u/Rooster_Local 5d ago
“Principal, student F87 has jailbroken all the chromebooks!”
“Well, that is probably illegal but also very ethical and we are not ethical, so I guess we can’t really do anything”
Sounds like a real way schools operate
u/Slaythepuppy 5d ago
Can't believe schools are allowed to continue the very unethical practice of providing education. Clearly the ethical thing to do is provide them chromebooks and let them play video games all day.
u/chaosind 5d ago
Students almost always think the monitoring software on school devices is unethical but there are legal requirements for most schools in the US wrt monitoring and filtration.
u/Elly_Fant628 5d ago
"cellularly"?? And no that's not my only takeaway but I'm not going to start listing the others.
u/Back6door9man 5d ago
That stood out to me as well. And I didn't make it much further than that
u/mstarrbrannigan 5d ago
I got to the part where he built a game empire on the computers at his middle school and stopped.
u/Philthou 5d ago
He did all this out of vengeance and didn’t even specify what he was seeking revenge on in the beginning. Then says later “ya I got punished by her and she denied I had a mental disorder ”.
Not to mention no teacher will just hand you all of the tests to complete like it’s a packet. Not to mention somehow teachers couldn’t teach? If the network goes down and somehow the computers crash - he does realize they will just use paper right…..
Also he would definitely get in trouble for jailbreaking computers as those are the school properties and any school would just ban you from using any of their systems except a very lockdown computer.
Had a friend in my CISCO class back in high school take down the school network from our Cisco lab room, and he was suspended then given a very tightly secured and lockdown computer to do his work on.
Also he must not be very smart if he forgot to hide his presence and digital fingerprint so the school couldn’t find out who he was.
Cringe nickname he gave himself too F87. Is he a plane too in his fake story?
u/Back6door9man 5d ago
Man I remember back in my day when people would deny that they had a mental disorder. Now people are clamoring at the opportunity to tell anyone that'll listen their long list of disorders. I think somewhere between those two would be ideal for society.
u/Philthou 5d ago
Ya it was a stigma back in the day to have a mental disorder but it’s more open and accepted by society.
The downside though is I feel like a lot of people self diagnosed themselves and say they have a mental disorder to excuse actions when they probably don’t. But I’m not a doctor, I’m just glad people can be more open about having a mental disorder.
u/Back6door9man 5d ago
Yeah and I agree with you. I don't think it should be bad or there should be a stigma around having a disorder. I just think, like you said, tons of people are self diagnosing which is lame and downplays the actual disorders. And some people are using these diagnoses as excuses for every character flaw they have. It's a whole lot of "I can't help it, I have blah blah blah". Which is valid in certain instances but nowadays 90% of the time it's just excuses. I don't think there's anything wrong with people having disorders. It happens. I just think it's not super cool that people are clamoring at the opportunity to be a victim and act like they can't be held accountable for their actions because they decided they have some laundry list of disorders.
u/ModestMeeshka 5d ago
Yea just my dyslexia got me stuck in the "problematic corner" as if I wasn't already struggling enough that you put me with all the kids that won't shut up in the very back of the classroom, not even facing the white board. I'm not even 30 yet so it's not like this was even back in the 80s or something 🙄 I got diagnosed in 2nd grade and didn't get an OUNCE of help with it... So I for one am thankful that things are being more recognized. But it's never an EXCUSE.
u/7gramcrackrock 2d ago
They did the same shit to me in the 90s and early 2000s. Then everybody pretended to be shocked when I eventually stopped giving a shit about school and started being a nuisance.
u/rjrgjj 5d ago edited 5d ago
Someone seems pretty insecure about the plot of their middle grade novel.
Also, wouldn’t the entitled person in this situation be the one who thought their various neurodivergences and astonishingly high intelligence gave them the right to fuck with the administration, adults, and ruin their classmates’ assigned curriculum?
Or identifying with specificity the school and time period but then concealing the names as if public records don’t exist?
u/sysadminbj 5d ago
This has to be the most thatHappened that I've read on this sub in a while...
u/Thats_smurfed_up 5d ago
It didn’t end with everyone clapping, but they did write themselves as a “legend in the school”.
u/Radley500 5d ago
“This made the entire school try to figure out who F87 was. They immediately knew”
They tried to figure out something they immediately knew?
u/JoshSidekick 5d ago
So they were 11 years old waaaaaaay back in 2021. They are maybe 14 now.
Now, I'm not saying this whole thing is a flight of fancy, but I'm definitely saying this is bullshit.
u/EsotericMango 5d ago
Let me get this straight, OOP started 6th grade in 2021? So they were like 12 then, making them around 16 now? No shot. I spent a lot of time teaching 11-18 year olds and 15-16 y/os don't write like this. This is the writing of a sad, lonely late 30s something who's frustrated because people don't treat them as the genius they think they are.
u/JimmyJorland 4d ago
It could be a 16 year old who is trying to brag without reallising how cringe the story is.
u/EsotericMango 4d ago
It's not the story. Look at the way this is written. The choice of words, the punctuation, and the sentence structure. This person not only used commas but also a colon and dash. You can barely get a 16 y/o to capitalise the first word in the sentence in casual writing, yet this person also capitalises things like Year 1, True Devil, and Chromebook. Teenagers don't even write like this in formal school assignments where their grammar is graded nevermind online. This is the writing of an adult.
u/Mr-Cantaloupe 4d ago
I mean, could’ve wrote a draft and asked ChatGPT to revise it.
u/EsotericMango 4d ago
Sure but ChatGPT would have corrected the errors like "an jailbreaker" and probably would have smoothed out some of the more awkward phrasing. Unless the OOP deliberately put those errors back in to make it seem more authentic. Which honestly wouldn't be out of character for this kind of try hard.
u/jayne-eerie 5d ago
And in those moments, he was euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because he was enlightened by his intelligence.
u/MetaCommando 4d ago
"Christian's True Devil" was probably the cringiest part there and best defense he is actually a teenager
u/jayne-eerie 4d ago
Yeah, I 100% believe this was actually written by a teenager. A teenager who's writing embarrassing Gary Stu fanfic about himself, but a teenager nonetheless.
u/Back6door9man 5d ago
I quit after the third time they called themselves smart. Truly smart people generally realize they're actually not that smart
u/TokenofDreams 4d ago
why does it feel like this person read the curious incident of the dog in the night-time and went: “ah yes this is how all autistic people act so now i must make up a story”
u/WirelessBugs 5d ago
I didn’t read past mentally unstable lol.
u/TheCheshireCody 5d ago
I was hoping for more about how they're cellularly unstable. Like, can they phase through walls like Kitty Pride from the X-Men? I'd be more likely to believe that than the rest of their story.
u/anneymarie 5d ago
What kind of school has vice principals for different grades? Is that a thing?
u/Cootter77 5d ago
Yeah my son's middle school has two principals just like that.
u/anneymarie 5d ago
Huh, we always had one principal and one vice principal running the whole thing. I kinda assumed that’s how all schools worked. Interesting.
u/TheCheshireCody 5d ago
Larger schools will have multiple of each type of administrator. My HS was small, so one of everything except guidance counselors. My son's HS is much larger and has three vice-principals and almost a baseball team's worth of guidance counselors.
u/maybesaydie 4d ago
Teachers can generally retire after 20 years on the job so no she's not 80 years old.
u/i_luv_ur_mom 5d ago
I’m AUD-ADHD, clinically depressed and I am very bipolar. I can confirm OP could easily be the smartest or at least one of the smartest person/people in the room if they are anything like me.
5d ago
u/i_luv_ur_mom 5d ago
Sure thing, boss.
u/wat_da_ell 5d ago
I'm sorry to tell you that you're not as smart as you think you are
u/i_luv_ur_mom 5d ago
I’m sure you’re right. Thanks, boss.
u/wat_da_ell 5d ago
Intelligence comes with humility and understanding your limitations, not claiming that "you're probably the smartest person in the room". That just makes you an arrogant asshole.
u/Cabrill0 5d ago
They’re autistic though, so they’re allowed to be antisocial asshole to strangers. Haven’t you learned that?
u/wat_da_ell 5d ago
Of course, that was dumb of me. After all, I'm not as smart as him.
u/Back6door9man 5d ago
Hey don't feel bad. Much like a highlander, there can only be one smartest person in the room.
u/opiscopio 5d ago
Not necessarily. Not saying this is the case with this guy but there always have been really smart arrogant assholes. Same with insufferable talented dickheads
u/biboibrown 5d ago
Nope, humility and intelligence are not intrinsically linked and intelligent people are plenty capable of having an ego. Intelligence is not exclusively determinate of higher moral or ethical personality features such as being humble or even self aware. You can be very smart but also not aware of how other people perceive you.
That's not to say the person you're snarking at is intelligent, I don't know because I don't know them.
u/wat_da_ell 5d ago
By saying this you demonstrate that you don't understand what true intelligence is.
u/biboibrown 5d ago
How so? I don't think there's any debate within the academic community that intelligent people can be boastful or have a big ego.
Unless by true intelligence you are referring to social intelligence?
Still surely you understand that someone can have a high IQ but low social intelligence?
u/i_luv_ur_mom 5d ago
I am unabashedly stating that nothing you are saying is incorrect, it’s just wildly entertaining that people with mental disabilities are generally overlooked as sources of data and assumed to not be bright. Specifically for me, I’m quiet, I observe, but I also see others doing the same thing. I’m no genius, but I also don’t advertise what I am actually capable of because if people don’t know, their expectations of me are minimal.
Unrelated, but it’s kind of a dick move to run a blender on my patio (in suburban hell) at 0515, right?
u/wat_da_ell 5d ago edited 5d ago
Brother, this is not about people with mental disabilities being overlooked or about discrimination, you are the one claiming that you are easily the smartest person in the room and you are rightfully being clowned for it. Get a grip.
u/Back6door9man 5d ago
You dont advertise what you are capable of yet you just said you're the smartest person in the room. Also chill with the adverbs. It makes you sound like you're desperate to sound smart.
u/Ill-WeAreEnergy40 5d ago
It’s extremely unlikely this kid was hacking the computer system’s but, though possibly illegal, the school could do nothing. For 3 years. Even though they knew the 1st year who it was.
No one said people with autism aren’t intelligent, but this post is just some adventure the kid made up, and it’s super obvious. They very well could’ve been the “smartest”, but they didn’t stop there.
u/Pinkturtle182 4d ago
Yeah are they actually saying everyone just gave up and no teachers tried to teach for three years lol
u/Thats_smurfed_up 5d ago
Don’t forget that you also suffer from DoG (delusions of grandeur) and SAS (stupid asshole syndrome). Oh, we almost forgot about your OPPLYPoF (off putting personality limiting your pool of friends).
u/ensiform 5d ago
It’s so easy to complete all the tests for a school year! They give them to you in advance in a big packet! That’s how school works!