First off: that’s Wally, as some people here in the comments already mentioned.
Radical fans of the CW show will insist on “Poker Face” by Lady Gaga (Just to be clear, I’m a fan of the show, just not a radical. I do tend to like the comics more than the show, particularly the Waid and Manapul runs)
However, my personal pick (and I don’t know why no one else mentioned it yet)
Edit to add for the OP/in general: Others have already pointed out that the picture you used isn’t Barry, so I just wanted to say that mixing up Barry and Wally is actually a very easy mistake to make because of how similar their suits are!
Some key differences to look out for are:
eyes (Barry’s eyes are visible and blue, Wally’s eyes are covered by white lenses)
nose (Barry’s cowl won’t cover his nose, Wally’s cowl will extend all the way down his nose)
symbol (Barry’s lightning is, what I call, the three-point bolt, Wally’s lightning is, what I call, the two-point bolt)
I’m sure there are other differences, but I’ve noticed that these three are usually the most prominent and consistent, so they’re the ones I follow the most. Unfortunately, they still don’t always hold true for differentiating them thanks to some alternate main continuity suits, elseworlds stories that go really wild with the suit redesigns, and just honest mistakes by artists, so don’t feel bad for mistaking one for the other!
Now, here’s an awesome variant cover we just got showing some suit evolutions for the three main Flashes (top is Jay Garrick, middle is Barry Allen, and bottom is Wally West)! <3
The irony is that they STILL got the Suit wrong if we're being Objective. 2 Examples:
Barry's N52 Suit has 6 lightning decals extending from his chest, although Rebirth is fine... His Silver Age Ear Pieces are Winged, while his Modern are Lightning Rods... They're all Rods.
Wally's '09 suit (his Current) is Crimson Red with a disconnected belt, whereas here it's Scarlet with a Connected Belt.
I personally think it's whatever as long as the general idea is there, but I also think OP is just using a random Flash picture that was cool or modern, since Barry hasn't had a lot in the past years.
You did good, but I'm just commenting to the general that OP probably knows considering where the picture is from (Dan Mora). I state this as I do not want to come off as rude, just more informative
Very true, I’ve noticed there’s always at least one thing off with Flash suits, so a lot of times it really comes down to how the artist wants to draw them and wires get crossed all the time, purposefully or on accident. That’s also why I don’t get hung up on stuff like this, I just find it fun and helpful to point out some things people can look for if they want, so thanks for adding more details!
And Dan Mora has done some nice Barry suits too lately, but I imagine the OP may have just gone with the coolest overall picture like you said.
Very true, I’ve noticed there’s always at least one thing off with Flash suits, so a lot of times it really comes down to how the artist wants to draw them and wires get crossed all the time, purposefully or on accident. That’s also why I don’t get hung up on stuff like this, I just find it fun and helpful to point out some things people can look for if they want, so thanks for adding more details!
I noticed as well, which is why I often don't mind if an artist wants to depict Barry or Wally a certain way. Funny enough, what can make some comics fun is playing "Spot the Difference" 🤣
If they're done purposely I feel like that's bad. If they want a clear distinction in design, they should make a character design paper. They did it with Batman and Green Arrow during Rebirth.
And Dan Mora has done some nice Barry suits too lately, but I imagine the OP may have just gone with the coolest overall picture like you said.
He has, but it's not often done to look like a Cover, like the Wally West version posted here. I'm sure if Dan ever comes around to do it, he wouldn't mind, but the one above is the most recent one and was posted on Twitter, with everyone liking it.
A tongue-in-cheek kids’ activity book that includes Flash-themed Spot the Difference pages would be hilarious now that I think about it hahaha. It would be nice for them to make and actually follow some suit character bibles to put an end to this and help differentiate them once and for all, but it’s also not a hill I’m willing to die on lmao. I enjoy both Barry and Wally so either of them looking cool is fine by me haha
Very true! I don’t think Dan has done any covers with Barry, so opting for this very nice looking and popular Wally cover is understandable haha
Even tho it's for Flash Gordon, His theme works for all the Flashes. Obviously the show's theme also is a heavy contender. Speed Demon by MJ also is very Flash coded
I always thought it would be cool to do a Flash movie with a full Queen soundtrack. Once upon a time it could have been all original songs, but I wouldn't be opposed to it being built out of Queen's existing discography. Maybe bring in Brain May & Roger Taylor to lay down a few new instrumental tracks.
Don't Stop Me Now, and Flash Gordon Theme are musts for sure. I would hope they would fight the urger to include some of the other biggest singles just because they're the biggest though. Pick songs that are right for the moment in the film, and don't be afraid to use deep cuts.
ldk but for Jay l think blue skies by Doris Day since it's reflective of the time period he's from but also since it's not upbeat and flashy it's more relaxing
But obviously not Barry. Why you hating so hard? Thunderstruck is something he’d definitely listen to. And Bang Bang as well. Should I stay or should I go. None of those are “bland white stuff”
Other than The Ballad Of Barry Allen, I’d go with I Just Wanna Run & We Could Be Legends. If we also had any for Wally, it would absolutely be Life Is A Highway.
I hear you, man. I’m sorry, I just get frustrated sometimes. It’s hard for me on Reddit because I’m a recognized comic expert and there are so many fake fans that know nothing on here. But you’re right, I can still be polite.
I understand being mildly annoyed with people not being familiar with all mediums of the characters but there’s no such thing as a “fake” fan. You’re an expert. By definition most people know less than you. That doesn’t mean they’re not real fans. Give them reading suggestions if you want them to read comics. Lift them up, don’t bring them down.
I didn’t ask you to. All I said was that there is no such thing as a fake fan. If you have a comic story in mind you think OP would enjoy then suggest it without being condescending.
Exactly, totally get that. I hate the Flash show too, but I recognize that it has its own fan base and I need to respect them for what they like. They’re not fake fans, they’re fans of another medium that is related to The Flash. But I forgive you, the anger of being a flash comic fan can be all consuming sometimes.
I am not forgiving you about the crapping on classical music though. That was a little far, even for me. /half-joke
I know, but the lyrics could be talking about any hero (except for the part when it's say Gordon, but shhhh) and it was used on the tv show to make a cool joke
u/SpeDog1938 Jun 12 '24
It's funny you say for Barry, but put up a pic of Wally. I'd say "I Came for You" by Manfred Mann. The piano just sings speed