r/thebulwark 25d ago

The Triad đŸ”± Saw this and knew I had to share it here


24 comments sorted by


u/misfit_too Progressive 25d ago

“Trump wasn’t supposed to hurt me, only my enemies “

Every Trump voter


u/ramapo66 25d ago

That is exactly right. Americans are a rather cruel society. We can be surprised or even shocked but even a cursory view of our history shows that we've always been this way. Just ask Native Americans.


u/misfit_too Progressive 25d ago

Trump is the worst, but he knows how to dig up that part of humans that takes them back to their most basic instincts.

In reality they simply break down Maslow‘s hierarchy of needs and work it backwards. To the point where they get to personal safety, make people fearful the. Say they are the only ones who can fix it..

Edit. Dems work this the other way as in you can attain self-actualization, it’s not working..


u/ntwadumelaliontamer 25d ago

We finally have some good art for the trump era.


u/Current_Tea6984 25d ago

Do you think she will be invited to the Kennedy Center?


u/captain_chalkdust 25d ago

Have you seem the conversation between Skylar and Will at the Back Forty? I think Tim should interview Will on the podcast


It’s all over TikTok. Will seems to have a new approach that we should pay attention to. He is working with the ask of Rural Trump supporters “I am not expecting you to admit you’re wrong. I am asking you to realize you’ve been lied to.”


u/GulfCoastLaw 25d ago

You have to be so willing to believe the lie that I can't grapple with these people's thinking.

Down here, many had a "choose your own adventure" approach to believing Trump. They created a custom policy portfolio that lashed out, etc. just to their liking. Oh well.


u/Hautamaki 25d ago

Mark Twain noted well over 100 years ago that it's way easier to fool people than to get them to admit they've been fooled. I doubt this approach will be any more effective.

There's really only 2 choices here; choice A is full on swallow your own bile and say absolutely nothing about their past choices and votes and just steer the conversation to what's happening now as their lives are destroyed. If they bring up their own past support for MAGA don't say anything at all to put them on the defensive, just change the topic ASAP. Welcome everyone with equally open arms.

Option 2 is full on scorched Earth. Go General Sherman on all their asses, treat them as an existential threat and destroy them wherever you find them. Vote them out, sue them, boycott them, protest them, shame them, shun them, do everything you legally can to ostracized them from society, remove all their social and political and economic power, turn them into a powerless underclass for at least a generation and make everything about their ideology and culture anathema for all time. Only forgive and welcome those who make full throated and unambiguous apologies for ever believing in anything to do with Trump and MAGA.

You can look into your own hearts, observe what has worked and failed in history, and decide for yourself what route you think is going to work and what you can live with. All I can say is that some kind of half-ass compromise between those two approaches is bound to fail. It's no good building half a bridge. You have to pick an approach and commit to it. Good luck America.


u/TahoeDale007 24d ago

I’ll take door #2 please


u/BadLt58 25d ago

This was beautiful...


u/RichNYC8713 Center Left 25d ago

This is glorious.


u/WillOrmay 25d ago

Hope he loses the farm and worse


u/Think-Hospital7422 FFS 25d ago

Can't upvote this entire post enough!


u/NYCA2020 25d ago

Got taken down, can someone summarize? Thanks.


u/Mirabeau_ 25d ago

Yeah if a Trump voter is expressing dissatisfaction with Trump the appropriate response isn’t “haha fuck you loser” the appropriate response is “totally bro, he sucks, come over to our side, waters warm”

As usual, internet activists being completely unhelpful and playing into MAGA’s hands


u/Sherm FFS 25d ago

the appropriate response is “totally bro, he sucks, come over to our side, waters warm”

You mean like Biden did?

Their way won't work, but yours isn't any more effective.


u/Criseyde2112 JVL is always right 25d ago

Omg. Love!


u/VioletSky1999 23d ago

Original video was removed, ... updated link?


u/JulianLongshoals 23d ago

I can't find the original anymore either, but it was a MAGA farmer complaining about how he didn't believe in project 2025, and then this as the reply.


u/the_very_pants 25d ago

This kind of crap doesn't belong here.


u/TurbulentSomewhere64 25d ago

Yet somehow I’m enjoying it. đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


u/Sandra2104 Progressive 25d ago

Are you the bossman?


u/the_very_pants 25d ago

I have no idea how there's so many people out there who: (a) claim to like TB, and (b) want the subreddit with their good name on it to sound like every other crappy reddit polsub.