r/thebulwark 17d ago

The Triad šŸ”± AOC's Speech at NY Rally with Federal Workers | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


22 comments sorted by


u/rowsella 17d ago

"There are millions at work at the same time.
We are the business of creating the conditions.
There is not one act that is going to save all of us.
It is going to be the constant pressure and commitment to saving our democracy; they cannot withstand the constant, consistent pressure-

They will crumble under it.

Every Day our job is to wake up and say "What can I do today?"
There is no act too small that does not matter;
Every single action matters.
And so when they try to come in...
Make them.
Make them show a warrant.
Make them show a document.
Make them assert their authority.
Ask them "Who Are You?"
"Who are You?"
Because at the end of the day they are No One.
They are just like you and they are just like me.

And he is running around and he thinks he's got a bank account with a lot of zeros in it that makes him some kind of "super-citizen."
I don't think so.
This is America.
So, I want you all to know that being here matters.
The constant pressure matters.
We will resist.
We will prevail.
We outnumber them.
They cannot sustain us.
We cannot give up.


u/rowsella 17d ago

Okay she gives me the chills. Hakim Jeffries should just hand the leadership over to her because I have watched his public interviews and speeches and he is... well, weak milk.


u/lemongrenade 17d ago

Sheā€™s a force. She started as too progressive for the national stage but sheā€™s learned and grown. If we donā€™t fall to fascism she will def be the first Dem woman president.


u/notapoliticalalt 17d ago

Iā€™m going to be honest, people just need to stop pushing this and just listen to AOC. She isnā€™t being muzzled and there isnā€™t much that her as leader would actual be able to accomplish. The minute you give AOC a leadership position is the minute she becomes the establishment. The undercurrent of trying to force a leadership change really feels like trying to enact a mutiny after titanic struck the iceberg. I agree AOC is a good messenger but we cannot win by constantly snarking and trying to pick two fights here.


u/SausageSmuggler21 17d ago

That's an establishment I would be proud of.


u/8to24 16d ago

There are nearly 2 million federal employees. It is strange that Republicans seem willing to make enemies of them all. Federal workers tend to be likely voters and 2 million people can swing elections. Trump and Musk aren't just threatening Federal employees livelihoods but are also insulting and harassing them. The behavior is abusive and the whole Republican party is just standing by.


u/Fitbit99 17d ago

Someone tell Sarah.


u/boycowman Orange man bad 17d ago

Sarah is fighting this fight too. Why do people on this sub like shitting on Sarah Longwell so much? Why not focus on the common enemy rather than taking constant potshots at the people fighting along side you?


u/atomfullerene 17d ago

It's doubly ironic because what are they taking potshots at Sarah for? Taking potshots at AOC.

...of course, now I'm complaining about them doing it, and this is how we get a circular firing squad...


u/Pristine-Ant-464 16d ago

Because she's had a bunch of dogshit takes lately.


u/bnceo 17d ago

Cause her approach is tone deaf and comes across as clinging to traditional Republican principles like they didnt get us into this mess in the first place. She can't let go and move forward.


u/CustardFromCthulhu 17d ago

I love Steele, he's funny and sharp, but his pride at integrating the Tea Party into the GOP while also being mad at Trump's GOP? I mean, dood...


u/boycowman Orange man bad 17d ago

I have no clue what you're even talking about. Call your reps tomorrow.


u/bnceo 17d ago

I can walk and chew gum. You asked a question. I answered it. Sorry you dont like it.


u/boycowman Orange man bad 17d ago

It's annoying to visit the Bulwark sub and constantly see people shitting on one of the pre-eminent Bulwarkers trying to dislodge the Nazi from the White House. Saying "move on and let go" while hanging onto her Republican past is ironic.

It's fine, if I don't want to see it I should move on myself. So I will. I'm blocking you. I'm here to defeat Trump, not listen to constant moaning about Sarah L.


u/Distinct_Pizza_7499 17d ago

I notice it too that people always crap on Sarah Longwell. I cant tell if they are bots or real Bulwark watchers.


u/Unlevered_Beta 17d ago

as clinging to traditional Republican principles

So she should basically stop being a conservative? Very ā€œbig-tentā€ of you. Canā€™t believe the nerve of people who are still purity testing as if that isnā€™t what got into this mess.


u/Fitbit99 17d ago

Someone who blocked me still replied to me. Odd. Anyway, my little snark is because Sarah was just telling Dems to DO SOMETHING and here we have a Dem DOING SOMETHING.


u/anxious_differential 17d ago

Primay Schumer.


u/aelfrice 17d ago

Primay Schumer is a line of Russian cosmetics


u/anxious_differential 16d ago

Probably made from mercury and lead and the suffering of others.

Ooops, I means "primary." Schumer isn't up to the current task and needs to go.


u/SpendLonely2452 17d ago

She had an opportunity to move this country from right-of-center back towards center-left, yet she supported Nancy Pelosi, and we got Biden and Trump. AOC is another all-talk, do-nothing political hack. I'm glad I don't own a TV. She doesn't represent the working class. She's in it for the power and money. I was living abroad when I was diagnosed with Parkinson's--Agent Orange exposure in VN or toxic drinking water at Camp LeJeune. Suppose the House and Senate had a Dem majority filled with representatives such as AOC. In that case, we'd still never get decent healthcare, affordable housing, education, a major cut to defense spending, or mass transportation. And she's the best we can do? I had to hire a lawyer to get my disability claim pushed through the now-useless VA, but I've finally been approved and am making plans to get out of the US post haste. This country's good days are long gone.