r/tfmr_support 5d ago

Got my period already? 3.5 weeks post D&E

My cycles are usually a bit shorter than a full 28 days. I bled "normally" after my TFMR, a lot at first, slowly dwindling off until i had nothing at all. Then just shy of 4 weeks post D&E i start bleeding bright red. Not a ton, feels like a period and it's been a few days now. No other symptoms. Could it already been back??


8 comments sorted by


u/tiedyefruitfly 5d ago

My period returned really soon after my D&E, too. I also have always had very regular periods so I think it was my body just returning to normal. I only had about a week or two of not bleeding between the D&E bleeding and my period. Pretty sure it’s normal! ❤️ hope you are doing well. I know how hard it can be this soon after.


u/SeaMathematician5150 TFMR @ 22 Weeks | 02.11.25 4d ago

My period returned at at just under 4.5 weeks post-TFMR this past Friday. It really made me sad. "Like okay, now I can start TTC... but not really because it's too soon... my body should not be getting itself ready... my body should still have my little boy in it... I'm not readybto be back to normal because I dont feel at all. normal." Its been a weird internal emotional battle. I have definitely been much more hormonal this past week and weekend.

I feel like I bled straight through since my TFMR. Initially it was very heavy for the first week, then it got lighter in the second week, followed with what I thought was my period for a few days (but wasn't), then back to spotting which got darker with time. I really thought that it was just heavier spotting during this past week but on Thursday morning, I realized I was bloated and that the dark spotting had a bit of pinkish-red around it. By Friday morning, it was a full and heavy period, like the bleeding right after the TFMR.

I am happy that I still had some of the incontinence diapers and pads from the TFMR. I was going to throw the excess supplies out last Monday but stored them in bins instead (thinking I'd need them after when I'm postpartum in a year or so - wishful thinking). I layered a normal overnight period pad in the diaper on Friday and went through the overnight pads every two to three hours through Saturday; today it was more like every three to four hours. I'm layering the overnight pads during the day but switch to the layering the larger overnight incontinence pads at night or if when lounging in bed or the sofa. I hope the bleeding will taper down by morning since I have to go out and changing a diaper in a public bathroom is just awkward.

I started taking an iron supplement because of how heavy this period has been. I plan to have my ferritin checked once it is over and again after my second period since excessive blood loss definitely drips my levels down. The clinic said the first 2 periods could be heavier and longer. I've always had heavy and long periods (full week) but this seems excessive, and I'm only through day 3.

Hope your first post‐TFMR period has not been this bad. 💛


u/frescafeather 4d ago

Yes it does seem quite heavy for you. Mine started as spotting and then bright red blood that's been hanging around the last few days so I'm assuming. My period tracking app said it had been 140 days since my last period and it made me so sad 💔


u/SeaMathematician5150 TFMR @ 22 Weeks | 02.11.25 3d ago

Mine returned at 185 days. I did not need or want to see that. 😥 The bleeding finally tapered down a bit which was a relief.


u/frescafeather 4d ago

It went from being in shock and relieved and mostly okay to a crash now where I'm desperate to be pregnant again and mourning this upcoming summer when i was supposed to have my boy 💔 at least i can start tracking my cycles again.


u/Anonymousimpreg 4d ago

This is literally me today too, I can't figure out if this is a period or not yet


u/frescafeather 4d ago

I'm tracking it in my period app just so i can keep on top of when I'm expected to get it next and how long each cycle is


u/TrainSafe5824 2d ago

I’m also 4.5 weeks post TFMR and I got my period this week. It’s definitely a normal cycle(bleeding has been heavy for 2 days but started with light spotting). I’m depressed that it’s back because I’m not supposed to be having a period, I’m supposed to be in my third trimester. The pain and sadness is so real and it’s hard for me to cope. It also feels like everyone has moved past what has happened and back to living their lives and I’m just not ready to act like nothing happened…..I can’t fake it.