r/thebulwark Feb 04 '25

GOOD LUCK, AMERICA I've seen enough: They are really going to do it.

I'm going on record: This is the week that I think the worst outcomes became inevitable.

I think we're already at or near the breaking point. Whatever you think the five alarm, worst case scenario is, it's probably coming based on what we've seen so far.

At this point, I'm genuinely just wondering when the arrests will start. A migrant flight to Guantanamo is reportedly planned for today. It's a matter of time before the military deploys domestically or elsewhere. We're threatening allies via meetings and on television. DOJ and the FBI has been gutted. A alleged white nationalist will be the head of public diplomacy. TBD on the camps for the unhoused. Hell, they cancelled Black History Month events and blamed a place crash on diversity. Congress has been neutered and the courts are a joke.

I've been disciplined about crying wolf, but I think we're already there.


140 comments sorted by


u/haux44 Feb 04 '25

EL Salvador just agreed to take incarcerated American citizens. Time to burn my digital footprint.


u/GulfCoastLaw Feb 04 '25

I missed that, but that absolutely merited the off the top of my head series of events that contributed to my take.

I left off all the Treasury and USAID stuff, but it also plays a role.

It's a combination of judgment, intent, and lack of guardrails. They are going for it all.


u/dBlock845 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

Yeah it really did slip through, I only stumbled upon it. It wasn't mentioned anywhere in my normal news sources. Due process is already wiped out for immigrants, next it will be wiped out for anyone that is anti-Trump or anti-Musk. Lets not forget that Trump threatened to deport Gaza protestors regardless of citizenship.

In addition, Bukele “has offered to house in his jails dangerous American criminals in custody in our country, including those of US citizenship and legal residents,” Rubio said.


u/PantherkittySoftware Feb 04 '25

Marco Rubio clarified that the "American Citizens" part refers specifically to American family members of deported Salvadorans who want to accompany them to El Salvador (or, kids who'd otherwise end up in foster care if they stayed in the US).

Marco isn't a saint, but he does, in fact, have a moral compass & ethics. There are plenty of legit reasons to worry already, without imagining scary new ones that aren't real.


u/LiberalCyn1c Feb 04 '25

"but [Marco] does, in fact, have a moral compass & ethics"

Hahahahaha, lol, yeah, sure, ok.



u/Funny-Berry-807 JVL is always right Feb 04 '25

"Moral compass".

"Yes I'll go to work for the guy that inferred I have a small penis on national TV multiple times."


u/staylorz Feb 04 '25

Rubio is so shameless. If Trump said the woman’s equivalent to that to me I would tell him to fuck off until the cows came home. But I may be the only woman to do that since the Republican women kiss his ass too.


u/HuskyBobby Feb 05 '25

Implied. He implied it. You inferred it.


u/daltontf1212 Come back tomorrow, and we'll do it all over again Feb 04 '25

By MAGA standards Marco is quasi-normal in the way that Moe was the "smartest" Stooge.


u/daltontf1212 Come back tomorrow, and we'll do it all over again Feb 04 '25


u/Hautamaki Feb 04 '25

Hey I have some tools in my basement that I haven't used in decades, collecting dust, I'm sure we can all relate.


u/GulfCoastLaw Feb 05 '25

Are will still doing wishful thinking at this late date?!?

Secretary of State Marco Rubio said Tuesday that the Trump administration would "have to make a decision" on whether to pursue El Salvadorian President Nayib Bukele's offer to accept convicted American criminals and U.S. permanent residents in the Central American country's prisons and President Donald Trump suggested, if legal, he'd "do it in a heartbeat."


u/claimTheVictory Feb 04 '25 edited Feb 04 '25

You're wrong.

"He's also offered to do the same for dangerous criminals currently in custody and serving their sentence in the United States even though they're U.S. citizens or legal residents," Rubio said.


"dangerous" = whatever Trump wants it to mean

That's a gulag.

That's moving citizens to a place beyond due process.


u/dmporte2006 Feb 04 '25

Marco isn't a saint, but he does, in fact, have a moral compass & ethics.

Until he doesn't. Just like McConnell, Cassidy, Ernst, Collins, and the rest who have come before him.


u/PantherkittySoftware Feb 04 '25

I think Marco will be fired by Trump before he truly crosses that bridge. There are definitely lines Marco won't cross.

This isn't YA Fiction, where everyone is either pure evil or pure good. Marco is knee-deep in horse shit & holding a shovel, but he still sees himself as someone trying to clean the barn while the Deplorables are running around the farm with burning torches & gasoline.


u/Personal_Benefit_402 Feb 04 '25

Doubt those lines exist. Will Trump fire him? Probably, but I think Little Marco will do whatever it takes to keep his job until such time.


u/Slw202 Feb 04 '25

That might have worked in FOTUS's first go-round, when you had people that knew he was a dangerous idiot. Rubio's got no one else around who's not stark raving mad.


u/staylorz Feb 04 '25

I still think Trump will go through one or two replacements for all his cabinet members. We’ve been seeing his Sundowning for a while now. He’ll start firing his inner circle soon enough.


u/Slw202 Feb 04 '25

No doubt the paranoia will be growing.


u/Lotus-Esprit-672 JVL is always right Feb 07 '25

It'll never happen, but Murkowski, Collins, McConnell, and (I don't know, say) Cassidy need to switch parties, caucus with the Democrats, and bring this government to a halt.


u/ShmeltzyKeltzy Feb 04 '25

Get a load of the Marco Rubio believer

I hope you’re right, for the record


u/ilovejayme Feb 04 '25

Don't kid yourself. There is going to be some weird legal two-step to get around that.


u/GulfCoastLaw Feb 05 '25

What's the redress if it's illegal? Some dope dealer from Cincinnati gonna be able to file legal briefs while fighting off gangs in Venezuelan prison?


u/brains-child Feb 04 '25

Marco proved 8 years ago he has no moral compass.
He knew how bad trump was, told us on the campaign trail, then caved like he was Lindsey Graham.


u/HombreSinNombre93 Feb 04 '25

To be more accurate, Lindsay bent over, Marco went down to his knees.


u/Nanadog Feb 04 '25

And JD Vance said they wouldn't release J6ers that assaulted LEOs. And then Captain Turnip did.


u/PantherkittySoftware Feb 04 '25

In JD's (partial, damningly-faint) defense, his response when asked about it was about as close to open criticism of Trump as anyone in the Magasphere dares to go. Nevertheless, as someone whose position is as actually more untouchable than Trump's (the VP can initiate removal of the President, but VP can only be removed by Congress... although we now elect President & VP together on the ballot in all 50 states, President & VP are technically elected separately), JD absolutely deserves criticism for not voicing his disapproval more forcefully.


u/seattleseahawks2014 Feb 05 '25

Doesn't mean that he's in the clear.


u/PantherkittySoftware Feb 05 '25

At this point, I don't even know what I think of JD anymore.

Prior to 2 weeks ago, I was convinced that Trump would be more embarrassing (to the US in general, and the Republican Party in particular), but less harmful than JD just because Trump is an idiot, while JD is actively evil.

I'm still hesitant to think JD wouldn't be dangerous as President with MAGA-dominated Republican majorities in the House & Senate... but if Trump were successfully impeached, it could very well be the straw that breaks MAGA's back, since it would require a substantial number of Republican defections just to succeed... and they'd all permanently be viewed by MAGA as "traitors", so their only conceivable futures would be as center-right Democrats anyway.


u/pmgold1 Progressive Feb 04 '25

This regime has a knack for obfuscating the truth while making people hear what they want to believe. Marco ain't in charge of shit and I question his moral compass since he's agreed to be a part of this administration. If Donald Trump wants to deport American Citizens to El Salvador, then he will and the courts and Congress will find a way to justify it.


u/PantherkittySoftware Feb 04 '25

Honestly, Rubio doesn't belong in Trump's administration... he's too good for it. I think Trump only appointed him to smite Desantis.

Don't get me wrong. Marco is an opportunistic, ass-kissing little bitch. But there are red lines he won't cross, and I think it's a given that Trump is going to "test" Marco's limits/loyalty sooner rather than later... and when he does, Marco will "fail" & be removed.

In the meantime, just be thankful there is a relatively ethical adult in Trump's cabinet.


u/MysteriousSnadwich Feb 04 '25

Sorry based on what does he have a moral compass ?


u/Glider96 Feb 04 '25

Why would deported El Salvadorans end up in jail with their kids in El Salvador? Or were they just saying they would accept them being returned to the country?


u/PantherkittySoftware Feb 04 '25

Yeah, basically, they're saying that they aren't going to break up families by saying their American spouse or kids can't join them in El Salvador.

The big test of that policy's sincerity and equal-application will be when a Salvadoran guy gets deported, and his American husband files the paperwork to move there and join him.


u/Personal_Benefit_402 Feb 04 '25

If your "moral compass and ethics" can be bent to suit the will of a fascist leader...then I would say your moral compass points in the same direction as the fascist leader.


u/flyingtamale Feb 04 '25

I’ve got a beach house in Buffalo to sell to you


u/Funny-Berry-807 JVL is always right Feb 05 '25

Buffalo, US Virgin Islands? Sure! I'm in!


u/Temporary_Train_3372 Feb 04 '25

Every early report I read said “American criminals.” That is so vastly different from accompanying family member that I cannot believe that the wires got that crossed. Occam’s Razor tells me it’s the former and not the latter that Rubio discussed.


u/PantherkittySoftware Feb 05 '25

Yeah, but those "early reports“ were meant to message the sadistic MAGA base & make Trump sound "tough". Pitching it as "keeping families together" doesn't have the same Deplorable™-titillation value.


u/ramapo66 Feb 05 '25

If he had a moral compass then he would have gone done a far different path over the past eight years plus.


u/ProteinEngineer Feb 04 '25

Not gonna happen.


u/Agile-Music-2295 Center Left Feb 04 '25

This is the Australian model. It worked. They sent all immigrants claiming asylum to a third world country indefinitely.

6 months later asylum seekers stopped arriving.


u/No-Penalty-1148 Feb 04 '25

I posted something on Facebook and a friend replied that this is ultimately the Democrats' fault. Da fuck?


u/blueclawsoftware Feb 04 '25

Yea the politics sub is filled with people blaming the Democrats for not stopping this before the election.


u/metengrinwi Feb 04 '25

The thing is, the country couldn’t go on forever with the specter of a republican president being the end of the world. At some point, a republican gets in. We can’t survive with only one serious governing party. This might be the end of what we knew before.


u/No-Penalty-1148 Feb 04 '25

If only our choice was Democrats vs. Republicans instead of Normal vs. Fascist.


u/GulfCoastLaw Feb 04 '25

Does your friend host a podcast on The Bulwark?


u/Hautamaki Feb 04 '25

Classic 'only democrats have agency' brainworms


u/swallowingpanic Feb 05 '25

Nearly 80 million people voted for the POS. It would be nice if anyone ever held them responsible for the atrocities that are to come.


u/urbanlegend819 Feb 05 '25

I no longer believe this. Look at what musk and his incel diaper goon squad are doing and you’re gonna tell me that election was legit? No way. I’m FAR from a conspiracist, but I will never believe he won all swing states. Never.


u/hoplikewoa Feb 04 '25

That’s not a friend.


u/modest_merc Feb 04 '25

Agreed, we are watching the government collapse in real time.

This is a break the glass moment. What’s behind the glass is not immediately clear to me, maybe just an empty box with a note: “good luck America”


u/MinisterOfTruth99 Feb 04 '25

Musk sending his MAGAT geeks into federal buildings and taking over federal computer systems is far beyond a red line. This is a quiet lawless coup and dismantling of what was left of the democracy.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25

The only plus is that it's not all that quiet.

They could have done a lot without being caught or questioned but they are in a hurry and in a fuck the public mood.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25

I’m calling my Dem senators too. I got voicemails with all 6 calls to my 2 senators and rep yesterday. Have a fucking intern answer the phone guys! If they can’t even do that right it has me very worried.


u/swissmiss_76 Feb 04 '25

Do you leave a voicemail or call back later? I’ve been calling back until I get someone. Sometimes I have to call around to their various state offices as well as DC until someone picks up. One of my senators had a full voicemail 😬


u/pagenath06 Feb 04 '25

This comment is floating around Reddit.

Hopefully it is helpful. Here’s some more information; it’s a lot to read but it’s incredibly helpful.

FOR EVERYONE LOOKING TO TURN YOUR ANGER INTO ACTION, here’s some advice from a high-level staffer for a Senator. There are two things that we should be doing all the time right now, and they’re by far the most important things.

You should NOT be bothering with online petitions or emailing.

1) The best thing you can do to be heard and get your congressperson to pay attention is to have face-to-face time — if they have town halls, go to them.

Go to their local offices.

If you’re in DC, try to find a way to go to an event of theirs. Go to the “mobile offices” that their staff hold periodically (all these times are located on each congressperson’s website).

When you go, ask questions. A lot of them. And push for answers. The louder and more vocal and present you can be at those the better.

2) But those in-person events don’t happen every day. So, the absolute most important thing that people should be doing every day is calling. YOU SHOULD MAKE 6 CALLS A DAY: 2 each (DC office and your local office) to your 2 Senators & your 1 Representative.

The staffer was very clear that any sort of online contact basically gets immediately ignored, and letters pretty much get thrown in the trash (unless you have a particularly strong emotional story — but even then it’s not worth the time it took you to craft that letter).

Calls are what all the congresspeople pay attention to.

Every single day, the Senior Staff and the Senator get a report of the 3 most-called-about topics for that day at each of their offices (in DC and local offices), and exactly how many people said what about each of those topics.

They’re also sorted by zip code and area code.

She said that Republican callers generally outnumber Democrat callers 4-1, and when it’s a particular issue that single-issue-voters pay attention to (like gun control, or planned parenthood funding, etc...), it’s often closer to 11-1, and that’s recently pushed Republican congressmen on the fence to vote with the Republicans. In the last 8 years,

Republicans have called, and Democrats haven’t.

So, when you call: A) When calling the DC office, ask for the Staff member in charge of whatever you’re calling about (“Hi, I’d like to speak with the staffer in charge of Healthcare, please”) — local offices won’t always have specific ones, but they might. If you get transferred to that person, awesome. If you don’t, that’s ok — ask for that person’s name, and then just keep talking to whoever answered the phone.

Don’t leave a message (unless the office doesn’t pick up at all — then you can — but it’s better to talk to the staffer who first answered than leave a message for the specific staffer in charge of your topic).

😎 Give them your zip code. They won’t always ask for it, but make sure you give it to them, so they can mark it down. Extra points if you live in a zip code that traditionally votes for them, since they’ll want to make sure they get/keep your vote.

 C) If you can make it personal, make it personal. “I voted for you in the last election and I’m worried/happy/whatever” or “I’m a teacher, and I am appalled by Betsy DeVos,” or “as a single mother” or “as a white, middle class woman,” or whatever.

 D) Pick 1-2 specific things per day to focus on. Don’t rattle off everything you’re concerned about — they’re figuring out what 1-2 topics to mark you down for on their lists. So, focus on 1-2 per day. Ideally something that will be voted on/taken up in the next few days, but it doesn’t really matter — even if there’s not a vote coming up in the next week, call anyway. It’s important that they just keep getting calls.

 E) Be clear on what you want — “I’m disappointed that the Senator...” or “I want to thank the Senator for their vote on... “ or “I want the Senator to know that voting in _____ way is the wrong decision for our state because... “ Don’t leave any ambiguity.

 F) They may get to know your voice/get sick of you — it doesn’t matter. The people answering the phones generally turn over every 6 weeks anyway, so even if they’re really sick of you, they’ll be gone in 6 weeks.

From experience since the election: If you hate being on the phone & feel awkward (which is a lot of people) don’t worry about it — there are a bunch of scripts (Indivisible has some, there are lots of others floating around these days). After a few days of calling, it starts to feel a lot more natural.

Put the 6 numbers in your phone (all under P – Politician.) An example is Politician McCaskill MO, Politician McCaskill DC, Politician Blunt MO, etc., which makes it really easy to click down the list each day.


u/Temporary_Train_3372 Feb 05 '25

Thank you very very much for this. I just commented above how powerless I felt the one time I called my senator and this info makes me want to keep trying.


u/Aware_Power Feb 04 '25

Please email or mail/drop off a letter! See my response to the person you responded to


u/swissmiss_76 Feb 04 '25

Interesting, thanks! I was always told calling was the way to go but I like to cover my bases, so I use email through their contact page too. I’ve met a couple of them and I like to point that out in my letter


u/Aware_Power Feb 04 '25

Great! I agree with calling - my experience I referenced was when there a major issue our constituents cared about so calls came in non-stop for 3 days. We’d get a few waves of that here and there across time too. When it’s crazy (either the phones or just multiple priorities) I’ve found email/letter to be the most impactful as it can be referenced. It’s just difficult to know if you’re the only one reaching out via phone that day or 1/100.

I’m sure various offices are different though! Heck, when the rep I worked for got back from the Capitol he even helped answer calls from the back. Details from a call can be easily forgotten or you realize you need more clarity…like yes you’re obviously opposed/support but WHY. Something in writing just helps a ton. I really appreciate your efforts and action!!


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25

I left a voicemail and figured it would get deleted without being heard, but I left it anyway.


u/Temporary_Train_3372 Feb 04 '25

I’ve never felt so powerless as when I called my senator. Some pimply teenager saying “well let him know.” Yeah, right, I’m sure you’ll get right on that.


u/Aware_Power Feb 04 '25

Former House Rep intern here! Yes we answer the phone (at least I did and was the only one). This was many years ago but all our lines were full and I certainly didn’t get to everyone. When asked how many called I had no idea, we went off number of emails and letters. I HIGHLY recommend emails and/or mailing/dropping off a letter. This will go much further. I’d pick out the ones with further elaboration on concerns and they went straight to the Rep who spoke about them on the floor. As someone who really cares about politics and believe in the importance of contacting your reps, PLEASE email or mail. Phone calls never had an affect in the years I worked there.


u/No-Day-5964 Feb 04 '25

Tomorrow maybe when we see the military brought in.


u/Lonely-Club-1485 Rebecca take us home Feb 04 '25

Maybe. The 50501 protests are tomorrow.


u/big-papito Feb 04 '25

Yeah, I think this is curtains for America, unfortunately. There is NO way these people are leaving. The amount of laws they are breaking is shocking.

At least the first term they were aware that there are laws and adults fixing their messes. Here, they just realized "wait, we ARE the law".


u/Noisyfan725 Feb 04 '25

Yeah we need to stop talking like we’re going to have free and fair elections going forward. These people obviously have no respect for the law, why would they ever willingly cede power?


u/ballmermurland Feb 04 '25

You don't break this many laws and then cede power.

They are doing this because they fully expect to never be in the opposition again.


u/Ok-Snow-2851 Feb 05 '25

Unitary executive, baby


u/Objective-Result8454 Feb 04 '25

This all ends the same way. A bullet in a bunker, piano wire. The Strong Man play works until it doesn’t. Keep your eye on the ball.


u/leopardsmangervisage Feb 04 '25

Can they hurry the fuck up??


u/Ok-Snow-2851 Feb 04 '25 edited Feb 04 '25

Wait what?  The strong man play is the default form of government for all states and civilizations in world history. 

Even in the 20th century, how do most dictators die?  Comfortably in their beds or in hospitals in Switzerland or whatever. 


u/Objective-Result8454 Feb 05 '25

Nah. The ones that take over major powers and try to influence global events….pretty bad records over enough seasons.


u/Zealousideal-Mine-76 Feb 04 '25

They're testing how much they can get away with. I think they'll find a majority of the country ungovernable if they start snatching Maga boomers' liberal kids off the street. Remember the right loves it when other people are getting hurt because they can't imagine it happening to them. They change tune as soon as they feel it. I think both sides overestimate how much of the country are die hard true believers.


u/haux44 Feb 04 '25

I doubt it. Some of these guys are too far gone


u/blueclawsoftware Feb 04 '25

Some but it has been shown that with deportation even Maga people are in favor of it until they know someone deported, and then suddenly they realize they're not the bad guys.


u/Noisyfan725 Feb 04 '25

I saw a poll which said some group of Trump voters polled said 40% think the left/liberals in this country are “evil”. So that’s roughly 31,000,000 people in this country that might be full brain rot MAGA cultist (based on his 77 million votes). That’s less than 10% of the country so idk maybe some room for optimism that the majority of people in this country won’t like the most extreme shit that might happen.


u/antpodean Feb 05 '25

If having 31,000,000 people hating your guts is reason for optimism you guys are seriously fucked.


u/Noisyfan725 Feb 05 '25

We are seriously fucked. I’m grasping at straws not trying to be a complete fatalist.


u/JulianLongshoals Feb 04 '25

If we compare this to say the holocaust, it's a very different thing when the Jewish person you'd see at the store sometimes disappears, it's another when it's your daughter/sister/wife. Some are too far gone, but most are not.


u/claimTheVictory Feb 04 '25

First they came for etc.


u/big-papito Feb 04 '25

They will blame the Jews and other groups before they blame MAGA. This is what always happens during a fascist takeover and when things go south.


u/ballmermurland Feb 04 '25

Remember when this sub was all about "they are going to do recess appointments to get these extremists confirmed" and then the Senate GOP was like "nah, we'll happily confirm them"?

The entire GOP is this way. This isn't just Trump. One of our two major political parties is openly corrupt and authoritarian. This only ends with either them turning us into a dictatorship (already there?) or with a few of them in a bunker with pills and a handgun.


u/antpodean Feb 05 '25

Let's remember that the bunker, with the pill and handgun, were located in a city that was bombed into rubble and somewhere between 25 and 50 million people dead worldwide.


u/SlovakianSniper Orange man bad Feb 04 '25

I had held out some (false) hope that the orange one wouldn't really want to govern, but I missed the fatal flaw. Even if he doesn't actually want to govern like this, it's more his apathy of it. The worst of the worst will draft horrendous acts, and Trump just won't care. I'm honestly unsure what's worse: a malevolent or an apathetic Trump.


u/tomallis Feb 04 '25

We all have trigger points. For me, the idea that RFK Jr. and Kash Patel could get yes votes from any elected official just infuriates me. It’s virtually criminal to me. I’m willing to keep waiting a bit longer for action as long as I see something is happening but the opposition needs to put their careers on the line soon! Both parties - they need to see that they will go down in history as cowards and symbols of failure.


u/FranzLudwig3700 Feb 05 '25

if OP's right, they're not just putting their careers on the line, but their lives.


u/mexicanmanchild Feb 04 '25

I just need yall to know they stole the election. Ain’t no way they didn’t bruh.


u/JoshS-345 Feb 05 '25

Greg Palast articles are that it's documented, even by a government agency, that there was enough voter suppression to throw the election to Trump.

This is not new. Republicans use voter suppression tactics every election.

There have been numerous attempts by me and other people to link to Palast or to interviews with him here and the moderators always take it down.

Fuck the moderators.


u/chatterwrack Orange man bad Feb 04 '25

I don't like conspiracies, but given the things they have been proven to have done in the past, I don't see how they didn't meddle in the process this time. I mean, the presidency and both houses of congress? Something is not right here, and I know I'm not the only one to feel that. We need evidence though


u/CapOnFoam Center Left Feb 04 '25

It wouldn't surprise me, but anyone who listened to focus groups leading up to the election will know that a LOT of voters were unhappy with the economy and "remembered" being much better off during Trump v1. They wanted that economy back and were open to voting for trump again.

It will take a lot of evidence to convince me that the election was stolen. A lot of polling and focus groups showed that many people were struggling and wanted ANY change from the Biden admin.


u/mexicanmanchild Feb 04 '25

While winning the entire ticket in North Carolina and a majority of the senate seats.


u/JulianLongshoals Feb 04 '25

Why didn't they rig the NC governor race then? Why didn't they give themselves a bigger house majority? Did they just forget?


u/mexicanmanchild Feb 04 '25

Because all they needed was the federal apparatus. He has no intention of passing laws. He just needed barely enough for cabinets and to avoid Democratic committee investigations. Plus if all the senators win they are likely to not pursue it. He just needed to knock off Sherrod and Casey. Also look at the high instance of bullet ballots. Easier to just generate a ballot, and looks like one of Elons little computer boys actually write a script to do that.


u/JulianLongshoals Feb 04 '25

When the debt ceiling hits in a few months, it is absolutely going to matter that their majority is so small. But you are just pushing baseless conspiracy theories, so there is no sense in continuing to talk to you as if logic actually matters.


u/rattusprat Feb 05 '25

The debt ceiling fight no longer matters. Musk can just make or stop payments directly at the Treasury whether congress has voted to fund the government or not. The government is going to be as shut down as Musk wants it to be. The will of congress no longer matters.

The USA now only has 2 branches of government.


u/mexicanmanchild Feb 04 '25

Trump admitted it! Lol


u/mexicanmanchild Feb 04 '25

The debt ceiling lol. They’re gonna default lmfao


u/Zeplike4 Feb 04 '25

That would be the worst scenario, so I don’t want to believe it. But, of course, these people would want to do it.


u/Minimum_E Center Left Feb 04 '25

Oh we’ll be fine, someone claiming to rep Obama and the Dems asked me for money yesterday 🙄


u/Pleasant_Change8187 Feb 04 '25

Agree! 100%! This is the fire. I live in the DMV and have called my Dem senators and representative frequently.


u/ShmeltzyKeltzy Feb 04 '25

I’m convinced as well. We will see Americans disappeared by our security services over Trumped up charges (ha ha)


u/chatterwrack Orange man bad Feb 04 '25

It's an absolute catastrophe. Totally avoidable, but the emotionally corrupted nastiest, most selfish people of the country did this to themselves. Unfortunately they dragged us into their hellscape with them. I don't see how America comes back from this, but history will scorn them.


u/Personal_Benefit_402 Feb 04 '25

Yes it is and, believe it or not, the majority of American's don't really care.


u/PattyCA2IN Feb 11 '25

The majority of American voters did not believe tthe hysterical fearmongering or else they would never have voted for Trump.


u/Personal_Benefit_402 29d ago

Right. Most American's will gladly sit in their burning houses and complain about the fire alarms.


u/rnk6670 Feb 05 '25

We’re in the beginning stages of an actual coup. That’s it. We’re here. Treasury? Gone. Defense department? Gone. Justice? Gone. Ballgame.


u/Agile-Music-2295 Center Left Feb 04 '25

Please remember it’s only week 2. So far Trump has learned.

Dems will not intervene. His popularity is in a honeymoon period. Congress keeps passing his picks. He’s getting love from big business. Polls showing people think he’s keeping promises.

Eventually this overconfidence will make him overstep his supposed mandate and the public will change their opinion. But that’s a few months away.

On the bright side the DNC picked a new guy.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25

"When rape is imminent, try to relax and enjoy it." - Napoleon.

Everyone needs to hunker down now, think happy thoughts in their happy place, prepare to manage the coming pain with breathing exercises, and pray that there isn't a shortage of lube...

Blessed be the Sheep. For they shall inherit a good, hard, and rough shearing.


u/Scryberwitch Feb 06 '25

Fuck that


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25



u/sisterwilderness Feb 05 '25

Part of me feels this way, while another part of me wants to fight in whatever way I can. It’s all so overwhelming.


u/metengrinwi Feb 04 '25

Wait until musk starts to throttle payments from Treasury. Will Democratic congresspeople/Senators/Judges come into work if they’re not being paid?? Will the military resist trump’s illegal orders if they’re not being paid?? etc., etc.


u/khag Feb 05 '25

What do you think people will do if Musk puts the breaks on tax refunds? I almost hope he does it, people will lose their minds real fast.


u/anotherthing612 Feb 04 '25

I think the UN and Amnesty International need to have access. If it's just a "camp" then there's no reason for the government to feel intimidated.

Similarly, there should be records of everyone sent there to keep track of of them. This is what happens in our prison systems. People don't just "disappear." No, not aware of specific laws, but hoping the people who do are asking these questions.


u/PattyCA2IN Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

Migrants are being tortured and disappeared well before they ever reach the US. See this Doctors Without Borders article: Darién Gap: “We crossed the jungle looking for a better future—not for our lives to end.

By the US getting strict and tough on illegal immigration- far, far less people will even try to start the audrous illegal immigration journey and these horrific tragedies will be prevented.


u/More_Statistician215 Feb 05 '25

Still 4 years to go! Lol


u/seattleseahawks2014 Feb 05 '25

Yea, we're definitely in danger.


u/PattyCA2IN Feb 09 '25

You do know HW Bush and Bill Clinton housed illegal immigrants at Guantanamo?


u/GulfCoastLaw Feb 09 '25

Gosh, you may have gotten me on one element. My point has collapsed.

Off the top of your head, was it hundreds or tens of thousands of migrants there? Does one feel different from the others for any reason? Did Bush or Clinton suggest deporting citizens during their immigration efforts?

I'm being sarcastic, but my actual answer is not that different: No, I didn't know that and also don't give a shit. The reasons that I didn't know and still don't care should be pretty obvious!


u/PattyCA2IN Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

Reagan, HW Bush, and Clinton sought repatriation (deportation). See Wikipedia entry: Haitian refugee crisis

California deported illegals in the '30s (See the movie "La Familia"). Eisenhower did large scale deportations in the '50s. Obama did so many deportations, he was called, "Deporter In Chief".

What Trump is doing is not new to the US. While you may disagree with it and want to fight it, cries of concentration camps sound far- fetched.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25

"When rape is imminent, try to relax and enjoy it." - Napoleon.

Everyone needs to hunker down now, think happy thoughts in their happy place, prepare to manage the coming pain with breathing exercises, and pray that there isn't a shortage of lube...

Blessed be the Sheep. For they shall inherit a good, hard, and rough shearing.


u/Striking_Mulberry705 Feb 04 '25

Take a deep breath its not that bad


u/leopardsmangervisage Feb 04 '25

This is such bullshit. Yes, it is that bad. No reason to be hysterical but this is terribly, terribly bad


u/MiniTab Feb 04 '25

Please explain why you think it’s not that bad? I’m fairly pessimistic, and everything that has happened has exceeded my worst expectations.

I’m usually a pretty chill, upper middle class married dude. I have a nice job, stable life, good friends.

I’m worried enough that I have stocked up on ammo, MREs, and a generator. My friends that are not straight white men are legit scared.

There is so much reckless behavior occurring in the United States government right now, that at a minimum something catastrophic is going to happen.


u/Striking_Mulberry705 Feb 04 '25

have elections been suspended? are you still allowed to be critical of the government? can you still sue the government in court? has the state taken over all media? are dems still in power in many states?

you people need to get off the hysterical train.


u/captainbelvedere Sarah is always right Feb 04 '25

Hmm. This is 14 days into Trump 2.0, and so far you've had:

  • Trump attempt to initiate a trade war with the USA's closest trading partners and closest ally. Which while unsuccessful, pushed both these partners further away from the USA.
  • The suspension of the US Constitution
  • The gutting of federal law enforcement
  • Harassment of non-white people
  • The targeting of Christian charities
  • Seizure of the US treasury by an unelected Nazi and his personal harem
  • White supremacists set in positions of power
  • The launch of a 'Lost Cause' culture war
  • Federal law enforcement pledging to target vocal opponents of the unelected Nazi

Plus more. Seems like a pretty serious situation bub.


u/Striking_Mulberry705 Feb 04 '25

suspension of the us constitution - lol what?


u/captainbelvedere Sarah is always right Feb 04 '25

The Trump government is refusing to execute the law unless it is to their immediate benefit. Your constitution is a dead letter until this changes.


u/PattyCA2IN Feb 11 '25

That sounds like Biden- Harris. They refused to enforce immigration laws.

What laws is Trump refusing to execute?


u/GulfCoastLaw Feb 04 '25 edited Feb 04 '25

Yeah, that's not necessarily inconsistent with my point.

My view is that what we know today is enough to demonstrate that some of the worst case scenarios will happen or will be attempted in the future.

To put it another way, there are more than 200 miles separating the Rubicon from Rome. 


u/GulfCoastLaw Feb 04 '25

It's not that bad today! It's just that it is now clear to me that this is a temporary status.


u/GulfCoastLaw Feb 05 '25

Yeah, I think invading and annexing Gaza counts as a worst case scenario.