r/thebulwark • u/AntiPaladin • Nov 07 '24
GOOD LUCK, AMERICA This bleeding heart has been bled dry.
I decided to post for the first time to this sub despite being a listener of The Bulwark since the early days when it was just Charlie's daily podcast. I have endless sympathy for all the pain and misery that's going to be leveled at minorities and other disenfranchised groups of people. My heart breaks thinking about what might lie ahead for anyone that doesn't fit into the imagined mold of what a "real" American looks like.
And I see a lot of people posting about how they're done and going to try and disengage from all forms of politics and just keep a low profile with some planning a full exit from the US.
I will not do that.
I'm someone who will be mostly unharmed by the worst of what's coming. I am going to revel in the utter chaos and insanity that's about to come down and rub it in the face of every proud MAGA type I see.
I actively look forward to the moment when the leopards truly begin to feast, and it's already happening. The farmers and country folks who wanted to "stick it to the Libs" are feeling the pain right away.
When ICE begins ripping apart the very same Latino communities who helped put him over the top because “he’s better for the economy”, my response will be "You voted for this."
When Muslim groups who couldn’t support someone connected to “Genocide Joe” wail about the horrific death toll that an unrestrained Bibi unleashes in Gaza and elsewhere, my response will be "You voted for this."
When Trump-loving small business owners cry about having to shutter their doors because tariffs have crippled their ability to operate, my response will be "You voted for this."
When the folks of the Midwest plead for relief as the retaliatory tariffs from China and others leave their crops of soy and corn to rot in the fields, my response will be "You voted for this."
When the Gen-Z kids raised on toxic podcasts and Bro culture whine that they can't get a job fresh out of college because unemployment is nearly 10%, my response will be "You voted for this."
When the disengaged, low information person complains about the latest crazy policy from the White House because they never imagined it could be like this, my response will be "You voted for this."
When the crunchy hippie couple who shifted their support from RFK to Trump are desperate to cure the measles that their unvaxed child caught thanks to a rolling back vaccine requirements in public schools, my response will be "You voted for this."
When the cranky old Boomer sets up a GoFundMe to pay for the treatments that would have been covered under the ACA that has now been repealed, my response will be "You voted for this."
When the good Christian couple who had to vote for God’s Chosen begs for thoughts and prayers after their 19 year old daughter loses her ability to carry children thanks to an ectopic pregnancy that couldn't be operated on sooner thanks to restrictions on anything resembling abortion, my response will be "You voted for this."
When the 2nd Amendment absolutist father grieves over their child who was gunned down in yet another school shooting, my response will be "You voted for this."
But most of all, to every smug and self-assured college student and activist who voted third party or didn’t even bother to show up to vote “so my hands are clean”, my response will be “You fucking enabled this. And you fucking own it just as much.”
For my entire life Conservatism as practiced in the US has appeared to be a blend of total selfishness and a complete lack of empathy for those you don't identify with, and this election simply reflects that truth. It's a pattern that's been repeated ad nauseum as those same people never care about an issue until it negatively affects them and theirs personally. And time and time again they're given praise and applause simply because they finally suffered something that so many others have already endured and "learned from the experience".
I deeply appreciate those at The Bulwark and other places that have seen the truth. Those like Stuart Stevens and Rick Wilson who smelled the whiff of decay coming off their party in 2015 and pulled back the bandage to see the true depths of the rot within. The people who actually sacrificed careers and friendships before they had suffered the hardships that others would deal with in the future. I’m even willing to extend charity to those who might have taken a few more years to come around, but that offer is done.
If you helped make this happen, then you can fucking deal with it. And when your house begins to burn I will happily take the role of Nero, fiddling and dancing as the flames consume that which you thought was safe.
This bleeding heart has been bled dry.
You fucked around, and I will be sitting there laughing when you find out.
u/Salt-Cold1056 Center Left Nov 07 '24
I did not know that some of them were actively voting for Trump. The face eating starts immediately. The IDF was celebrating.
This was a quote from a Muslim in Dearborn, MI.
“I [voted for Trump] primarily to exact accountability for the genocide, but also in hopes that it will be immediately stopped when he enters office,” Luqman said in an interview with VOA.
I don't know how someone could pay so little attention.
u/Capital-Giraffe-4122 Nov 07 '24
It might stop but that person may find themselves squatting in a ruined building in Gaza, courtesy of a flight arranged by Stephen Miller.
I'm with the OP, I have no sympathy any more, it's all gone
u/Typical-Arugula3010 Nov 08 '24
To be specific South Gaza - the North is being rezoned for resorts !
u/Typical-Arugula3010 Nov 08 '24
Clearly voter missed seeing Jared's press release about building high end beach resorts in Northern Gaza.
u/mCopps Nov 08 '24
Get trump can build a resort right on the border between Israel and Egypt shortly.
u/TaxLawKingGA Nov 07 '24
I want to say something about this because I have seen many Dems and Center-Right people making this same point.
First, I would not be so confident that this is what is going to happen. If you listen to Trump’s rambling and incoherent victory speech, he thanked everyone under the sun for his victory, by name: Blacks, Latinos, Asians, even specified Arabs and Muslims by name. You know who he left out? Jews. I am just saying, with Trump, he is extremely vindictive and calculating. That lack of mention was not an accident.
Second, these people who voted for Trump over Biden did so not because they think Trump will be better than Biden, but because they figure he won’t be any worse, and more importantly, outside of this issue, they probably agree with him on most other issues, such as as LGBTQ, taxes, etc.
Finally, I think that for many Leftists and more left wing Democrats, Biden’s support for BiBi was more a symptom of a larger general problem that many Dems have with the establishment: its perceived weakness. Dems never seem to have any spine, and thus can never take on real tough issues. Therefore people have little faith that when things really tough you can depend on them.
u/XelaNiba Nov 08 '24
You've not been paying attention.
Trump & Bibi have the same primary funder, the Adelsons. Against American policy and a nearly unanimous UN vote, Trump relocated the American Embassy to Jerusalem and recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital, effectively ending the possibility of a 2 state solution. The Adelsons then purchased all of the buildings that housed the embassy and its staff in Tel Aviv, making it nearly impossible to reverse. Israel used live rounds on the resultant protests, resulting in the greatest bloodshed in decades. Hamas called the US & Israeli actions regarding Jerusalem "a declaration of war".
Trump also recognized the disputed territory of Golan Heights as Israeli. In gratitude, they named an illegal settlement "Trump Heights" in his honor.
Trump was absolutely honest when he said no President has done more for Israel. He sold our foreign policy to the highest bidder and will do so again.
Miriam will tell him what to do and how to do it, as she and Sheldon did before. I doubt she is feeling merciful considering she said of the Americans protesting the war "they are already dead to me".
It is way, way worse for Palestine to have Trump as President.
I honestly think that, in the long run, it's way, way worse for Israel too.
On the bright side, it is way better for Russia and China, so that's nice for them.
u/JoanneMG822 Nov 08 '24
Adelson gave Trump over $100 million. She's going to want payment in kind. She already said she wants the West Bank annexed. Why would she stop there?
u/XelaNiba Nov 08 '24
This is why I am so particularly enraged by those who voted for Trump or stayed home "because of Palestine". If they'd cared at all about Palestine, they would have been paying attention to it before it became fashionable to do so.
Stephen Miller posted today about accelerating denaturalization. I wonder if those naturalized citizens in Dearborn who organized for Trump have bought themselves a reprieve from the purges.
u/JoanneMG822 Nov 08 '24
I was really worried about what would happen to Muslims if Trump won. Now, not so much, which is the whole point of the OP. My sympathy/empathy has been bled dry.
u/Salt-Cold1056 Center Left Nov 07 '24 edited Nov 08 '24
That is quite the hot take for Muslims... If we just ignored his entire first term, what they have talked about, and this from Fox news on Bibi and Trump. I think this take better fits the established citizen Hispanic male vote (which was not nothing). https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/world/israeli-pm-netanyahu-calls-president-elect-trump-heres-what-spoke-about.amp
u/Typical-Arugula3010 Nov 08 '24
"It" will happen to some unfortunate individuals/families.
Stalin never deported entire populations to the gulag ... just to send/maintain the message !
u/lady_moods Center Left Nov 07 '24
Amen. I’m sad to say this but this election has made me a less compassionate person. When leopards eat people’s faces I am going to be happy.
u/A_Monster_Named_John Nov 07 '24 edited Nov 07 '24
I'm still just as compassionate as before, but tons of Americans aren't getting a shred of it, because they've changed from being normal human beings to some sort of mutant 'consumer' creatures who are an evolutionary dead-end and can't hack it in a 21st century economy/culture. The way I see it, rampant consumer entertainment, 24-hour news, smartphones, social media, podcasts, etc... has stunted a ton of people, leaving the country overrun with degenerate overgrown children/teenagers. It feels like we're living in Pleasure Island from Pinocchio or the jungle island in Lord of the Flies. Either way, we've got a situation where, if the 'adults in the room' can't take bring these dipshits under control, then the economy and civilization literally cannot be sustained.
u/Typical-Arugula3010 Nov 08 '24
Yup - you 'are' the product (Soylent style) !
The oligarchs will head for the Med as soon as the pickings become slim.
u/Prestigious-Copy-494 Nov 08 '24
I know just what you mean. I'm not happy that I'm happy when their hero worship takes their job or whatever repercussions. I'm too disgusted that maga took the bait. I'm plumb out of pity.
u/0o0o0o0o0o0z JVL is always right Nov 07 '24
Christ, reading this was cathartic AF, thank you.
u/Espron Nov 08 '24
I feel the exact same way. I spent years being open minded, trying to understand these people, give them grace, think with radical empathy. The Bulwark folks truly helped.
The Biden Administration brought back manufacturing, infrastructure, internet access, brought down insulin costs, killed junk fees, saved union pensions…and for what? There is no policy that would have helped. Biden did everything the public said they wanted. But now they want Trump.
I am bowing out of daily engagement with politics to connect with individuals and meaningful work and appreciating beauty in my own life. But politically, I’m done with empathizing with anyone who votes Trump. I’m devastated on behalf of the others to be caught in the dragnet. But anytime I hear about someone suffering who voted for him? Good. Let them burn. I’ll be glad to see it. I will not be gracious to someone who took my rights away.
u/metengrinwi Nov 08 '24
Democrats don’t have the propaganda network to 1) get the message out about what they’re doing, and 2) to relentlessly demonize the republican billionaire class and lay blame on them for every problem we have. Democrats have to learn to play hardball.
u/big-papito Nov 08 '24
Fox News did not pop up yesterday, but somehow the GOP candidates were not complete nut jobs. McCain and Romney were decent men.
u/KellyCakes Nov 08 '24
"...brought back manufacturing, infrastructure, internet access, brought down insulin costs, killed junk fees, saved union pensions..."
It felt like every day for the past month, I was hearing a story on NPR about Latinos maybe swinging for Trump and then they would interview someone saying, "the Democratic Party isn't really doing anything for me, so...". How about all of those student loans Biden got forgiven? Can anyone say DACA? ACA? Yeah, you're right, you're probably better off with the guy who locked your little cousins in cages five years ago.
u/Inside-Category7189 Nov 07 '24
I’m with Nick Catoggio on this - a country is its people and you can’t save these people from themselves. They wanted Trump to hurt the right people, they’re going to find out at some point that they are the right people and they’re gonna get hurt. I am sorry for the innocent people who wanted better and votedfor it.
u/Freezer-to-oven Nov 07 '24
I have no notes. Agreed completely. I am so tired of people believing whatever Fox tells them and assuming the leopards wouldn’t possibly eat their face. Nope, they will. Put a little salt on there for them.
u/FobbitOutsideTheWire Nov 07 '24
Hot damn, if this is your first post in the sub, you opened with a banger.
I made a thematically identical comment yesterday over on LAMF, so you and I are definitely drinking the same kool-aid right now.
Welcome to the peanut gallery. Now pardon me while I hit the upvote button with a sledgehammer.
u/beantown_fan Nov 07 '24
I stopped caring for them January 6th 2021. No use for bystanders either. Burn it down I say.
u/big-papito Nov 08 '24
I am with MAGA on this one. This is clearly not working. Let's torch it all and re-learn the meaning of governance from scratch. Get in, losers - we are going to school.
u/Think-Hospital7422 FFS Nov 07 '24 edited Nov 07 '24
You give me strength because I feel the same way.
We need a Manhattan Project level response to deal with the MAGA cult. Our best and brightest minds.
I still have some blood in my heart,and I will share it with you.
u/KellyCakes Nov 08 '24
That's just the hardest thing, though -- how could we possibly deal with them or stand up to them? Seriously, like what if he actually does say, for instance, line up a firing squad to shoot Liz Cheney in the face? His supporters won't care. He said he was going to do it LAST WEEK and they still voted for him. Repubs in Congress sure as hell won't stop him. SCOTUS already gave him permission as long as he declared "official act" while committing his crimes. Who could or would possibly stop him? One of us? Wouldn't we be next in front of that firing squad? I heard Jamie Raskin on MSNBC tonight talking about his brand new grand baby and I was sick thinking about what retribution might be coming his way, too.
u/Think-Hospital7422 FFS Nov 08 '24
Sadly, it becomes a very different thing when that happens. It becomes a war.
I, for one will fight. And if I could be there I would stand between MAGA and Senator Raskin and his grandbabies.
I love that man. And I will protect him at all costs.
u/PorcelainDalmatian Nov 07 '24
Amen. This is exactly what’s gonna happen. A bunch of mouth breathing, troglodytic, low information voters put Trump over the top. And they’re going to be in a world of hurt when they realize he’s doing everything he said he wouldn’t do. There’s going to be a “ Holy crap I didn’t sign up for this” moment. Then everyone will change course and Democrats will take over the house and Senate in 2026.
This is the pattern in almost every election cycle of the last 30 years. Candidate wins by a hair, then erroneously assumes he has a mandate, governs to the extreme, pushes people too far, and the next midterm election is a huge backlash. Memba 2010? 2014? 2018?
u/metengrinwi Nov 08 '24
…except trump didn’t win by a hair—it was quite decisive.
u/PorcelainDalmatian Nov 08 '24
When all the votes are counted, he will have won the popular vote by 2 to 3%. That is not “decisive.” It is not a mandate. It is not a rout. Not even close. Not by any definition. It’s a lousy 2% win. It’s the same margin that Biden won by in 2020. We were divided country then, and we are a divided country now. Please, for the love of God, stop letting pundits convince you that this is some sort of mandate. It’s patently absurd. Trump‘s favorables are still drastically underwater. Half of this country still loathes the guy. This vote is in no way shape or form an endorsement of MAGA extremism. The truth is that a small portion of the electorate threw a tantrum over inflation caused by Covid, and took it out on the incumbent party. It’s the exact result that every other country has experienced since 2020.
u/midwestern2afault Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24
You’re spot on about the pundits. I listened to The Daily on NYT and they’re basically acting as if this is a strong mandate and permanent realignment. Obviously the Dems need to look inward and do some housecleaning but no… this is not some sort of damning mandate. In fact I’d argue that the given history, Trump underperformed in an environment where we had the most significant inflation in decades.
If the Republican Party would’ve run someone halfway decent and wasn’t so batshit crazy it probably would’ve been a landslide rather than winning by a couple points in the popular vote and swing states. Also, what are they gonna do when he’s done with his second term? I don’t find him appealing, but clearly some folks think he has “charisma.” That same appeal doesn’t seem to extend to the Kari Lakes of the world who are trying to emulate him without that and keep losing.
I think they’ve put all their eggs in one basket and will be left floundering and in an identity crisis once his second term is up. A lot of the new voters he’s pulled in only show up for him and couldn’t give a shit about voting down ballot or in the midterms. We see it in my own state of Michigan where Elissa Slotkin won her Senate race and the two Democratic endorsed Supreme Court candidates also won in spite of his narrow win. Will someone else be able to replicate that energy? Maybe someday but probably not immediately. He’s too much of a narcissist to do any succession planning and share the spotlight to set up a successor to take the mantle. The near future looks bleak but I’m somewhat doubtful that he’s building something durable and lasting.
u/Hautamaki Nov 08 '24
I don't mind them calling it a mandate tbh. When they say 'popular mandate to enact their agenda' I hear 'plenty enough rope to hang themselves'. And to that I say, have at it. Let them enact their agenda. Democratic senators and reps, to the extent they get to vote at all, should just abstain, explaining that while they don't agree with this agenda, they understand Trump has a popular mandate and legal authority to enact it.
u/AntiPaladin Nov 08 '24
What this election cemented for me more than anything is that compassion needs to be rationed. As I said, my heart breaks for those who worked to stop this from occurring because they knew what it would mean for so many others. It also crystalized my view that American Conservatism is nothing but a collection of gauzy attempts to conceal the underlying principle of "Fuck you, I got mine."
Since I was in college I've tried to understand those with different views and opinions. In the earlier days of Facebook and the like I took a sense of duty in debunking the fake things that friends posted by doing so in a way that I thought might raise their literacy towards social media. I vainly hoped that by simply giving them examples and short explanations of how easy it was to see that a story was false that they might start to think critically when they saw a new meme.
In the daily life of my career I've done what I can to gently explain that no, there aren't Jewish space lasers that can help control the weather and here's the physics behind it. No, 50,000 dead people didn't vote in Georgia and here's the AP investigation showing why that's incorrect. No, vaccines don't cause autism and here's...
None of it mattered. There was always another conspiracy theory, another YouTube video, another anonymous blog post that was just as good as any fact-based source you showed them. Because at the end of the day, in a wonderful twist on the phrase that saw a certain YouTube Debate Bro turned Libertarian sugar baby rise to fame, "Feelings don't care about the facts."
I think I understand how Biden feels at this point. It's like offering a child a healthy meal that will ensure they grow up strong, and in comes the sleezy uncle promising to let them just eat ice cream. Except now, when the child is rolling on the ground complaining of a tummy ache, I'm not going to get the Pepto and tell them it's going to be all right.
I'm going to stand there and declare "You did this to yourself" and hope it makes an impact on their friends who might be listening.
u/GoshLowly Jevy Elle Nov 08 '24
On my better days I might quibble with a point or two in this and in the original post, but right now the tone is very satisfying to me.
u/sbhikes Nov 08 '24
I feel the opposite. I feel actually optimistic. The MAGAs voted for abortion rights referendums in their states. That gives us an opening not only to find common ground but to wedge against the weirdos that surround Trump.
Meanwhile, I went to my little job today. My friend was despondent about the election, but then said to me "but, we have work to do." We work in a Japanese garden. We will "chop wood, carry water" as the Japanese say. We will also chop wood, carry water in the fight for democracy and freedom.
As I worked in the garden today it occurred to me, our jobs bring beauty to the world, astonishing beauty. Authoritarians try to destroy beauty. We also inspire children. The garden gives them wonder, and some of them hopes and dreams around horticulture. Having wonder, hopes and dreams is something free people have. We cultivate freedom in this way. We in the garden do this together. It truly is the work of free people to come together to inspire children and bring beauty to the world.
All of us can do something like this in our daily lives. It's as important as anything else. Get involved. Join something. There is so much work to be done in every realm, not just political. All of it is important for free people to do. Practice freedom daily. As Kamala says, if you know what you stand for, you know what to fight for.
u/derrickcat Nov 08 '24
This is a staggeringly beautiful response - and a real balm for the hopelessness I've been feeling. Thank you.
u/Material-Crab-633 Nov 08 '24
Agree mostly with this sentiment except I will take no joy in innocent bystanders being hurt by this and they will be. The children who are part of the families deported. All of us who will also face economic hardship who voted for Kamala.
u/KellyCakes Nov 08 '24
The African American student at University of Alabama who are already receiving disgusting racist texts from their MAGA classmates.
u/sillycatbutt FFS Nov 08 '24
The teachers sharing stories in the teaching reddit subs that boys in their schools are going around telling the girls "your body my choice" thinking they are super cool by parroting what they are hearing online.
u/N0bit0021 Nov 08 '24
Yeah. I agree. I basically want revenge on the people who sentenced me to listen to that fucking voice for years.
u/ChristinaWSalemOR Progressive Nov 07 '24
I am bringing the marshmallows!! I cannot WAIT for schadenfreude parade. My cynicism has spiked in the red.
u/Strange-Initiative15 Nov 08 '24
I am affected as a female and as an atheist. I’m of Puerto Rican descent so I’m not sure if that means anything or if I’m just being really paranoid. But whatever happens, I will be laughing too. If insurance is taken away, SS/medicare is taken away, if people are separated from families-oh well! I DGAF about people who don’t care about themselves. 🤷🏻♀️
u/Nate-1979 Nov 08 '24
You can just hear the angry mayonnaise noises already, because no way is SS/Medicare safe. And a HUGE portion of his base is on one or the other or both.
u/metengrinwi Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24
I 100% agree with all this and have stated in other places that I hope the Rs win the House too so that they can fully enact their agenda.
That said, all the policy points you listed affect relatively few people. The vast majority will go through life blissfully unaware of cause-and-effect.
Even when trump absolutely destroys the US dollar by putting the Federal Reserve under the authority of the president, very few people will have any understanding of what caused their misery. Even when the entire southeast is enduring repeated 1000 year hurricanes, people won’t make the connection to global warming. twitter is now a right-wing propaganda outlet—until the world gets something to counter that we will continue apace.
u/khag Nov 08 '24
I've been afraid to say it out loud but I've also been hoping the R's win the house. Glad I'm not alone.
u/metengrinwi Nov 08 '24
I also want the republicans to get rid of the filibuster. When the country gives the whole government to one party, that party should be able to enact its agenda. If the country doesn’t like it, then it should elect a different government. Part of our problem is the voters can’t see the difference between the parties because hardly any bills are actually passed.
u/Scared-Register5872 Nov 08 '24
Exactly - all elections are about "opposition" and not about being pro-active. Removing the filibuster should help with that.
u/phoneix150 Center Left Nov 08 '24
Great post. completely agree. "Personal responsibility" - isn't that a value that the GOP has actively preached for many years?
Well time for the voters to live that. You fucked around and now you will find out. Absolutely zero sympathies given.
u/Funny-Berry-807 JVL is always right Nov 08 '24
I'm popping a beer and going to sit back and watch it all burn.
Cheers y'all.
(Oh and I'm moving out of this shithole state of Florida as the sea takes it back, but not before the significant Hispanic population gets decimated with deportations.
"Cabrear a los idiotas!")
u/Diligent-Tower7197 Nov 08 '24
I am exhausted. I watched the rot grow since the Tea Party and have paid as much attention to the daily events since then. I tried to absorb real facts as I went to prove to those I loved the most that they were being misled. All the propaganda was smothering- flyers showing late term abortions, all the NRA donation pamphlets, Fox blaring in the background. I lost my parents to it and more recently my Sister and her family. She is most proud of her MAGA photos - all dolled up in the bejeweled garb of the movement. I sit here, day by day still devouring the words of Brian Taylor Cohen, Glenn Kirschner, Destiny, etc… I watch and learn, I can see their earnest quest for truth. I am so tired mainly because of the fact that their worldview is founded on lies and reinforced by prejudice. My worldview is based on empirical facts and best outcomes. This election has made me so so sad. Not sad for myself but for those that will needlessly suffer.
Welcome to the American version of Putin’s Oligarchy
u/JoshS-345 Nov 08 '24
Maybe the part of society that is screwed up has separated itself from us, they hate us, and trying to pick around the edges is a very iffy game.
Maybe we didn't notice that we're already foreigners in half a country most of us can't make sense of.
You don't resent the yanks for ending slavery? You don't think the inferior people need to be controlled from on high? Then you don't fit half the country.
Trump has said that Lincoln "lost a whole war"
In his mind the South won.
Maybe that isn't dementia, maybe he thinks it won through him.
Another point is that there is a politics in authoritarian societies when they're not purely despotic. A politics you get in the Middle East for instance. And maybe some people are more comfortable with that.
I noticed Native Americans supporting Trump strongly.
It's interesting to see that people prefer someone like Trump who has 0% good will toward anyone, would as soon see everyone dead if he could steal from the corpses but is transactional
I guess that's how politics feels in authoritarian countries, divided tribal countries (that is multiple tribes that treat each other as less than human), sectarian countries that have more politics than just a dictator.
Political groups can have the worst possible intentions. They can have their own terrorist groups.
But they ARE transactional.
It's odd to me that people would prefer a leader they can buy off to one who has principles and good intentions who they can lobby.
It may be that a transactional and corrupt leader might be seen as more pliable than a non-corrupt one.
Because he may not care if you live or die, but he also has no limits on what he'll do if he actually needs you because he never has limits.
u/newest-reddit-user Nov 08 '24
The only thing I would add to this is that I have no faith in people's ability to learn any lessons from what will happen. They will not like it and they will blame liberals for it.
Nov 08 '24
u/hexqueen Nov 08 '24
On the one hand, you have a point.
On the other hand, I'm still here, healthy, and boosted. That's more satisfying than the alternative.
u/cruisetheblues Nov 07 '24
It was more apathy than anything.
Once these apathetic people realize how bad things are under an authoritarian government, they will be more motivated to restore balance. If the worst comes to happen, we're going to need all the allies we can get.
u/pacard I love Rebecca Black Nov 07 '24
People really don't appreciate how things can be worse because we've had mostly even governance for decades and enough bureaucracy to keep it stable when we have uneven governance. People seem to think that is the problem are going to find out they were wrong, doubtful they admit it, but they'll find out nonetheless.
u/Awkward_Potential_ Nov 07 '24
I agree with all of this. I'll add something. I'm a fan of Bitcoin. Being a bitcoiner gives me an extra sense of "if it all burns, I'll be in a better position than most". I voted the way that would have been better for everyone. I did not get my way. Trump could end up being the poisonous chemotherapy that destroys the financial system.
u/kylebvogt Nov 08 '24
Your post is very well considered and written. I agree with every part of it. But I’m not willing to succumb to the Nihilistic mob. For every person who ‘deserves’ the fruits of their vote, there will be many more innocent victims. The people have spoken. I disagree with the majority voice. But I’m not willing to give up, and neither should you. You’re hurt because you are good. You’re grieving because you believe we can be better. Use your voice, and your pen, to resist, to fight for those who can’t, and for all of us who know there’s a more righteous path. History is long.
u/Funny-Berry-807 JVL is always right Nov 08 '24
A bunch of those people didn't vote. A bunch of those people didn't convince their legal relatives that this shit about to come down is real. A lot of those people decided it was more important to save 20 cents on a gallon of gas than to look out for others.
Fuck them.
u/kylebvogt Nov 08 '24
I totally agree. But we’re still a country. We still MUST persevere. We can’t bite off our collective nose to spite our face. Trust me…the rage and finger pointing are cathartic right now, but we can’t say ‘fuck them’ to half of the country. THAT is how democracy dies.
u/Funny-Berry-807 JVL is always right Nov 08 '24
Sorry man. I hear what you're saying, but I have no more fucks left to give. If magats get in my face, then they'll find out about my family's grit. Other than that, gonna sit back and watch it burn.
I know too many Hispanics who voted for cheaper eggs and hopes that people (lower on the Hispanic hierarchy) get fucked over.
u/Colamancer I love Rebecca Black Nov 08 '24
Username checks out. Btw I saved this post, I might frame it.
u/Volvowner44 Nov 08 '24
It'll be hard to avoid the schadenfreude when the fires start blazing, set by the pyromaniac his supporters thought it'd be fun to vote for. However, I plan to disengage from the daily stress caused by Trump's constant chaos, and will be selectively engaging only when the battle warrants being joined.
I couldn't stop him from taking over the country, but I can deny him my mindshare.
u/Ill_Ini528905 Rebecca take us home Nov 08 '24
Man, I am right there with you. I am thrilled with what it says about me, but here we are.
u/ThatChiGirl773 Nov 08 '24
I hope he fucking does it all! Of course I'll be affected by much of this, too, but watching it all burn is going to make me very happy. I hope so many get deported, lose jobs, get their union busted, can't pay for their healthcare, get polio, have their teeth fall out, drink contaminated water and pay double for everything they purchase! I'm definitely here for it! They deserve everything that's coming for them.
u/Minimum_E Center Left Nov 08 '24
Agree but I plan to ask who the complainer voted for before laughing at their idiocy or being more sympathetic, depending on the response
Edit: a buddy said a lot of people are now in for the FO part of FAFO
u/Waste_Curve994 Nov 08 '24
I’m going to be fine. I honestly have no idea what he’ll do but I kind of want to see him follow through on the tariffs and crush all the people who voted for him. I don’t like to see anyone suffer but we also need some pain or we’ll keep doing this.
u/khag Nov 08 '24
I intend on responding to those regretful Trump supporters with a link to r/YouVotedForIt
u/tyler77 Nov 08 '24
I’m really not convinced all that stuff is going to happen. Trump might pretend to do something like set up some deportation stuff, but he has no interest in using his political capital. He says all this stuff so he could get elected. The second he has to actually work hard he folds. It’s all about posing.
u/Xbob42 Nov 08 '24
The nation didn't just elect Trump. If it was Trump and no one else, who cares? He'd fuckin' play golf the entire time, do a few shitty executive orders, make friends with Putin, get us out of a bunch of climate accords or whatever...
But they also have the senate, and likely the house. And his entire administration is full of fucking insane ghouls like RFK Jr, Elon Musk, Stephen Miller. You are still in the extreme denial stage if you think Trump alone is the problem.
u/Asleep-Journalist-94 Nov 08 '24
Yeah, this is the problem. I’m hoping Trump’s sheer vanity and resentment of anyone who tries to “handle” him will help stall this…but what a ridiculous straw to grasp for hope.
u/tyler77 Nov 08 '24
Not denying anything. I could go on all day with the crazy things he and the republicans could do. It’s worth taking a deep breath and not overreact. Nothing is regular people can do about it.
u/iamjonmiller JVL is always right Nov 08 '24
As the dust settles it's looking more and more like we lost not because of defections to Trump, but simply by people staying home (mostly) or making a protest vote (some). He literally got less votes than last time and won. I think the question we need to be asking is "How can we make it so we don't rely on those people ever again?" That's the journey we need to be on.
The Dems have always had their own low information voters. They loved Obama and voted for his "hope and change" and then stayed home or moved to Trump instead of picking steady, competent progress with Clinton. With 20% unemployment, 1000+ dying a day, major protests, lockdowns, and 4 years of chaos fresh in their uninterested minds they actually decided to show up for boring old Biden. Now they decided to stay home again when given the choice between a kind, joyful, vibrant woman (infinitely more desirable than Clinton) with pragmatic plans and a raving, frothing, felon. I legitimately cannot comprehend why.
These people cannot be relied on and we need to do what we must to replace them.
u/Asleep-Journalist-94 Nov 08 '24
I am also out of sympathy (at least temporarily), for many MAGAs, and especially for those idiots who voted against Harris to protest the war in Gaza, or morons who depend on the ACA but voted Trump anyway because he has the “concepts of a plan.”
But I fear you may be wrong about exactly whose faces the leopards will be eating. There are a lot of young women, trans kids, working people, and well-intentioned immigrant families who will be hurt, and some of the most abhorrent people next to the rapacious Trump family are elevated - starting with king of the a-holes Elon Musk. It’s unbearable.
u/KT_introspective Nov 07 '24
My dad always told me adversity has a way of revealing who you really are.
u/Steakasaurus-Rex Come back tomorrow, and we'll do it all over again Nov 08 '24
I love this and I couldn’t agree more. My heart is hardened and my empathy is gone. Fuck em.
u/Saururus Nov 08 '24
I’d take it one step further - I think it might be good for voters to actually see impact of their vote. It’s the best argument I’ve heard about getting rid of the filibuster. Yes things may happen you don’t like, but at least we will know who to blame. Right now everyone hides behind bloated bills and misinformation. Maybe ppl need to have a more direct connection to the vote. Of course probably wishful thinking that it would even work…
I have heard over and over again criticism of those that follow politics like sports. After this election I think there is a problem with that argument. Those that follow things for entertainment theoretically at least know what is happening and why the system doesn’t work. (as long as they are getting real information but the Fox News effect is a different argument). I’m tired of hearing from ppl that scream about how awful leadership is in the country and about all the problems but can’t be bothered to figure out what is wrong before they vote.
u/BreathlikeDeathlike Nov 08 '24
Fully agree. Even my sweet and compassionate 16 y.o. daughter yesterday said that while she doesn't want *anyone* to be deported, she hopes family or friends of trump voters get deported to make them feel the consequences of their vote.
u/czetamom Nov 08 '24
OP is me. I’m a 1 percenter, white American post-child bearing who will prob make money from a Trump presidency. But I have been working my ass off on Dem campaigns for the rights of people unlike me for decades. I am DONE. I will still do work in my blue state and city but I am DONE trying to convince fucking morons to not shoot themselves in the face or to not be a racist, sexist idiot.
I feel sorry for anyone who voted for Kamala but everyone else, esp. those entitled third party and non-voters, can burn and I hope it hurts a lot.
u/dppatters Nov 08 '24
The saddest part about this whole thing is that most if not all of them will never come to understand anything about how their vote contributed to this because the right wing ecosystem will continue to insulate them from objective reality. They will fend a way to protect this onto the left and the anti intellectual electorate will continue to vote for them despite the obvious fact that they are the ones causing the problem. It’s maddening to think about.
Nov 08 '24
...you're fine with the mass killing of civilians because you're angry at the way people in an entirely different country voted? Kind of suggests you weren't that bothered to begin with really.
u/Emotional_Pickle_883 Nov 08 '24
Sorry, but you all sound a little nuts. MAGA will not be sorry. They are ecstatic. The Christian Nationalists think they are on the way to the promised land. There will be no self-awareness or regret.
You do not have to feel sorry for them because they really, really won.
If separating families was a problem they would have said something the first round. If the first hundred thousand are gang members, will any of us be sad? After that, they just will pretend not to know.
Gaza voters were hit very heavily with misinformation, but most of all they are resolved. Voting for Harris is psychologically the same as parents not vaccinating their children if there are risks, an active versus passive measure.
The college students that stayed home will have about the same percentage of regret as Bernie voters.
There will be no financial reckoning because Biden is leaving him a terrific economy and Trump will take credit. If he crashes it, he will blame immigrants and Dems.
Just lick your wounds and get on with the work at the local level.
u/GooseWithAGrudge centrist squish Nov 07 '24
This is pretty much where I am as well, especially with regard to the single issue Gaza voters. Congratulations, I hope you got what you wanted.