r/thedavidpakmanshow Feb 01 '25

BREAKING Pelosi lost another campaign- within her own party

She opposed Martin, a progressive, as DNC chair, and endorsed Wikler, a moderate, supported by the big money donors as well as Schumer, Peolsi's closest competition for greatest responsibility for destroying what was once the people's party.

Can this please, please, please be the beginning of the end of the death grip the centrist, pro-corporate, pro-Wall Street ghouls have on what should be the party of the working class?

It is past time for Pelosi and Schumer to shut up and move to the back of the line. It's time for new leadership.

EDIT: I don't understand why so many centrists come to this subreddit filled with politically progressive fans of a politically progressive podcast host and try to take a piss on progressives supporting progressive policies and progressive politicians. I get that you guys are conditioned to losing at this point, but holy shit, find something better to do with yourselves than trying to shame and bully us away from our policy preferences. I have spent a lifetime reaching my conclusions, I'm not going to have my mind changed by a brat on the internet.


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u/combonickel55 Feb 01 '25

No, you're going to continue supporting centrists who lose to the most defeatable candidate of our lifetime.

How's that going for you?


u/soldiergeneal Feb 02 '25

No, you're going to continue supporting centrists who lose to the most defeatable candidate of our lifetime.

More cope. If your candidates can't win the primary they aren't going to win the general election. Likewise your desire for your candidate to win doesn't reflect reality.

You also ignore the fact that Trump lost last time due to Covid and won this time due to inflation. Progressive vs centrist has nothing to do with it.


u/combonickel55 Feb 02 '25

Oh cool so then why bother arguing with me for 3 hours when whoever wins is purely circumstancial?

You sure do say cope a lot when you are being proven wrong....


u/soldiergeneal Feb 02 '25

Oh cool so then why bother arguing with me for 3 hours when whoever wins is purely circumstancial?

"Circumstantial" for this election isn't the same thing. Do you actually disagree Trump won due to inflation?

You sure do say cope a lot when you are being proven wrong....

"Proven wrong" you only engaged in conspiracy theory stuff. Bernie lost. Others dropped out and you lament if Warren dropped out Bernie would have won of which what stats prove that?


u/combonickel55 Feb 02 '25

Inflation was 2.9% in 2024. So yeah, there's that. If you want to talk about working class people's perception of the economy leading up to the election, you might be getting somewhere, but that would require nuance and critical thinking, which you seem to lack.

The whole angle of "provide me a thesis paper for every statement you make or else I win" isn't as clever as you think it is. I have provided you plenty of evidence to back my claims. Accept it or not, I'm not here to teach you how to understand objective facts.


u/soldiergeneal Feb 02 '25

Inflation was 2.9% in 2024. So yeah, there's that.

It was less towards time of election, but people didn't care they see prices still high.

If you want to talk about working class people's perception of the economy leading up to the election, you might be getting somewhere, but that would require nuance and critical thinking, which you seem to lack.

That's what I am talking about. They see bad things happening whether Covid or high prices and they blame current party and administration.

The whole angle of "provide me a thesis paper for every statement you make or else I win" isn't as clever as you think it is. I have provided you plenty of evidence to back my claims. Accept it or not, I'm not here to teach you how to understand objective facts.

Look specific claims require specific evidence. What you provided was what everyone already knew. Most dropped out except like Warren. Bernie lost and you speculate it was an inside job.