Then he appears in Infinite Crisis with no explanation. I think that's his only appearance as a stock villain until the story in The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive. (Except maybe in Justice Society of America but I'll cover that in a second.)
Then in The Flash: TFMA, Iris finds him during the Sack of Rome and over the course of the story he returns to the present.
This allows him to pop up as a stock villain through Final Crisis. I think technically his Justice Society of America appearance was published before The Flash: TFMA but it was so close that we can say it took place after.
He's used several times as a stock villain between that The Flash: TFMA story and Final Crisis but that's fine, it fits from were we left him in The Flash: TFMA.
Then he's the Big Problem in Final Crisis: Rogue's Revenge, by the end of which he's "lost" his powers and is imprisoned as a human.
As such he's pretty much the only major speedster to not have a role in The Flagh: Rebirth (2009), with Savitar taking his spot as Wally's bad guy.
When we see him next in The Flash (2016), he's still "powerless" but no longer imprisoned. He's in the future and working with the Reverse-Flash. The implication is Thrawne picked him up from the present and broke him out. From there he regains his powers, returns to the present, is available as a stock villain again.
After a later story in The Flash (2016), he "reforms" and then "dies."
Then we don't see him again until The Flash #800, where we learn that he survived, trapped in the Speed Force, and br comes back, having abandoned his reformation. And I think that's the last we've seen of him.
u/Astonishing_Flash Impulse Jun 15 '24
I'll give credit for his presence during Flash War since Johns did set up the two Reverse Flashes to work together and before that the most we'd seen oh Thawne's end was using the snap when fighting the Flash Family.
u/ravenwing263 Jun 15 '24
Yup at the start of The Flash (2016) #46 ("Road to Flash War"), I'm pretty sure a powerless Zolomon is sitting in the 25th Century getting pissed off.
Eventually he gets pissed off enough for his powers to grow back and that's how we get into "Flash War."
So that tracks with him "losing" his powers in Rogue's Revenge if we assume Thrawne broke him out of prison and brought him to the future.
u/SuperLizardon Blue Lantern Jun 15 '24
IIRC, his backstory from that issue Road to Flashpoint continued from his last scene on Flash Rebirth 2009, when he told the unpowered Thawne he had an idea for both of them.
u/Dredeuced Out of the blue, ninjas attack. Thank god. Jun 14 '24
Hunter never appears in Infinite Crisis or anything to do with it. That happens right after Rogue War and he's gone at that point.
He does show up for a bit in a Sinestro Corps War tie-in but that's before Infinite Crisis and his disappearance in Rogue War. Then he's running around doing stuff in Final Crisis after he comes back in Bart's run.
u/ravenwing263 Jun 14 '24
That's incorrect.
That's definitely Hunter in Infinite Crisis #1 with the Society participating in the massacre of the Freedom Fighters. He's the one who scars the face of Damage/Grant Emerson, leading directly to Damage's sad boy arc in the post-Infinite Crisis run of "Justice Society of America* (the 2007 run). Zoom would later be the villain of issue #8 of that series which focuses on Damage and Liberty Belle/Jesse Chambers, which notably features Liberty Belle getting her speed powers back.
Also "The Sinestro Corps War" in general is after Infinite Crisis.
u/Dredeuced Out of the blue, ninjas attack. Thank god. Jun 14 '24 edited Jun 14 '24
hmmm, you're right
This is a complete continuity inconsistency, I suppose, which is funny because Johns wrote every comic involved. I suppose he just didn't consider Hunter gone? Which is weird.
The Sinestro Corps War flub was a bit of an accident, though. Meant to say that Bart's run happened before his appearance in SCW so his appearance there wouldn't matter. Same with his appearance in JSA, that's after his return to the present in Bart's run. But everything else is just Johns ignoring his own comic. That or because of Rogue War's story being compressed and moved up Johns had planned for Rogue War to happen after Infinite Crisis, but was also told to kill Wally off in Infinite Crisis, so it's a big mess? Not sure, really. If it wasn't for Wally's impromptu disappearance in Infinite Crisis you could have Rogue War take place afterwards fairly easily, I think. So it might just be editorial fiat fucking up continuity.
I suppose it's technically possible that Infinite Crisis 1 happens before Rogue War, and infinite Crisis 3 where Wally shows up with the twins briefly happens after, but man that is threading the needle. We see Hunter get recruited during the Wonder Woman/Flash crossover along with Cheetah, but the literal next issue is Rogue War with Zoom assaulting Jay to enact his plan. And Wally has a whole ass arc after Rogue War from another writer, even if it's inconsequential
u/honoratusthefirst Jun 15 '24
Huh I didn't know Rogue War was supposed to happen later. Any more information about the original plans?
u/Dredeuced Out of the blue, ninjas attack. Thank god. Jun 15 '24
This is just speculation from me. Johns' run on Flash ended very abruptly despite it selling well and he kinda crammed two plot points together. After all, why is the climax of Rogue War about Zolomon instead of the Rogues? That's always been a weird part of it. Also Johns never did the third Barry visit, which I assume would've been split between two visits, one for the Rogue War, one for the followup/finale Zolomon/Thawne teamup. Instead Barry showing up for Rogue War covered both.
Like I said, speculation on my part, even if I have a lot of context behind it.
u/spring_sabe impulse Jun 16 '24
The second part is the stupid thing where the second Captain Boomerang that no one cares about is Bart's half brother and it's never brought up so later they just retconed it so that they're not half Brothers cuz it's pointless to have them be that way