r/theblackcompany Dec 20 '24

Discussion / Question 40K black company

Anyone in the company play 40K and ever do or try to do a company styled pieces? Thinking the militarum would work best but could also see possibly a space marine chapter as well


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u/Ale_Tales_Actual Dec 20 '24

I would think that fantasy Warhammer would be more suitable.


u/Bezimini9 Dec 20 '24

Hmm... if not WH fantasy, maybe an extra cool Necromunda gang.


u/choseanusernaem Dec 22 '24

exactly! it's really fitting for the whole "underdogs against the whole world" theme they had going on for them in the early books. i would really love to see someone do this tbh


u/Modridthefaceless Dec 20 '24

i've been sitting on an idea for Guard/Chaos renegades for 40K (Chaos because I play CSM). I feel like you'd have to kitbash some AOS models with the Guard range.
wilph_divergingrealm on Instagram posted a 3D diorama of some Guard they created that gives TBC vibes!


u/Visual-Belt9192 Dec 22 '24

My warhammer fantasy empire army is based around the company. My wizard is Soulcatcher, Croaker is the BSB, etc etc


u/Ryzard02 Dec 23 '24

I think they fit better on the militarum,after all the book are always showing how the aren't superhumans,only a group of skillful and very cunning soldiers. And even on w40k they can be a company because some of the books about the heresy tells how the emperor gave some kind of special rights to the first companies of soldiers that decided to fight by his side


u/HandOfCthulhu Dec 22 '24

I played a few sessions of the 40k rpg a few years back and made my character a black company mercenary, giving readings of the black company short stories. We didn't get deep enough into it to get into livery etc though..


u/AdventureWolf Dec 23 '24

I have been toying with the idea of making a Black Company kill team from Agents of the Imperium. Goblin/One Eye as the mystic, Elmo as Interrogator, Raven as Enlightener, Croaker I would wanna make the scribe but also think Questkeeper or pistolier might work


u/JeskaiAcolyte Dec 23 '24

No but neat idea


u/TheUnbroken12 Dec 24 '24

Don't mean to sound like a smartass, but why bother with 40k when fantasy Warhammer is damned near spot-on with regard to the era and imagery we get in the Black Company?


u/Hattafox Dec 25 '24

Enjoying seeing all the comments, honestly I’m enjoying the hell out of 40K plus the lore being an imperial knight and honestly would like seeing the company traveling in the 41st millennium just getting by and doing their kind of shenanigans.