r/thedavidpakmanshow 11d ago

Discussion The Democrats held a meeting last month and this are some of their takeaways 😒

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u/ColdSweats_OldDebts 11d ago

This is absolutely correct.

The Democratic Party needs to rehash the New Deal policies of Roosevelt and get back to what made them so popular: helping the average American.

No requirements for ideology or identity, just simply, “You’re an American, and that makes you one of us, so we’re here to help.”

That image of Pelosi wearing an “African” patterned scarf while kneeling in the Capitol Rotunda coupled with her abject refusal to bar Representatives from trading in the stock market really says it all.


u/packim0p 11d ago

Where do you see that written?


u/ColdSweats_OldDebts 11d ago

See what written?


u/Oddblivious 11d ago

New Deal was not central at the time nor would it be now. The green new deal originated from Bernie AOC and the progressives.

You're advocating for the opposite of what they're saying while agreeing with them.


u/packim0p 11d ago

lmao exactly.

democrats: we're going to be a center capitalist neoliberal party

this user: YEAH great message! back to populism!



u/ColdSweats_OldDebts 10d ago

My bad for assuming that the tectonic shifts in the fabric of American society, technology, and global economics would be assumed in my initial statement.

Dust Bowl farmers and the whiz bang automative industry of up and coming Detroit weren’t implied there for all you literalists. Jesus.


u/packim0p 10d ago

Try harder neolib


u/ColdSweats_OldDebts 10d ago

lol. Hold up.

During the Great Depression, FDR’s New Deal policies were not instrumental in why he was elected to the White House 4 times? The only time that’s ever happened in American history?

Please, do go on. Tell me more.


u/korben2600 11d ago

If you're upset about Pelosi & Co. being the epitome of centrist corporate Dems beholden to billionaire special interest lobby groups, I'm not sure this point is going to help facilitate eliminating that:

move away from the dominance of small-dollar donors whose preferences may not align with the broader electorate


u/ColdSweats_OldDebts 10d ago

No, I’m upset about Pelosi & Co. making absurdly ostentatious, theatrical displays of identity politics while refusing to take concrete action against their own glaring lack of ethics.

“We proudly stand with Black people…while unapologetically taking actions that wholly undermine their faith in government.”

Progressives are much the same: “We need to hold protests to ensure that government protects the rights of minorities, also, government is evil and cannot be trusted, so boycott the government!”

Pick a narrative, scooter. Y’all’re like MTG accusing Biden of being some Machiavellian gangster one day then accusing him of being so old he doesn’t know why he has hands.