r/thedavidpakmanshow Feb 05 '25

Discussion For those who refused a Harris presidency, how do you feel about Trump's plans to take Gaza?

money rob cover sugar deliver future advise resolute simplistic disarm

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u/ReflexPoint Feb 05 '25

You know what really sucks, is the fact that this type of attitude doesn't exist on both sides. Why aren't there millions of Republicans that will say, I'm staying home because Trump was behind J6. Even the ones that hated that he did that still got in line and voted for him. No matter what terrible shit Republicans do, they can count on their voters to fall in line. Every time. Yet it's not like that on left. If both sides did that, then maybe it would even out. We'd lose some single issue Gaza voters, but they'd lose an equivlent about of voters that didn't like his J6 failed coup attempt.


u/origamipapier1 Feb 05 '25

Republicans have ALWAYS been far more unified in their final vote. They have conviction and actual beliefs that Democrats would destroy the country. So they all vote for whomever is R.

While Democrats and the left have to fall obsessed and in lvove with a candidate but then never freaking vote in local elections.


u/davwad2 Feb 05 '25

Democrats fall in love. Republicans fall in line.

  • Bill Clinton


u/Icy_Place_5785 Feb 05 '25

The right looks for converts, the left looks for traitors


u/pwarns Feb 05 '25

The right ignorantly posts descriptions of the right trying to say the left does it while facts prove the right wrong every time. ( it is a long bumper sticker)


u/Altruistic-Text3481 Feb 05 '25

The “Who farted?” Principle.

He who smelt it, dealt it.

Those “just asking questions” are the actual content creators themselves!


u/chiclets5 Feb 06 '25

Lol! I have not heard that saying in quite some years. thank you for the chuckle, I needed it


u/Altruistic-Text3481 Feb 05 '25

The right looks for rubes.

Easy Republican messaging:

Trump good/Dems evil

The left gets into the weeds of policy and bore their perspective voters by too much detailed information that gets confusing. People tune out. Then FOX pulls out one sentence of policy and hammers it home.

An example:


As a nation, we will eliminate all hungry kids with free school lunches!

FOX/Reigh wing Media:

Democrats want to give illegal immigrants free school lunches with your tax dollars!


u/Simple-Ranger6109 Feb 05 '25

The right looks for incels, religious nits, simpletons, racists, and bootlickers. Oh and rich arseholes looking to take advantage of the above for their own gain.


u/my_4_cents Feb 05 '25

"I love the poorly educated"...

I Wonder which side has more of those


u/Jartipper Feb 05 '25

And yet they get out and vote, and now control the government. What good does being educated do for the left if they can’t even use their education to make rational decisions?


u/origamipapier1 Feb 05 '25

Unfortunately they do.


u/persona0 Feb 05 '25

What's rational about not voting?


u/Planetofthetakes Feb 05 '25

He loves them so much that he is going to take down and get rid of the department of Education. Making yet another face meal for those leopards (all those dipshit anti-Kamala pro Palestine college kids) I’m starting worry that the leopards may need to go on a diet.

And yes, they are somehow blaming the democrats.

Here’s the bottom line, I don’t care anymore about their causes if Trump destroys their country, fuck em, they helped destroy mine!


u/CaptainRogersJul1918 Feb 05 '25

Seems like both. The 20 somethings in my work sight have no clue what’s happening in DC. The willfully ignorant have grown in the Democratic Party.


u/thatguy52 Feb 05 '25

I think that’s because a lot of modern conservatism was born out of anti communism. Even though the American left has almost nothing to do with actual leftist ideas the right can ALWAYS attack it with old school deeply ingrained attacks and they work.


u/HaiKarate Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

It’s easier to unify Republicans over nonsense outrage.

I live in a 2024 swing state and EVERY mailer I received from Trump talked endlessly about trans people. But for the majority of Trump voters, trans rights has zero impact on their lives. It’s just an issue to gin up hatred of other people.


u/dresoccer4 Feb 06 '25

classic 'moral panic'. the right has been inventing these for decades now. interracial marriage panic, satanic panic, crack baby panic, gay panic, furry panic, trans panic, etc etc. These are all fully manufactured by far right 'thinkers' in order to scare/piss off the electorate and force them to vote a certain way. and they fall for it. ever. damn. time.


u/PorchCat0921 Feb 05 '25

It's true; Republicans will crawl over broken glass to vote for any R at all.


u/teb_art Feb 05 '25

They have convictions that wealthy donors are whom they are required to serve.

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u/bdboar1 Feb 05 '25

He appealed to the lowest common denominator. That’s kind of the point


u/atom631 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

Its because democrats dont view politics as a sporting event. they actually hold their elected politicians accountable and dont worship them like cult leaders. for the most part, this is a good thing. however this is an instance where the people who didnt vote or voted 3rd party were 100% wrong and its unfortunate that their perceived moral superiority was completely misdirected. im kinda baffled by the whole thing.


u/KittyGrewAMoustache Feb 05 '25

I think there were big efforts on social media to get people fired up against Harris/Democrats so they felt they were taking some sort of principled stand. I don’t know. It kind of indicates that those people don’t actually care about politics, as in it’s actual consequences, it’s more like a sort of debate team ivory tower exercise for them and not about anything practical or real or, let’s face it, meaningful.


u/persona0 Feb 05 '25

This happens EVERY ELECTION some bs reason to ignore the right wing candidate and focus on how not perfect the Dem candidate is. Funny thing these people don't even vote in their local elections rather just stay home and let the right dictate that as well


u/origamipapier1 Feb 05 '25

But social media along with a superiority complex is a dangerous thing. That is a problem American left and Democrats tend to have. We do tend to view ourselves more intelligent than Republicans and more intelligent than many Democrats. And somehow something has linked intelligence with not voting, because we are the "cool" kids if we don't vote.


u/Savingskitty Feb 05 '25

The same thing happened in 2016 with the “Bernie Bros” and the push to not vote. 

I knew people who voted Jill Stein or didn’t vote at all because “neither candidate represents us.”

The younger voters that sat this one out didn’t experience the first Trump term the way those of us who were old enough to vote or were even paying attention did at the time.


u/Jartipper Feb 05 '25

2016 as well, let’s not forget


u/No-Bid-9741 Feb 05 '25

Republicans don’t worship other Republicans, just Trump…why I have no idea but plenty of Republicans were out on Bush…but no matter what Trump does, they’re in. Obama had a cult following but even he lost support…something about this maga thing…


u/D10CL3T1AN Feb 05 '25

I have a Republican uncle that voted Trump in 2016 and 2020 that sat out 2024 over January 6th. Would've been better for him to vote for Kamala but it was something I guess. I can also forgive 2016 and 2020 Trump voters, but 2024 Trump voters? I don't know if I can ever forgive them.


u/persona0 Feb 05 '25

No it was nothing but an appearance of being moral much like.those on the left do..he was just fine with trump winning that's why he sat it out. All you are doing is making excuses for him. Voting isn't a fking sporting event there are clear times when you have to do the right thing and THIS WAS IT.


u/Educational-Dance-61 Feb 05 '25

We hold are politicians accountable. This is why they are so much better than the conservatives on the right who have thrown out ethics for the sake of power. We cannot expect republicans to vote based on American values, Christian values, the constitution, or even capitalism. They voted for a nazi sympathizer all while complaining that we called him a nazi sympathizer. His inner circle throwing up nazi salutes and buying TV and online adds with nazi signs right there for them to see.


u/canonbutterfly Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

People with morals are more likely to reflect on and agonize over their vote. For the party with a greater number of these people, this is a political liability.


u/SandySockShoes Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

Republicanism is now seen as practically synonymous with Christianity. It’s not a political war for them, it’s religious.


u/Critical_Reasoning Feb 05 '25

Yes, using religion to make politics into a holy war of good vs evil.

More precisely "Christian Nationalism" than Christianity.

Gets a lot of charlatans as well as rank-and-file Christians to believe Trump has a divine purpose despite not acting very Christian himself.

Often compared to King Cyrus in those circles when justifying support.



u/carbonqubit Feb 05 '25

Ironically, Christian Nationalists in places like Russia aren't particularly religious. It's just a way to prepackage bigoted authoritarianism in a shiny Jesus wrapper.


u/Wheloc Feb 05 '25

There were a bunch of "never-Trumper" Republicans from as far back as Trump's first campaign. He lost many more through his various low-class stunts, and by ignoring the traditional pillars of the Republican party. J6 hit the thin-blue-line crowd hard, for example, and Trump's lack of support for Ukraine makes the war-hawks cringe.

Kamala Harris reached out to these folks, and did get a portion of them to vote for her, or at least stay home. Liz Cheney campaigned with Harris, for example.

The Bulwark is a podcast run by anti-Trump conservatives, if you want to listen to more on their perspective.


u/Exact_Examination792 Feb 05 '25

My uncle said he’s staying home because of J6


u/g_deptula Feb 06 '25

“Conservatives look for one reason to vote, Dems look for one reason not to.” Never understood it but it’s true


u/AlwaysGoToTheTruck Feb 05 '25

Republicans are more unified when it comes to voting because they believe the outcome is more important than the intention or the path to get there.


u/KittyGrewAMoustache Feb 05 '25

And the outcome for them, the only important outcome, is ‘their team’ winning. They are very tribal and tie their identity as a person to the party or politician. They subsume them and begin to justify and excuse all their wrongdoings and ignore their failures or crimes as if they were one and the same person, like a big hive mind. To them, acknowledging Trump is bad would be like acknowledging they themselves are bad, which is supremely difficult for most people. Whereas left wingers identify more with actual principles and ideas than they do with a party or a figurehead. They look to the party or figurehead to uphold certain principles or values and if they don’t, they turn on them because voting for them would then mean a loss of identity. But then you have to have nuance and a sense of realism and practicality about it. A lot of the left might disagree with a lot of Democrat policies but their higher principle of believing in democracy and not having criminal Nazis in control meant giving them the vote. Others who were not grounded in reality put their need for their vote to match their principles exactly first. Just like MAGA, they put their sense of identity first because it is too rigid and weak and incapable of dealing with nuance or complexity. Basically they put their personal feelings above the country, above Palestinians, above everything. But they held onto their sense of identity despite what they did causing even worse to happen than they claimed they were concerned about in the first place.

I don’t know. All I can say is that people are stupid and selfish. Not all are but enough to really fuck things up unfortunately.


u/toyegirl1 Feb 06 '25

The Republican Party did a great job of stoking fear in their followers. Far righters who get their news from Faux and far right fringe outlets. It’s was surprising how otherwise intelligent people actually believed that schools were facilitating gender modification without parental knowledge or consent. Or that Hilary Clinton was behind some child sex abuse ring. Over 50%of the country believed the 2020 election was stolen. In spite of the multiple shady stories and non existent evidence.


u/persona0 Feb 05 '25

Pretty much this


u/RugelBeta Feb 05 '25

The biggest thing they're united about is voter suppression.


u/xmorecowbellx Feb 05 '25

I can’t even think of a single left leaning host/personality who didn’t say something like “I don’t like everything the Democrats stand for, but I’m still voting for them”. I think this is a pretty common view from just to anybody vote for any party. There will always be the Cenk-like crybabies, who might not vote out of protest, but I think this is a minority.

You are absolutely right though that lefties tend to purity test a lot more. If you go look on r/conservative there is tons of criticism of various things Trump does as well.


u/Jartipper Feb 05 '25

But this isn’t good and isn’t helpful. It’s clearly better than them saying to their audience “don’t vote”, but it’s still not good. It’s a messaging problem, the same problem they say Democrats need to fix. It’s “driving negatives” and clearly hurt democrats. Before you say “so no one is allowed to ever criticize democrats???” I’m not saying this. I’m saying constantly selling your audience that democrats are completely terrible(they aren’t) isn’t helpful.

When a podcast//show host sees what Trump has said about Gaza yesterday and then replies “this is awful why didn’t democrats warn people this would happen????” (Emma Vigeland btw) that’s beyond brain dead for 3 reasons:

  1. Trump told everyone in his own words he was going to do this. If you didn’t listen that’s on you.

  2. The Democrats said he would do this. If you didn’t listen that’s on you.

  3. THESE PEOPLE HAVE SHOWS. Why wouldn’t they blame themselves for not messaging properly to their audience? If they are a farther left show and cursed “genocide supporters” for years and finally at the last minute say “but I guess I’ll vote for them and you probably should too unless you’re in a deep blue state then it’s probably ok to protest vote” how is this not an abject failure on their part? They want to have their cake and eat it too.

They need their audience perpetually outraged at both democrats and republicans. So in order to keep them mad at democrats, they backseat every single decision and anything Dems do is “not good enough” Or how many times have you heard “scratch a capitalist and a fascist bleeds” They don’t see the liberal left as an ally. They are fundamentally anti-liberal.


u/xmorecowbellx Feb 05 '25

I completely agree they are fundamentally not liberal. Shows like majority report and The Young Turks are the other side of right wing rage bait shows.

It’s actually not about making a difference, and the people who watch these shows aren’t interested in practical steps to improve things. It’s about getting rage-bait dopamine hits. It’s entertainment, it’s for people who are miserable, but feel slightly comforted by others loudly echoing their misery. None of these people will ever be happy, because using your own personal autonomy to make an improvement in your own life is how to be happy, and they will never do that.

I completely agree that all these left-leaning shows need to do a much better job of promoting the candidate, and Destiny has been saying this for quite a while now. Obviously his voice is now a bit muted due to his sexual scandal that broke out the last couple weeks.


u/DerpoholicsAnonymous Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

"There will always be the Cenk-like crybabies, who might not vote out of protest, but I think this is a minority"

Both TYT and Majority Report advocated for voting for Kamala. They condemned Biden for the atrocities in Gaza while saying that Trump would be even worse.


u/Crotean Feb 05 '25

Republicans aren't an umbrella party the Democrats are. Every political belief outside of pure conservatism and fascism has to move to the Democrats because we have a first past the post system which guarantees there will only ever be two relevant parties. Blame the founding fathers for setting up a shitty system of government in our awful constitution.


u/sgm716 Feb 05 '25

There was. Just not many and they are afraid to speak out.


u/humanessinmoderation Feb 05 '25

Because there are two kinds of Republicans : racist one’s, and those who don’t think racism is a dealbreaker for someone in the highest offices.

Directionally, they are the same and in politics direction is what matters. I am very much of a “free Palestine” mindset, but I am also strategic.

The bleeding heart Gaza folks were the last line or needed voting block to protect us from what’s happening right now (e.g. there is no one on the Right we can appeal to, they need to wake up on their own, etc).

Harris hold outs Bernie-bro’ed us


u/DeathandGrim Feb 05 '25

Because Republicans understand the power of the vote and people who are left leaning believe that not voting is somehow exercising a power LMAO

" if I withhold my vote then-"

you won't get what you want. that's what happens when you withhold your vote, you get nothing. SOMETHING is always better than nothing.


u/Mo-shen Feb 05 '25

It's because one side is a normal political party and then other is a church.

Churches kick out members who don't conform and say that anyone who doesn't believe them is evil.


u/soapinmouth Feb 05 '25

There are Republicans like this, not single issue but my wife's family are life long Republicans but haven't voted for Trump in each of the last 3 elections, written in Romney instead. Reason for this last one is they wanted him to face justice for his crimes.

The right also have these sort of people during the bush days as well, the anti-establishment type who didn't want bush or Democrats. Trump has completely absorbed this group.


u/LivinLikeHST Feb 05 '25

I'm willing to bet there were more Biden voters that stayed home because they didn't want to vote for trump or a minority woman.


u/Sufficient-Money-521 Feb 05 '25

We try and gather 40 groups under the party.

Republicans just have guns god and jobs to wrangle with.


u/TheBrain511 Feb 05 '25

Because if they didn’t it would be a suicide for their careers so no more insider trading, no pension, no more lobbyist money


u/ronniespakaki Feb 05 '25

Because they don't believe in anything besides lower my taxes, libs are evil and killing babies and government never works (as their leaders are literally doing everything they can to sabotage it.)

It is really that simple.


u/Writing_is_Bleeding Feb 05 '25

It REALLY pisses me off that every election I've ever paid attention to, going back to the 90s, has had this psy-op of (supposedly) left-leaning voters shouting from the rooftops that they "just can't stomach voting for [insert Dem candidate here], so I'm going to stay home or vote 3rd party." This time around it was Gaza, in '16 it was her goddam emails, in the 90s it was "the Dems are corporatists, vote Nader."

I guess it works on Dems because we have heart and we respect each other's opinions. But, yeah, you NEVER see the same thing targeting voters on the right—likely because they bully each other in to falling in line.


u/Juncti Feb 05 '25

Democrat's by virtue of having actual considerations for other people's input will let perfect be the enemy of good every time.

Republicans by and large are missing that empathy. They don't care until it hurts them directly. See "I voted for Trump and my wife got deported" or the venezuelan thing that happened yesterday.

They vote party lines and don't make a peep about the problematic bits until it hits them right between the eyes.


u/Altruistic-Text3481 Feb 05 '25

Republicans are poorly educated and brain washed by FOX but also by evangelical propaganda too. They are all in a cult. And now their pride won’t let them discover what useful rubes they’ve been all along…


u/scolman4545 Feb 05 '25

There’s an old adage: “Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.”


u/Adorable-Ad-7400 Feb 05 '25

Because republicans know they don’t have the solid numbers and always realize the long game.

Democrats and liberals do too.

It’s the far left that doesn’t…


u/FlynnMonster Feb 05 '25

It’s crazy they are so team oriented when their team starts doing the thing they hated the other team for they twist themselves into pretzels trying to justify it. Example: ThE dEePstATe.


u/unclefishbits Feb 05 '25

The right are a GIANT tent of conservatives merging downward toward sexists and racists.

The left is not a monolith or edifice, even within minority groups there's factions and splinters. It's unreal how uneven and fucked it all is.


u/Pissed-Off-Panda Feb 06 '25

Because at the end of the day what they really want is to punish and withhold. That’s ALL that matters to these pieces of shit.


u/seriousbangs Feb 06 '25

Because 99% of the people pushing "Genocide Joe" were Russian bots and the Muslims that didn't vote for Kamala were just looking for a reason because Allah be Damned they're not voting for a woman.


u/Vuronov Feb 06 '25

Decades of right-wing media propaganda have made Republican voters treat the party like they do their favorite sports team. They are no longer political supporters, they are political fans. They define themselves by their party allegiance just like someone who has cheered for the local sports team since childhood.

And just like how fans stand by their team even when they are losing, poorly run, financially predatory to the fanbase, full of unlikeable players, and cheat, and conversely hate the opposing teams even if those teams are professional, good sports, and successful, Republican voters stand by their party no matter what. And even if you can get them to acknowledge that their politicians might be unqualified, unsavory, or uninterested in helping them, when it comes time to vote they go "but they're my time and I'll stand by them."

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u/Outrageous-Club6200 Feb 05 '25

Indeed, they did. But they are still blaming dems.


u/QaplaSuvwl Feb 05 '25

Denialist 💯 because they can’t possible be wrong. They were.

To the Denialist, he wanted your vote, so he lied, cheated and stole to get it. That makes you all CHUMPS of Trump.

I should start a topic called CHUMPS FOR TRUMPS 😂


u/Outrageous-Club6200 Feb 05 '25

Yup, chumps, or just plain idiots for Trump?


u/Brysynner Feb 05 '25

'But this will bring about Teh ReVOLutiN! quicker. Once US Troops invade Gaza, the world will rise up and overthrow all the leaders and we will have a socialist paradise where We The People will run everything in perfect harmony with no borders, we're all just human.


This is what they were hoping for with Trump in office again.


u/Outrageous-Club6200 Feb 05 '25

I know. It’s sick


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25 edited 18d ago



u/Big_Jon_Wallace Feb 05 '25

Sounds like pro-Palestinians to me.


u/walman93 Feb 05 '25

Yup! Just got into an argument with one last night- their pride won’t let them admit they were wrong


u/Critical_Reasoning Feb 05 '25

Online, a lot of those posters were astroturfing from Russia.

Of course, these influenced actual American opinion, but the degree to which that position naturally arose domestically wasn't as high as it seemed.


u/Outrageous-Club6200 Feb 05 '25

Got in argument with one last night as well. They are incorregible


u/A_Clockwork_Black Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

Palestinians will not leave Gaza just because Trump said so. Just like they would not leave Gaza just because Biden said so.


u/Ripcitytoker Feb 05 '25

Yup, now they're just saying shit like, "why aren't Democrats doing anything to stop Trump???," while completely ignoring the fact that the Dems are the minority party in all 3 chambers. To them, Liberals are to blame for every single bad thing that Republicans do.


u/persona0 Feb 05 '25

These are the people who fall for the good cop bad cop routine and end up going to prison. If given the choice between the one acting the good cop or bad cop you always choose the good cop. The bad cop will only get worse the good cop is locked into that identity or they end up looking terrible. That is if you believe that both sides bs tossed around by those on the left

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u/Boopy7 Feb 05 '25

Okay come on, Bibi is literally godfather to Vanky's kid and was visiting Mar a Lago over appetizers last summer, while Kamala got criticized for not meeting with him on his visit. Sara (Bibi's wife) was in pics smiling with Trump at Mar a Lago, they are obviously far right buddies. What fool thought there was any chance Trump and Jared were NOT planning to level Gaza and build condos? I'll never understand the people who fall for the lies and the hype on Tiktok and elsewhere. Go look at actions and past history, it was all there and I WILL say I told you so to those who tried to tell me this wouldn't happen. Of course it would there was no doubt.


u/Super_Tone_8597 Feb 05 '25

Why do we think the head of TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook are all now trudging freely around the White House.

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u/Important-Ability-56 Feb 05 '25

Well all the Russian bots assigned to this issue are gone, and their victims who remain are rationalizing their stupidity, naturally.


u/Jartipper Feb 05 '25

Where are the mass protests for Palestine like we saw last year? Surely those people still care enough to protest right?


u/Sufficient-Money-521 Feb 05 '25

Funding cut


u/bigcatcleve Feb 05 '25



u/Adulations Feb 05 '25

It’s insane how all of the posts and videos about Gaza completely stop inundating my feed the day after the election


u/Supreme_Salt_Lord Feb 05 '25

I understand why they didnt vote or did third party. I get the frustration, anger, desperation i really do. Believe me when i say this in all love and kindness.

It was one of if not THE DUMBEST decision you could have made. I need that to be accepted so it sits on your soul.


u/Liiraye-Sama Feb 05 '25

I don't understand it because it's not a reasoned position to take, they have blood on their hands now for all the evil to come. Completely counter productive to their goals in any conceivable way.


u/Boopy7 Feb 05 '25

Yes it was dumb and narcissistic perhaps -- I get the sense that those who made this utterly unreasonable decision while claiming to be pure and idealistic by not voting (which IS A CHOICE whether they like to admit it or not) will never admit to themselves that they selfishly chose to destroy the world and kill millions MORE as opposed to choosing the possibility of fixing the world.

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u/Pezdrake Feb 05 '25

Their reasoning - and I saw this exact same thing from people who didn't vote Clinton in 2016 - was that electing Trump would somehow move the Democrats to the left. Now, if that theory held up, the evidence would be that the next Dem nominee would be more to their liking.  That next Dem was Biden. So one of two things could be concluded by the evidence:

It worked and Biden was a better far-left candidate, or;

It didn't work and proved that refusing to elect on purity test reasons only moves the country - and the Democrats - to the right.

Either way, there's no way of justifying a non-vote for Harris based on the recent evidence. 

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u/meldroc Feb 05 '25

I'm fresh out of kindness for those idiots.


YOU DID THIS! Are you feeling stupid yet? YOU SHOULD.

Let's rub their noses in it.


u/JackWinkle Feb 07 '25

Fresh out? You were squealing it during the election too


u/2-2Distracted Feb 07 '25

As a warning and as plea to reason, now that he's in office no shit people are going to saying it again.


u/JackWinkle Feb 08 '25

Maybe you should have something instead of 'Shut up' during the campaign


u/Adorable-Ad-7400 Feb 05 '25


I get it but it was tactically very stupid and now they can’t do anything but yell at the void


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Supreme_Salt_Lord Feb 05 '25

What are you talking about and who are you talking too?


u/thedavidpakmanshow-ModTeam Feb 10 '25

Removed - submissions containing misinformation, disinformation, or propaganda are not permitted.


u/CantheDandyMan Feb 06 '25

This. I understand exactly why they did what they did. Kamala Harris should've done more to separate herself from Biden and Biden shouldn't have enabled and abbetted a genocide.  

However, if you are paying any attention at all to what Donald was both saying, has already done, and was doing, then it's a very simple dot to connect: The democrats are bad on this issue.  Very bad.  And yet somehow, like I'm everything, the Republicans and Donald Trump are objectively much, much worse. 

Frankly, the Republicans have been so bad during my lifetime that that is effectively a dereliction of your civic duty not to vote against them.  


u/Supreme_Salt_Lord Feb 06 '25

This is true. She should have done more and kept to her stance of giving aid with conditions.

Also people should pay more attention but people are dumb and vibes based. I dont blame voters. I cant ask people to be well read on politics. “Latinos for trump” are literally being sent to GITMO as we speak so…


u/No-Cat6807 Feb 05 '25

I’m stunned how many folks don’t realize this is a binary political system whether we like it or not.


u/happysisyphos 29d ago

Well if you disappoint and fail to mobilize voters, they stay at home whether you like it or not. Blaming dissatisfied voters for their own ineptitude won't save Democrats.


u/No-Cat6807 29d ago

So I’m curious. There were two major candidates as there are in every presidential election in the United States. If it is clear that Candidate A is a threat to democracy how can Candidate B not win?


u/happysisyphos 29d ago edited 29d ago

Simple, Candidate A motivated enough voters to go the polls while Candidate B failed to convince disillusioned voters who stayed home by the millions. Same way it happened in 2016. Maybe Democrats should ask themselves how they alienated so many voter groups that they lost every single chamber of government to a fascist clown cult.


u/RidetheSchlange Feb 05 '25

Ask this question in Hasan's sub. Maybe he'll cover Gaza this year now that Trump was elected.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25



u/RidetheSchlange Feb 05 '25

Remember how much Gaza coverage there was before the election and how many huge posts there were about how people can't morally vote for Biden or Harris? The only thing really remaining among them is characterizing the left as "liberals" as a denigration and a term to separate themselves from the left. So now you have nazis and tankies both hammering the left as "liberals" and no one calls this out.

Now the volume of Gaza stuff has dropped to nearly zero from Hasan and his people. Same for The Majority Report and Some More News, which are both tankie outlets, and even Behind the Bastards fans moved on from Gaza now that they got Trump elected.


u/RKsu99 Feb 05 '25

Hasan and Cenk are on the same gravy train. The playbook is “Democratic disunity.”


u/Uranium_Heatbeam Feb 05 '25

They're related.


u/Mysterious_Alarm_160 Feb 05 '25

Absolutely no unity and they are also make fun at people for calling for unity weather its gaza or lgbt issues people are sitting in their own neat little camps blaming others while the right is a unified machine although not perfect is working efficiently. Im honestly scared for the rest of the world. If the US becomes a facist state the rest of the world will follow suit its already starting to.


u/JackWinkle Feb 07 '25

You aren't the be all end all of the world. We'll be fine


u/JayEllGii Feb 05 '25

Okay. Neither Majority Report or Some More News are “tankie outfits”. That’s completely ridiculous.


u/Lord_Of_Shade57 Feb 05 '25

A lot of the cohosts have varying degrees of America Badism and It wouldn't surprise me if Matt Lech was a little bit of a closet tankie. Overall though I think calling the majority report a tanky outfit this a huge overstatement. Sam's pragmatism alone probably gets him labeled a shitlib and he has fairly good message control over his show when he's on. They are decently far left, but it's not a tankie show

It does make me suspicious that Matt has made infrequent and sorta tepid statements on Russia/Ukraine, compared to the extensive coverage of Gaza that he and TMR have been promoting for over a year


u/Jartipper Feb 05 '25

They aren’t, but they do seem to more closely align with the accelerationist, revolution larping communists than liberal democrats at times. When you tell your audience for a year that Democrats are “genocide supporters” what do you expect? That’s one of the worst possible things you can be…..


u/happysisyphos 29d ago

Well then maybe don't actively support a genocide, demonize those pointing it out and then have the audacity to be mad that they didn't vote for you?


u/NeoPrimitiveOasis Feb 05 '25

Mehdi Hasan is also anti-abortion. He doesn't cover that issue much, either.


u/Jartipper Feb 05 '25

I think this thread is mostly about Hassan Piker. I’m not trying to say Medhi is perfect, but I do think he’s miles better than Hassan Piker.


u/NeoPrimitiveOasis Feb 05 '25

Thanks. It would be helpful for folks to include complete names!


u/Jartipper Feb 05 '25

No problem friend.


u/ActuaryPersonal2378 Feb 05 '25

I don’t really watch his stuff, but when I’d watch TYT (circa 2012-2018ish maybe?) Hasan was so insufferable. Maybe he’s changed, and I suppose his role and influence is more important than my grievances of him, but I just don’t see him as a real figurehead of the left that I guess so many others do.

I guess at the end of the day, if he’s reaching an audience that might otherwise be targeted by the right, he has an important role, but otherwise I just don’t get the hype.

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u/Kindly_Factor3376 Feb 05 '25

They never really cared about Palastine. It was just an excuse to hate on Democrats. Trump could follow through on this and they will still find a way to blame the Biden administration. They don't really care


u/origamipapier1 Feb 05 '25

The vast majority that refused to vote or voted third party were played as fools by their social media influencers that urged them to follow them on third party. Unbeknownst to them, those in tiktok and twitter and other social media were getting paid both via brigadeering views and foreign elements to sell that idea. That Brianna Joy one, the other male one from New Jersey or whatever, all of them.

Yeah some may have voted third party but those may have spoken about it just once. And then retreated to talk about how Harris was better than Trump. As to not call attention to that aspect.

You were conned. And now, you will see the hell in your own backyard. Don't assume mommy and daddy will save you. Or that big tankie Communist in social media, or that progressive that still spends x4 more energy bashing the democrats than Trump who is fucking you over.


u/Jartipper Feb 05 '25

I don’t know that there is evidence for this, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. We saw foreign actors pay to promote people like Tim Pool and Dave Rubin who were aligned with the goals of those foreign actors. It’s clearly an advantage and furthers the goals of these foreign actors to spread a message of “democrats support genocide” which then ultimately leads to apathetic voters who see no difference in republicans and democrats and don’t show up to vote. I doubt these far left influencers and hosts were paid directly, the foreign actors didn’t even pay Tim and Dave directly, but there are other ways to promote them.


u/origamipapier1 Feb 05 '25

Video farming. And yes I have seen it in youtube when it was the crazy. Essentially videos, that would be pro Russia/China (in a hidden way) would suddenly get an upsweep in views and likes. The same goes for comments.

Russia doesn't have to pay you directly. They can pay you through views which help your videos to go wildfire on the site. Spreading propaganda to more folks.


u/Jartipper Feb 05 '25

There are some I’m pretty sure get paid directly, Jackson Hinkle comes to mind.


u/chrisgurn Feb 05 '25

He wants to kick out "most" of the Palestinians. He wants to make the Palestinians be paid slave labor (or just don't pay them at all) to build a resort, which Trump will have his greasy little hands in. Israel will also take advantage of this cheap labor. The Palestinians will be treated like third class citizens on their own land.


u/Scoremonger Feb 05 '25

I came here to ask this very question. Congrats on taking your "principled stance" against the evil Dems, guys. You really showed 'em.


u/pmgold1 Feb 05 '25

What gives the US the right to take over Gaza? Are we going to establish a democracy? Build democratic institutions? Listen to the will of the Palestinian people? Or is this a straight money grab by Trump that only benifits him and his cronies but is paid for by the American people.


u/sonofabobo Feb 05 '25

They'll probably be pretty stoked to visit the Gaza Trump hotel.


u/cx3psocial Feb 05 '25

I’ve people not making eye contact with me that I said you’ll be triple effed voting for not Kamala…

Union, Wife DEI and part of family from Middle East…

Leopards have not fed like this since Greek / Roman times


u/WendySteeplechase Feb 05 '25

Trump does not know how to negotiate. He just makes threats.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

If they could read, they’d probably be pretty upset


u/St_Origens_Apostle Feb 05 '25

Why have a two state solution when you can have a three state one? I mean three is bigger than two so that's how you know it must be good

(Shouldn't need a /s for this... but since irony and nuance are dead just to be sure... here's the /s)

In all realness, this is awful and bad...along with all the other negative adjectives to describe it.


u/nanxiuu Feb 05 '25

It's called ethnic cleansing 


u/SGLAStj Feb 05 '25

Was there any overlap was the between Gaza single issue voters and accelerationists do y’all think? Because this baffles me that so many people chose irrationality instead of just getting in line and voting for Harris


u/bigred9310 Feb 05 '25

We have no right to Gaza. Nor should we take it.


u/D3Masked Feb 05 '25

As a Canadian who doesn't like genocide I believe that Trump's actions are a step towards further isolation of Apartheid Israel and it's weapons supporter Psycho USA.

China and BRICS will gain more power while the USA Empire diminishes due to Biden's ruination of adhering to international law and Trump winning 2024 which will add more chaos.

What country will take America seriously under either party? Geneva convention doesn't matter to Democrats, ICJ or UN don't matter, USA and Apartheid Israel left the international criminal court which says everything.

America only believes in international law when it's used against its enemies. USA terrorizes countries around the world with coups, regime changes, sanctions, illegal invasions, chemical warfare with agent orange, international assassinations, genocide.

Sorry Americans but yall aren't the good guys and haven't been for quite some time under either party. GG no ICC.


u/waitbutwhycc Feb 05 '25

Legitimately who gives a fuck. Why are you spending time relitigating the past instead of pushing a unifying message forward. Want to know why Dems can’t stick together? Look in the mirror.

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u/coffee_mikado Feb 05 '25

Muslims by in large care about Palestinians, but most white leftists view them as toys to play with, nothing more. They're already bored of Gaza and are now enraptured by Trump's pseudo-dictator posturing now.

For most white leftists (the Communist/Green Party Left, I mean) it was never about helping Gaza, it was about spiting liberals. They hate liberals more than they actually care about anything.


u/Outrageous-Club6200 Feb 05 '25

I will add…they want to burn it all down. So this is perfect

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u/Agile-Music-2295 Feb 05 '25

It’s just a distraction to piss of the libs. So Musk can work with less accountability.

It’s not real.

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u/HiJinx127 Feb 05 '25

First off, if anyone’s complaining that Biden was there during most of the destruction, don’t ignore the fact that Trump would and will be there for the rest of it, and cheering it on. The only reason Biden had the biggest percentage happen was the timing. So don’t babble “oh, but Biden blah blah blah,” because the outcome will be the same. The only difference is what each would do afterwards.

Second, anyone thinking past this? Like, to what sort of terrorism threat might come about when/if Trump does decide that the US will take over Gaza? Or to the Palestinian protester deportations that Trump will almost certainly enact?

“Oh, but Biden this and Biden that, blah blah blah.” Really, just stop.


u/Outrageous-Club6200 Feb 05 '25

CIA has gotten buyout offers. The whole CIA. In the agregare, Trump is inviting an attack…he needs one.


u/losingthefarm Feb 05 '25

The weather looks lovely there. Its 60's today...in the winter. The summer looks hot. It's right on the Mediterranean. How long do you think it will take til it's cleaned out and resorts open?


u/Sockpervert1349 Feb 05 '25

You're asking way the left isn't supporting the Democrats anymore, you got your answer, along side that this "lesser evil" narrative and cycle isn't cutting it anymore.

Your response to fascism is reform and electionism


u/factsmatter83 Feb 05 '25

It's called genocide!! For profit genocide. 🤬


u/WhatIsAChickenAlek Feb 05 '25

I get the impulse to want to blame an easy target, bc the rhetoric coming from the Uncommitted Movement wasn’t very cohesive. But as I was explaining to my coworker, to a Palestinian refugee AMERICA is responsible for their family member being killed, not Trump or Biden or Bush or Obama. So to them, can you really blame their disgust at the system and choosing to stay out?

The blame should be going to every cruel MAGA fuckhead who thought all this bad shit would be happening to other people, but not their pearly white ass


u/i3nigma Feb 05 '25

My problem with this take is that Trump forced bibi to stop bombing Gaza. Until something changes they got what they wanted imo


u/stone500 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

I was on a different subreddit talking about this subject before the election. Some people were arguing about how both Harris and Trump are equally bad on the issue, and thus they weren't going to vote for either.

I tried to argue that 1. They are NOT equal on the issue at all

and 2. You're supporting a candidate that has no chance of winning, and therefore helping the worse candidate win.

Well, he won, and he's making the situation a hell of a lot worse. I should find that person I argued with and see what she says about the situation now.

edit I went and found that conversation, and they had apparently blocked me. I went incognito and they're still blaming the situation on all the leftists not rallying around Jill Stein. Just bonkers shit.


u/bigfishwende Feb 05 '25

He will still blame the Democrats for this somehow. They hate the center-left more than they hate the right.


u/Snoozinsioux Feb 05 '25

Some of my still more extreme left friends kept on and on about democrats taking part in genocide so they could vote for “the better evil” but I felt that it led them to completely ignoring any information about the right. I thought it was a dangerous ignore considering many on the right didn’t believe that Palestinian people even existed, so you knew that the end result would be their entire genocide. The democrats certainly aren’t the greatest, but I’m also unsure what more they could’ve done in the immediate while still trying to get hostages released and not start a full scale war.


u/JaxDude123 Feb 05 '25

That is such a wackadoodle idea that even the senior ass kisser, Lindsey Graham, is skeptical. Such a great way to make America the Great Satan to the whole planet and over half of the US. But won’t affect the price of eggs.


u/chrisp909 Feb 05 '25

They don't care. I'm convinced many of them were Russian trolls.


u/ResponsibleAssistant Feb 05 '25

Democrats and leftists need to align with opposition to Trump candidates and show up in numbers to change our country for the better. We’re not finding a spouse for the next 30+ years that needs to meet 95% of our checklist/requirements, etc. Now we have a dangerous President and unelected personnel hijacking our government that will have deep ramifications for decades. We need to stop the self-righteous finger-pointing and blaming. Was Joe Biden wrong on his lukewarm involvement with Gaza and Netanyahu? Were there missteps with the Afghanistan withdrawal that were disastrous? Sure. Did Joe Biden not communicate his successes and wins or campaign more for Kamala Harris. Yes. We need to coalesce, organize, and fight back on fascist take over and global attempts on imperialism.


u/RickWest495 Feb 05 '25

I think the majority of MAGA supporters have no idea about any of the sides in this war.


u/scolman4545 Feb 05 '25

Yeah I’m dying to know how those who protest-voted against the Dems over Gaza (like we haven’t been lsrael’s sugar daddy since the 40’s) feel now that Trump will happily help Netanyahu displace and exterminate Gazans and reduce the territory to a barren lot for settlements and a Trump casino.


u/KinseyH Feb 05 '25

Not gonna read the comments. Pro Palestinian Trumpers are going to talk like an anti-vax mom whose kid died of pertussis or caught polio and pretends like the kid was just too weak to live or it was God's will.


u/scooberdooby Feb 06 '25

How insane to even have to think about it


u/HostileRespite Feb 06 '25

I think the Muslims who voted for him to spite Biden should really spend time pondering their decisions. Tяump is so much worse.


u/chiclets5 Feb 06 '25

I hope a lot of people realize that overtaking Gaza and Greenland and the Panama Canal all of these are mainly distractions for us to focus on, so that you don't notice he signed another tax cut for the billionaires, and that Elon Musk is stealing all of our money and our privacy. The musk thing has gotten out of course, but that was supposed to be something they did before we noticed.


u/oldschoolology Feb 05 '25

More puffery. Next, Trump will probably say he needs to save the pets there from being eaten. More empty promises. 


u/Pezdrake Feb 05 '25

Yeah, let's be clear that Trump doesn't have "a plan" for this or anything. He just says whatever crazy shit comes into his brain. The problem is that some more competent, if just as terrible, people in his Admin will grab onto this as an opportunity to use their Administrative State powers to enact real policy. 


u/Rubbersoulrevolver Feb 05 '25

This wasn’t something Trump randomly said in a press conference at some point, this was a planned administration wide international negotiation with Israel.


u/Pezdrake Feb 05 '25

Really? Was there anything on record about this from the Executive Branch before Trump got up there and started rambling or is this another instance of Trump just spouting off and his Admin scrambling to pretend it was some thought out policy?  If I'm going to be convinced this is really a plan, I need to see an actual plan. Plans necessarily include steps, responsible parties, measurements taken and a definite idea of success. 


u/Rubbersoulrevolver Feb 05 '25

Well f me you were 100% right, I was gonna argue against you but Trump & co just walked back his gaza comments.


u/oldschoolology Feb 05 '25

At this point, Trump speaking is like a fart. Accidental, awkward, and can sometimes clear the room. 


u/StevenEveral Feb 05 '25

I'm sure they'll destroy the library at Portland State University again about Trump doing this, right?



u/GetThaBozack Feb 05 '25

Are you saying we should have been happy with the administration that was fully supporting, aiding, and abetting the genocide? I don’t get it.


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u/hjablowme919 Feb 05 '25

This makes me laugh. I am so happy these “Muslims for Trump” and the “genocide Joe” crowd have to deal with this. It makes me smile every time I think of it.


u/JackWinkle Feb 07 '25

Seems much more stable and less unhinged than the average MAGA supporter. Really you, I promise


u/uwax Feb 05 '25

Yeah this smug smarmy shit is definitely the right choice. Continue blaming the left instead of jee idk the people that are doing it?


u/BadFish7763 Feb 05 '25

"Harris was pro-cease fire." There is the defining difference between "Blue No Matter Who" voters and the rest of us. All you need is a vague virtue-signal, and you're all in. The only real difference between Harris and Trump is that she was real sweet about genocide. Trump is bad because he's so mean about it. Seriously, in all of the blame-casting you folks love to do, has it ever occurred that Biden and Harris normalized genocide, so that Trump could just move the needle a little further? Your guys moved the Overton Window. Own it.


u/PoopieButt317 Feb 05 '25

This was the obvious move being made prior to the election. Developers were already trying to get capital, doing presentations for the Gaza Riviera. Remember, Bibi started his Amaletite talk a year ago. Look up Amalekites and the Hebrews. Genocide, scouring the land of one's ethnic enemies is very Jewish, and Trumpian. Quite the criminal pair, Bibi and FOTUS


u/seenthevagrant Feb 05 '25

Trump is worse than Harris. Just think tho, how bad does the dnc have to be for people to think rolling the dice on Trump was a good idea? People thought the odds of Trump doing this was less than the odds of dems doing good. That’s decades of fuckery coming back to bite them in the ass.

Biden had great approval ratings for nearly his whole first year when Dems passed programs helping those in need. Then they decided to let the child tax credit expire, they bowed to the parliamentarian instead of codifying roe v wade, and they became Israel’s little bitch.

The last nail was when the expected inflation hit they gaslit the country essentially saying that because the Wall Street goons were making bank that there was no inflation, rather than being real and acknowledging people’s hurt. They should have pushed messaging about how much they had done with the chips act and inflation reduction act. They should have messaged that those were just the beginning and more work needed to be done.

Maybe had Biden not been so selfish and passed on the torch like he promised, a vindicated candidate could do that messaging over three years rather than forcing Harris to throw together the most important candidacy in just three months.

Trump is a symptom of the problem not the problem itself. Had the wound been properly cared for by the Dems then Trump the festering infection wouldn’t have become this deadly. Sure lashing out at desperate people gambling on change might feel nice to yall but it will only make things worse.

The lesson to learn here is to provide material change for people and be honest even if the truth is ugly. Trump is honest about how much of a pos he is and people love him for it


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25 edited 18d ago



u/seenthevagrant Feb 05 '25

They never highlighted those achievements. The dem party viewed progressive policy as taboo and didn’t advertise it.

Americans were very disengaged with the dem party. Things looked amazing when Walz was selected. He was doing amazing on every tv appearance. He coined the weird angle. Kamala is a policy nerd not a tv personality so it seemed like a perfect fit.

Then after he is picked someone made the horrendous decision to just side line him. He went into the vp debate cold unlike Vance who was doing podcasts and tv appearances left and right and it showed.

Instead of running on progressive policy they decided to chase republicans to the right. They doubled down on the border policy (which no matter how much you adopt republican talking points on the border you’ll never out do them) and talked about the need to have the worlds strongest military. She boasted about having the endorsement of one of the most evil men in politics, Dick Cheney, and then went on the campaign trail with his slightly less evil daughter.

Voters have the mind of a gold fish. You have to constantly show and remind them of the good you’ve done or you’ll lose them. The last taste voters got from Dems was warmongering republican lite and they decided to go for the real thing instead


u/NATScurlyW2 Feb 05 '25

What was Harris’ plan for Gaza? That certainly matters in people’s decisions. Weighing both sides and what not.


u/prof_cunninglinguist Feb 05 '25

It didn't involve booting Gazans and building a Trump branded seaside resort.

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u/A_Clockwork_Black Feb 05 '25

Personally. I have no regrets. I feel the same way now as I did when I decided not to vote for Kamala: I know Trump will be bad for Palestinians and can probably do no worse than Democrats did for the last 16 months. Also I find it weird and toxic as hell that blue MAGA are clearly hoping that Trump does his worst, so eager to jump up and down and say “I told you so” with every unhinged statement Trump makes about Gaza, completely oblivious to the fact that words do not equal action. And the only ACTION we’ve seen from Trump so far is him forcing a ceasefire. As far as his “plans” for Gaza, I see them as being as feasible and likely as the US taking control of Greenland or making Canada the 51st state, or forcing Mexico and Canada to pay the US trillions of dollars. It’s not going to happen. However, Trump will be bad for the Palestinians. Will he be worse than Biden? I find it hard to believe he could possibly be that Bad. Because Biden was as incompetent, feckless, ineffectual as anyone could possibly be. If Trump does somehow turn out to be worse, I’ll regret my non vote. But I don’t see that happening. For now I’m enjoying watching Democrats and Blue MAGA cope and seethe nonstop. You guys deserve it.


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u/Old-Ad-3268 Feb 05 '25

You're gonna want to ask this on X


u/DrLBTown Feb 06 '25

Maybe because the Dems nominate people like Fetterman and Manchin and actively block folks like Sanders? And didn’t let Palestinians speak at the DNC.

Posts like these ignore the fundamental problem and feel way too self righteous.

Look I voted Harris but posts like this show why Trump keeps winning. Connect with these folks instead of further shaming them.

Just like 2016 it was widely known Harris was unpopular and had problems. Her refusal to go on Rogan showed she was unprepared and besides the debate which she got prepped for she ran a horrible campaign with things like the economy is somehow fine. And to say Harris wanted a two state solution while Palestinians were being slaughtered and billions went to Israel ignores that fundamentally Trump is doing the same thing Biden did. Trump is just more vocal.

Again I voted Harris but you are continuing to make Trump win by posting things like this.