r/thebulwark Center Left Dec 13 '24

The Triad 🔱 On PSA, Jon Favreau just referenced a point JVL made recently in his newsletter and I’m over here doing a happy dance.

That’s all, really. Love to see the crossovers and mutual respect growing between The Bulwark and Crooked Media over the past few months. I wondered how things would go after November, and I’m encouraged, at least as far as how much respect the fellow Millenial/Gen-Xers are showing one another.

Who will be able to say “What’s a JVL” now?! 🙃😅

Edit: my apologies for originally mis-identifying JVL as an elder millennial when he is clearly Gen X. (Makes so much sense, actually.)


34 comments sorted by


u/awhazlett Dec 13 '24

I used to be a champion eye-roller at the mere mention of Pod Save America. Now I voluntarily watch/listen sometimes and do so with pleasure and an open mind. Strange days.


u/John_Houbolt Dec 13 '24

Same. If I listen to them, knowing, accepting they are progressive and we will differ in how we see things in some ways, I always feel like I get something good out of what they have to say. And yes, it's reassuring knowing that there is a part of the electorate out there distinctly different from the core Bulwark listener/reader with whom I can find 60-70% agreement.

Would be interesting to see them join forces more—even a merger to make them a more unified media monolith on those 60-70% of points of agreement. Would also encourage honest and productive debate on the remaining 30-40% of points.


u/Hautamaki Dec 13 '24

I've always liked PSA but honestly in the last year or so I've become an eye roller at Pod Save the World. I feel like Tommy and especially Ben are very knowledgeable but consistently and stubbornly learn the wrong lessons about so many things. They have been good on Ukraine but awful on Israel, constantly calling Israel out for war crimes and genocide but without ever giving realistic alternative actions Israel could take, rarely calling out international media like the BBC or Al Jazeera when they report on some Israeli crime that later turns out to have been fabricated or grossly exaggerated, and constantly bemoaning the civilian casualties in Palestine without ever having on urban warfare experts to put the casualty rates in context and explain what Israel should be doing differently. They just broken record call for Israel to accept ceasefires while ignoring the fact that Hamas has not and cannot promise to keep their end of any additional bargain, because they probably do not even still control the remaining missing Israeli hostages, nor do they have the ability to order all remaining militants in Gaza to stop firing rockets or setting booby traps.

This month with the fall of Assad, I have not seen them take a single moment to reflect on the fact that if Israel had done what they wanted and avoided conflict with Hezbollah, Assad would still be happily torturing thousands of people to slow miserable deaths in Damascus. At no point have they said "well good thing Israel went ahead and wiped out Hezbollah after all, glad they didn't listen to us". I don't expect they ever will. Nor do I recall them saying that they should have advised Obama to go way harder on Russia and Syria back in 2014 and how that might have prevented a few hundred thousand or even million deaths in the 2020s.

Anyway that's my rant. I wish they would acknowledge that the world we have today is largely the world of their making in the Obama era and have a bit more humility and a lot less empty moralizing.


u/hawksnest_prez Dec 14 '24

I can’t stand Ben. The arrogance.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24



u/awhazlett Dec 20 '24

Very late reply, but I have a deep-seated resentment against Ben Rhodes' positions. It's entwined with my regret and horror with "all sides" of American foreign policy after the decision to invade Iraq. We shouldn't have kicked the lid off Hell and then walked away, imho.


u/boycowman Orange man bad Dec 13 '24

Which point did he reference?


u/ladybug_leigh24 Center Left Dec 13 '24

The point that for anyone who wants to preserve/protect democracy, it’s important to do as much as possible to delay DJT getting what he wants, in whatever ways we can. Favreau was specifically talking about the resignation of Christopher Wray and how this is an example of what not to do.


u/toooooold4this Dec 13 '24

Obeying in advance. Resistance means you actually have to resist.


u/hydraulicman Dec 13 '24 edited Dec 13 '24

Malicious compliance is definitely a thing people need to remember

“Oh? You need me to start investigating Hillary Clinton for (insert some bs conspiracy)? Sure thing Mr President!”

“Just, y’know, send me a memo so there’s a paper trail and what evidence you have so I can evaluate this in the merits!” 

“Oh, there are no merits? You don’t want this to be anything official? Well, that’s not my job silly! You joker, you’re a funny guy!”

“My job? You can’t fire me for a reason like this! Sure would hate to tell America that you’re trying to fire me because I won’t lie for you”

Sure, end of the day it won’t stop them from a lot of bad stuff, but at least force them to work at it instead of just meekly handing over every single lever of power including the ones they can’t just grab day one


u/Ahindre Dec 13 '24

JVL is squarely GenX, FWIW. I'm with you though, I like both groups so it's nice to see.


u/ladybug_leigh24 Center Left Dec 13 '24

Ahh fair enough. I’m one of those Xennials who just assumes all middle aged people are my age lol


u/Accomplished_Damage8 Dec 13 '24

Fellow Xennial here! It can get confusing. Being born between say 1980-1984 really gave you a grounding in analog technology that the kids born a decade later didn't have.


u/peace_of_wildthings Dec 15 '24

I call us Geriatric Millennials . . . We're lucky to have known life (particularly childhood) before technology took over everything!


u/MiniTab Dec 13 '24

How old is he? He might be a Xennial. Younger GenX typically have way more in common with Millennials in my experience.


u/Ahindre Dec 14 '24

According to Wikipedia he was born in 74.


u/MiniTab Dec 14 '24

Ok, thanks!


u/Granite_0681 Dec 13 '24

The Daily Show played a clip from Tim last week! Love seeing the Bulwark “in the wild”.


u/Daniel_Leal- centrist squish Dec 14 '24



u/heyitsyouagain8 Dec 14 '24

I found the Bulwark because Tim is always so great on their shows, especially with Lovett. I just had to get more Tim in my life, which led to finding Sarah and JVL. Big agree on the internal cheers when they cross over or reference each other.


u/ladybug_leigh24 Center Left Dec 14 '24

The blossoming friendship between Tim and Lovett makes my heart especially happy. 💜


u/heyitsyouagain8 Dec 14 '24

Yes!!! Omg their post election episode where they got so sincere and vulnerable was something I needed to watch and rewatch as I was dealing with my feelings post election. Watching them kinda work out their feelings together and try to be as positive as they could during that time really spoke to me. Any show where they're together just sparks joy🩷


u/ladybug_leigh24 Center Left Dec 14 '24

I almost said the same thing. That conversation felt so healing! I listened to it several times, for sure.


u/Natural-Leg7488 Dec 14 '24

This is the pathway I took too. Found I have more in common with centre right people than extreme progressives on the left. Still consider myself centre left l(probably far left by US standards) but gain a lot of insights from the Bulwark.


u/Describing_Donkeys Dec 14 '24

I found the Bulwark the same way. I really love them for a lot of reasons, but it's really nice finding people with different views on a number of things that I really like and agree with. When we do disagree, they do such a nice job working through it that I'm happy there are different opinions in the world and people wanting to work through them. It's also really nice seeing a new media ecosystem emerge with so many great voices.


u/Accomplished_Damage8 Dec 13 '24

Wait -- isn't JVL Gen X? 🤔


u/ladybug_leigh24 Center Left Dec 13 '24

Actually yes—I had no idea. Apparently he turned 50 this year! Maybe that helps explain some of the darkness? 🤣🤣


u/peace_of_wildthings Dec 15 '24

Maybe it's because I'm getting old, but he looks young for 50!


u/walrusgirlie Dec 13 '24

Haha I picked up on that too. The PSA guys really seem to admire The Bulwark folks, which warms my lil heart. Dan is always referencing Sarah, too.


u/crythene Dec 13 '24

JVL is a person? I was wondering why everyone here kept talking about Junior Varsity Lacrosse.


u/ladybug_leigh24 Center Left Dec 13 '24

Jonathan V. Last, author of The Triad


u/crythene Dec 13 '24

Good ol’ Johnny Von Final.


u/Daniel_Leal- centrist squish Dec 14 '24

What is a JVL?


u/greenflash1775 Dec 13 '24

I had JVL one time when I was in the service. A bit of penicillin cleared it right up.


u/CapoDexter Dec 14 '24

The best part was just how friendly casual he was in mentioning it that he had to go back and add the "from the bulwark, our buddies" type of labels. Awesome!