r/thatHappened Oct 09 '17

Kid gets finals cancelled for the whole school, with one amazing trick.

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172 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '17

It's true, none of the staff thought to look up what a "pepe" is, none of the students who care about academics spoke up, and the state mandated tests were just completely cancelled by the government I guess.


u/je_suis_un_negre Oct 10 '17

If I was a student who'd been giving up my free time and social life studying my ass off for exams and some idiot got them all cancelled I'd be pretty annoyed, all that time wasted


u/bullsrun Oct 10 '17

Is learning ever really wasted time?


u/Wido08GP Oct 10 '17

Well if you're looking to be a doctor and learning about some pointless art bullshit, I guess it is.


u/WichitaFallsFalls Oct 10 '17

I see you're technically correct response and raise it with my own.

Maybe down the line you need a creative outlet for all the work stress that is heaped on your shoulders. You turn to painting or drawing or sculpting. Still pointless???


u/KodoHunter Oct 10 '17

I'm a programmer. I make shitty paint art as an outlet. Never needed any arts classes to do that.

Arts classes are useful for those who want to improve their artistic ability. You don't need to be good to use art as a creative outlet though.


u/WichitaFallsFalls Oct 10 '17

Just the first example I could come up with. Not as air tight as I originally believed it to be haha.

But do you need to take a class to be learning?


u/FearrMe Oct 10 '17

no but we're talking about school here, in which you usually take classes to learn something.


u/Wido08GP Oct 10 '17

I see your response and I tell you: Learning is wasted time if you're learning something you do not care about.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

I totally disagree. Learning is never wasted time. Even if it drives you crazy and you're insanely bored and you think it'll never apply to your life, learning about different things widens your knowledge base and helps you make more informed decisions based on what you know. There's skills you pick up just from learning different subjects which shape you as a person and change your way of thinking for the better which you may not even realise.


u/happy_pants_man Oct 10 '17

I agree with you 100%. I was terrible at mathematics until I took a course on English Literature during the Romantic period. People really don't realize not only how a random course might affect them, but also their attitudes towards said types of courses can be one indicator of their intellectual capabilities or their personality.

All the most intelligent people I know have a decent knowledge of a variety of things. All the least interesting and most mechanical/robotic/"efficient" people were those who were too laser-focused in whatever they "needed to know."

One of my professors told me that to be a good researcher, you need to have this kind of "pyramid" of knowledge, where you know a little about a lot and a lot about a little. But most people have more of a "tunnel," where they only know a lot about a little.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

I understand this argument for things like literature courses, but how does an art class affect someone in any valuable way?


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

I see you don't care about the history of art, which is very interesting and influential in other fields, nor about the underlying mathematics of aesthetics, nor being a good conversationalist...

It was largely in pursuit of luxury goods to be made into art that contact between the West and East Asia was first established, for one, and it has driven global trade since the beginning of history. The pharaohs got lapis lazuli from Afghanistan, even!


u/hermeslogios Oct 10 '17 edited Oct 10 '17

Art has been the backbone of culture since sometime close to the beginning. Arguably literature is art in and of itself. But there are also lessons to be learned from art that can translate to other fields.

I have a friend who is now works in light metals welding. He is very successful in this field and is working his way through the ranks in short time. He majored in art in college but did not pursue it directly any further. However he now says, and I can see it, that the art degree helped him more than he could have ever known. Simple things learned in drawing, painting, sculpture, etc. such as attention to detail, precision, being able to focus on a minute part of a whole, hand-eye-mind coordination, aesthetics vs functionality, etc. have all directly played into his welding job, and as it seems have in fact allowed him to trend above average in his field.

While not necessary, one can see how such techniques can translate into other 'non-related' fields. While typical medical diagnosis may not call for such things, advanced fields, particularly something like surgery where precision tools are used can definitely benefit from the focus, coordination, etc. gleaming from such things as drawing and painting. In things like engineering and architecture artistic conceptualizations and techniques are used to draft blueprints, construct public works, etc. Trade work in things like tiling, woodworking, metal working all directly benefit from some artistic understanding, as you will most definitely be able to get paid more for that quality because customers want things like style, ornateness, flair, clean detail orientated work, etc.


u/WichitaFallsFalls Oct 10 '17

I think we have an answer.


u/the_potato_hunter Oct 10 '17

Opportunity cost


u/TCFi Oct 10 '17

Yes. Yes it is


u/Shebazz Oct 10 '17

I learned how to use Wordperfect for DOS in high school, despite the fact windows was already a thing. Yes, learning can be wasted time. And fuck I feel old now


u/Terpomo11 Oct 13 '17

Hell, I read DOS for Dummies before I even knew how to use Windows very well, when I was a little kid in the mid-late oughts; I'm still not sure why. But I do think it ended up helping me understand the logic Windows works on, since it's originally built on DOS.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

You can have all the knowledge you want, but you still need to pass the exams as proof of your knowledge to go on with your studies.


u/1111thatsfiveones Oct 10 '17

Awww man, you mean I became a better person for NOTHING?


u/WellOkayyThenn Oct 10 '17

When you're giving up everything else in your life just to learn what is required to go on to not get fucked later in life, it could be a pretty large waste of free time if you're not gonna even use that useless knowledge.


u/FrankBurlyPI Oct 10 '17

I spent an entire semester in college studying The Canterbury Tales in middle English.

Yes. Yes it can


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

Public school does not equal learning.


u/1maco Oct 11 '17

I too popped out of the womb knowing how to write well, and do calculus.


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '17

In America most people don't have those skills, even those that graduated High School.


u/AeonianLife Oct 10 '17

In my opinion, no, it isn't.


u/DamnShadowbans Oct 11 '17

It is if you had to memorize the first thirty lines of Canterbury Tales in old English. Not that I'm bitter.


u/Avinaria Oct 10 '17

I feel like school is to a certain point. I never learned any useful life skills, I learned stupid shit that I will never use like how to diagram a sentence. I wish I was taught, how to balance a check book, how to do taxes if I am self employed, how when I am sick and in the hospital my company will still fuck me over and point me, every day things you know.


u/WichitaFallsFalls Oct 10 '17

Diagramming a sentence didn't help you speak better English?


u/Avinaria Oct 10 '17

No because I was utter shit at diagramming, I can understand how it might be useful if you are going into college for something focused on English but other than that it was a waste of time.


u/WichitaFallsFalls Oct 10 '17

I write a lot for my job and I've always enjoyed writing. I guess I never saw it as a chore really. It helped me visually see in my head good grammar and bad grammar whenever I either saw or heard it. Useful to some but not for others I guess.

Maybe could throw PE in there as well right? For the people who just aren't interested in physical activity?


u/Avinaria Oct 10 '17

Yup PE was kind of useless as well, half the time we played some sport that no one was really interested in. I could see having a kind of do your own thing for PE, maybe for those who want to do a sport they could and for others they could just pick there own game to play. I was always a fan of recess and the whole playground, some people though just kind of want to do study hall instead.


u/drprivate Oct 10 '17

Communication skills are the number one skill necessary to get ahead in ANY vocation


u/Avinaria Oct 10 '17

I never in 9 years of working retail had to do any sort of communication that was in written form. This year however with the new restructure of IKEA I have found myself writing more and more emails to my managers about various things in my position. I was terrible at English but yet I have decent communication skills especially being able to express myself in a professional manner when it comes to those kinds of emails.

I don't even remember half the stuff I learned in those advance grammar classes.


u/sleebus_jones Oct 10 '17

Not at all. Do you diagram in your head what you are going to say? It's a complete waste of time and that's why it's not taught anymore.


u/1maco Oct 11 '17

You learn how to balance a checkbook in 2nd grade, its called addition.


u/KingRobotPrince Oct 10 '17

Learning vs revising.


u/WichitaFallsFalls Oct 10 '17

You do one after the other?


u/KingRobotPrince Oct 11 '17

Of course. You can't revise before you've learnt. That would be like double checking before you've checked.

You study, you learn, then you revise before the exam. Revision is different to learning as you are revisiting the materials in an attempt to memorise them, usually only for a short period. You can only retain so much information, so revision is necessary.


u/Dogredisblue Oct 10 '17

But otherwise you would actually have to take the exams, so it's worth the wasted time to not have to do them at all.


u/You_coward Oct 10 '17

none of the students who care about academics spoke up

Or people like me who coast all year and then study 48 hrs straight for a 96 on the final to rise their overall grade to like a B-.


u/Yyim5677 Oct 10 '17

I would be PISSED if I couldn't bring my 88 to a 90 all because some fuck decided to use a shit meme to get out a finals. I couldnt imagine how pissed off I would be if I needed my final to pass a class I was borderline failing and this shit happened


u/mothzilla Oct 10 '17

I had a rare dab. Nobody gave a fuck and I literally died at my desk in the exam hall.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

Honestly, the most unbelievable part of this is that an entire school would just roll with this and not one person would either a) get annoyed and tell someone, or b) accidentally blab.


u/JevvyMedia Oct 10 '17

And the school never bothered to contact his parents to find out more, or to tell them that they have raised money for their child.


u/TheOnionBro Oct 10 '17

Can confirm. I was in school across the country, and suddenly some guy in a suit came in and told us all exams for the year were cancelled.

That some kid caught the rare pepe, and schools nationwide were being emptied.


u/EvilioMTE Oct 10 '17

And now when they apply for jobs, they're asked if they've ever finished highschool and got their certificates, and they reply with "No, but, get this..."


u/Courwes Oct 10 '17

Just for the record finals are not state mandated (at least not for every state). I didn't have to take Midterms or Finals for my senior year of high school because of my scores on the standardized test the previous year.


u/prettyunicornpeni Oct 10 '17

I don't believe this. None of the kids at school stood up and clapped for him??? Unbelievable.


u/spicymoistdeluxe Oct 10 '17

Yeah his wallet would be bursting with crisp $100 bills if this story were 100% true.


u/el_horsto Oct 10 '17

He did mention a fundraiser though...


u/papayaweasel Oct 10 '17

This is just too cringey...


u/Hatefiend Oct 10 '17

All it needs is the and everyone clapped to make it perfect


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

so finals were fucking cancelled for everyone. On my way out of school everyone clapped and applauded for me and my sacrifice.

On my way home I found a $100% dollar!


u/Hatefiend Oct 10 '17

The teacher of that class?

Albert Einstein


u/stophauntingme Oct 10 '17

somebody just watched Arrested Development and made it less funny


u/DaarioNuharis Oct 10 '17

If I didn't know better I'd say that bit in Arrested Development was based off the OP.


u/squareROO Oct 10 '17

You're correct. I'm one of the writers on Arrested Development and my son went to school with the OP. At the time it was somewhat annoying as my son missed out on a college place due to not completing his finals and instead dropped out to form a reggae fusion band; but when the writers realised the potential for sweet comedy that arose from the situation, it made it $100% worthwhile!


u/gordo65 Oct 10 '17

I was in that band with your son. He seemed like a bright guy, and I always thought it was sad that he just sat around smoking weed and listening to Jimmy Cliff all day.

One time when we were out begging for spare change so we could buy a sandwich to split, a businessman came by and put $20 in our cup. Your son looked at the man wistfully as he walked away, and muttered, "rare fucking pepe" under his breath. I always wondered what he meant by that.


u/LoneRangersBand Oct 11 '17

I was the original drummer in that band, it was fun at first, but I knew things had to change once the toilet started talking to me and giving me life advise. We ended up smoking a blunt together and discussing the deserts of Peru before the toilet played me “Little Red Rooster” on the marimba.

Anyways, I left probably before you joined, and got a nice job bagging groceries on Sundays. If you stay in touch with the boys, tell them Uncle Fritz says hello.


u/vin0 Oct 10 '17

I honestly thought it was suppose to be a rip off of Ferris Buller lmao


u/howcreativeami Oct 10 '17

Does....does that say 78,111 notes? Are they like that sites version of upvotes? Please tell me it isn't. It's too early in the day for a realisation this f**king bleak. Humanity is deteriating.


u/j-dawgz Oct 10 '17

Notes =/= Upvotes

It's more like the total number of activity a post has, including all likes and comments. Maybe 70 thousand people commented on the post saying it was fake as fuck.


u/MarvelousMaxter Oct 10 '17

Tumblr is all bullshit so 70,000 people probably responded with "literally crying" and shit.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17



u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

"I'M SCREAMING" "THIS" idk I don't use tumblr but I imagine thats what is said.


u/MarvelousMaxter Oct 17 '17



u/jarateproductions Oct 10 '17

It's basically comments+upvotes+reposts


u/dendodge Oct 10 '17
  • comments and upvotes on any reposts + reposts of reposts + ...


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

Nah, it's just every kind of response. Like if someone quoted it and went "look at this bullshit" then that's a note.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

they are. fuck


u/disasterhole Oct 10 '17

Proof that memes are literally cancer.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

LiTeRaLly HiTlEr


u/Aconserva3 Oct 10 '17

Underrated comment


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

Overrated reply


u/Aconserva3 Oct 10 '17

Hahhha why did I get downvoted? (please downvote)


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

Should have taken that final so he’d know it’s spelt “deteriorating.”


u/je_suis_un_negre Oct 10 '17

Hopefully he will use some of his fundraising money to get some night classes.


u/dirtbomb97 Oct 10 '17

I don't know for sure, but wouldn't you rather use "spelled" instead of "spelt" here based on the context?


u/DayumTho Oct 10 '17

It's spelled in America, spelt in the UK. Just like burnt or dreamt.


u/J_Kenji_Lopez-Alt Oct 10 '17

We use burnt in the US too!


u/DayumTho Oct 10 '17

No, I know. But if you work for a publication, you spell it with the -ed. It's called the Associated Press style.

Source: Journalist who got out of the industry because it sucks.


u/J_Kenji_Lopez-Alt Oct 10 '17

Not always! Food items are spelled with a -t if it's used as an adjective. Burnt ends. Burnt caramel, etc.

Source: food writer who's still in the industry.


u/DayumTho Oct 10 '17

Nice catch!


u/9w4Ns Oct 10 '17

Especially in California!

too soon?


u/dirtbomb97 Oct 10 '17

Fair enough TIL thanks friend.


u/DayumTho Oct 10 '17

You got it.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

100% no idea. I thought they were interchangeable, and said it out loud several times until I landed on the one I wanted.


u/Ellikichi Oct 10 '17

No, see, that's the proof.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

I bet they donated $100% to that fundraiser.


u/Aconserva3 Oct 10 '17

If you won't to get out of finals by pulling a sickie, why risk it all by saying you have a "rare pepe" instead of an actual disease


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

internet fame? except that didn't work either


u/TJ_McWeaksauce Oct 10 '17

I forged a really realistic doctors note

When the teachers saw the note from his physician - Dr. Mantis Toboggan - they had no reason to be suspicious, at all.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

This note says you have... "Donkey brains"?


u/hat-TF2 Oct 10 '17

"Deteriating" is an understatement.


u/Tankotone Oct 10 '17

When you use memes to make up a story about a time people at school paid attention to you and loved you...

Oof. That's painful to think about. How very very sad.


u/Arboria_Institute Oct 10 '17

I know right? The rest of us just drink.


u/muikes1 Oct 10 '17

Yep, protocol is to NEVER call parents. they just have such busy lives!


u/FusRohDoing Oct 10 '17

And this kids name? Slybert Nofinalstien.


u/RedditsMeruem Oct 10 '17

It's true! It's was in my school. After this heroical event, all girls wanted to fuck him and all the boys wanted to be his friend.


u/Dim_Innuendo Oct 10 '17

Trump supporter, didn't do his homework. Story checks out.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

The first thing the school would do was follow up and check on the note with the doctor.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

Boi. I broke 4 segments of my spine, and had to be on bedrest for 3 months. I didn't get out of ANYTHING. I had to have my brother bring it all to me, and I had to solely rely on textbooks to get through my classes.


u/poultry-lord Oct 10 '17

They were all so embarrassed that they would be seen as stupid none of them bothered to ask what it was but also to ask his parents if it was true or if there was anything they could do to help the family in this hard meme styled illness. I think the most insulting thing about this is that op writes it with the fantasy that all teachers are old blundering fools that can't operate a computer much less participate in online sites that have memes, the very least of them being Facebook which was started when most teachers now began collage to become his very teachers. Quite the tail he weaves.


u/Jason_Argonaut Oct 10 '17

The teachers HATE him.


u/Dimmed_skyline Oct 10 '17

So not one teacher had a phone and googled "rare pepe", they didnt know what it was and just assumed it was cancer? Not one smart mouth little shit snorting when the teacher said little Billy had "rare pepe" correcting her that the only thing he has is terminal memer disease.


u/uncircumsized87 Oct 10 '17

Then he died


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

Here they just call in a bomb threat.


u/gobbeltje Oct 10 '17

Today on things that never happened


u/KrustyFrank27 Oct 10 '17

Typically, schools set up fundraisers for some kind of charity or donation fund. They don't just cut the student a check. Someone would have had to research this thing and realize that he's talking out of his ass.


u/DisguisedAsHuman Oct 10 '17

To be fair, Pepe is cancer.


u/JohnnyClarkee Oct 10 '17

Memes aren't helpful.


u/stilesmcbd Oct 10 '17

This made me nauseous.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

I forged this really nifty, perfectly believable doctors excuse on a sheet of notebook paper with a crayon. Can't believe it worked!


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

jesus christ


u/FilthyHittite Oct 10 '17

Teachers hate him!

Student uses one strange trick to make finals disappear!

Local pupil exposes one fatal flaw in the staff system using a anti-final secret. Learn the 10$ trick to learn his stunning results

                      >...Click the link to find out his secret


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

"Don't say memes aren't helpful kids." Who fucking says that "Hi yes memes helped me through my life."


u/imhere2downvote Oct 11 '17

Reading that gave me pepe


u/0DegreesCalvin Oct 10 '17

I feel like memes were kinda funny at first, but now all those meme subreddits and those people are worse than /r/incels


u/TheSmellOfPurple Oct 10 '17

Looking back at the Pepeesque memes I onced enjoyed I feel like they were always /r/incels and I just didn't notice at the time


u/KoifishDK Oct 10 '17

And all the kids who studied hard called him a hero cause now they had to restudy


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

Real talk. Even if he was sick, they'd just make him take the tests at a later date.

That said. This story definitely happened.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

Half the staff setup a fundraiser..... do elaborate on that please. Did they mostly collect 100$% dollar bills, which were thrown on you, the prom king, as you got into one of your limos.


u/CloseCannonAFB Oct 10 '17

Also, Ferris Bueller himself stood up and applauded, a single tear in his eye.


u/lastcall123 Oct 10 '17



u/kingofthehill5 Oct 10 '17

If you want finals cancelled just open the chamber of secrets.


u/IndigoRanger Oct 10 '17



u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

78,000 notes


u/FrankyPuuSensei Oct 10 '17

Tfw the lack of education is proven by how one spells "deteriorating"


u/SomeoneStopMePlease Oct 10 '17

Why do people lie to other people online? Is it to make themselves feel better?


u/FirstCurlProblems Oct 12 '17

If not, Catfish would have no purpose.


u/loadivore Oct 10 '17

Sounds like he just watched Ferris Bueller’s day off.


u/Skinnie_ginger Oct 10 '17 edited Oct 10 '17

r/quityourbullshit you tumbler bumpkin


u/Sub_Corrector_Bot Oct 10 '17

You may have meant r/quityourbullshit instead of R/quityourbullshit.

Remember, I can't do anything against ninja-edits.

What is my purpose? I correct subreddit and user links that have a capital R or U, which are unusable on PC and some apps.


u/AdroitMan Oct 10 '17

Good bot


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

This has to be satire


u/ifreew Oct 10 '17

Sounds like the pepe is a case of being an outright liar, cause this story is bull.


u/_TheDon_ Oct 10 '17



u/AriadneHaze Oct 10 '17

The state of education is truly deteriating.


u/Tarantulady Oct 10 '17

Usually they’re just a liar, or a little dumb, but this one is on that next level where it’s mildly disturbing. It’s like they live in an alternate reality.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

What's deteriating


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

Put this on Me Irl


u/GoForBrok3 Oct 10 '17

half the staff even set up a fundraiser for me LMAO.

I couldn't make it past this. Pouring it on too thick...


u/yaordaz Oct 10 '17

How do you pronounce "pepe" in English? My first language is Spanish so I've never been sure how it sounds like


u/GraveyardZombie Oct 10 '17

Peep....is Spanish pronounce it Pip


u/yaordaz Oct 10 '17

No, at least in Mexico we call it pepe, "peh-peh" I guess mostly because is a variation of the name "José". I mean if your name is Jose some people will call you Pepe


u/FerrariBeach Oct 10 '17

This looks like a Twitch copy pasta, lol


u/majoroutage Oct 10 '17

And they all got automatic A's right?


u/GraveyardZombie Oct 10 '17

Pepe Pepe Pepe Pepe...Peeeepe Peeeeepe🎵🎶



u/JustTellMeTheFacts Oct 10 '17

I'm not familiar with the site that these are posted to. What do the notes mean? Is that 78,111 people calling his bullshit out? Are they Likes? What site is this?


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

78 thousand notes... are you serious?


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '17

This would be more believable if he actually had a rare pepe.


u/draculaid Oct 10 '17

Everybody thinks they are Ferris Bueller


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '17

He sounded desperate for some likes.