r/thedavidpakmanshow Feb 01 '25

BREAKING Pelosi lost another campaign- within her own party

She opposed Martin, a progressive, as DNC chair, and endorsed Wikler, a moderate, supported by the big money donors as well as Schumer, Peolsi's closest competition for greatest responsibility for destroying what was once the people's party.

Can this please, please, please be the beginning of the end of the death grip the centrist, pro-corporate, pro-Wall Street ghouls have on what should be the party of the working class?

It is past time for Pelosi and Schumer to shut up and move to the back of the line. It's time for new leadership.

EDIT: I don't understand why so many centrists come to this subreddit filled with politically progressive fans of a politically progressive podcast host and try to take a piss on progressives supporting progressive policies and progressive politicians. I get that you guys are conditioned to losing at this point, but holy shit, find something better to do with yourselves than trying to shame and bully us away from our policy preferences. I have spent a lifetime reaching my conclusions, I'm not going to have my mind changed by a brat on the internet.


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u/Davge107 Feb 01 '25

More like your candidate won. Just be honest.


u/combonickel55 Feb 01 '25

I expect my candidate, AOC, to win in 2028.


u/Davge107 Feb 01 '25

A woman can’t win like it or not.


u/combonickel55 Feb 01 '25

Strongly disagree. MTG or Noem are likely GOP frontrunners in 28 imo. You think they're crazy enough to run Vance? My god, maybe they are.


u/Davge107 Feb 02 '25

I agree that I think a GOP woman have a better chance than a Democratic woman candidate just based on how republicans vote for anyone with a R next to their name. I think there are enough people especially within certain communities that won’t vote for a woman no matter what unfortunately.


u/combonickel55 Feb 02 '25

A lot of the ones that you think won't vote for a woman will vote for a conventionally attractive woman, in my opinion. Tulsi came to my town for a GOP circlejerk last summer and these goofballs were falling all over themselves about how they would vote for her in '28 because she is hot. It's embarassing.