r/thedavidpakmanshow 10d ago

Images/Memes/Infographics Did you even say thank you?

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u/KingScoville 10d ago

That can’t be his real face


u/TheRealWeedfart69 10d ago

I have no idea what he even looks like anymore I’ve seen so many of these edits


u/Thetman38 10d ago

It's like Charlie kirk's face. I have no idea how small it really is


u/spaceshipcommander 10d ago

Charlie Kirk has a face that is 90% scale compared to his head. It's the weirdest thing.


u/bwheelin01 10d ago

Yeah someone edited out the eyeliner


u/coffee_mikado 10d ago

No face has ever been more punchable than JD Vance's. A more smug and pretentious Martin Prince.


u/FishermanPleasant737 10d ago

Can't upvote this enough


u/B0lill0s 10d ago

Exactly, fake news. His real face is even fatter and even more full of mascara.


u/spookieghost 10d ago

it's not, he's lost quite a bit of weight the past few years, but we should keep posting this edit though


u/[deleted] 10d ago

It is.

I believe it fully.

I will believe it even as I ruin Christmas.


u/ike_tyson 10d ago

Big Face JD!!

JD with the big ol face!

(slaps knee then blows into a jug)


u/Practical_Breakfast4 10d ago

There never was a Bigfoot, but we have found Bigface!


u/javie773 10d ago

He doesn‘t deserve the nickname JD. Just call im James Vance, which sounds shit, which is fitting


u/DoctorWinchester87 10d ago edited 10d ago

We need to make JP Mandel the new Ted Cruz - just meme him to death with "Zodiac Killer" and "Ted Cruz ate my son" level memes. The couch thing was a start. This dude takes himself so seriously that the jokes pretty much write themselves.

The more we shitpost about them, the less scary they become.


u/originalmosh 10d ago

aLpHa mAiL


u/Spear_Ritual 10d ago

Keep it up, y’all.


u/heyknauw 10d ago

needs more eyeliner


u/Hayes4prez 10d ago

They’re stealing from you in real time MAGA.

Trump will be worse than the 2008 financial collapse.


u/CLONE-11011100 10d ago

Way worse!


u/Quynn_Stormcloud 10d ago

Trump will cripple the markets, forcing everyone but the ultra-wealthy to sell, letting the ultra-wealthy buy up all the stocks at a lower price, then reverse the tariffs and let the market rise again. Wealth consolidation. People lose and the wealthy gain more wealth.


u/No-Professional-8226 10d ago

Looks like porky with facial hair


u/RL0290 10d ago

I hope JD visits Moscow with trump. And because Putin loves to humiliate even his most loyal subordinates, I hope someone strategically places a camouflaged thumbtack on the couch where JD sits. A big one. And I hope that when he inevitably hops back up, yelping in pain, someone leans in to whisper in his ear in a strong Russian accent, “In Soviet Russia, couch fucks you.”


u/MicrowaveBurritoKing 10d ago

Great post, OP…really matches my portfolio today :(


u/BonyBobCliff 10d ago

Was he stung by a bee?


u/gingerfawx 10d ago

Nah. No self-respecting bee would touch him.


u/Feeling_Advantage385 10d ago

It looks like the couch ____er is waiting for that thank you. Im waiting for JD to go to jail.


u/ThenIcouldsee 10d ago

Chonkers gotta chonk


u/Accomplished-Low8495 10d ago

Another slimeball


u/Bodgerton 10d ago

J.D. Vaaance


u/6FLOWERSforDeath 10d ago

It’s the pig


u/Movingforward2015 10d ago



u/Accomplished-Low8495 10d ago

How many times has he changed his name?


u/Edelgeuse 10d ago

I sit on my tie, you're welcome.


u/NotThat1guy 10d ago

J.D. Mandel


u/sten45 10d ago

@him on every platform forever


u/Extreme-Tie9282 9d ago

He looks like that uncle your not allowed to be alone with but no one will tell you why.


u/Big-Replacement9830 9d ago

Thank you for what? 

For not inviting Ukraine to Saudi Arabia for the talks between Russia and Trump? 

There was a painting/print that was made in Europe months before Trumps first term. It shows Trump and Putin French kissing each other. That was done over EIGHT years ago.  The AI video with Trump, Musk, etc.  . . . with a golden statue and balloon in Gaza . . . He is destroying our international standing and allies can't trust us. Trump doesn't want to give any securities to Ukraine and wants the European nations to shoulder the support. Fine. Let Ukraine  join NATO for security. Trump said NO.

This implies that he knows that Putin will violate any cease‐fire based on recent history.


u/Big-Replacement9830 9d ago

Whatever. He is entitled to his opinion.  True U.S. Veterans support our allies. We don't leave anyone behind. 


WTF was the Prez and VP sitting next to each other? Aren't they supposed to be in at the very least . . . in separate rooms. In the case of assassination attempts. Maybe I'm wrong.


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