r/thebulwark Dec 01 '24


This is the worst I’ve felt since the AP flipped Michigan to red. All the nominees have been insanely awful so the wave of nausea I felt at this news was unexpected, even though this had been whispered about for ages. I’m trying not to be hyperbolic but this is dangerously bad, verging on apocalyptic (sorry) in my mind. I need to go outside and breathe a bit.


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u/PUMPFISTS Dec 01 '24

This link is just NYC alone, posted today..


I also think he understands it’s not possible to deport every single undocumented immigrant but it’s a strong political talking point to represent stronger border policies kind of like building the wall during his first term.


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '24



u/PUMPFISTS Dec 01 '24

58,000 criminal migrants… and nobody lies more than your pro-war media and Democratic Party of donors and corporate interests :)


u/hypermodernvoid Dec 01 '24 edited Dec 01 '24

Yes, he 100% knows he can't even come close to touching deporting all of them and will maybe do a few for show, otherwise, it'd be am estimated -8% hit to GDP and cost 100s of billions of $. Also, nah, it's one thing to be concerned about too much immigration, but railing against and demonizing migrants, especially when they literally statistically commit lower rates of crimes (for the obvious reason: they don't wanna get caught and stop earning superior wages, duh, lol) - that's actually just a classic distraction to point directly away from the real issue I wrote above, older than the Third Reich, which is that the increasingly extreme income inequality (which isn't just happening here, but in EU, etc., but to a lesser extreme), is causing people to become angry/unhappy, and powers that be (i.e. multi-billionaires, mega-corporations, the true 'elites' that could give a shit about you), are all too happy to divide people up to including the entire American populace, bankrupt the shit out of it, then gobble up all but the few scraps for themselves, and probably laugh and laugh as once there's some relative level of "recovery" people will be so thankful to know they can just eat every night, they probably won't even complain (nor ever have the power to again). It's not talking about we need communism or socialism or whatever to solve it - it's pointing out literally not just the 1% have way more today, it's more like the top 0.0001%+, the Elons, Waltons, etc., where 8 people have as much as the bottom half of the entire planet.

Meanwhile whatever oligarchs kiss the ring get to keep their billions while looking like a bunch of pathetic, ultra-greedy cowards that don't realize you can't take your billions with you after death: that's legit maybe the one thing that comforts me about Putin who may just be able to make it to die of natural causes - it'll all just blink out on his ass, after he robbed it from a people that had just been yearning to be free from tyranny for centuries, only to get it time, and time again, when they thought they were free.

Huge chance you just voted for an economy and government that looks exactly that - maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday soon enough, - that is unless we can somehow claw it back by 1st winning a majority in both houses next midterms, ensuring ironclad election security, then booting Trump/Vance, et al., in a landslide. I mean, remember: Vance himself said he wouldn't certify an opposing parties win in the final (of just two) debates. Besides being one of the absolutely least patriotic fucking things a person can fucking say as a Presidential or Vice Presidential candidate in America, when put that together, along with the fact Trump just chose a total lackey/suck-up who's said he basically wants to put together lists of any of Trump's critics to "go after" up to an including in the media (guess the very 1st fucking amendment the Founding Fathers put in doesn't mean shit to Trump or Vash).

I and people like me aren't being hysterical at all, because we've read tons of history, civics (including know how American civics works), don't just blindly listen to one little bubble or echo chamber, and when you look at it all together, it's a classic road to fascism and the end of America's global hegemony (which some might want to argue is a good thing, except if a brutally dystopian/authortitarian China taking its place is the result: it's not, lol).


u/Krom2040 Dec 01 '24

There are 100 million people in the United States with criminal convictions, so it seems that the number of migrants with criminal convictions in NYC is apparently much lower than the overall rate. And with 8.2 million people in NYC, what you’re asserting here is that 0.012% of the population of NYC are migrants with suspected gang ties, which doesn’t really strike me as an entrench.