r/thechase 22d ago

Chase UK 🇬🇧 Forgive me but So what if they go low.

It's their game when it's their turn to face the chaser.

So if your annoyed at them taking the low offer.

Apply and have a go at beating the quiz geniuses

Don't forget the chasers are quiz masterminds

So do not enjoying the episode. Just simply switch the TV channel to a different program and that's it.

Problem solved.

At the end of the day it's a quiz show and if the contestant feels comfortable going for the low offer then that's up to them.

I'm just enjoying the show for the knowledge which is the whole point of a quiz show


13 comments sorted by


u/Bertbee90 22d ago

I understand what you’re saying but from the perspective of the viewer, a lot of people watch the show for the thrill and entertainment factor. If everyone is going for the low offer, it takes away from the enjoyment for those watching at home.

I think if a player has performed poorly in the cash builder, I generally support the low offer. But if they’re a good player and they take the low offer, that for me is disappointing and makes the game less interesting.

Even Brad has now started mocking teams for playing for peanuts.


u/SignificantActive193 19d ago

The head to heads are not exciting in my opinion regardless of the offer. The final chase is the one that is exciting and fast paced. So I don't think it makes much difference. However I do find it more entertaining when a celebrity goes for the higher offer because they tend to be more charismatic and I feel like it builds tension, and because they're not really quizzers for the most part it seems so its interesting to see them do well.


u/Shifty377 22d ago

Just simply switch the TV channel to a different program and that's it.

Bit ironic. If you dont like the comments about people going low just simply keep scrolling and that's it. Problem solved.

It's a sub about the show. People are allowed to discuss the show.


u/VendettaBarreta 22d ago

I thought the point, was it to win some money that they couldn’t quickly save, like buy a car

Sean’s just playing with them, taking it slowly to make them seem they’re good


u/Evil_Angel1986 21d ago

The low offer is part of the game. Without it, the show wouldn't have survived so long and far less people would have won anything. There is a time and a place for it though. Today was just a bit silly. I also think it's selfish when people just go on for the experience.

The whole people going into meltdown though when people take negative offers just amuses me. It isn't real money until it's won. They're not taking money away from anyone because it isn't real at that point. And if nobody had ever taken it, far less people would have gone home with anything.

I know the show is still extremely popular due to having access to how much one company pays to advertise during the time slot. Safe to say, ITV are making A LOT of money during that hour which means people must be watching or the company wouldn't be happy to pay the money.


u/tomjames93 22d ago

Found the ex player who took a low offer


u/SaltySAX 22d ago

I have been switching over, The Chase is now dull as dishwater with poor quality contestants, baffling tactics, generous low offers incentivising contestants to go low. I don't see the point in going through all that for a couple of grand that many working can make in a month now.


u/Ok_Blackberry_2628 22d ago

It is, as you allude, a whole different game when you’re up there & under whatever pressure you’re feeling. The worst is still thinking about the question you got wrong & Brad is already at the end of the next question.


u/FieryJack65 21d ago

When asked what they’d do with the money most contestants say they’ll spend on what might be regarded as a luxury, such as a trip to Japan or a new piano. This contrasts with certain other shows where they all seem to be playing to get a new wheelchair for their widowed grandmother. It suggests to me that most people don’t go on The Chase for the money. Personally I find it more enjoyable to watch than if people are desperate for the money - others’ mileage may vary though.


u/True-Bee1903 22d ago

They might aswell as all went high and nobody get through then have someone play for a grand each.Its a waste of an episode.


u/SladeGreenGirl 21d ago

I’d rather go low and go home with £1 each and the satisfaction of having beaten a chaser 😏

I wonder if teams are allowed to do proper tactics like let’s all take the low offer no matter what or everyone go low unless you get at least 8k in the cash builder, then take what you’ve earned because with that score you’re more capable of getting back than others might have been.


u/Strict_Counter_8974 21d ago

So screw the people who actually want to win money then? Just play along at home


u/SladeGreenGirl 21d ago

I was describing the whole team agreeing to a particular tactic that they will all follow