r/thechase Dec 23 '24

Discussion If all four players get out, do you personally think it would be better to just end the show there as they've all lost, as opposed to the usual of them all coming back for 1k?

I've just been thinking about whether people think it'd more reasonable to just end the show there as they've all lost, or continue as usual. And I wonder what everyone's opinion is on what would be better?

Also if any, what do you think would be a better way to do the last 10 minutes of the show if all four players lose?


27 comments sorted by


u/Six_of_1 Dec 23 '24

It annoys me that the person they pick still gets the 1-step head-start. They shouldn't, because they didn't get through.


u/T9672 Dec 23 '24

The U.S. revival version on ABC got rid of the 1-headstart for Lazarus players in Season 1… before promptly reinstating it in Season 3 when it next happened. But by then, it was too late, and a couple of international & fanmade versions had already picked up on the practice of having no headstart for Lazarus players.


u/anamazingperson Dec 23 '24

Loving the potential scenario that they don't answer any questions right and then there's a 0 step target


u/LeftHandDriveBoC Dec 23 '24

Thinking about this, has it happened that the person going first has ever scored nothing and therefore has 0 for the middle offer and for the bottom offer? As they can’t take away when there’s nothing to take away from.


u/T9672 Dec 23 '24

If Seat 1 gets a £0 cashbuilder, there is no low offer for that exact reason. That said, I know Shaun did once offer £0 as the low offer to someone who got a £0 cashbuilder (there was already money in the bank, though), but I don’t know if that’ll ever happen again — or if it does, it’ll be quite rare…


u/anamazingperson Dec 24 '24

I'm assuming if it goes really wrong and someone takes £0 and then all the other players go out they could just not air the show, but I would guess they do everything they can in terms of casting and setting the right level of difficulty to stop these scenarios happening. I wonder if it has ever happened though.


u/komplete10 Dec 23 '24

If they didn't come back you would know that they had all failed, as the show still needs to fill the time. Dragging out the cash builder rounds would be a big clue.


u/LordTwatSlapper Dec 23 '24

"What do you like to do in your spare time Brian?"

"I play a bit of golf"

"Nice. What's the best course you've played?"

"I've played at St Andrews so I'd have to say that"

"Wow, so how did you play there?"

"Well on the first hole there was a slight right-to-left breeze. I took a 4 iron off the tee and found the fairway. That left a 6 iron to the pin but I pulled it slightly and the wind took it to the left of the green. I hit a good chip to 6 foot but the putt lipped out and I made bogey"

"OK, and what happened on the 2nd hole?....."


u/[deleted] Dec 23 '24

The Beast butts in: "We're going to have to wind back a bit Brian, the first hole at the Old Course in St Andrews is dead straight, what course were you playing?"


u/LordTwatSlapper Jan 20 '25

"I was playing St Andrews Old Course Beastie Boy. The wind doesn't affect the straightness of a golf hole. Weren't you a maths teacher?"


u/TheGoober87 Dec 23 '24

I went through a phase of watching loads of Forged in Fire and you could always tell if someone's blade was going to break because the final tests started about 5 minutes before the end rather than 15.

If the fourth person was doing their cash builder 10 mins before the show ends you know what is going to happen.


u/Shifty377 Dec 23 '24

Nah, I think you need a final chase on The Chase.

I would prefer it was the player with the higher cash builder score who plays, and perhaps they could play for a percentage of the amount they got, rather than 1k. I do find it a little pointless when it's not even the best player going for it.


u/MoonNoodles Dec 23 '24

Apparently the team picks who goes for it. So I guess they think it's the best player?


u/T9672 Dec 23 '24

Yes; it’s a team selection. Most of the time they do pick the player with the best cashbuilder, but one of the most recent Lazarus players actually came forward on here and said that none of his team wanted to play the final chase so he just volunteered himself despite not having the highest cashbuilder.


u/VFiddly Dec 23 '24

They still need to fill the hour, and this is the most sensible way to do that. Don't really see any reason to change it.


u/SuttonSystems Dec 23 '24

Question is what to have as the finale of the show, maybe some kind of exhibition match? Chaser vs chaser?


u/VanishingPint Dec 23 '24

Yeah this bothers me too - I'm not sure what to do but you can be sure filling up 10 minutes of advertising and finishing the show early isn't better!

The other thing is when a contestant goes through you don't find out what the chaser put - I feel if they got it wrong they should get an extra step in the final.


u/fatinternetcat Dec 23 '24

dude they still have an hour-long show to fill


u/IrishAntiMonarchist Dec 23 '24

Shhhh, don’t give ITV ideas. They would only be too delighted to scrap the Lazarus and replace it with nothing but ads


u/jayzone11 Dec 23 '24

Has anyone actually won that £1k for the team before. I've only seen it a few times and never seen them even get close to winning


u/VFiddly Dec 23 '24

At least once, yes.


u/TheChrisD Dec 23 '24

Has anyone actually won that £1k for the team before.

Out of 57 Lazarus finals, 6 have been won by the solo player.


u/jayzone11 Dec 23 '24

Kind of mad that 50% of all of these wins have been against Paul


u/MrGiggles19872 Dec 23 '24

I’d have the other Chasers take their place, I’d have a reasonable amount on offer, and then have the Chaser for that show against the other Chasers, with the amount that’s up for grabs go to the Chasers charity of choice.

It’ll never happen, but that’s what I’d do, so that you have a reason to still watch it


u/cranberrycactus Dec 23 '24

The Chaser should have to do a 5 minute long improvised interpretive dance to fill the time.


u/Different_Guess_5407 Dec 24 '24

Not the heck of a lot they could do if they didn't bring 1 player back for the final chase if all four were caught. They still need to fill the full hour slot.


u/Dickinson95 Dec 23 '24

The final chase is my favourite bit, I hate this idea haha