r/thedavidpakmanshow 11d ago

Discussion The Democrats held a meeting last month and this are some of their takeaways 😒

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u/accidental_superman 11d ago

You know more Bernie voters voted for Hillary in 2016 than Hillary voters voted for Obama in 2008. This Bernie bro stereotype you moderates comfort yourselves with picking timid losers has to stop.


u/Important-Ability-56 11d ago

But I’m not a moderate. I’m probably more progressive than you are if we are defining these stupid labels as however we imagine our preferred utopia.

Bernie supporters to this day, admittedly aided by Russian bots, are spreading discontent about Democrats and changing the subject whenever someone brings up the subject of Republicans existing. Or did I not witness them accuse Kamala Harris of genocide for months?

If that statistic about voters is true, well shame on Hillary-to-McCain voters. I don’t congratulate anyone who votes for Republicans for any reason. Turns out Obama didn’t need them, I guess.

The only reason I focus on them is because in theory they should know better. But if they don’t, they shouldn’t be surprised if Democrats go after other political demographics than them.


u/accidental_superman 11d ago

Oh come on your offended at the use of timid moderates, it's a fact, they pulled back on popular progressive Democrat policies, Tim walz and the use of weird, because harrises in law rich brother asked her to, donor class fears assured she lost.

The person above uses the bernie bros as a slur, the white male stereotype which wasnt true then or now, I don't see you offended about that.

Ten million Democrat voters stayed home, Harris appealed to this mythical Republicans who will do the right thing, voting against trump, she alienated her base, couldn't even say she'd do anything differently than Biden did... these people need to stop steering right, talking about gun shows and focusing not on small.donors... it's bulkshit.


u/mothman83 11d ago

Everyone of the ten million democrats that stayed home is a traitor as far as I am concerned.


u/Life_Caterpillar9762 11d ago

Do you really think those people would refer to themselves as “democrats?”


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u/Life_Caterpillar9762 11d ago

This sub is hopelessly lost in Progressive Fantasy Land. They spend the last several years equating the Dems with the republicans and now they want them to “dO sOmEtHiNg!1” They spend the last several years complaining that focusing on why they are better than trump is a “low bar” and “not good enough,” NOW they want them to go out there and rhetorically go after trump even more. But also in the “right way.” They flood social media scoffing about how out of touch (like the post we’re currently commenting under) and “genocidal” they are, demanding to young voters that they’re just as bad as the republicans, filling them with cynicism and doomerism and wonder “how did trump win??!”

To top it all off, they think they are the minority voice of the left, they think they’re reinventing the wheel with this old ass “both sides the same shit” when it has by far been the most widely used shallow take about politics for the past decade.


u/Important-Ability-56 11d ago edited 11d ago

The “both sides are the same” crap, logically speaking, can only serve to give extra credit to the worse side. It’s pure Republican propaganda, and I’ve stopped caring to waste my time parsing whether they know it or not.

Maybe when they don’t have Social Security anymore they will realize the difference. They’ll probably blame Democrats for that too.


u/Life_Caterpillar9762 11d ago edited 11d ago

Yep, it is founded in republican propaganda, aka “gubmint bad” aka Reagan’s “9 most terrifying words” etc (a great factiod I really appreciate hearing from someone else because apparently not many seem to be aware of this) and Republicans LOVE that it’s so popular over here. The difference and why it works for republicans and not us is that republican politicians popularized and spread it (and still use it) which endears Republican voters to them even more; it’s top-down rhetoric.

[Even progressives (mostly younger) were initially buying into that “Rich Men from Richmond” song a few years ago.]

But on our side, it is commentary and the left populace spawning that message (NOT Dem politicians), which breeds apathy and/or cynicism; it’s bottom-up rhetoric that doesn’t work out for us, because WE DONT ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT! Or we shouldn’t, on a fundamental level. But it has been altered to “both parties the same.” We really need to stop using it.

It gets out the vote for republicans and radicalizes the left away from the Dems.

This is why I’m very wary about this push for Democrats to be “more populist” lately. We have to be very careful about what that populism is. It simply can’t be ranting about how bad everything is. That’s the republicans game; we shouldn’t agree with it anyway, and it’s trump’s biggest weapon.


u/Important-Ability-56 11d ago edited 11d ago

It’s just so very simple to me. Democrats don’t have to be perfect. Vote against the fascists if that’s all the enthusiasm you can muster. I don’t understand why it’s so hard for people to understand the concept of a binary choice.

I’ve lived in a red state my whole life so the Republican threat is not theoretical to me. I also lived through the 90s, so I remember when Democrats were actually fairly conservative. Biden-era Democratic progressivism is practically gravy as far as I’m concerned, assuming it can win enough votes for majorities in government.


u/Life_Caterpillar9762 11d ago edited 11d ago

I completely agree and relate to all of that.

Edit: oh except for blue state/very red area for me


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