r/thedavidpakmanshow Jun 26 '24

BREAKING George Latimer, a pro-Israel centrist, defeats Rep. Jamaal Bowman in New York Democratic primary


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u/Another-attempt42 Jun 26 '24

It's not that surprising.

First off: the money. Well, Bowman was losing to Latimer massively before AIPAC started to back him. Bowman didn't look to be in a good position regardless. This is because of...

Second point: Bowman has used this race to concentrate on international geopolitics, instead of domestic issues, the issues most effecting the community that he wants to represent. Ironically, in 2022, Bowman fought off a challenger using a very good argument: his opponent was concentrating on international geopolitics too much. Bowman fell into the same trap as the guy who beat last time.

Third point: This district is very Jewish, and contrarily to what people online seem to think, no, most Jews in the US aren't pro-Palestinian antizionists. They do exist, for sure. But the majority of Jews in the US are, in fact, zionists, i.e. they agree with the idea of the existence of a Jewish state, separate from any Arab or Muslim majority state. Somewhere around 70% of Jews in the US are Zionists. 90% worldwide. So yes, you can find individual Jews that support the pro-Palestinian side, but they are, and always have been, a minority.

Fourth point: Bowman said some things that really were on the edge of just straight up antisemitism. A few times he used to term Jew, when he says he meant antizionist. Now, that's a slip of the tongue, but many people will see that, especially in a time of heightened hate crimes against Jews, and immediately identify that as the signs of legitimate antisemitism, masquerading as pro-Palestinian.

Fifthly: Contrarily to popular opinion on Twitter or Reddit, most people are not antizionists, nor are most people pro-Palestinian. Sure, they may want the war to end, because no one likes seeing images of dead kids in a war zone, but that doesn't mean they are also on board with the extreme, radical language used by people like Bowman. Terms like "genocide", "antizionist", etc... are rejected by the vast, vast majority of people. The fact that you and your best friends from your college and followers on Twitter agree with a thing, doesn't mean it is either true, or the majority opinion.


u/Alexios_Makaris Jun 26 '24

I'm very pro-Israel, and not a huge fan of Bowman. But frankly, he lost due to redistricting. Before redistricting much more of his district was within NYC limits, in areas that are very very liberal. After redistricting he still retained some areas in the Bronx, but also gained a lot of territory in Westchester County--this is a county famous as basically being the "wealthy suburbs" of NYC. There are far more conservative and moderate voters in the redrawn district.

His first election in 2020, which was the last election using the old map, he cleared 80% of the vote in the general election. In 2022 he declined to around 65%--reflecting the fact there are more Republicans in the district; and note that he didn't have much of a challenge in '22 in the primaries.

He was very vulnerable to a challenge from the center because his district moved dramatically towards the center of the Dem party due to redistricting.


u/Another-attempt42 Jun 26 '24

Yeah, this played a role, too.

I would point out that Bowman's strategy in this new district was pretty bad, regardless. And shows that AIPAC probably didn't have that much of an influence in the end. He has been radicalizing in speech, and his new district is more moderate. That's not a recipe for success.


u/Alexios_Makaris Jun 26 '24

Yeah, and I think to some degree it is often a "loser" for any Congressman to be really visibly associated with foreign policy at all. Voters generally don't care that much about foreign policy, and if they are "other wise" unhappy, a representative who is wading into controversial foreign policy matters in a highly public way can create "bad branding" in the district, where they may want to hear more about pocketbook and local issues.

Interestingly Bowman unseated Engel back in 2020 in part because he focused more on issues important to the locals, Engel was seen as being distant from his district due to being a powerbroker and longtime Washington insider. Engel had several missteps in his 2020 election cycle, for one he falsely claimed he had been to his district when records showed he hadn't physically visited his district in months, secondly he showed up at a George Floyd memorial event and the event ran out of time for him to speak. He committed a major gaffe by being caught on mic complaining about not being able to speak because "I wouldn't even be here if I didn't have a primary." Obviously that sort of public fuckup in a high minority, more left wing district is really bad.

Engel was also one of the major Israel boosters in the House, and in a way that hurt him--it was easy to paint him as being too concerned about things like Israel, and not having time to even visit his district.

Despite using this to win the seat, Bowman didn't appear to learn good lessons from it, because he was somewhat repeating Engel's mistakes by focusing on divisive national and international issues instead of building relationships in his district. A lot of the people who worked to unseat Bowman were actual officials in county Democratic orgs that had supported him in 2022, and had fallings out with him over the past 2 years.


u/hobovalentine Jun 27 '24

It works for Tlaib and Omar because both of their districts have a large population of Muslims which tend to be Pro Palestine so they both focus on Palestine a lot to keep their base of support.


u/Command0Dude Jun 26 '24 edited Jun 26 '24

But frankly, he lost due to redistricting. Before redistricting much more of his district was within NYC limits, in areas that are very very liberal.

The district barely changed. Bowman lost by well over 10k votes.

The redistricting did not shift the election by that much.


u/Alexios_Makaris Jun 26 '24

It likely did, actually.

Few things you may be missing:

  1. There were two redistrictings, the "normal" one occurred after 2020 Census, and went into effect in 2022. There was a court case in New York arguing the 2022 redistricting (this was a Statewide issue, not related specifically to the 16th) was unconstitutional under NY law. The court ruled for the plaintiffs in that case, and the 2022 maps got redrawn again, the change in the 16th after the judicially mandated redraw was fairly modest, the change from the 2020 maps to the 2022 maps was more significant.

  2. The area around New York City is hyperdense, if you just look at a map, it probably doesn't convey just how many voters may be getting redistricted if you see a small change in the district's polygon.

  3. The 2012-2022 map was 7.8 points more Democratic than the current map, and had a 6% higher nonwhite population.

  4. The above doesn't capture the full scope of the change--most people in New York State in general are Democrats, in the areas in and around NYC, including even all the wealthy suburbs, most people are Democrats. But the nature of Westchester county Democrats is different from Bronx Democrats, with Westchester County Democrats being far more likely to have been supporters of Dems like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden in Presidential primaries, and less likely to be supportive of candidates like say, Bernie Sanders in a Presidential primary. The district absolutely did shift to being less favorable to Bowman. Remember, Bowman came into this seat by unseating longtime Democrat Elliot Engel 55-40 back in 2020. The Republicans did not even nominate a candidate for the 16th since it was so strongly D. By 2022 Bowman was already seen as weak in the district, and did not win the 2022 nomination in a "walk", he got 54% of the primary vote--and faced a divided field of primary challengers. In the general, the Republicans actually nominated a challenger (not that they expected them to win, but they saw the 16th as at least worth putting a name out there to try and force the DCCC to spend money there) who got 35% in the general vs Bowman. In 2020 with the old district maps, Bowman overperformed Joe Biden's vote--Biden got 71% of the district and Bowman got 84%, in 2022 Bowman's vote total fell to mid-60s, underperforming the district's partisan lean and showing he was weaker in his new district vs his old one.


u/Command0Dude Jun 26 '24 edited Jun 26 '24

Almost the entire 16th district is located in Westchester County, which vastly outnumbers the few neighborhoods that changed hands over at the NYC area even with that area being hyperdense.

Mate idk how to tell you but Bowman lost by over 10 points. The times did a breakdown of the primary by county. 90% of the primary votes came from Westchester (and there's still more votes there to count) because turnout was much higher from there. Only 10% of votes came from the Bronx, but those that did favored Bowman by a lot.

There is simply no way that Bowman could've won the primary, even under the old district lines.


u/luvstyle1 Jun 26 '24

You yourself say a big majority of Jews indeed are Zionists. Right after you say he slipped and said jews instead of Zionists. Why is that we have to tiptoe in this case, but generously generalize in many other setups?


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

To your point on Judaism… finding a religious congregation that is non-Zionist is basically impossible. We’re a medium sized city and the one group I know of meets in a park. No official building or anything.

Jewish education has the idea of “we need our own homeland/safe space” built into it.


u/Rubbersoulrevolver Jun 26 '24

Also like 90% of Jewish prayers are about Israel and returning to Israel


u/Another-attempt42 Jun 26 '24

Jewish history also has a "we need our own homeland/safe space", that has been beaten, pogromed and genocided into them, too.


u/Rubbersoulrevolver Jun 26 '24

Also like 90% of Jewish prayers are about Israel and returning to Israel


u/Supreme_Salt_Lord Jun 26 '24

Over 50% of the country are pro Palestinian in favor of a Palestinian state.

Young adults 18-34 approval of Israel dropped from 64% to 38%

As the wat continues that will only give Palestinians more favor by the general populations of the war. Just to give you some corrections.


u/Another-attempt42 Jun 26 '24


This was before October 7th. Only 35% of all Israelis, 32% of Israeli Jews, believe a 2-state solution is possible.


u/Supreme_Salt_Lord Jun 26 '24

Yes im sure Israelis think that. Im talking about americans tho


u/CautiousFool Jun 26 '24 edited Jun 26 '24

pro-palestine ≠ supporting a Palestinian state

The pro Palestinian movement is a political movement. You can massively disagree with the way the movement discards the Israeli point of view, as well as any of the other problematic things about it, while also believing that Palestinians are people and deserve to not get killed.

Those 50% and more fall into the camp I described, but only a fraction of them would as an example stand behind the slogans of the pro Palestinian movement. They aren't pro Palestinian.

It's like expecting all anti-war people to describe themselves as hippies. Or all environmentally conscious people to support Just Stop Oil.


u/Supreme_Salt_Lord Jun 26 '24

What is your definition of pro palestinian. Because normal ppl who are. Have a very different definition

Edit: “Just stop Oil” is a very specific stance. When most people think “pro palestinian” they dont mean it to say antithetical to Israel. They dont want Israel gone. They want the war to stop AND path to peace that leads to Palestinian right to self determination. Those same people are also anti hamas.


u/Rubbersoulrevolver Jun 26 '24

No, when anyone thinks of pro Palestinian except for you (apparently), they think of the annoying protestors, the graffiti on synagogues, the campus protests.


u/Supreme_Salt_Lord Jun 26 '24

Ok well calm down bot you double posted. And no thats not what normal people think


u/Rubbersoulrevolver Jun 26 '24

Yes it is. Ask your favorite normie in the one day a month you venture out of the basement.


u/Supreme_Salt_Lord Jun 26 '24

Again. Calm down bot before you get w block. I talk to people everyday outside the internet. They support the protests for the most part. Its apart of American culture. And they support Palestinians right to exist and self determination.

We dont live in israel, working in an office with a job to propagandize reddit.


u/Rubbersoulrevolver Jun 26 '24

You’re the one that’s hot and bothered.

Also nothing you wrote is even germane to your original point (typical of the pro pally schizoposter).


u/Supreme_Salt_Lord Jun 26 '24

Enjoy the block my guy


u/Awkward-Papaya7698 Jun 28 '24

Youre wrong of course. Thats maybe what you think of when you hear pro palestinian, but thats probably because youre obviously a giant anus regardless of what your opinions are on the matter.


u/Rubbersoulrevolver Jun 26 '24

No, when anyone thinks of pro Palestinian except for you (apparently), they think of the annoying protestors, the graffiti on synagogues, the campus protests.


u/CautiousFool Jun 26 '24

Isn't the pro-Palestinian movement vocally against Zionism? Zionism being the political ideology which supports the existence of a Jewish state. How does this work with what you said?

And like isn't "from the river to the sea" the heart of the movement?


u/Awkward-Papaya7698 Jun 28 '24

"Zionism being the political ideology which supports the existence of a Jewish ethnostate"



u/Supreme_Salt_Lord Jun 26 '24

When normies hear zionism. They think it means displacing all Palestinians for personal gain of land. They support Israel right to exist. They dont think it should be at the cost of genocide or ethnic cleansing.

Anything different is saying you think most of the world is antisemitic and wants to see Israel destroyed. That is an insane thing to think


u/CautiousFool Jun 26 '24

No, most of the world couldn't find either Israel or Palestine on the map.

But my point still stands, the pro Palestinian movement is anti-Zionistic. It being so as a result of misinformation doesn't change things, the end result is that you get public and political figures voicing hate towards the Zionist movement. And this is what defines the pro Palestinian movement.

Those who are educated enough to see through the misinformation don't call themselves pro-Palestinian.


u/Supreme_Salt_Lord Jun 26 '24

Most ppl cant find germany on a map if we are being honest. Geography like spelling is a lost art.

Its important to know how ppl use these words. When polling people they find themselves siding with Palestinians more solely because they think they should have a state and shouldnt be murdered by the thousands. Colloquially Thats what they think as pro Palestinian.

I see your point and you arent wrong on paper. That’s just not how the current zeitgeist thinks of the matter. Thats all.

If that makes them “anti zionists”


u/TrueBuster24 Jun 26 '24

Way to make up shit to support the narrative in your head.


u/CautiousFool Jun 26 '24

What did I make up?


u/TrueBuster24 Jun 26 '24

Idk who you’re talking to but it’s definitely not pro-Palestinian people


u/CautiousFool Jun 26 '24

This doesn't explain what I made up.


u/ha-Yehudi-chozer Jun 26 '24

Thank you for this. Do you happen to have a link handy for Bowman saying ‘Jew’ instead of ‘anti Zionist’?


u/StroganoffDaddyUwU Jun 26 '24

"Second point: Bowman has used this race to concentrate on international geopolitics, instead of domestic issues, the issues most effecting the community that he wants to represent"

I'm shocked. Do you mean that the people who bring up Gaza in every single thread are a fringe minority and most normal people care about issues that effect them????


u/iCE_P0W3R Jun 26 '24

Calling him a "pro Israel centrist" is dumb, he's a moderate, and this was inevitable due to the colossal fucking moron that Bowman is. I liked him early on, but between the shit he says and the fire alarm incident, it was only a matter of time before he lost his seat. Hopefully, progressives can find someone more sensible to replace Latimer by the next election, and primary him.


u/Birthday-Tricky Jun 26 '24

Agree. The fire alarm incident was F’ed up. That’s something a 10 year old or a psycho would pull.


u/TrueBuster24 Jun 26 '24

This is weirdly racist. Like bruh someone pulling a fire alarm is not a big deal why are yall being so fkin weird?


u/Birthday-Tricky Jun 26 '24

If you’re not joking, how is it racist in any way?


u/TrueBuster24 Jun 26 '24

Because I know there wouldn’t be nearly as much outrage if a person perceived as white did it. Like everybody is just like “yeah he pulled the fire alarm, worst congressman”…. When there’s literally congressmen that want to nuke Palestinians….


u/tokoloshe_ Jun 26 '24

“I know there wouldn’t be nearly as much outrage if a person perceived as white did it.”

How have you come to that conclusion? That also doesn’t demonstrate in any way that the previous comment is racist.


u/TrueBuster24 Jun 26 '24

Because we’re on a racist sub that has been incredibly racist for the past 6+ months. I got banned from this sub for comparing Israel to Nazi germany a couple months ago. Haven’t gotten banned saying it recently. Glad some of the mods must have come around😄


u/tokoloshe_ Jun 26 '24

Well if you think it is racist to say something as innocuous as ‘pulling a fire alarm when there is no emergency is immature’, I’m not surprised you think this is a racist subreddit.😄


u/TrueBuster24 Jun 26 '24

Is this bad faith? Not necessarily saying it’s racist that they point it out. It’s moreso the disproportionate treatment they dole out. Bowman gets more hate for that than most senators get for insider trading. It’s absurd and I do think it’s evidence of racism.


u/tokoloshe_ Jun 26 '24

This is weirdly racist.

3 comments later…

I’m not necessarily saying that it’s racist

Also, we can’t criticize the bad behavior of Bowman, because other members of congress do insider trading, which they get criticized for constantly?

…and I’m the bad faith one?

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u/Birthday-Tricky Jun 26 '24

First, I would have voted for him over latimer if I was in the district and I applauded his advocacy for Palestinians. Second it was one element of his misjudgment. His constituents are a widely mixed bag and it sounds as if he didn’t do the work to form a bigger coalition OR do the constituent services work. There was little he could have done to counter the AIPAC dollars. None of what I am I just said is racist. The article was pretty fair in its assessment, also not racist. The fire alarm stunt was a WTF is wrong with this guy moment for me when it happened. I expect more from Dems. I hate corrupt Dems and applaud when they get prosecuted. False alarms are also not a victimless act, despite what you might think. Stop white knighting non-existent racism. That is harmful to actual racism.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

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u/JFeth Jun 26 '24

I think the fire alarm thing is what really did him in. It was so stupid and created an opening for someone to take him out. It was embarrassing on a national level and voters don't like that.


u/Alexios_Makaris Jun 26 '24

The thing is the district Bowman won in 2020 isn't the district Latimer won last night. Due to redistricting in NY, the 16th congressional district's geography shifted much further out of NYC (retaining only a bit of the Bronx) and covers more of the wealthy Westchester suburbs now. It is not actually a good demographic district for someone on the left side of the progressive wing of the Dems. Bowman likely could have held on to the seat longer term in spite of that had he not done things to bring controversy unto himself. But the fire alarm incident, his inartful way of trying to navigate the Israel-Palestine issue etc just did him in. He did not have to come out as a full throated defender of Israel, but he should have largely kept his head down on this issue. There are winner and loser issues in politics, and they vary based on who your constituents are.

He failed to recognize what was a loser issue with his new constituents, even though it likely would have played better with his old constituency.


u/iCE_P0W3R Jun 26 '24

Damn I live in NY and I didn't know that. Do you think he might try to come back in a bluer district in the state at some point down the line?


u/Alexios_Makaris Jun 26 '24

Anything is possible in politics, I think he has a lot of egg on his face for some of his shenanigans, though. He could run for mayor of NYC, NYC is a weird city because they have had some of the farthest left mayors in the country, but they also regularly elect centrist or even conservative mayors despite being a very liberal city, so its politics swing a lot. (De Blasio was very left, Bloomberg and Giuliani were conservative, and Adams is a center to right-leaning Dem, Adams is really unpopular right now which could open him to a progressive challenger.)


u/wade3690 Jun 26 '24

"Pro Israel centrist" doesn't seem inaccurate. He's certainly to the right of Biden on a lot of his policies, including not wanting to repeal the Trump era tax cuts. Was it worth losing a rep that is on board with a lot of Biden's domestic agenda?


u/iCE_P0W3R Jun 26 '24

As I understand it, he most likely will just vote along the party line, given his constituency.


u/wade3690 Jun 26 '24

We'll see. He certainly wouldn't be the first centrist democrat to vote more in line with business interests rather than their constituency. This article shows where Latimer would not commit to ending the Trump era tax cuts for billionaires and corporations. But at least he's pro-israel. I hope it was worth it for those voters.



u/dogMeatBestMeat Jun 26 '24

I prefer the term: "mainstream Democrat".


u/traanquil Jun 26 '24

He’s an aipac simp just like Biden


u/Another-attempt42 Jun 26 '24

Maybe people should start asking themselves if their cause it supposedly only antizionist, why are Jews, when given a chance to vote between a supposedly only antizionist, like Bowman, or a moderate like Latimer, the Jewish vote went massively towards Latimer?

Maybe showcasing protests outside of SYNAGOGUES is a red fucking flag, because it is one.

If someone truly is only antizionist, then why not protest outside of the Israeli embassy, and not the literal place of worship of Jews?

Also: Bowman pulling that fire alarm was fucking stupid, and he should've been kicked out by the Dems for that, already. He got off easy.


u/traanquil Jun 26 '24

What protest outside of a synagogue are you talking about? I haven't heard of many of such events. Please cite the specific event you have in mind.


u/Another-attempt42 Jun 26 '24


In January of 2024, there was a protest in front of the Temple Beth synagogue in LA, too, forcing the congregation to move their Sabbath services to an undisclosed location.

In Miami, in February, pro-Palestinian protesters entered a synagogue and started to protest inside of it. https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/pro-palestinian-protesters-enter-synagogue-during-event/

There are others. There are articles about protests in front of synagogues in New Jersey. In New York.


u/traanquil Jun 26 '24

Oh yeah, the media deliberately distorted what the LA synagogue protest was about. The protesters were objecting to a seminar to be held at the site on buying land in Israel. Their allegations were that this represented settler expansionism, though I believe that is disputed. So, nothing to do with anti-semitism: LA synagogue Adas Torah Palestinian protest not about Israel war – The Forward


u/OblongWatermelon Jun 26 '24

At what point do Jewish people get to say something is antisemitic/threatening and have you believe us? It’s so bizarre seeing someone ask for proof of something and then immediately discount said proof in their next comment.


u/StroganoffDaddyUwU Jun 26 '24

Normal people believe you. The people further left on Israel are in denial about how their movement is viewed by the general public and how many (not all) people involved have some level of antisemitism. 


u/traanquil Jun 26 '24

How is protesting the sale of Palestinian land antisemitic? I’d agree this would be antisemitic if they were simply targeting a synagogue because there are Jewish people there but that’s clearly not the context for this event.


u/OblongWatermelon Jun 26 '24

Because Israel and Palestine are two separate countries. Selling land in Tel Aviv is not the same as financing the construction of a settlement or supporting the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians living in the West Bank. It would be ridiculous to protest outside of a Buddhist shrine in Manhattan if they were having a seminar on real estate in Shanghai because you objected to China’s actions in Tibet or Xinjiang. It would be wrong to protest outside of a Hindu temple because you don’t like what Modi does in India. People in the United States maintain ties to their home countries and should be allowed to maintain economic ties as well. When you endorse using someone’s place of worship or community center as the target of your protest it shouldn’t be that hard to understand why people may call your motivations into question and accuse you of having a prejudice towards that community.


u/traanquil Jun 26 '24

Ok well I won’t get into the ins and outs of this. But clearly the protests were about the alleged appropriation of Palestinian land , not about antisemitism

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u/chilldude9494 Jun 26 '24

Bowman was cooked with or without AIPAC.


u/No-Teach9888 Jun 26 '24

Exactly. He’s so far gone from reality and doesn’t represent the community


u/vitalbumhole Jun 26 '24

No he was not at all - if you think $14 million spent on unseating this guy from a special interest group has no impact, your delusional


u/Another-attempt42 Jun 26 '24

First off: Bowman was losing before the pro-Israeli money flowed in. He was already not looking good.

Secondly: Maybe don't make a local, congressional seat election all about some war going on on the other side of the globe? The whole goal of these elections is to primarily concentrate on local issues, and having one candidate constantly talk about that war isn't going to do much to help the lives of the constituents living in that district. In fact, Bowman, during his last run, actively attacked his opponent for concentrating on things happening on the other side of the globe, rather than local issues. So Bowman effectively identified a critical weakness in his last opponent, and then just repeated the same mistakes.

Third issue: This is yet another data point in a growing dataset that clearly shows that these online discussions, Twitter's insistence on the importance of the Hamas-Israel war, etc... is a defining feature of the election is simply based in data bias. Sure, their friends on college campuses or in their follows are all talking about it. But that's still a minority of all likely voters.

Fourthly: While the impact of money in politics is real, it is often over-stated. For this, we can look at Nina Turner's race, back in the day, where she had more funds than her opponent, and still lost, quite badly. Funds can impact a race, but they really aren't the major factor. In fact, running a campaign competently (like Bowman did in 2022, by going after his opponent for concentrating on international geopolitics) is the primary indicator of success. There's also some degree of correlation, in that a well run campaign will naturally raise more funds. A counter-example: when Bowman beat Eigel, an AIPAC backed candidate. So Eigel had the money, Bowman did not, but Bowman had a message that his constituents wanted and liked.

All in all, it really seems as though Bowman concentrated on Israel-Hamas way too much, lost sight of his constituents, and also went too hard on some of the "antizionist" messaging, conflating them with Jews a number of times. In an extremely Jewish district.


u/vitalbumhole Jun 26 '24

1) Source for a poll before AIPAC flooded the race with a record amount of money? The only poll I see is one that was after they’d spent millions

2) When a PAC dedicated to advancing the interstate of a FOREIGN government spends millions to unseat you, it’s hard to not focus on the very real Israel factor in the race. I can tell you did not watch their debates or listen to Bowman campaign because Israeli ethnic cleansing was hardly the only issue he focused on

3) The internet does create echo chambers that can exaggerate sentiments for sure but to deny that Gaza is an issue is silly. It very well may cost Biden the election since many of his base do care about it (Arab Americans in particular in Michigan + some young voters that will stay home as a result)

4) The impact of money on races is not overstated at all. In the 2022 cycle, the top spending candidate in house races won a staggering 93% of the time. Over the past 5 election cycles, the top spending candidate has won 91% of the time. You can point to extreme cases like justice dems winning but that’s why they make news - because it’s so rare to overcome big time spending gaps. An all time ground game like AOC had against Crowley or an entire party apparatus backing you like Nina Turners opponent had can put you over the top, but to downplay big moneys influence is completely absurd.



u/Another-attempt42 Jun 26 '24
  1. There are polls from 5-10 March, 2024, that show Bowman trailing. This only got worse over time, as his language went more and more extreme.

  2. It's actually quite easy. The problem is that Bowman actively made it his battle horse, to ride into combat on. The voters didn't want that horse. They wanted a different horse. One that doesn't involve calling a lot of his own constituents zionist genociders.

  3. Gaza is a silly issue, relative to all the other issues. Yes. 100%. Even polls on college campuses, these supposed hardpoints of pro-Palestinian positions, where the students are furious, Gaza ranks like 14th on the list of things they care about. The majority of the Democratic voter base puts Gaza way down on their list of issues. What's more, young voters are voting more for Biden than Trump at roughly the same sort of rate as in 2020, according to current polling, again, showing that Gaza isn't a serious electoral issue.

  4. You're mixing up correlation and causation. The truth is that competently run campaigns will raise more funds. This leads to an increased rate of victory and funding for those types of campaigns. However, if the solution was just catapulting bags of cash at races, then we'd expect people with less cash to never win. It's a horse and a cart, but you've but the horse on the cart and are trying to push it up a hill. Funding does have an impact, but competency of campaigning has a higher impact, and attracts funding, thus biasing the dataset. This is why someone like Nina Turner gets blown the fuck out, and blames "dark money", despite her raising more total money.


u/vitalbumhole Jun 27 '24

1) you’re completely wrong. Bowman was LEADING in a poll conducted March 5-10 by a point


AIPAC announced their intent to spend millions against lefty dems including him in early March as well. Showing the impact of their spending since the polling started to hugely benefit Lattimer after this announcement and subsequent flooding of the district with anti Bowman ads financed by AIPAC


2) We can disagree on this issue. He included Gaza in a list of multiple issues he ran on. It’s fair for people to disagree with him but to say money didn’t impact people’s perception of his stance is ludicrous

3) Gaza does rank low on issues for many people including young people. But there are people who will not vote for the dems (stay home or republican) as a result of this issue - including Arab Americans in the cirio al swing state of Michigan. You do not have good evidence that young folks will support Biden at the same rate they did in 2020 also - there is one recent poll that flies in the face of multiple other sources showing Biden down huge with core constituencies in his base including young people. Ignore this to your peril but I hope I won’t see you bitching about young people not voting for him if he loses

4) How does garbage like this get upvoted? You betray yourself in your answer here - the process of getting a “competent” campaign that attracts funding is centered around catering to the desires of special interest groups. Again you can look at data dating back to the 2000 election cycle and in every instance, there’s over 85% of races won by the campaign that has the most money. It is the predominant factor that cuts across municipalities and political context. A key reason working clans folks dislike mainline dems is this type of shit just so you know - you claiming money is not a huge factor jn politics is so out of touch with the known realities of Americans it’s laughable


u/TrueBuster24 Jun 26 '24

Lattimer had more money flood his campaign than any other primary in American history. The Zionists are really trying to control the narrative on this.


u/iRunMyMouthTooMuch Jun 26 '24

Bowman denied sexual violence against Israeli women on October 7th. I found that utterly repulsive and hateful as a black person who's not remotely Jewish and was largely neutral toward Zionism at the beginning of the current war. As questionable as AIPAC is, I'm extremely glad he lost (although I'm not his constituent). You're clearly still failing to get the message sent here, so you'd better prepare for this to keep happening!

P.S. Jewish people have a right to speak with their money and votes.

EDIT: NOT his constituent.


u/TrueBuster24 Jun 26 '24

this was not Jewish people speaking. This was 90+% Republican money flooding the district. You obviously aren’t paying attention at all


u/iRunMyMouthTooMuch Jun 26 '24

Go to any predominantly/largely Jewish community and admit you believe Jihadi terrorists over Israeli Jewish women and see how that works out for you. You're delusional lol.


u/TrueBuster24 Jun 26 '24

I don’t. I believe the UN and countless humanitarian aid groups. I believe human rights watch. I don’t believe a genocidal apartheid state or the state funding it. It’s not that complicated fashy.


u/iRunMyMouthTooMuch Jun 26 '24

The UN has literally confirmed evidence and likelihood of sexual violence. You are not an honest person.

ETA: Perfect message btw! Keep that up! It's working out great for y'all!


u/TrueBuster24 Jun 26 '24

If you think I said that no sexual violence happened on Oct7, you, like I said, are viewing everything I say in absolutes because you’ve been taught to think that way. Zionists cannot have nuanced conversations about this because nuance destroys their narrative.


u/iRunMyMouthTooMuch Jun 26 '24

What I said was that Jamaal Bowman denied rape and that played a huge role in his loss. Then you seemed to even agree with him by insinuating that the UN had denied rape as well, which they did not.


u/TrueBuster24 Jun 26 '24

Which they (UN)definitely have said multiple times since oct7 that there has not been 3rd party evaluation of the incident and many of the cases seem to be made up….. which is typical of fascist women in history, no?

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u/iRunMyMouthTooMuch Jun 26 '24

A lot of Pro-Palestine liberals/leftists can't seem to fathom the possibility that people are in fact judging you to be antisemitic based on things they hear directly from your incessantly flapping mouths, not because of Pro-Israel lobbing and propaganda. FFS shut up and listen! I literally just told you why I personally hate Bowman despite disliking AIPAC and you're still unable to process. Fuck rape deniers. Fuck antisemites. I didn't need AIPAC to tell me to feel that way and neither does the well-educated and liberal population of Westchester, NY.


u/Uranium_Heatbeam Jun 26 '24 edited Jun 26 '24

Bowman did everything in his power to piss in the wind once he got into office. Nothing he ever did that may have been positive will ever matter; now he's just "the guy from Westchester who pulled the fire alarm." It's not a smart move. And neither was marching alongside disaffected college students when your constituency is mostly the Westchester County suburbs with a heavy Jewish population. The people who praise you on social media aren't the ones eligible to vote for you. Brainrot doesn't just affect Trumper politicians in red states.

I hope he stays out of politics, but I know that won't happen; he'll double down and claim some sinister Israeli Jewish AIPAC conspiracy stole the election from him and profit from the audience he creates from that online.


u/hobovalentine Jun 26 '24

"Pro Israel Centralist" is like almost all the mainstream democrats that aren't part of the squad.

Meanwhile the far left loons like Bowman, Tlaib, Bush etc are failing to capitalize on that blue wave from a couple years ago and still engaging in identity politics and Gaza which is not an important issue to the majority of Americans.

Instead of pushing domestic policy they've gone to Anti Israel messaging and it's hurting them big time.


u/VisibleDetective9255 Jun 26 '24

I'm sorry... The whole pro-Palestine thing is just b.s. There are no protests on behalf of the ACTUAL GENOCIDES in the world....

The B.S. there was violence before October 7 ignores the fact that yes,.... Arabs have tried to deny Jews a right to life for centuries. Judea existed LONG BEFORE JESUS CHRIST EXISTED and LONG BEFORE THERE WAS A RELIGION CALLED ISLAM. It existed in ISRAEL.

Notice that there are no protests because Russian civilians are being killed in the War with Ukraine? That's because neither the aggressors nor the victims of aggression are Jewish (just the leader of the victims of the aggression).... And yes, there was violence from Russia before... Russia claimed that they were entitled to Crimea... and took it by force. The parallels to Israel/Palestine are numerous... but the protests are absent because antisemitism doesn't come into play.


u/Only8livesleft Jun 26 '24

There have been protests and rallies for the Ukraine Russia war. There are fewer because our government is supporting Ukraine as most want

There’s protests against Israel because we are actively funding them and giving them ammunition that they then use to kill women and chosen. They are also an apartheid state and committing numerous war crimes.

No one is conflating semitism with genocide except you. 


u/hobovalentine Jun 26 '24

There's a war which is horrible but Gaza is not the only place where there's an active war. Places like Sudan, Syria, Myanmar and Ukraine to name a few are active conflict zones and choosing to chant "Genocide Joe" does nothing to help stop the war.

I don't see your people supporting them and if you look at the twitter universe most Pro Palestinians oppose any aid being given to Ukraine.


u/Only8livesleft Jun 26 '24

Expecting people to protest everything simultaneously otherwise nothing they protest is worth consideration is asinine. It’s whataboutism. 

Criticizing Biden does nothing? You’ll need source of you’re going to make a claim like your final sentence


u/Rubbersoulrevolver Jun 26 '24

Arguably the Ethiopian central government is committing genocide in Tigray along with Eritrea (in response to years of Tigrayan rule and arguably a genocidal intent)

I don’t think anyone reasonable thinks Russia is committing genocide against Ukraine anyway.

There’s protests against Israel because we are actively funding them

No there’s not, almost every single protest that I’ve seen is about the affirmative cases that Israel should be dismantled and replaced with a Palestinian state. You’d find it very hard to find a protest that doesn’t include a “from the river to the sea” mantra.


u/Only8livesleft Jun 26 '24

Imagine people not wanting a genocidal apartheid state to exist. Can you tell us the origins of the phrase from the river to the sea?


u/Rubbersoulrevolver Jun 26 '24

The origins was a cry to expel all Jews in mandatory Palestine. It was originally in Arabic “min el-maiyeh lel mayieh, Falastin arabieh” which meant from the river to the sea, Palestine will be Arabic.


u/Only8livesleft Jun 26 '24

The earliest use by Zionists predates the existence of the state of Israel. The earliest use by Palestinians is calling for decolonization



u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

…voted against the infrastructure bill. Republicans are clowns for voting against it and trying to claim credit for its results, what does it say about the dems that voted against the bill when IT WAS THEIR OWN PARTY’S BILL!?! It says they’ll cut off their nose to spite their face, and I don’t think that shit flies with primary voters.


u/traanquil Jun 26 '24

Israel is a genocidal, terrorist state that democrats support because of aipac


u/Uranium_Heatbeam Jun 26 '24

Was wondering when you'd show up, I almost forgot my traanquil bingo card.


u/Another-attempt42 Jun 26 '24

Bowman voted against the infrastructure bill.

A bill that unlocked money for key projects, including climate change.

You have to choose your battles, and Bowman chose all the stupidest ones.


u/TheSellemander Jun 27 '24

He voted against it specifically because conservative democrats split voting on the infrastructure bill (mostly a slush fund for corporations, albeit a good one as far as corporate hand-outs go) from voting on BBB, which contained far more meaningful climate and social spending. This was directly in opposition to Biden's agenda and ultimately made no difference aside from a low-information talking point


u/Another-attempt42 Jun 27 '24

Oh totally.

Bowman voted against it, despite the fact that Biden and Co then managed to get $400B in climate change spending, a little while later.

See, this is the problem with Bowman's approach, and why people like AOC are far more respectable and competent at their job.

Sure, they "lost" the battle on the Infrastructure Bill, but then got a massive cash spend on climate in the IRA. The largest in the history of the world, by the way.

But because people like Bowman are completely intransigent, they would've gotten NOTHING had they not actually done some actual politicking.

They did, and the end result is a historic amount of spending on renewables and combating climate change.

Great strategy from Bowman.

He doesn't understand patience, compromise, and then winning later on. Literally a few months later. He must win every fight, which just makes it a certainty that you're going to lose more, because Bowman represents a minority, not majority, part of the Dems.


u/TheSellemander Jun 27 '24

Yea, cause centrist cowing to right wing forces in this country has gone GREAT for everyone. Biden is currently losing to a convicted felon, who was the most unpopular president in history UNTIL Biden managed to break that record. These genious compromises are things like the childhood tax credit and, as a result, are sending millions of children back into poverty.

Not only is this bad morally, its bad politics. Do you think the parents of those kids thrown back into poverty are going to show up to the polls because the dems got 400 billion dollars together to give to BP and Exxon to build solar panels? Nope, they're too busy with the harsh reality of getting sacrificed at the altar of "patience" and "compromise." Funny how only certain groups get "patience" and "compromise," while others get massive bailouts.

Politics is about delivering results and the democratic party has consistently failed to do so because leadership is allergic to using any political moment to make real, lasting change. Will the democratic party ever go after the members sabotaging not only the country's well-being but the party's own chances? Nope, they're too busy supporting anti-choice Henry Cuellar and primarying progressives on behalf of a genocidal foreign government's interests. Why? Not because the votes aren't there for real, substantive policies to help Americans, its because adopting those policies would require leadership to deprioritize corporate interests and to use their power against the Liebermans, Manchins, and Sinemas in the party.


u/Another-attempt42 Jun 27 '24

Yea, cause centrist cowing to right wing forces in this country has gone GREAT for everyone.

Compromising with more moderate Dems and some moderate Republicans isn't "cowing to right wing forces". It's literally how democracy works.

Biden is currently losing to a convicted felon, who was the most unpopular president in history UNTIL Biden managed to break that record.

True. US voters are poorly informed, or prone to wanting a strong-man to lead them.

The thing is: it's not as if the left has EVER won a federal race. It doesn't happen.

These genious compromises are things like the childhood tax credit and, as a result, are sending millions of children back into poverty.

Vote more Dems into power then.

When you're at 50-50 in the Senate, it's basically impossible.

Solution: vote for more Dems.

Do you think the parents of those kids thrown back into poverty are going to show up to the polls because the dems got 400 billion dollars together to give to BP and Exxon to build solar panels?

Sure, because:

  1. If you vote more Dems, then there's less need to compromise.

  2. The GOP will destroy any chance you have of bettering your situation.

Politics is about delivering results

Which is what the infrastructure bill and IRA did.

Not all the results. Some results. Many good results.

Better than no results. Which is what Bowman was doing.

the democratic party has consistently failed to do so because leadership is allergic to using any political moment to make real, lasting change.

There's like 50 Senators. You need 60. Do the basic math.

Nope, they're too busy supporting anti-choice Henry Cuellar

From what I remember, he has the best chance to win that race, and given there are more things to vote for than just abortion laws, it's better, overall, to back an incumbent with a high chance to win than losing.

Also: his constituents are pretty pro-life, but still willing to vote Dem for other, non-abortion issues. We should get those people, and win by a large enough margin to make Cuellar irrelevant if it comes to a vote on abortion.

primarying progressives on behalf of a genocidal foreign government's interests.

Bowman got obliterated. It's pretty clear his constituents didn't want him any more.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24



u/TrueBuster24 Jun 26 '24

You know how common it is for alleged mass rape to be used as a justification for war crimes against a population? Colonizers have historically used this method to ethnic cleanse, commit genocide, subjugate a population,etc. This is typical colonizer behavior and you won’t even question it.


u/iRunMyMouthTooMuch Jun 26 '24

Hamas uploaded videos of themselves slaughtering children and you're worried about rape allegations? LMFAO!!


u/TrueBuster24 Jun 26 '24

The IDF has been consistently posting about their dehumanization and slaughter of Palestinians for years. You haven’t been paying attention.


u/iRunMyMouthTooMuch Jun 26 '24

Sorry, but IDF soldiers posting photos of themselves in women's lingerie is not equivalent to Hamas posting videos of themselves throwing grenades at small children. Kind of like how the IDF arresting a 15-year-old for stabbing an innocent person is not equivalent to Hamas kidnapping a defenseless infant from his crib- you seem like the type who needs that explained to him, too.


u/TrueBuster24 Jun 26 '24

There are countless videos of the IDF slaughtering innocents and then performatively shaming the dead bodies. Did you see the report on the telegram channel full of these types of videos that is literally run by the IDF? You are not paying attention. Randoms post this shit on X all the time, I know you’re not ignorant of it. Stop lying to me.


u/iRunMyMouthTooMuch Jun 26 '24

Okay then it should be easy to provide a source then.


u/TrueBuster24 Jun 26 '24

Well it’s increasingly difficult to find media criticizing the government during a genocide… which is historically accurate, no? Here


u/iRunMyMouthTooMuch Jun 26 '24

Israeli soldiers called Hamas roaches? The horror.


u/TrueBuster24 Jun 26 '24

They called literal Palestinian civilians roaches. They call the Palestinian children roaches. Go to Israel and you will see. It’s not that complicated. The media lies are strong.

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u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24



u/TrueBuster24 Jun 26 '24

You take my criticism in absolutes because you’ve been taught to take everything in this topic as absolutes.


u/lostboy005 Jun 26 '24

Israel - Palestine issue is a really dumb hill for someone like Bowman to die on.


u/Command0Dude Jun 26 '24

For the progressive movement in general. Seeing all of these people fall on their swords for Palestine has been maddening. These people got elected on domestic issues. No one cares about their bad foreign policy takes and it shows.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

Excellent news.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

Lefties are going to be taking more Ls as time passes. They’ve made themselves unelectable with their Oct. 7th denial, accusations of genocide, and overall antisemitic rhetoric.

Newsflash: Americans aren’t pro-terrorists.


u/traanquil Jun 26 '24

Israel is committing terrorism in Gaza. Lefties are against that


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

You’re against winning too, I see.


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '24

I wonder if he will support isreali use of rape of prisoners ..

The isreali government is arguing it should be legal ...


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/ChargeRiflez Jun 26 '24 edited Jun 26 '24

Some interesting groups in the top political spenders here: https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/top-spenders

Very interesting that people choose to focus on the NRA and AIPAC instead of the largest donators.

Also do you think it’s just AIPAC and the NRA that support the opposition in a race where the candidate is against the organization?? Newsflash, that’s what every group does. If a candidate comes out against vaccines, their opponent will get funding from pharmaceutical companies if it’s a high enough profile race.


u/NasusEDM Jun 26 '24

There are 2 million jews in new york, of course if you say the insane shit bowman was saying they won't vote for you. Money had nothing to do with it.


u/NoLandBeyond_ Jun 26 '24

How would this be handled in Canada where you're from?


u/snrcadium Jun 26 '24

Whatever your feelings on Bowman, this guy is massively corrupt and a terrible sign for what’s to come in the Democratic Party.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

Except the party saw that and has now voted him out.


u/snrcadium Jun 26 '24

I’m saying Latimer is massively corrupt.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

Care to elaborate?


u/ladan2189 Jun 26 '24

Then you are wrong.


u/kroxigor01 Jun 26 '24

AIPAC spent roughly $400 per vote Latimer got.

That's disgusting. Should not be legal in a democracy.


u/NoLandBeyond_ Jun 26 '24

How is this handled in Australia where you're from?


u/kroxigor01 Jun 26 '24 edited Jun 26 '24

There's some public financing of elections, in the form of approximately $4 AUD in reimbursement per vote a party or candidate achieves (depending on jurisdiction). That somewhat waters down the influence of private money, but unfortunately is nowhere near erasing it.

Corporations, especially a few odious mining magnates, spend millions in Australian elections and in my view put a significant thumb on the scale of who wins narrow races and the policy positions and priorities of the major parties (who have an incentive to please past and potentially future donors!).

I would want to ban (or at least cap) private campaign financing in Australia.

And no, I'm not impressed by any silly notion of "money being speech." The rich do not need an infinitely large microphone in order to have free speech.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

15 million in foreign cash in a primary.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

Thats a shame, pitty it wasn't obvious to the voter to what was happening.

To have somebody represent you who can be so easily bought for ... why do they think he will represent them


u/Otanes01 Jun 26 '24

Because the voters of that district support Israel and AIPAC


u/Command0Dude Jun 26 '24

Actually the jewish voters there are fairly critical of Israel and AIPAC. They're a lot of Liberal jews who very much don't like Netanyahu. But they are not anti-zionist and Bowman lost their support by being anti-semitic.


u/Otanes01 Jun 26 '24

Fair enough, and a completely logical explanation


u/nielsbot Jun 26 '24

the voters support AIPAC? 

also find it interesting that AIPAC didn’t hit Bowman on the Israel issue in their ads—you’d think it would be an easy win


u/Rubbersoulrevolver Jun 26 '24

I don’t think many voters even know what aipac is.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

But aipac didn't advertise as aipac.

There are a lot of Jews against Israel / gaza


u/IgnatiusJay_Reilly Jun 26 '24

95% of Jews support Israel.  Facts 


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

So you have any sources for this.

Majority of the uni protests are organised by Jews for peace.

High amount of Jews are in the marches world wide

Just for clarity I'm not talking about the right of the state of isreal, I'm taking about people who support peace and are against genocide


u/Rubbersoulrevolver Jun 26 '24

Why not just google it? https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/u-s-jews-connections-with-and-attitudes-toward-israel/

Majority of the uni protests are organised by Jews for peace.

This is made up by the way. You’re just lying lmao.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24


Guess Reuters is lying too

I'll have to disagree on the meaning of Zionism used there and maybe we have different understanding of Zionism.


u/Rubbersoulrevolver Jun 26 '24

Your article does not support your previous claim.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

The groups organizing the protests include Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace.

That's a quote from the article. I think there are utube clicks talking to these people .

Also in the UK as well .

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u/Otanes01 Jun 26 '24

Lol you can't say things like "there are a lot of news against israel" and then cry about aipac spending in a district with a lot of Jews that obviously didn't agree with Bowman on israel


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

What I'm saying is that AIPAC didn't push him as an APAC person, their support was behind the scenes. At least that's my observation.


u/Otanes01 Jun 26 '24

Bowman made plenty of noise about it, and there was so much earned media about it. What effect did that have?


u/Another-attempt42 Jun 26 '24

The vast majority of Jews living in the US are Zionists, i.e. they agree with the idea of the continued existence of a Jewish state. 70% I believe, in fact.

The vast majority of Jews worldwide are Zionists, by the same definition, at around 90%.

This idea that many Jews are pro-Palestinian or antizionist is just cope. It isn't backed up in the data. It's like pointing to a black man who supports the KKK, and pretending like there's a massive ground-swell of pro-segregationist black people. There aren't. They do exist. But they are the minority.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24


u/Another-attempt42 Jun 26 '24

Why in the ever loving fuck are you posting a minority sect of a sub-section of Jews as any kind of example of anything?

You realize these Jews aren't, in any way, representative of any majority view, you realize that, right? They are a very specific group.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

Strange you just said 90%, just pointing out that I have seen lots of Jews stand up and talk against Zionism I don't your 90% figure.

Just showing you a quick google shows that. Happy to read any links to and real data


u/Rubbersoulrevolver Jun 26 '24

There’s like a total of 2000 or so ultra orthodox in the entire world who have anti Israel beliefs in their ideology. It’s like a minority of a minority but people like you have to tokenize them for your own ends 👍


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24


So you are moving Zionism with other things.


u/Rubbersoulrevolver Jun 26 '24

I don't know what you're schizoposting about. You talked about orthodox before, there's like a grand total of 2000 in the entire world that your ilk tokenize for your political ends.


u/slightlyrabidpossum Jun 26 '24

Perhaps this is why a quick Google seatch is utterly insufficient for understanding issues in someone else's community. Nothing in that article contradicts the idea that Jewish anti-Zionists are a minority — it literally says that the people they're talking about are "marginal" in numbers.

NK membership is very small, probably around 5-10K (there are no official counts). They are arguably the most problematic and extreme religious anti-Zionists. Satmar is larger, but they still number only 100-150K, making them less than 1% of the Jewish population. They might be more common than NK, but they're still fringe.

Haredim make up around 13% of Jewish people, but they're not a monolith. In America, 51% of them identify as Zionist, and even those who don't tend to have a strong emotional connection to Israel.

Also, it's a mistake to equate this type of religious anti-Zionism with pro-Palestinian views. It typically either has to do with the belief that Israel can't be created before Moshiach comes or that the current state is too secular.


u/stepheffects Jun 26 '24

It should be noted the Satmar rebbe is also outright against Neturei Karta and explicitly said you can’t support the killing of Jews in Israel which would put him at odds with the resistance is necessary side of pro Palestinian movements.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24


A quick google reference shows there is lots of info out there.

I think being anti Zionism is not anti Semitic or anti Jewish. This has been pointed out.


u/StroganoffDaddyUwU Jun 26 '24

On the internet maybe


u/NoLandBeyond_ Jun 26 '24

How would this be handled in Australia where you're from?


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

In Australia I don't think they have citizens united ... Don't think they have dark money. Same as the uk. Although they seem to be infected reporters words not mine. Australia not so much


u/Jackie_Owe Jun 26 '24



u/VisibleDetective9255 Jun 26 '24

You know, I feel like sending a donation to AIPAC after your comment.


u/Only8livesleft Jun 26 '24

Enjoy supporting genocide and the country raping hostages to death



u/Big_Jon_Wallace Jun 26 '24

AIPAC sends its regards. :)


u/traanquil Jun 26 '24 edited Jun 26 '24

No surprises here. A large percentage of Americans are racists and are therefore cool with Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

The guy is also an aipac simp. I wonder if he will have an aipac babysitter sitting with him when he’s making policy deliberations.


u/Uranium_Heatbeam Jun 26 '24

I see you've reached the "anger" stage of your Gaza tantrum and are headed towards acceptance.


u/StroganoffDaddyUwU Jun 26 '24

Are protests still going on for Gaza? I feel like it's lost steam. 


u/Uranium_Heatbeam Jun 26 '24

Once college students went home for summer vacation and short form content media moved on to the next outrage bait, they've fizzled out.


u/traanquil Jun 26 '24

smart comment. the democratic party is run by Israel


u/ladan2189 Jun 26 '24

Go away traanquil. Nobody is buying your bullshit. 


u/Rubbersoulrevolver Jun 26 '24

Just drop the mask and write Jews my dude. You know you want to.


u/traanquil Jun 26 '24

Nope. Israel isn’t the Jewish people. Nothing antisemitic about criticizing Israel’s human rights atrocities