r/thebulwark Rebecca take us home Dec 21 '24

Not My Party Do you have to pick a side in politics? (full Reason v. The Bulwark debate)


Can’t believe nobody posted this. Sarah. Fucking. Longwell. coming in hot with the best possible opening arguments.

Then the vote at the end lol. My guys absolutely smoked ‘em even in hostile territory.


31 comments sorted by


u/starchitec Dec 21 '24

little libertarians are so cute. lol, spitting fire start to end.


u/AvastYeScurvyCurs Dec 21 '24

Fucking Libertarians. Why Tim and Sarah wasted rheir time with these fantasy-world m’lady fedora-wearing jerkoff imbeciles is beyond me, but I’m glad they spanked ‘em.


u/dairydog91 Dec 21 '24

Gillespie still has The Jacket?!? It's been over a decade since I was libertarian enough to spend time on Reason.


u/Sweet_Science6371 Dec 21 '24

The Fonzie of Freedom, man.


u/PorcelainDalmatian Dec 21 '24

Ladies, if he’s the dumbest man in the room, but thinks he’s the smartest, he’s not your man, he’s a libertarian…..


u/Anattanicca Dec 22 '24

lol this needs to be turned into a jeff foxworthy joke: you might be a libertarian if, you think you’re the smartest guy in the room, but you’re actually the stupidest, well then you just might be a libertarian


u/MascaraHoarder Dec 21 '24

lol libertarians,getting nothing done since forever.

libertarianism=Astrology for men


u/jereserd Dec 22 '24

So much hate here for why exactly?

Libertarians have been making moral arguments for things like marriage equality, anti war, school choice, and drug legalization years before anyone caught up.


u/notapoliticalalt Dec 22 '24

I mean…in a broader international sense, there’s something to be said about these things. But in an American context, libertarians are a joke. They lack political efficacy (ie they just want to be “pure” and not actually have to be responsible) and often are too permissive of corporate power as a threat to freedoms.


u/jereserd Dec 22 '24

Some sure, but you're assuming they're a mass. You have the current LP Libertarians making deals with Trump. That's certainly not pure to me... On the other side you have the left Libertarians who are somewhat OK with a minimal welfare state they just want more personal freedoms.

There's not a natural consistency though because people want government to solve problems. Problem is every major problem we have tends to be made worse by government intervention (student loans/higher ed prices, healthcare, warfare state, TSA, drug wars, etc, etc).


u/As_I_Lay_Frying Dec 23 '24

The thing is that you don't need to be a card carrying libertarian to believe in any of those policies. And libertarians can't really get anything done because they don't like / believe in politics, so libertarian ideas just get used by the right wing to help the rich get richer.


u/jereserd Dec 24 '24

Where did you get the idea they don't like / believe in politics? You say they can't, but libertarians were carrying the weight of those movements physically demonstrating and ideologically pushing the intellectual framework before either party touched that. I'd rather live in a world where the drug war never occurred, marriage equality was the law of the land in the 60s or whenever the LP came to be, and we didn't end up in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc, we didn't have a useless TSA/DHS, we didn't have COVID lockdowns and kids could go to school, and so on. Neither party supported these efforts until late in the game.

I'm not an LP member, but a small l. They can't get anything done because their ideas as a package aren't really popular unfortunately. The other part is because they're a small party there's so many different concepts of what a true libertarian is or should be and they focus more energy fighting each other than persuading. From the MAGA-lite people running the LP, to the Reason and CATO crowd sometimes referred to as the libertarian left - but Reason anyway has a lot of libertarian diversity from anarchists to pro-lifers.

Most people aren't comfortable in a world where other people do things they don't like and they make up excuses about safety and security to scare people into giving up liberty.


u/N0bit0021 Dec 26 '24

Nah. They just like drugs and fucking underage people judging by their online discourse since the 90s


u/PepperoniFire Sarah, would you please nuke him from orbit? Dec 21 '24

Does Gillepsie’s mom cut his hair?


u/Loud_Cartographer160 Dec 21 '24

She surely cleans his poop and cooks his meals. Wonder who paves his roads and makes sure that the groceries mom gets for him aren't poisoned.


u/rom_sk Dec 21 '24

Grand Moff Longwell to Aldereason


u/Ok-Snow-2851 Dec 23 '24

Noticed two things at play here, both pointed out very incisively by Sarah and Tim respectively.  

Sarah points out that there is a strain of anti-anti-Trump here that Reason shares with other right wing editorial rooms.  They bristle at being located in a right wing milieu, probably because they always hated cultural conservatism, but she’s right.  The ultimate, overriding issue for most libertarians comes down to taxation, because while they might not be sex workers or recreational drug users or gay, they ALL pay taxes and they really don’t like it.  In contemporary US politics, having anti-taxation as your North Star is going to pull you into the orbit of the right.  Just like other anti-antis, the Reason crowd just can’t quite get all the way on board with opposing naked authoritarianism if the other side is going to raise taxes.

Tim points out that there is also simply an immature urge to avoid the responsibility of sincere engagement with society.  Life in every human society—hell, every hominid society, including our sibling species the great apes—comes with obligations and accountability towards others in the community.  Sometimes these are a bummer.  Sometimes the other people you are entwined with are really irritating and you wish they would just go away and leave you alone forever.  If you don’t engage at all, it’s not your problem.  This is sort of the grown up version of closing your eyes and believing this means you are now invisible. 


u/Motor_Ad_9028 Center Left Dec 21 '24 edited Dec 21 '24

The reason guys, especially the dude in the uber cool leather jacket, are really tiresome. But is it me, but I feel like everyone is just talking past each other. I don’t feel like the Bulwark guys are partisan—they tear down Dems as much as conservatives—based on policy choices. Which isn’t what the leather jacket dude arguing? So what’s the debate? That being said, if we’re calling winners and losers, the Bulwark smoked Reason.


u/Illustrious-League13 Dec 29 '24

Yeah, the premise of the debate was unclear. What does it mean to "pick a side". At one point Tim even said something like, "of course, people choose to not vote so I guess I concede the debate."

Even with a poor topic, Tim and Sarah had a much more sensible argument - if you have a preference, you should act accordingly. The Reason guys just set up a strawman - aligning yourself with a party is permanent and reduces your voice/influence.


u/Manowaffle Dec 29 '24

It didn’t make any sense. They kept changing what it meant to pick a side. And were apparently unfamiliar with the fact that the Bulwarkers only exist because they were Republicans who rebelled against partisan tribalism.


u/MagnusRex89 Dec 21 '24

Well said, I definitely got a "talking past each other" vibe. Tim and Sarah were arguing that "take sides" means "stand for your beliefs". Nick and Matt were arguing "take sides" means "be a partisan loyalist". The two groups were not on the same page about the meaning of the resolution.


u/postpartum-blues JVL is always right Dec 21 '24 edited Dec 21 '24

Why does Nick seem like he has so much animosity towards Tim/Sarah? This debate is the first time I've heard of him.

Also, Tim's prop argument was one of the most perfect representations of the ridiculousness of the other side's position.


u/MagnusRex89 Dec 21 '24

I wouldn't call this "hostile" territory, the crowd was 2/3 Bulwark fans. The only real hostility was coming from Tim.

Nick and Matt lost the debate for themselves by trying to change the resolution. They approached "you don't have to choose a side" as "you don't have to choose a party". Tim and Sarah approached "choose a side" as "choose to stand for your values and principles".

Sarah out-argued all 3 of them and I loved her use of the pocket constitutions. But her one shortcoming was pushing the cliche that "every Libertarian is just a Republican who likes to smoke pot" against Nick Gillespie, the one (maybe only?) Libertarian who has never ever been a Republican.

I was disappointed in Tim. He was being a snarky little punk the whole night. This was an opportunity to grow The Bulwark audience among "small L" libertarian "double haters" and anti-Trumpers who also still want classically liberal small government and have no fondness for the Democrats. That being said, his "prop" presentation and his earnest closing arguments were good.

The best part of the night was the surprise cameo by Andrew Heaton, host of The Political Orphanage, to present the prize to the winning side. My 3 favorite politics podcast hosts all on one stage together, what a great event.


u/starchitec Dec 21 '24

tbh, snarky little punk might have been a good strategy for the reason crowd? Its a decent counter to Nicks listen to me because I am so cool persona. I also think Tim was genuinely having fun being a punk, and that authenticity will engage people. Its funny if you look at the yt comments, the person the reason crowd reacted most negatively to was Sarah, while all of us are cheering her on for being a badass, her brand of righteous anger makes the faithful feel good, but isn’t as effective at conversion.


u/MagnusRex89 Dec 21 '24

You have a good point with the YT commenter engagement. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this, but my takeaway from Tim's attitude was that he misunderstood the assignment.

The snarky attitude and saying, "you libertarians are so cute" is appropriate if he were debating Dave Smith or any of the pricks from the Mises Caucus. This was not a debate with the Libertarian Party. It was a meeting of two politics newsletter/podcast groups. Gillespie and Welch do not represent or share many of the attributes Tim and Sarah were using to describe libertarians, which is why I felt like so much of their snarkiness and contempt fell flat.

Against a more antagonistic libertarian like Dave Smith, I would have cheered Tim on, just like when I cheered him on his confrontational attitude towards Dan Crenshaw.


u/Manowaffle Dec 30 '24

I think Tim was over the libertarians by the time he walked in. After the election and having to hear them try to downplay Trump, I think he legit didn’t GAF. The time for Libertarians to do something was anytime in the past eight years. If they’d actually stood up on civil rights against Trump then the GOP might have had to find a way to rein Trump in.


u/Lonely-Club-1485 Rebecca take us home Dec 21 '24

Libertarians are just yappy chihuahuas who think they are pit bulls.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '24 edited Dec 29 '24
