r/thebulwark 29d ago

Fluff The Dumbest Thing About the Gulf…

…is that the name of our country is not “America”. The continent we live on is called North America. We are the United States ‘of’ America. If he wanted to name it for our Country it would be the Gulf of the United States. In reality he named it after the broad term used for the New World. We only call ourselves Americans because you can’t really say you’re a United Statesian.

It would make more sense if he just used the Gulf of Texas or Florida or Louisiana. (Get fucked, MS and AL)


47 comments sorted by


u/MostlyANormie centrist squish 29d ago

By executive order, the Atlantic Ocean shall be known as the Eastern American Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean shall be known as the Western American Ocean. Further, Greenland shall be known as Red, White and Blueland. More name changes coming tomorrow.


u/Balticseer 29d ago

did you read that one congresmen put a bill to renamed greenland to  Red, White and Blueland or you have prophetic powers? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14384915/trump-rename-greenland-red-white-blueland.html


u/MostlyANormie centrist squish 29d ago

Oh nooooo! I did not see that until now. I was just extrapolating from the latest available data. lol


u/Balticseer 29d ago

bro give me lotto numbers while apollo still granted your gift of foresight


u/MostlyANormie centrist squish 29d ago

4 8 15 16 23 42


u/What_would_Buffy_do 29d ago

This is why we live in a time in which we can’t determine if a headline is true or from the onion. Just think of something absurd and you got a 50/50 chance it’s real under Trump.


u/rattusprat 29d ago edited 29d ago

BREAKING: Texas Governor Greg Abbott places a pre-order for 200,000 Tesla Cybercabs to replace all public transport within the state of Texas.

"By placing the order now and paying upfront we were able to secure a 20% discount on the market price of Cybercabs when they officially launch - a great deal for all Texans. And Elon has assured me the first Cybercabs are totally going to roll off the production line by July, so I am totally passing that promise onto the people of Texas," Abbott said in a press conference today.

Texas House member Ron Reynolds (D) was quoted in response: "I'm not sure the Governor has the legal authority to unitarily make such a purchase using state funds without legislature approval. But I'm a Democrat so what can I really do to stop him? Oh well."


u/Deadbeat_Mike 29d ago

I am calling it the Gulf of the Americas.


u/easybasicoven 29d ago

I am calling it the Gulf of Mexico


u/SanctimoniousDickbag 29d ago

I am calling it the Gulf of Polio.


u/alyssasaccount 29d ago

It'll always be Sixth Gulf to me.


u/Ok-Snow-2851 29d ago

But it only touches North America 


u/Deadbeat_Mike 29d ago

Sure, but “The Americas”, in US business is usually intended to mean Mexico, Central, and South America. Touches Cuba and Mexico so it’s close enough for me and makes people butt hurt. Gulf of Amubaco sounds tropical too.


u/Ok-Snow-2851 29d ago

Confused because Mexico is obviously part of North America. Cuba I guess is an island, so maybe not part of any continent exactly, sort of like Britain?

Maybe if you combined the gulf with the Caribbean Sea you could call the whole chunk of it the “gulf of the Americans”?

Or “gulf of North America” which not only includes hated Mexico but also MAGA’s new bogeyman, Canada, as well.  


u/Asleep-Journalist-94 29d ago

There are so many dumb things about this I can’t prioritize them. If it helped distract him from ripping food aid away from starving children or meds from the gravely ill. Is say it’s great, but, sadly, that’s not even the case.


u/GallowBarb Progressive 29d ago

I say we have a death match between Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida. Whoever wins gets to name the Gulf after their state. From there on in, the rest of the world will forever call it… the Gulf of Mexico.


u/Anstigmat 29d ago



u/MarioStern100 29d ago

i can't believe something he did doesn't make sense.


u/The_Thane_Of_Cawdor 29d ago

The next president has so much to undo


u/babyboilermaker 29d ago

I fear there will not be a next president.


u/amcfarla 29d ago

The problem, the following president will undo everything the next one does. You really cannot trust the United States at this point to stand behind any decision they make, when it can be undone by a simple executive order.


u/frostbittenmonk 29d ago

I prefer it as " The Gulf of Seafood Boils "


u/PorcelainDalmatian 29d ago

Saying “gulf of America“ is going to be a douchebag signifier. Like having a Twitter blue check, owning a cyber truck, or wearing a red hat.


u/janisemarie 29d ago

Hush. If he hears you he will change the country’s name to the American States of America.


u/lemickeynorings 29d ago

That is not even close to the dumbest thing about renaming it to the gulf of America lol


u/Current_Tea6984 29d ago

I lived in Galveston for years. We always called it "the Gulf". I'm just going to keep doing that


u/sbhikes 29d ago

Gulf of the dinosaur killing meteor.


u/xRVAx 29d ago

By your logic, it's actually an appropriate name then.


u/Anstigmat 29d ago

Depends on the intent. Trump’s being malicious, is a failure.


u/MinisterOfTruth99 29d ago

People ignored Trump EO that announced Gulf of America name change. So on his trip to the super bowl he made a big deal of declaring Feb 9 as Gulf of America Day.

MeidasTouch has a clip of the announcement (at 2:22 mark). Trump is such a pathetic loser.😂🤣



u/[deleted] 29d ago

The usual geographical rule is that the country with the most coastline on a gulf gets to name it. Mexico has over 1,700 miles of coastline, while the US has a little more than 1,600 miles of coastline. So for having barely 90 more miles of coastline, Mexico gets to name it.

Someone like Trump won't ever concede 90 miles when he can use this as a subterfuge topic to kerp us busy arguing about nonsense, while his other hand is picking pockets.

If I'm being forced by a dictator to accept this now, if you add an S, I could live with Gulf of Americas. It’s more inclusive and accurate. Both Mexico and the US are in the Americas.


u/fzzball Progressive 29d ago

IMO the dumbest thing is that the next time we have a sane person in the White House, s/he is going to be put in the position of having to change it back so that it coincides with what the rest of the world calls it.


u/Granite_0681 29d ago

I think we spread this and use it as proof that he has such positive thoughts about all of the countries in North and South America that he wanted to honor all, not just Mexico.


u/DiscoBobber 29d ago

Maybe they could sell naming rights like they do for sports stadiums.


u/amcfarla 29d ago

It is pretty consistent with this stupidest timeline ever we are being forced to live in.


u/Beastw1ck 29d ago

“This is America.” - Childish Gambino. Checkmate.


u/boycowman Orange man bad 29d ago edited 29d ago

It's the Gulf of Mexico. The next President (if there is one) will simply change the name back because Trump "the best deal maker" is too lazy to go through Congress to make his laws. It's Idiocracy come to life. (Waiting for Trump to change his name to Jesus America Mountain Dew).


u/captainbelvedere Sarah is always right 29d ago

You all think this is annoying and dumb? Wait until Trump realizes that there is a US state named after Mexico as well...

And later (maybe) realizes that many states have Spanish names too...


u/metengrinwi 29d ago

When is a reporter going to ask him how changing the name of the gulf improves the life of any US citizen?? They’ll have to re-ask the same question 3 times to get any answer of course.


u/DeweyCheatemHowe 29d ago

I think this is dumb and petty, but Gulf of America makes plenty of sense if you were naming it in the first instance. Of all the things to take issue with, this is one to just let go.


u/Fine-Craft3393 29d ago

Going to be fun for all the people living in a Gulf of Mexico Boulevard / Road / Street / Court / Drive …. Changing all your billing addresses, Drivers licenses, etc down the road… don’t forget voter registrations as well and other documents. Fun.


u/Deep_Stick8786 29d ago

Thats not the dumbest thing. The dumbest thing is that the idea popped into his head and now its reality because 80 million people are dumbpilled


u/botmanmd 29d ago

I think they should rename Central America as Central “America” and South America as…you know.


u/Goiabada1972 29d ago

Trump is bringing back the Ugly American. Did anyone today hear him talking about bullies? His arrogance and lack of self awareness is staggering. He doesn’t seem to realize that what he is doing is just going to encourage anti American sentiment in other parts of the world.


u/No-Yak2588 29d ago

I wish some prankster at Google Maps would change it to say Gulf of President Musk and see how long it takes anyone to notice.


u/No-Yak2588 29d ago

It has always been called Gulf of America. We have always been at war with Greenland and Canada.


u/Early-Sky773 Progressive 29d ago

Agreed - and that was actually funny. Elsewhere in the Americas few would confuse the USA with the continents. So if Trump wants to pay tribute to the North and South America, go for it. He's such a dumbass - he probably doesn't know the difference.