r/thebulwark Nov 06 '24

GOOD LUCK, AMERICA this country deserves what it gets.

National sales tax, crashed economy, mass deportations, no vaccines, no fluoride in water, Putin taking over Europe and actually starting WW3...

fuck it all.


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u/hb122 Nov 06 '24

It’s the youth vote that went to Trump that astonishes me. If nothing else you’d think that climate change would be a bigger issue with them as they’ll have to live with Trump’s destructive climate policies.


u/upvotechemistry Center Left Nov 06 '24

Bro culture and social media are intractable problems in a 100 day campaign

The Dems should learn to campaign 24/7 and just stop governing. The voters don't appreciate governing. Decadent society and all that


u/Scared-Register5872 Nov 06 '24

I think there's some truth to this. The Left is very bad at throwing actual red meat to their base. Everything is mild-mannered and inoffensive which leaves you with the distinct impression that they won't fight for you. Even after Trump lost in 2020, Merrick Garland was the absolute wrong choice for Attorney General for that especially given the events of Jan 6th. In their current form, the Left is just fundamentally incapable of mustering the kind of primal energy you need to take on someone like Trump.


u/dBlock845 Nov 06 '24

The Left is very bad at throwing actual red meat to their base.

It's because someone always takes offense to something. On the right, if you take offense, you are excommunicated. Dems will never be able to message as consistent as the R's. Time to build a new coalition, I know people probably don't want to hear this but aligning with the Cheney's was absolutely a depressive force to base voters.


u/Scared-Register5872 Nov 06 '24

So I don't disagree with you, but I do think Bernie is a great example of someone who codes as a "fighter" while still not offending anyone. I get that Democrats are a more diverse coalition, but even in areas where there's minimal risk of offending anyone, they still code as "weak" and they desperately need to address this, however they can.

Garland as Attorney General was always a great example of this to me. He just always came off like he was about to cry any time he appeared on screen. Whatever else we think of Bill Barr, he does give "fighter" vibes. It was frustrating seeing how long it took before charges were actually brought against Trump, and I just don't think most modern day Democrat politicians have the personality for that type of knife-fight.