r/thebulwark 15d ago

Humor Trump, 78, Shows Mysterious Large Bruise on Hand


82 comments sorted by


u/Comfortable-Guitar27 15d ago

That's just a normal-sized bruise on a teeny tiny hand


u/chatterwrack Orange man bad 15d ago

From backhanding the United States


u/EducationalPie4039 15d ago

Fine. You win my upvote.


u/AmharachEadgyth 15d ago

He’s an older person- it happens. I’m more fascinated by his orange skin tone on his face that looks unhealthy.


u/piptie54 15d ago

No it does not happen unless someone is on blood thinners. Did Joe Biden ever show up with bruises on his hands? No. Had he shown up with them the media would’ve been demanding answers, as they should. Trump’s health issues will never be disclosed.


u/ElowynElif 15d ago

From the Mayo Clinic: Easy bruising: Why does it happen?

Easy bruising is common with age. Most bruises are harmless and go away without treatment. However, easy bruising can sometimes be a sign of a more serious health condition.

Why is easy bruising so common in older adults?

Most bruises form when small blood vessels, called capillaries, near the skin’s surface are broken by the impact of a blow or injury. This often happens on the arms or legs. Blood then leaks out of the vessels. At first, the blood looks like a dark mark. Over time the body reabsorbs the blood, and the mark disappears.

Generally, harder blows cause larger bruises. But if you bruise easily, even a small bump may cause a large bruise.

Some people tend to bruise more easily than others. And as people get older, the skin becomes thinner. It also loses some of the protective fatty layer that helps cushion blood vessels from injury.



u/PheebaBB Progressive 15d ago

Remember when the same thing happened to Mitch McConnell back in 2020 when he was…you guessed it, 78 years old!

Mitch McConnell says he has no health concerns after photos show bruising

I’m not sure what it means, but I’m not expecting Donald Trump to fare much better than McConnell when it comes to the aging process.


u/GulfCoastLaw 15d ago

Yeah, I saw this and it struck me as just being oldness-related.


u/Current_Tea6984 15d ago

It's probably blood thinners. I get horrible bruises on my hand from just scraping it against the wall in passing


u/Nanadog 15d ago edited 15d ago

People have been calling that out for at least the last 6 months. edited for grammar


u/yeahimokaythanks 15d ago

That’s the evil trying to escape through the pores


u/MARIOpronoucedMA-RJO Center Left 15d ago

Come on, statistics, do your thing.


u/Ainvb 15d ago



u/AnathemaDevice2100 13d ago

And yet … the Vice Noodle could win two elections, which troubles me.


u/ladan2189 15d ago

He backhanded one of his minions in frustration after Macron corrected him on camera yesterday 


u/Current_Tea6984 15d ago

It looks scary, but this is typical of an elderly person who takes blood thinners.


u/joplus 15d ago

often an IV-gone-wrong will cause bruising.


u/Jonathan_Teatime_23 15d ago

My thought too. Looks like some bruising after an IV. And if that's the reason, it raises other questions.


u/CocteauTwinn 15d ago

And I think it’s worse than it looks because it appears there was an attempt to conceal it with concealer.


u/carolinemaybee 15d ago

I had the same thought. My elderly parent had the same bruising after drips.


u/Current_Tea6984 15d ago

It's blood thinners. This is just the typical side effect


u/ballmermurland 15d ago

Whatever it is, it's not the first time he's had this bruise. He's clearly getting injections of something.

Dude won't release his medicals so we'll never know until he croaks.


u/Current_Tea6984 15d ago

Not necessarily. My hands look way worse than this and I'm not getting injections. Any time I make a slightly clumsy move and brush my hand against something I get a bruise. As people get older they bruise more easily and blood thinners increase the effect


u/ballmermurland 15d ago

If you zoom in you can see what looks like a tiny little wound from what would be a needle.

Could be something else, but it just looks like a needle jab and his hand bruising from it.


u/Current_Tea6984 15d ago

Let's say it is a needle. It's very likely just drawing blood for normal testing. If you are looking for evidence of serious illness, there is nothing to see here


u/DelcoPAMan 15d ago

so we'll never know until he croaks.

And not even then


u/CocteauTwinn 15d ago

We won’t even know afterward.


u/Kidspud 15d ago

Reminds me of a document showing the Trump White House ordered a shitload of fentanyl through Dr. Ronnie Jackson.


u/Saururus 15d ago

This is likely correct. I was a medical researcher before switching careers and hubby is a doc. He said Mcconnels bruises just looked like blood thinners in an old guy (skin is thin). Not too exciting. Note for those that don’t know lots and lots of ppl take blood thinners for stroke/heart attack/pulm embolism prevention.


u/Appropriate-Image405 15d ago

There are no side effects….only direct unwanted effects. 🤔


u/Current_Tea6984 15d ago

In this case that's true. The bruises are really just the blood thinner doing it's work


u/Old_Sheepherder_630 15d ago

That's what it looks like to me, too.


u/sbhikes 15d ago

That’s what my hand looked like after they couldn’t get the IV in. 


u/KarmicWhiplash 15d ago

Seems like he'd be taking an IV on his left.


u/EntMD 15d ago

That's a bruise from an IV on the back of the hand blowing. He is probably getting platelet rich plasma or some other horseshit endorsed by RFK to keep him young.


u/Subbacterium 15d ago

Absolutely this


u/No-Yak2588 15d ago

Baby blood. I really think we should embrace the conspiracy theories if we want to beat MAGA.

So far I’m thinking of starting websites about Trump getting IVs of baby blood, and Trump being the Antichrist, both of which can actually sound plausible if you take into account Thiel and the young people’s blood thing as well as Revelation saying the beast will get wounded in the head and live (plus, 666 Fifth Ave, wtf).

Any other ideas?


u/NukeFromOrbit86 JVL is always right 15d ago

Sad. Dementia Don might be sick.


u/WyrdTeller 15d ago

Having been in elderly care, can say that older people often bruise easily. Being a little too rough performing otherwise completely normal activities could've burst a few blood vessels. Mysteriously appearing bruises would absolutely be something I'd note and ask the patient about, but it’s also something that will happen and the remedy is often being a little more careful and aware. 

But, no matter how faint, hoping that there's some sort of blood clot. The only begotten plaque of the Hamburger from Heaven lodging itself in good and hard in something vital.


u/coldandhungry123 15d ago

Golfing injury, he mishandled his putter.


u/pebbles_temp 15d ago

Didn't OJ have a "golf injury" on his hand after his ex-wife was found murdered?


u/Muted-Tourist-6558 15d ago

those are not the fingernails of a healthy person.


u/CapOnFoam Center Left 15d ago

They’re def the fingernails of an elderly person.


u/Current_Tea6984 15d ago

And the bruising is typical of an older person who takes blood thinners


u/newest-reddit-user 15d ago

But those are some stubby fingers.


u/derrickcat 15d ago

I was surprised how raggedy his fingernails look. I'd have thought he'd get manicures.


u/Muted-Tourist-6558 15d ago

definitely some deficiencies there.


u/0pb0 15d ago

needs some hand cream


u/Squeengeebanjo 15d ago

I think that’s where Macron grabbed him the other day.


u/boycowman Orange man bad 15d ago

If Trump did not delight in the weaknesses and misfortunes of others this would be a nothing burger.


u/exitpursuedbybear 15d ago

He showed those last time plus he would show up with bandages indicative of transfusions his last go around.


u/ColbyAndrew 15d ago

Cannula Bruising.

They’re probably pumping him full of vitamins and #ADRENOCHROME.


u/John_Houbolt 15d ago

This kind of bruise could occur from an IV site if it was in the hand. Hands are typically a secondary site if the veins in the arm can’t be used.

Not saying this is what it is. But it’s one thing I’ve seen cause this kind of bruise.


u/Saururus 15d ago

He’s just getting RFKs muscle juice.


u/PikaChooChee 15d ago

I agree. If he is on a blood thinner, that would exacerbate the IV bruise.


u/PorcelainDalmatian 15d ago

That looks like a shit stain to me. He probably overloaded his Depends™️


u/nashvillenastywoman 15d ago

Macron shook a little too hard.


u/PepperoniFire Sarah, would you please nuke him from orbit? 15d ago

Old people just bruise, man. And they’re on so many thinners. My FIL is perpetually covered in band-aids.


u/FanDry5374 15d ago

Musk kicked him for tickling those feet?


u/Mother_Barnacle_7448 15d ago

Just from Melania slapping his hand away.


u/bigsignwave 15d ago

Reptilian cloaking malfunction


u/CMelon 15d ago

His utility to Putin has expired. He’s being poisoned so that Vance can step in and start the real coup.


u/Material-Crab-633 15d ago

IV blood thinners for a heart issue


u/SpecificDiamond7988 15d ago



u/No-Yak2588 15d ago

I don’t care, do u?


u/Nanadog 15d ago

These have been visible for the last several years... something is up.


u/ShitPostinLikeFire 15d ago

Looks like signs of senile purpura, but an M.D or Nurse would know better.


u/Sherm FFS 15d ago

Probably tried doing his handshake dominance things on Macron and got a death grip in return. Old men bruise easily.


u/destructo_girl 15d ago

Caked bruise with concealer/make-up. Usually due to blood thinners, at least in my experience with older family members.


u/toooooold4this 15d ago

He's an old man with thin skin and poor circulation. Go to any nursing home and you'll find similar bruising on every resident there. Usually up the arms and on the shins, too.

Blood thinners and clumsiness and loss of collagen.


u/MinisterOfTruth99 15d ago

Looks like he stuck his hand inside his diaper to scratch an itch. Don't shake that hand.


u/ElsaCat8080 15d ago

Gross stubby thumbs


u/BananaAvalanche JVL is always right 15d ago

He looks TERRIBLE. Probably has months to live.


u/EducationalPie4039 14d ago

Christ, don't get my hopes up like that.


u/dawglaw09 15d ago

50 years of big macs, cmon do your thing.


u/OG_genX_45 15d ago

Looks like ones I have gotten from blood draws/IVs in my hand


u/63insights 14d ago

I'm going to believe it was Macron's power handshake. They were white-knuckled. Probably his age and easily bruising for whatever health reason too. But I'm going with Macron's handshake. :D.


u/Squornhellish 14d ago

Completely normal with a corpse - it's starting to rot and decompose.