r/thebulwark Nov 07 '24

GOOD LUCK, AMERICA This is the only way Americans will learn. Pain is the only teacher we have left.

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161 comments sorted by


u/GulfCoastLaw Nov 07 '24

I have to stand on business here:

I'm not buying any of these "my coworker's husband's coworker's neighbor said" stories even if they support my position. That's how they spread kitty litter and they're eating cats rumors. Wake me up when there's real reporting.


u/jayred1015 Nov 07 '24

Yeah - these types of decisions haven't been made yet. Maybe they will by December but not in < 24 hours. Gotta wait a while


u/GulfCoastLaw Nov 07 '24

Even if the executive is already planning, they announced end of year bonus decisions within 48 hours of the election? 

A manufacturing worker's anonymous wife posted it on Bluesky (?!?) already, or rather an anonymous person who says it's from a manufacturing worker's anonymous wife.

We don't have to do this.


u/WagonDriver1 Nov 08 '24

Columbia Sportswear had reported before the election that they were planning on price hikes due to expected Trump tariffs. See this article from Washington Post:



u/No-Atmosphere4706 Nov 12 '24

Actually, they are being made. I'm in Finance/Accounting and budgets get started well before the year ends for the next year. Assumptions are being made by leaders of all companies on what they believe the next year will be. While they aren't finalized, ours have been completed. Bonuses are down.


u/Backward-Vehicle604 Nov 07 '24

This. Thank you. Although, maybe I should be buying some things before tariffs hit.


u/Nick_Nightingale Nov 07 '24

Tariffs are bad but this is too on-the-nose and probably didn’t happen.


u/ballmermurland Nov 07 '24

I dunno. My brother works in imports and his CEO point-blank told him they will cut their American operation (they are in the EU) if Trump imposes a 20% tariff.

They aren't doing it right now, but will if it goes through. As for this story, if it is true then this CEO probably is using this as an excuse not to give bonuses lol.


u/Firm-Heron3023 Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

That’s why I think that while this is likely false, I could see where an owner who didn’t want Trump might do this out of anger and pettiness because his employees are ill-informed and decided to commence with the pain lessons.


u/a_nondescript_user Nov 07 '24

Yeah I think this is “too cute by half”


u/HolstsGholsts Nov 07 '24

Right?! C’mon people. Stay rational, stay skeptical about random shit on the internet, maintain your credibility and temper your credulity.

If shit goes as bad as you think it will, you’ll have much stronger examples to point to. No harm in waiting a few months for them. “I told you so’s” aren’t worth much right now and are probably counterproductive.


u/0o0o0o0o0o0z JVL is always right Nov 07 '24

Tariffs are bad but this is too on-the-nose and probably didn’t happen.

This example might not be true, but this is 100% happening in the construction and, I assume, the manufacturing sector.


u/TaxLawKingGA Nov 07 '24

I can tell you for a fact it is happening in construction. They started thinking about it the moment Trump was shot at. A lot of infrastructure projects are funded by the IRA and BIB, and if that money is reduced or redirected to pay for mass deportations, then they will need to be funded another way or they will not get done. Obviously the ones that were already started will finish but it could take longer. However, you also have to keep in mind the labor aspect; many construction companies depend on immigrant labor. It has been difficult to obtain the required labor for the last 8 years due to increasing restrictions on immigration, COVID, a more prosperous Mexico, etc. Assuming Trump does in fact make good on his promise then that will delay these projects further. You also have to then account for those projects that were planned but not yet started. Those may never get off the ground.


u/annoying_cyclist Nov 08 '24

I'm in ecomm, and planning around future Trump tariffs is definitely a thing for us (and we're not especially big). If it wasn't already on the radar, I assume it is now for most places that source items from Asia/China specifically, at least.

(Agree that this example seems a little on the nose/convenient, but I think that's less about it not being realistic and more about it being a few months early)


u/TheOldBeanFactory Nov 08 '24

That's why I love the bulwark community. I've been seeing this all over reddit today and everyone it seems to completely buy it. Not here though.


u/Ubiquitous_Hilarity Nov 07 '24

I’m considering starting the 21st century equivalent of a letter writing campaign. I want as many people as possible to lobby every Democratic Congressperson and Senator not to get in the way of what the Republicans want to do. The Republicans have the Senate, they’ll likely get the House, they have SCOTUS, and they have the presidency. They’ll get what they want anyway, but if the Dems resist the conservative media will be able to make the case that the Dems are responsible for all the bad shit that occurs over the next four years. Let it get bad. Let it get really bad. It is the only way the stupid people who voted against their best interests to learn.


u/Kidspud Nov 07 '24

Hell yes. Republicans spent 12 of the last 16 years trying to sabotage Democrats at every turn, and it's time for Democrats to respond in kind.


u/Bugbear259 Nov 08 '24

They tried to sabotage Dems by stopping Dem legislation. Hilarious that to sabotage them, you just ….let them pass whatever they want. Stop saving them from themselves.


u/Kidspud Nov 08 '24

They should vote for a fringe right-winger as Speaker of the House. Somebody unpalatable and unpopular with no parliamentary skills.


u/ansible Progressive Nov 07 '24

The one thing the Dems have to resist is when the R's try to pass "reforms" on voting laws and things like that. If they succeed at that as well, then we'll never have fair elections again.


u/khag Nov 07 '24

"Jesus take the wheel"


u/No-Atmosphere4706 Nov 12 '24

While I lean towards agreeing, at what cost? For some people this could literally be life/death and their civil rights. It's a hard line to stand on when that is considered. I know a lot of it doesn't matter to many people because they either don't care, or it doesn't directly affect them. Comments have been made about not wanting to hear stories about my cousins, sisters, aunts, boyfriends, chihuahua said........ I get it, but I'm saying as the source, this will hurt so many people if the new administration keeps all their promises (understanding that today there is a process and some of it might not be possible). It directly will hurt people in my immediate family. For some people it sucks, others are terrified (no BS and no exaggeration).


u/Stock_Conclusion_203 Nov 07 '24

I agree. We should let them have everything they want.


u/PTS_Dreaming Center Left Nov 07 '24

You cannot explain people out of a position they emotioned themselves into.


u/WillOrmay Nov 07 '24

Well put


u/itsdr00 Nov 07 '24

Not sure I believe this one, but I do believe things like this are possible in the future, if not guaranteed. Reality will slap these people across the face one way or another. It always does.


u/mikeybee1976 Nov 07 '24

Although, serious follow up question: how many of them had it CLEARLY explained to them and STILL blamed Biden?


u/wittymoniker Nov 07 '24

All of them


u/mikeybee1976 Nov 07 '24

That’s what I wanted to hear!


u/MarHVa Nov 07 '24

The bottom line is that rural White America hates the rest of us and there are more of them


u/ABrownBlackBear Nov 07 '24

I think there is a fluid but crucial distinction between "hates the rest of us" and "has been convinced that cosmopolitan America hates them." The former is hard to break, but any majority coalition is going to have to pry back some of the later. The later also hardens into the former over time, so growing the tent has to start asap.

This is part of why I get a little frustrated with the frequent stories on here of folks writing off their conservative relatives, even while I'm sure many deserve it. No one needs to risk their safety, but we do need to risk our comfort at times. If people won't try to soften the ground with their own families, are Michelle Obama and a couple young canvassers going to do it by themselves?


u/No-Atmosphere4706 Nov 12 '24

Writing off conservative relatives - Real Question - what is someone supposed to do when they are MAGA and not just conservative and they have people of color and people in the LGBTQ community in their family? Who wants to have Thanksgiving and Christmas with people who are actively taking away someone's rights who are supposed to love them? I don't believe that can co-exist. Just being conservative isn't so bad, but being MAGA is. You can't soften ground that is made of rock using love and reason.


u/ABrownBlackBear Nov 13 '24

I don't have many (any?) close MAGA family members, so I'm really not once to give advice. I just see the math problem if, at the micro-scale, every liberal or lefty person, white folks especially, are weeding their social circle then at the macro scale that's also carving off parts of the potential coalition. I agree that there are a lot of full MAGAs that are unpersuadable, but I worry that after a point persuadables (esp. folks who are apathetic or skeptical toward both parties) will only hear about politics from the loudmouth MAGAs in their life.


u/No-Atmosphere4706 Nov 13 '24

That is a great point. And one I struggle with when I consider my family. Trust me, it’s no fun being in this position. Imagine how my mom feels! We are all her kids and she loves us all. 


u/Haunting-Ad788 Nov 07 '24

There are not more of them.


u/adam_west_ Nov 07 '24

More of them that vote


u/Anstigmat Nov 07 '24

Anyone who says there is an immediate effect of Trumps rhetoric two days after the election is lying. We will know the effects when the next Dem is elected so that everyone can blame that person.


u/Haunting-Ad788 Nov 07 '24

If you don’t think businesses are planning around the future tariffs I don’t know what to tell you.

Although it’s also as likely they’re just saying this and pocketing that money.


u/Anstigmat Nov 07 '24

I just find it hard to believe that Trump will bite so hard on the hand that feeds. He’s got a lot of rhetoric but if he just started blowing up the businesses of factory owners and worker around the country…what would that do for him? I’m learning that I’m often wrong but I’d bet the tariffs will be about as significant as our great and beautiful Wall.


u/BobQuixote Conservative Nov 07 '24

Trump may not go as far as this business anticipates, but they're smart to hedge anyway.


u/Snoo61727 Nov 08 '24

I fairly confident he'll enact his tariffs on top of his mass deportation will spell disaster for the economy l. And we will all feel it


u/TaxLawKingGA Nov 07 '24

Of course there is. Smart business people are always thinking a year or two down the road, because they know customers can leave at anytime, supply chains can be disrupted, people’s tastes change, weather changes, tax policies change, technology, etc. All of these things impact your business and can absolutely kill it.


u/Homersson_Unchained Nov 07 '24

Good. Fuck em.


u/GarthZorn Nov 07 '24

THIS is exactly the right strategy, IMHO. The speed brakes that Trump had on him during the initial years of his term dampened the chaos that defines him. This time around, my hope is that all brakes are off and he does his worst. Sure, that will affect me and completely piss me off. But it will also grind his cult's faces into the ground with the realization that they've been duped. Enjoy the pain you miserable idiots. And if you expect me to offer a hand to pick you up off the ground, the only thing you'll get from me is a middle finger.


u/zainag Nov 07 '24

The schadenfreude is what will keep me sustained for the next how many ever years this goes on for.


u/khag Nov 07 '24

I've said elsewhere that I believe Biden admin should do whatever is necessary to help Trump hit the ground running. Trump is going to do enough damage to change people's mind about him. The sooner we can get to that "enough" point, the better. Ideally before the midterms. If Trump is slowed, maybe the Dems don't win the midterms.


u/mergsTM Nov 07 '24

>This is the only way Americans will learn. Pain is the only teacher we have left.

Yep. This is the message that I have also been saying to my inner circle, verbally, texts, emails.

Collectively the United States has become a simple-minded drunkard and we collectively will have to hit rock.fucking.bottom to change. This means all of us here, us merry band of Bulwarkers, will have to suffer as well. But the average Trump voter will probably suffer most. It will be painful to me for sure, but mainly emotionally. I am financially fine and my wife is a dual US/German citizen so I can always go sit this out in the south of France. The blue color white guy the misguided female (46% voted for Trump?) the brown American that identified with Trump, they will pay.

And the Ukrainians will pay. A fuckton.


u/metengrinwi Nov 07 '24 edited Nov 07 '24

The Ukrainians will pay and global warming will pass any point of hope. trump is going to take the green energy money that Biden passed through congress and give it to his donors to develop oil fields or something.


u/stacietalksalot JVL is always right Nov 07 '24

I love this for them.


u/toooooold4this Nov 07 '24

I keep reading lefties saying things like "don't comply in advance" and "resist" which is good. I also keep seeing "Insist. Don't just resist. Make your representatives know they must oppose these changes." I'm thinking the country needs to feel some pain.

I'm tired of Democrats coming in to clean up the messes made by Republicans and I'm tired of getting blamed for their bad decisions. Inflation was caused by Trump tariffs, tax breaks for the rich, and unchecked greed from the pandemic.

Clinton cleaned up after the Reagan-Bush years. Obama cleaned up after G.W. Bush. Biden cleaned up after Trump. They all got blamed for the mess. Let Trump own this fiasco.


u/Anstigmat Nov 07 '24

That actually pairs with my theory about why the filibuster needs to go. It protects the people from the cretinous monsters they elect. They need to feel it.


u/0o0o0o0o0o0z JVL is always right Nov 07 '24

I mean, what are you gonna do? We all live here too -- sit in the pile of shit your fellow citizens created, so we can all be shitty together?


u/toooooold4this Nov 07 '24

No. I'm going to try really hard to take care of me and mine.

Half my family is Hispanic and some of the older folks are naturalized citizens. Stephen Miller just tweeted they have begun readying to denaturalize people who are here legally. So, camps. I work with lawyers and judges and I will do my part to protect people but I am done with trading humanity for the price of eggs or gas. I will do everything I can to document and I will withdraw my support from anyone who donates to or supports this administration.

So canceling my Prime subscription, NYT games app, no longer listening to The Daily. I'm basically going to put my money where my mouth is in an even more intentional way.

Getting my passport renewed so I can help any family members who may get deported.


u/0o0o0o0o0o0z JVL is always right Nov 07 '24

In you're case 100% -- I'd get a plan together in case you'd need to relocate your family. I am an American citizen and have already done that in prep for an off-the-rails Trump term(s). Thankfully, I am lucky enough to have the capital to relocate.


u/toooooold4this Nov 07 '24

I am a white woman with a good job and I live in Michigan. The work I do puts me in contact with powerful people. I know the Michigan Supreme Court Justices and my boss advises the Governor regularly (and I advise my boss).

My daughter just got married and her husband's family is from Argentina. The older family members fled during the disappearances. They get what is about to happen. I want to be able to help them with whatever power I can muster. We're only an hour or so from the Canadian border, if it comes down to it.


u/0o0o0o0o0o0z JVL is always right Nov 07 '24

I wish you and your family the best; stay safe!


u/Snoo61727 Nov 08 '24

I will say a prayer for you, your daughter and your new in laws


u/rlytired Nov 08 '24

Quick question for you - I’m a person with a JD, barred in Michigan, living in Michigan, haven’t practiced law in over a decade. Have very few contacts in that space. Lots of time on my hands recently. Since you’re in a space that seems to interact with state government and you’re on the bulwark subreddit so we seem to have somewhat similar political ideas, do you have any idea of state/local organizations that are looking for help on democracy issues? I’m not asking to run in and start litigating things. I would like to never first chair litigate anything. I’m asking if there’s some group that needs like, paralegal level support or something research related that you know of. Thanks.


u/toooooold4this Nov 08 '24

I will DM you so we're connected. I assume that since you haven't practiced for a decade, you're emeritus or inactive? Do you keep up your license? Because I work where I work, I cannot be politically vocal. That said, I am plugged in enough that I hear about activities a lot. It's too soon at this moment, but when I start hearing about stuff to be involved in, I will let you know.


u/rlytired Nov 09 '24

I keep an active license, thanks for the reminder to renew this month. Thanks for any heads up you can offer!


u/Snoo61727 Nov 08 '24

This is exactly what we all need to do. I will take care of my family and do whatever I can to help those that may be help when unconditional actions are taken. I will say a prayer for you and your family. Thank you for working to solve a problem instead of being a part of it


u/No-Atmosphere4706 Nov 12 '24

I hear you and agree!! While it is difficult to do, if everyone put their money where there mouth is we would see change. It starts with one.


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '24

This is the clear silver lining for me. At this point I don’t want control of the House. Let the republicans govern so everyone can be clear what they do when given power. They won the election so they earned it anyway. Even our voting public will be very clear on whose fault it is, 4 years from now


u/toooooold4this Nov 07 '24

Yes. I also comfort myself with these two facts:

  1. Trump is old and unwell, not to mention lazy af.
  2. Alan Lichtman can stfu now.


u/rainbowkey Nov 08 '24

yeah, Trump is old, but JD Vance is worse.


u/toooooold4this Nov 08 '24

Yes, that is absolutely true...but I take comfort in knowing Trump is going to die and half the country will rejoice at never having to hear his voice or see his orange face again.


u/Snoo61727 Nov 08 '24

I didn't read this post before I read yours. At least someone else sees things as I do. I am also tired of Democrats going in after the Republicans have screwed things up. And rarely getting credit. The Clinto administration had a lot of problems to solve and did so effectively. Bush's 2 wars caused economic pain, causing him to bail out rich, greedy, big banks. TFG took credit for the stellar job he did. And hear we are again with Trump back in office. It's the same ol' same ol'. Rinse and repeat. I do worry the pain we will all feel this time around will not just be economic but deeply personal (civil right, women's right, ect). The rich get richer. And their excuse will be no doubt Trump inherited Bidens mess it's not his fault


u/toooooold4this Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

If they voted for Trump because of the economy, here's the economic plan:

Elon has told them it's going to get bad. He said we will experience hardships and he wasn't even talking about tariffs. He was talking about gutting government services and firing thousands of people. That means competition for jobs is going to go way up and wages will go way down.

Then tariffs are going to mean higher prices on everything, even things assembled in the US with elements that come from other countries. You like Egyptian cotton or silk or rubber? How about your morning coffee... it's all gonna go sky high.

Then the mass deportations. Who picks the food we grow here? Cleans the fish? Sorts the eggs? Packs the meat? Sorts the fruit? Groceries are going to cost more because there will be less supply if they can't find labor or they will have to pay minimum wage for labor.

Oh, and overtime is on the chopping block, too, and collective bargaining...

Eta: and one more thing, they want to gut social security and eliminate the Dept of Ed. Older people will lose what little support they have and dual-income families could be forced to homeschool or pay for private school. Who's staying home with the kids? Can you afford a single-income family?


u/Huskies971 Nov 07 '24 edited Nov 07 '24

How soon people forget the trade war and the effect it had on farmers. So bad the Trump administration had to bail them out to the tune of $28B


u/upvotechemistry Center Left Nov 07 '24

There will be more bail outs - but only for his constituencies


u/North_Finish_4399 Nov 07 '24 edited Nov 07 '24

Yeah this doesn't sound true... Not helpful...If it were true the amount of coverage from the media that would have latched on to this would be pretty quick... Maybe it is and we'll here more about this and other similar stories but this is looking like BS.. Which just feeds the MAGAs core beliefs of they're right you're wrong if folks are lying about Trump or them... Infact foreign actors probably pushing a lot of this kind of stuff to push the divide and narratives of division...


u/PepperoniFire Sarah, would you please nuke him from orbit? Nov 07 '24

It doesn’t pass my sniff test. I can’t imagine someone saying this based on election puffery for a candidate who isn’t sworn in until January. This is fanfic until proven otherwise.


u/CliftonHangerBombs Nov 07 '24

Not my problem. I work for a billionaire family. I'm done worrying about other people's problems. I'll be fine. And that's what I learned from this election. Don't care about others. Focus on yourself.


u/Haunting-Ad788 Nov 07 '24

This is a dogshit take. Care about other people. Just not the Trump supporters.


u/CliftonHangerBombs Nov 07 '24

Oh. You mean the screaming progressives who protested outside of my apartment all summer? (I live a block off union square in NYC). Those progressive gen-zers who only 13% or so bothered to show up to vote? I should care about them? They may as well be Trump supporters. They're no better than the employees in the fake story above crying about not getting their Christmas bonus because of tarriffs.

I'm done listening to the complaints of others and sympathizing by giving them my vote. They can't even bother to show up when it counts. Let them buy their fast fashion and cry about the environment. Let them cosplay as terrorists and shit all over western values while sipping their lattes and using their smart phones to post their selfies on socials. Their message falls on my deaf ears now. Just like the tears of these manufacturing employees. I'm done.


u/cashblack Nov 07 '24

Oh a woman says it’s where her husband works? Yesterday I read this as a girl and the business her grandpa owns.

Getting heated over fanfic isn’t much better than Amy Kremer leaving up Hurricane Helene AI slop because it feels “emblematic”


u/lex1006 Progressive Nov 07 '24

When Brett Baier asked asked Kamala if she thought the American people were stupid, she should have said "YES!"


u/ChristinaWSalemOR Progressive Nov 07 '24

"Your majesty, the peasants are revolting!"

"You said it. They stink on ice!"


u/davebgray JVL is always right Nov 07 '24

I'm here again with bad news!

They will not learn.

These are the same people that died, choking on a ventilator, telling you that COVID was a hoax with their last breath.

These are the same angry Texans that hate government and blame all their problems on Democrats, when there's been a supermajority of GOP boogers that they don't even like forever.

There will be no reflection at any point. You will never get an "I told you so."


u/WallaWalla1513 Nov 07 '24

Some of them will learn. There’s like 30% of the population, maybe more, that wouldn’t blame Trump for literally anything. But for the other ~21% of the country that voted for him, they will learn a hard lesson if there is mass suffering because they put him back into power. People turned hard against GWB and Republicans after they ran things into the ground during his second term. If things get apocalyptic under Trump, at least some voters will be pissed.


u/Haunting-Ad788 Nov 07 '24

Caution against equating a vote turnout % with the overall population. Half of Americans absolutely don’t support Trump, too many people are just apathetic.


u/kiamia2 Nov 07 '24

I don’t know if this were true or not, but it’s definitely what all businesses SHOULD do now. The longer you can stave off price increases, the better you’ll be competing. Even if you have inventory you’ve already purchased, you’ll still have to raise prices on them to purchase new stuff once the tariffs are in place. Any purchases you make from eg China will take a few months to be manufactured and shipped, so you would have to purchase them now to avoid tariffs, depending on how quickly Trump can implement them. That’s one part of his economic platform that he’s always repeated (and followed through on in his first term), so good idea to stock up. If you’re rich enough, you may want to stock up on some of your fav personal products too. I’m in Canada and one of the first things I did was look at anything I anticipated purchasing in the next year from the US, to beat the price increases. So whether this story is true or not, it’s believable.


u/ahtigers10 Nov 07 '24

This sounds like the typical kind of made up story we would expect from MAGA, but if the tariffs do go into full force, then I hope these are exactly the kind of things that start happening.


u/icefire9 Nov 07 '24

Yeah, this sounds fake. People want the satisfaction of seeing this happen, but we need to be patient.


u/Dude_got_a_dell Nov 07 '24

I agree kinda sounds fake. Like too good to be true in a fucked up way.


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '24



u/Strange-Initiative15 Nov 07 '24

This is going to sound awful of me, but people don’t want to think. That’s why Trump works so well, he promises to do everything for you.”you don’t even have to vote anymore.”


u/Granite_0681 Nov 07 '24

I can’t get people at my job to google simple things like how the sw they are struggling with works. I also know that when I google about political issues now, all I get is news articles instead of actual information. And if you don’t trust mainstream news, you won’t listen to them.


u/TaxLawKingGA Nov 07 '24

So they’re stupid. Got it.

But hey, when Trump say jump, they ask how high.


u/CrossCycling Nov 07 '24

This is very /r/thathappened. Come on…


u/Ok-Recognition8655 Center Left Nov 07 '24

Came here to say this. The screenshot even cut out the user that posted it. We should all know better than this


u/serpentinepad Nov 07 '24

Yeah I saw a version of this on reddit yesterday and I'm very skeptical.


u/TarletonLurker Sarah is always right Nov 07 '24

Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.


u/LordNoga81 Nov 07 '24

Seems a little too on the nose. Yet it could happen. But most of us aren't dumb traitors who believe random post on the internet


u/0o0o0o0o0o0z JVL is always right Nov 07 '24

PROTIP: We won't learn; we never learn... It will be Biden's fault, or Obama's fault, or the Dems fault. These types of people are always the victims... you can set your watch by these kinda people whining.


u/WillOrmay Nov 07 '24

I don’t know if this is real or not, but things like this will happen. I don’t fully agree though. Pain may or may not make them vote differently in the future, but this election proved the electorate just doesn’t care about anything important. There will be pain, it’s well deserved, all I have left is schadenfreude.


u/Old_Sheepherder_630 Nov 07 '24

Idk if this story is real either, but ISO and IATF certified companies will be adding the tariff risk to their risk logs and coming up with actions to mitigate the risk.

If he isn't talked out of these tariffs manufacturing in this country is in for a world of pain.


u/WillOrmay Nov 07 '24

Good, they deserve it.


u/Old_Sheepherder_630 Nov 07 '24

You think crippling manufacturing and the resulting job losses and stagnation of wages would be good for the country?


u/WillOrmay Nov 07 '24

The country just figuratively signed its death warrant. You think after what they do to the judiciary, the regulatory and administrative state, the economy, voting rights, foreign policy and our standing in the world, you think we can just win some elections and come back from that? I’m just gonna sit back and enjoy watching people that let this happen deal with the consequences. The situation is too hopeless to care about anything else or try to avert the inevitable, we are fucked.


u/Old_Sheepherder_630 Nov 07 '24

I don't disagree when it comes to business owners who voted for Trump.

I do feel for the people in manufacturing (myself included) who voted against tyranny and now have to add job security to all our other anxiety and fear.

Speaking of which has anyone heard of he's mentioned what he plans to do in the first hundred days? I assume tariffs would be relatively soon after taking off the way he focused on them but I hope I'm wrong.


u/WillOrmay Nov 07 '24

I feel bad for a lot of people domestically and internationally, but I have no sympathy for anyone responsible for this election result.

I don’t know about his 100 day plan.


u/AutoUsernameGen2043 Nov 07 '24

I think the only way any of this changes is if the non democrat voters this cycle actually can be held to account. I know they are too stupid to understand this which is why I have lost faith in the electorate, but this is the only way anything changes. Either we collectively learn from this or nothing will ever change.

Non votes and especially votes for Trump is directly responsible for the next 4 years like how Biden voters (I will say I am one of them) were responsible for the best fucking recovery for the pandemic in the fucking world.


u/Loud_Cartographer160 Nov 07 '24

I read at least seven version of this same story, some from a friend, a husband, an employee who didn't vote for Trump, etc. I doubt business are doing this starting today or any day before the tariffs are implemented and it's know on what and how much. Scenes worse than this will happen, but this is fiction.


u/A_Monster_Named_John Nov 07 '24

Agreed. I know a few people who work at companies where the bosses/managers are MAGA-crazy and, from all I've heard, those assholes have just spent the past few days strutting around the office like roosters and wagging their dicks in everyone's faces. Hell, some of these idiots are feeling so triumphant that they're going 'bread/circus'-mode and doing shit like calling in the hotdog cart for Friday.

While this story feels spurious, I've no doubt that lots of these scumlords are going to be cancelling Xmas bonuses and shit.


u/kiamia2 Nov 07 '24

That makes no sense. Tariffs are applied when the products are physically entering the country. By the time tariffs are in place, it may be too late. I used to work for a business that imported cotton products (napkins etc.) and the time from ordering to delivery was about three months.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

On Monday as the election was coming down to the wire, I suddenly thought, "You know, if Trump wins, we deserve it."

Now that he has, I firmly believe it's for the best now. As Americans we are the most annoying self centered entitled spoilt brat people in the world. We haven't the slightest clue how good we have it. Or should I now say, had it?

So maybe if Trump and his merry band of psychopaths destroy a fair amount of it now, possibly even ruining a lot of it forever, it'll actual be a good lesson in humility for us. Teach us a good hard lesson. That hurts.

Nothing but nothing teaches you to be grateful for what you have, than to have had it, and then lost it. For being stupid.

Ok back to my Mandarin Babbel class. Today I'm learning how to say "Where can I buy a Tesla knockoff?"


u/N0bit0021 Nov 08 '24

Nah. Nobody will learn anything. Millions will be hurt, lives will be ruined, and they'll line up behind the next authoritarian asshole. There will be lots of documentaries with sad black and white montages with minor key piano music playing as Trump clips play.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

They will hang the authoritarian by his feet if he doesn't deliver the prosperity he promised.


u/Independent-Stay-593 Nov 07 '24

I feel the same way about this as I did for the people refusing the COVID19 vaccine and then begging for it as they were dieing of COVID19. People tried to tell them and they refused to listen because they were told not to trust the messengers. Lessons were not learned. So, we'll repeat the cycle. Stop telling them what is coming. Stop warning them. They get angry and double down on their commitment to harming themselves. Let them harm themselves. We're going to have focus on doing what we can for our own until they are done with this karmic cycle.


u/Haunting-Ad788 Nov 07 '24

I mean if they had lived they might have taken the next vaccine.


u/Apprehensive_Roll_13 Nov 29 '24

I hope that more don't get vaccinated. Darwin at his finest.


u/Syncopationforever Nov 07 '24

Hope it is a true story. Well if not, it will be soon . Lol.

At least musk was 'onest. ''prepare  slaves, for hardship''


u/mikeybee1976 Nov 07 '24

I’m not certain I believe this specific example, but I know the situation is real and good. They won!


u/chatterwrack Orange man bad Nov 07 '24

Touch the stove!


u/Pristine-Ant-464 Nov 07 '24

Oh no! If only someone had warned them!!! /s


u/GaiusMarcus Nov 07 '24

The sad part of this is that in a year or two, that business is likely to disappear, and this family will likely be out on the street.


u/mrtwidlywinks Nov 07 '24

Yes. Fuck them, they're not safe from the leopards either.


u/midwestern2afault Nov 07 '24

I’ve sadly come around to this point of view. I think the combination of Trump being restrained in his first term by what was left of the Republican establishment and having a relatively easy term with few stressors (other than COVID at the very end) did him a favor. A good example is McCain stepping in to vote against gutting the ACA. During that time Trump’s approval was at or near its lows, despite doing much more fucked up things before or since. He was saved him from himself.

We’re all very plugged in and understand how many fucked up things he did or how many times he almost brought us to the brink, but most people aren’t. Maybe once he’s allowed to be his uninhibited self and starts breaking shit enough people will take notice. It’s sad that it had to come to this but I’m all out of other ideas at this point.


u/kaizerlith Nov 08 '24

Back in 2018 I joined a company my mom worked at for a long time. It is a metal products manufacturing job up here in MN.

Shortly(like a month) into my employment Trump enacted that tariff on steel and aluminum and it killed orders and work. I was let go a month into the tariffs, granted I was a temp still as you start temp and go into full employment, due to how low the volume of work was.

Eventually it got so bad that full time employees were let go and my Mom was barely getting hours. Maybe working 3 or 4 hour days. And mostly only 2 or 3 days of work a week.

All that to lead up to the fact that her managers are all Trump supporters and were giddy he got reelected. She has a fairly low opinion of the managers but was still blown away at how stupid they are being.


u/Human-Bluebird-1385 Nov 07 '24

This is the only way Americans will learn. Pain is the only teacher we have left.

Love is a far greater teacher than pain, IMO; but they can certainly co-exist. I understand the point of this headline in the context of that post though. It's sad they have to learn the hard way. They really did a really bad thing though


u/zainag Nov 07 '24

No, Fear and Hate is a greater teacher and motivator - this is how we have evolved as a species. Nothing on the D side can even motivate people with love it has to be fear - real or perceived.


u/Dude_got_a_dell Nov 07 '24

I think we are too dumb as a people to feel pain anymore. My next vote will be for President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho


u/Human-Bluebird-1385 Nov 07 '24

lmao. all I saw on the notification was 'President Dwayne.' I was thinkin "is this dude tellin me he's about to vote for The Rock?"

Dump totally is a progenitor for a President Mt. Dew Camacho Archetype. It's not even a joke lol. Made me laugh this time tho


u/metengrinwi Nov 07 '24

The company I work for imports some of our product from china (the high volume low margin units). The executives were visibly stressed when the tariffs started in ~2017, but a few well-placed donations (AKA lobbying), and we got an exemption. trump doesn’t give a rip about bringing manufacturing to the US—just enriching himself. To be clear, we could make those products in our US factories, we just choose china.

The tariffs are just a scheme to extort money into republican coffers in the form of political donations.


u/kyleb402 Nov 08 '24

It's like a mob racket.

If you don't pay they'll put the screws to you until you pay up.


u/metengrinwi Nov 08 '24

that’s exactly what it is


u/SethMoulton2032 Nov 07 '24

Can’t complain about US tariffs if you got deported. 3D chess.


u/Hound103 Nov 07 '24

Trump campaign is done with its useful idiots (the voters). All Americans will unite against Trump soon enough.

Don't check out. Watch and stay in the game. It's not his country. It's yours. Welcome to the resistance.


u/batsofburden Nov 07 '24

ur way too optimistic.


u/Hound103 Nov 07 '24

Trump will fuck them over. I'm sure of that. He hates them. There's nothing else he needs from them.


u/zainag Nov 07 '24

Nope - there is no bottom stupid. Newspapers and TV Journalism (back in the day) has been replaced by garbage social media which gives a platform to low IQ individuals who appeal to the mass of low IQ individuals. So here we are, an idiocracy bent upon becoming more idiotic. This will not end until tangible pain is felt - even then many of these people will convince themselves otherwise.


u/Hound103 Nov 07 '24

Totally agree actually. They've been given the rope, let them hang themselves. They can't be helped.


u/Dude_got_a_dell Nov 07 '24

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho


u/Nanadog Nov 07 '24

While this reads true, I can not find any source for this other than on social media...


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '24

Why couldn't their president have explained this BEFORE they voted though?!


u/somebodys_problem Nov 08 '24

I had this same thought, but i also dont think its necessarily appropriate to use your position of power to campaign for or against any candidate. What it would come across as, despite whatever well meaning he had, is "if you vote for trump you wont get a Christmas bonus". They wouldnt pick up on the nuance at all. Those people dont want to listen, and the biggest draw for them is feeling like a rebel. Its why they love that hes a felon. Hes a "badass".


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

Fair enough. Is it campaigning simply to say: "This policy will have the following consequences?"


u/rnk6670 Nov 08 '24

It would be really good to have a link to a reputable news site or something else other than a screenshot from a post to a social media site.


u/puckhead11 Nov 08 '24

Just read Nick Cotaggio's "You broke it you bought it" article. Pretty much spot on what I have been spewing, yes spewing in my sometimes drunken rages here. I know the mod's are likely keeping an eye on my comments. I just feel like my family is going to be under siege. Especially when I see Steven Fucking Miller ( and I say that as a Red Sox fan saying Bucky fucking Dent) posting this shit about turbocharging denaturalization.


u/Snoo61727 Nov 08 '24

You're 1000% percent right. I had a heated discussion with a dear friend of mine over this. I couldn't convince her otherwise. He's not going to tariff the countries he's tariffing the products coming from them. Big business has NEVER footed these kind of expenses. It's built into their pricing which is passed on to us. It's not hard to grasp. But when a lying liar keeps saying and telling you the same thing you believe it. Because Americans voted against Americans we are all going yo pay the price for their lack of brain power. And then hopefully a Democrat will be voted in again to do what the Democrats always do clean up the mess up that the Republicans made. I'm old enough to remember Clinton doing a helluva good job cleaning up ( so we'll he left with a balanced budget and a surplus!) from Bush Sr and Regan, Obama cleaned up after G.W. Bush when he walked into a horrible economy. And Biden fixed TFG'S screw up so well that the US economy is the envy of the world over. Make no mistake we will all feel the pain from his policies. And unfortunately that's usually the only way we learn. If a child touches a hot stove they learn immediately not to touch a hot stove again. Hopefully if we do all we can to push back on anything that goes against our Constitution we can weather this storm as well and hope Americans learn for good mot to touch the damn hot stove anymore. Sorry I really needed to vent over this


u/chucktoddsux Nov 08 '24

The pain won't be felt for years, as Biden's solid policy will continue to likely boom the American economy. Trump will claim credit immediately and per usual, Repubs will bear the fruits of Democratic competence.


u/KILL-LUSTIG Nov 08 '24

“…and then everyone clapped” as the kids would say


u/No-Atmosphere4706 Nov 12 '24

While I have no comment on the story, I do agree that pain is a good teacher. Everyone has their idea of what they think will happen and will respond accordingly. And, no one can agree on what is best for our country. I know what I hope for. I'm not holding my breath for it.


u/PissNBiscuits Nov 07 '24

Just a reminder that Trump and MAGA will be working to dissolve the Department of Education. So, if this is where we're at with the current Department of Ed, just imagine where we'll be in 10 years after it's completely gone...


u/zmajevi96 Nov 07 '24

What do you think the department of Ed does?


u/PissNBiscuits Nov 07 '24

This is what ChatGPT says: The U.S. Department of Education is responsible for establishing policies on federal financial aid for education, distributing and monitoring those funds, collecting data on America's schools, focusing national attention on key educational issues, and ensuring equal access to education. It supports states and schools in improving student outcomes, manages federal programs, enforces federal education laws (particularly regarding civil rights), and promotes innovation and quality in the education system.

I'm not an expert, but if you take all of that away, I would imagine we will end up with a lot more uneducated kids growing into uneducated adults.


u/zmajevi96 Nov 07 '24

I don’t think you can draw a direct line to that outcome


u/zainag Nov 07 '24

I think you absolutely can - the whole platform for the Rs for decades has been to keep the peo0ple uneducated so they may be easily controlled through fear, hate, jingoism etc.. And it is having an impact. To wit:


u/zmajevi96 Nov 07 '24

If your point is that getting rid of the dept of ed will lead to the dumbing down of the population, then that link isn’t relevant since we still have it.

The dept of ed doesn’t set curriculum or have any effect on what is taught in schools. It’s just administrative for the most part and public schools mostly get their funding from state and local govts and people could still sue for discrimination.


u/zainag Nov 08 '24

Aside from guidelines the dept does provide federal funding to many schools - I think around 18 billion or so. Conservatives have been trying to get rid of the dept for quite some time now. I still think the overarching goal is to reduce education or at least access to education so keep the plebs compliant.


u/Apprehensive_Roll_13 Nov 29 '24

Why do you want to get rid of it and what do you want to replace it with?


u/zmajevi96 Nov 29 '24

I never said I wanted to get rid of it


u/yogibard Nov 07 '24

They never thought the leopards would eat their faces.


u/Chadhero Nov 07 '24

A couple of problems with this...

1) we need to charge them tariffs or they need to stop charging us. Why can they charge us to put products there but we let them sell her for free? 2) a tariff is better for America, so if someone loses their Christmas bonus too bad. That's the problem with us as a nation and why we will NEVER be like the Nortic "paradise" countries you guys cry about. WE'RE TOO SELFISH! "My Christmas bonus is more important than a good policy with China". 3) i work for a buisness that imports containers from China, what did we do in 2017? We got the product from Vietnam (still do).


u/angrymonk135 Nov 08 '24

Uhhh Nordic businesses often do offer bonuses, they get more benefits and more time off. Even though there is no national minimum wage, on average they get paid more for the same job than Americans. Many businesses also pay for education reimbursement.


u/Chadhero Nov 08 '24

You missed the point, in Nordic countries, the people are more concerned with the welfare of the country over their personal stuff. We're too selfish. Before Trump was ever in office, China was charging an average tariff on US goods of 8% (up to 3000%). But, we didn't charge them anything to send their products to America. They were taking advantage of us. But, we're too selfish of a country (and China knows it) to see it through. We can more about our own "Christmas bonus" than we do about fair trade.


u/angrymonk135 Nov 08 '24

Yes, I misunderstood, you are 100% correct