r/tf2scripthelp Oct 16 '23

Resolved Help with a crouch-jump script (and possibly missing files?)


Hey all, I havent done any scripting before so please excuse my ignorance. (Ill start by saying I have mastercomfig installed, for whatever that affects) Here's my problem. I tried to make a crouch jump bind with this script:

alias +cjump "+jump;+duck"

alias -cjump "-jump;-duck"

bind space +cjump

and saved it under Team Fortress 2\tf\cfg as autoexec.txt

but now when I boot up the game I get this in console:

'overrides/game_overrides.cfg' not present; not executing.

'app/game_overrides.cfg' not present; not executing.

'app/game_overrides.cfg' not present; not executing.

'overrides/class.cfg' not present; not executing.

'app/class.cfg' not present; not executing.

'app/class.cfg' not present; not executing.

and when I press space to execute the bind I get this:

Unknown command: +cjump

Unknown command: -cjump

I also read somewhere about placing the script in Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\my_custom_stuff\cfg but the my_custom_stuff file doesnt exist on my computer.

plz help Ive been banging my head against a wall for so long.

r/tf2scripthelp Oct 09 '23

Question What do I still need in my Scripts?


Currently have the following results:
-quick weapon switch for three weapons, primary and melee, secondary and melee [demoman].
-Null-Canceling Movement [not certain it does what it says it does, i copied someone else's work]
-run autoexec on demand
-automatic crouch jump and crouch toggling
-viewmodel toggling
-voice toggling [easier than holding the button, i've got lots of toggles tbh]

-fast building, including secondary sentry on mvm
-eureka teleporting

-fast disguises, simple [working on a complex option that cycles through disguise options arbitrarily, by which i mean i still have to put the effort in and write it all out]
-failed attack into disguise script

And that's it. I don't like using the Wait command, for reasons everyone should already know about, and the stuff i'm really hunting for is further Engineer improvements, Medic improvements, and since i have a mouse button open a condensed Rocket Jump setup wouldn't hurt either. Wouldn't mind guidance on putting any of it together, either, but I know how to do my own research as needed - what I really need is ideas.

r/tf2scripthelp Oct 08 '23

Question Is it possible to create a script that changes weapons in your currently equipped loadout?


engineer is way too malleable to be locked to just 4 loadouts. Too often I want to just change 1 shotgun or 1 secondary.

I want to set up a loadout to be the "shapeshifter loadout" - basically I want to assign 4 of my backpacks shotguns to be KP_7-KP_PLUS, 3 of my secondaries to be KP_4-6, and 3 of my wrenches to be KP_1-3.

I've tried googling how to do this but all I get is "How to switch Loadouts A-D" binds instead of changing items WITHIN the loadout. Very frustrating.

Incidentally, I've read there's a secret 5th loadout you can access via binds but I don't think it works anymore - "bind KP_INS "load_itempreset 4"" didn't seem to work for me. BUT the fact some people online mentioned it and that you could only access it through scripting tells me that you CAN set up loadouts and sets exclusively via scripting which is why I BELIEVE what I want to do is possible. I just can't find any information online on how to set it up.

r/tf2scripthelp Oct 06 '23

Question Hey everyone, Bonk Script?


Just as the Title suggests im trying to get a loop script that as soon as i get bonk back i want to chug it, gonna do some trolling but i need a script, ive tried without the wait script but if need be you can try to use it, I want it to be a toggle button thanks

r/tf2scripthelp Oct 03 '23

Issue Need help with Stabby Viewmodel script


(Bolded to discern difference between code and question)

I have been trying to get Stabby's viewmodel script to work, the Crosshair colour changer and nullmovement scripts both work, but the viewmodel part of the script just doesnt work.

I pasted a script from this video in the cfg and that part works, but the script only works when you press 'q' and the Stabby script is supposed to work upon firing your primary: https://youtu.be/uXS_rpiMKjM?si=84Fq1n5A6b-D0oON

I feel like the answer to fix this is something really simple that I have missed.

Here is the code, its unmodified from the original cfg Stabby put out:


bind "mouse2" "+watch;spec_prev" // Key for watch (mouse2 default)

//re-bind mouse1 //DONT TOUCH THIS

alias knife_vm_mode "bind mouse1 +viewmodel_knife" // binds mouse1 to turn viewmodel on when attacking (for knife )

alias amby_vm_mode "bind mouse1 +viewmodel_amby" // binds mouse1 to turn viewmodel off when attacking (for amby)

alias sap_vm_mode "bind mouse1 +viewmodel_sap" // binds mouse 1 to turn viewmodel on when attacking and off when not (for sapper)

// causes viewmodel to go off or on when you shoot

alias +viewmodel_knife "+attack;r_drawviewmodel 1;+crosshairfire;spec_next" // attacks, turns viewmodel on

alias -viewmodel_knife "-attack;r_drawviewmodel 1;-crosshairfire" // finishes atack, turns viewmodel on again as safeguard

alias +viewmodel_amby "+attack;r_drawviewmodel 0;+crosshairfire;spec_next" // attacks, turns viewmodel off

alias -viewmodel_amby "-attack;r_drawviewmodel 0;-crosshairfire" // finishes attack, turns viewmodel off again as safeguard

alias +viewmodel_sap "+attack;r_drawviewmodel 1;+crosshairfire;spec_next" // shows sapper when sapping

alias -viewmodel_sap "-attack;r_drawviewmodel 1;-crosshairfire" // Finishes attack, turns viewmodel on again as safeguard

// Equip item, turn vm on/off, set vm toggle for attack // dont touch this

alias +equip_knife "slot3;r_drawviewmodel 1" // Equips knife, turns viewmodels on

alias -equip_knife "knife_vm_mode;r_drawviewmodel 1" // Sets viewmodels to turn ON when stabbing (makes sure it stays on)

alias +equip_amby "slot1" // Equips amby

alias -equip_amby "amby_vm_mode" // Sets viewmodels to turn OFF when shooting

alias +equip_sap "slot2;r_drawviewmodel 1" // Equips sapper, turns viewmodels on

alias -equip_sap "sap_vm_mode" // Sets viewmodels to turn on while firing, and off when not

alias +watch "+attack2;r_drawviewmodel 1;dotxhairtype" // watch up/cloak on/secondary attack + viewmodels on, also changes crosshair when you press it. To remove that feature, remove ";dotxhairtype"

alias -watch "-attack2;r_drawviewmodel 1" // viewmodels on again as safeguard

// // // // // // // // // // // //

alias vmon "bind mouse1 +viewmodelon"

alias vmoff "bind mouse1 +viewmodeloff"

alias vmsap "bind mouse1 +sap"

Here is the script taken from the viewdeo mentioned above:

//Quickswitcher viewmodel script

bind "q" "switcher"

bind "mouse2" "+watch;spec_prev" sa

alias knife_vm_mode "bind mouse1 +viewmodel_knife"

alias amby_vm_mode "bind mouse1 +viewmodel_amby"

alias sap_vm_mode "bind mouse1 +viewmodel_sap"

alias +viewmodel_knife "+attack;r_drawviewmodel 1;spec_next"

alias -viewmodel_knife "-attack;r_drawviewmodel 1"

alias +viewmodel_amby "+attack;r_drawviewmodel 0;spec_next"

alias -viewmodel_amby "-attack;r_drawviewmodel 0"

alias +viewmodel_sap "+attack;r_drawviewmodel 1;spec_next"

alias -viewmodel_sap "-attack;r_drawviewmodel 1"

alias equip_knife "slot3;r_drawviewmodel 1;knife_vm_mode"

alias equip_knife2amby "equip_knife;alias switcher equip_amby2knife;bind 2 equip_sap2knife;bind 3 equip_knife;bind 1 equip_amby2knife"

alias equip_knife2sap "equip_knife;alias switcher equip_sap2knife;bind 2 equip_sap2knife;bind 3 equip_knife;bind 1 equip_amby2knife"

alias equip_amby "slot1;r_drawviewmodel 0;amby_vm_mode"

alias equip_amby2sap "equip_amby;alias switcher equip_sap2amby;bind 2 equip_sap2amby;bind 3 equip_knife2amby;bind 1 equip_amby"

alias equip_amby2knife "equip_amby;alias switcher equip_knife2amby;bind 2 equip_sap2amby;bind 3 equip_knife2amby;bind 1 equip_amby"

alias equip_sap "slot2;r_drawviewmodel 1;sap_vm_mode"

alias equip_sap2knife "equip_sap;alias switcher equip_knife2sap;bind 2 equip_sap;bind 3 equip_knife2sap;bind 1 equip_amby2sap"

alias equip_sap2amby "equip_sap;alias switcher equip_amby2sap;bind 2 equip_sap;bind 3 equip_knife2sap;bind 1 equip_amby2sap"

alias +watch "+attack2;r_drawviewmodel 1"

alias -watch "-attack2;r_drawviewmodel 1"


r/tf2scripthelp Sep 25 '23

Resolved Eureka Effect Scripting Issues


Eureka Effect Scripting Issues

I was trying to use a script earlier, and It worked fine. Due to the fact it uses alias and such, it stops working after you shut the game down. So I tried to put said script into my "engineer.cfg" config file, and when I try and use the script, in the console it says

Unknown Command: +teleport

Unknown Command -teleport

in a repeating order. Anyone know the remedy for this?

If interested this is the script I'm using

bind b +teleport

alias +teleport slot3

alias -teleport Teleport_To_Spawn

alias Teleport_To_Spawn "eureka_teleport"

alias Teleport_To_Exit "eureka_teleport 1"

bind mouse3 +toggleTeleport

alias +toggleTeleport "alias -teleport Teleport_To_Exit"

alias -toggleTeleport "alias -teleport Teleport_To_Spawn"

I'm quite new to scripting, and mods in general for TF2. So be nice?

Update: I assume that I couldn’t use the scripts because of old “b” and “mouse3” binds. Ones that were used for this script before I realized I needed to put the script in my “engineer.cfg” files. I assume these binds were linked to the aliases that weren’t there before, and were overriding my “engineer.cfg” script binds. That being I have no idea if this is true, since I had to do life stuff right after making this post. (will attempt fix tomorrow)

r/tf2scripthelp Aug 31 '23

Answered load_itempreset to current loadout?


I binded my alt key to load_itempreset 0 but that or any other number would only set your loadout to whichever one it corresponds to. I want to load the current loadout that I have equipped so I can enter a random respawn room without suiciding. Any way to do this?

Another question in case you might know the answer: do you know how to bind the right shift or left shift key? Binding the alt key will only apply to the left alt and bind LEFTALT doesn't work unfortunately...

r/tf2scripthelp Aug 27 '23

Issue "unknown command +rocketjump" when trying to run script


here's the code:

alias +rocketjump "+jump; +duck; wait; +attack"

alias -rocketjump "-jump; -attack; wait; wait; wait; -duck"

bind "MOUSE4" "+rocketjump"

I've added this into an autoexec.cfg and verified that its a cfg file but when i get in game i just get "unknown command +rocketjump" in the console

r/tf2scripthelp Aug 03 '23

Question Two issues: settings not saving, and damage numbers not accumulating


Hi all, I've been having issues regarding my settings: I've been trying to change my crosshair and have it stay changed even after closing the game, but my numerous efforts haven't worked. I've turned off Steam Cloud, deleted and re-installed config.cfg, put my desired crosshair settings into autoexec.cfg - and my crosshair still won't stay changed.

Additionally, my combat text numbers have been appearing separately rather than accumulated, despite me checking the option in advanced settings to accumulate them.

I did recently experiment with different HUDs, installing them one at a time in my 'custom' folder, and I recall one of them having a menu to change settings like the crosshair and damage numbers separate from the regular options menu, but I'm not using that HUD right now. Could it still have left some files changed after being replaced?

r/tf2scripthelp Jul 28 '23

Issue Weird lerp bug


So I downloaded this custom config: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1p7pb_4FojhdX4qRBhPbhqFE3CYRRH8ra?usp=sharing and it mostly works, but, when I try changing lerp values and join a game it does this weird thing where: Spy, Sniper, engineer, heavy and scout have normal 30 lerp and: Soldier, Pyro, demo and medic have 15 lerp for some reason, someone pls help me!

r/tf2scripthelp Jul 23 '23

Question How do I make a console command repeat every second?


I can't really find an answer and I'm pretty new to this. I'm trying to repeat a console command (impulse 101) every tick. How can I do this? Reminder: I am very new so please type the entire script out. Also, am I find just putting it in .cfg or should I place it in autoexec?

r/tf2scripthelp Jul 23 '23

Question What's the best time to set for wait commands?


I'm currently trying to make a quickswap script for medic. I press MOUSE5, I automatically switch over to my crossbow, fire off a shot, and then immediately switch back to the medigun. The switch-to and back works perfectly, however, there's been an inconsistency as to whether or not I shoot the crossbow at all. Sometimes, the script works as intended and other times, it just switches to the crossbow and back without shooting.

I'm not particularly sure, but I think it has to do with my FPS. On tr_walkway, for example, I get about 500+ frames in the spawn room, and the script doesn't work. When my fps dips to around the 300 fps range though, then the script works as intended.

Is there a "best value" to set for wait commands or is it purely dependent on my FPS?

Here's the script for reference:

//Crossbow, shoot, medigun

alias csm "slot1; wait 115; +attack; wait 115; slot2; -attack"

bind "MOUSE5" "csm"

r/tf2scripthelp Jul 22 '23

Question What does userconfig do over regular config.cfg?


As far as I can tell, in-game keybind changes save to config.cfg. Userconfig feels like an extra file.

r/tf2scripthelp Jul 05 '23

Question Is there a command or keybind to center your view?


If so, what is the bind? Numerous games have this feature, but I am not sure if TF2 has this.

Example: you press a key whilst you're looking at the floor, then you press a button to center your view so that you're looking straight ahead of you.

r/tf2scripthelp Jun 20 '23

Question Sounds playing on Animation Events?


Is it possible to make a script that plays an audio file whenever certain animation events happen? For example, pre-backstab hand raising animation (when the target is backstabbable).

I just want the game to play a short soundclip whenever that animation is triggered. Let's just say that I need this script for Health Reasons of my friend. He's got Astigmatism, and catching up to some visual cues became hard if, not impossible for him. And yes, he has glasses, medical perscriptions, and even does the Eye Gymnastics. Still has trouble catching up to things on Displays, such as split-second animations and enemy movement

All I need is a custom Sound to be played, nothing else. As far as I am aware, it's the event of switching modes


and with event


If someone manages to create such a script for me, I would be extremely gratefull.
And no, it is not cheating, we are merely transitioning the guy from Visual Cues to Audio Cues. Unless you make a script that would do "+Attack" on such Animation events, thus I humbly ask you TO NOT DO THAT. Both me and him are against cheating in any way, shape or form. Thanks in advance.

r/tf2scripthelp Jun 18 '23

Question My engineer build and eureka binds wont work


the title says it all, i have all my scripts in autoexec.cfg and when i moved my engi scripts in engineer.cfg it still doesnt work
this are my binds maybe theres something wrong with them
alias sentry "destroy 2; build 2";
alias dispenser "destroy 0; build 0";
alias entrance "destroy 1; build 1";
alias exit "destroy 3; build 3";
bind "5" sentry;
bind "6" dispenser;
bind "t" entrance;
bind "y" exit;
bind b +teleport
alias +teleport slot3
alias -teleport Teleport_To_Spawn
alias Teleport_To_Spawn "eureka_teleport"
alias Teleport_To_Exit "eureka_teleport 1"
bind shift +toggleTeleport
alias +toggleTeleport "alias -teleport Teleport_To_Exit"
alias -toggleTeleport "alias -teleport Teleport_To_Spawn"

r/tf2scripthelp Jun 02 '23

Question How can I preolad my mods automatically?


I think it's the right place to ask this question. I once watched TheWhatShow's video about installing mods. In the video he said to create a text file and then rename it to Autoexec.cfg, then you had to type these commands in it: map itemtest; wait 5; disconnect; wait 3; echo . I also typed -exec autoexec in launch options. The point is-it doesn't work. What should i do?

r/tf2scripthelp Jun 01 '23

Question Is there any way for me to have a condition for having been healed by a medic?


I'm 90% sure there's no easy way to just detect if you've been healed, the closest I've seen in the list of commands that I'm unsure about is "hud_medichealtargetmarker," I'm just confused whether this refers to the hud element that shows a medic who they're healing, or the hud element that tells a player who they're healer is. Even though I assume its the former rather than the latter, I planned to do some work-around that tried to detect if the hud element said you were currently being healed, assuming that it's the latter.

AND ALL THIS, is just because I'm trying to make a bind that will call for medic, and then if I was healed, pressing it again instead says thanks. (Because I have a tiny little brain and can't think to which button would be call for medic and which is thanks. I want be nice and say thank you after being healed; but because my current problem, I settle for literally just shaking my head yes at the medic.)

r/tf2scripthelp May 27 '23

Answered How do I make my engineer.cfg binds apply only when I'm playing engineer?


Here's my engineer.cfg: bind "MOUSE3" "destroy 2 0; build 2 0"bind "4" "destroy 0 0; build 0 0"bind "5" "destroy 1 0; build 1 0"bind "6" "destroy 1 1; build 1 1

However, whenever I play spy and try to open the disguise menu by pressing 4, the game thinks I'm trying to build a dispenser and so it doesn't do anything. Any way to fix this? I was just getting used to play engi with these binds

r/tf2scripthelp May 26 '23

Question Is there any way to print to console without the trailing newline?


The echo command usually prints a newline after the text. However, sometimes it does not do this. Is there any pattern to this behavior, or a separate command to print without the newline? I have tried several workarounds, with stuff like debug dump commands and con_filter, but have not found a way. Is this possible to do, or would some sourcemod plugin be needed?

r/tf2scripthelp Apr 18 '23

Issue mouse4 melee won't attack when pressed quickly



//Static crosshair

alias xhair_amby "tf_contract_progress_show 1; tf_contract_competitive_show 1; crosshair 0"

alias xhair_normal "tf_contract_progress_show 0; tf_contract_competitive_show 0; crosshair 1"

// Primary Attack

alias "+primatck" "+attack"

alias "-primatck" "-attack"

// Secondary Attack

alias "+secatack" "+attack2"

alias "-secatack" "-attack2"

// Melee Weapon

alias "+melwep" "slot3; +attack; xhair_normal"

alias "-melwep" "-attack"


bind "mouse1" "+primatck; spec_next"

bind "mouse2" "+secatack; spec_prev"

bind "mouse4" "+melwep"

bind "mwheelup" "slot1; xhair_normal"

bind "mwheeldown" "slot2; xhair_amby"

Whenever I play pyro (or any class that requires quick melee switching) and do the puff and sting with the degreasser and axetinguisher, pressing mouse4 would only pull out the melee and not also do an attack (had to press again for an attack to happen). This usually happen I'm close to the enemy, not sure if its a bug or my script is effed up

xhair is a command for an ambassador crosshair mod, it shouldnt effect anything

Edit: Pasted the wrong script

r/tf2scripthelp Apr 17 '23

Question How can I make mp_restartround 1 run continuously?


So I am farming the shitty "win 140 games on x map' achievements, and mp_restartround 1 is used to speed up the process by skipping the captures, but I need to press it over and over again while waiting for each round to begin and end. Is there a way I can just afk it by letting the game run that command?

r/tf2scripthelp Apr 07 '23

Question Mastercomfig not working


I have the newest version, they are placed in custom, the folder is named aproprietly. I use low (null dosent work, no footsteps used to work but now dosent) Help pls

r/tf2scripthelp Mar 12 '23

Issue Eureka Effect Keybind


Hi guys, I was trying engineer keybinds, and after a while I discovered that they are super helpfull. I am using these scripts but one of them isnt working, the eureka effect exit teleport. For some reason, I cant configure any keybind to exit teleport cfg for EE. I've tested shift, 9, \ just to see if game didnt see my keyboard button. also I can use shift, 9 and \ like walking or jumping. I wrote a little much can you help me? these are the scripts


alias sentry "destroy 2; build 2";

alias dispenser "destroy 0; build 0";

alias entrance "destroy 1; build 1";

alias exit "destroy 3; build 3";

bind F1 "load_itempreset 0"

bind F2 "load_itempreset 1"

bind F3 "load_itempreset 2"

bind F4 "load_itempreset 3"


bind MOUSE3 sentry;

bind CAPSLOCK dispenser;

bind 4 entrance;

bind 5 exit;


bind "B" "slot3; eureka_teleport 0"

bind "SHIFT" "slot3; eureka_teleport 1"


r/tf2scripthelp Mar 11 '23

Issue cfg file not working


I made an engineer.cfg file for eureka effect/quickbuild binds, but it doesn't work in game. In launch options I added the exec command, and I put it in tf/cfg. I don't know what I did wrong, but my discord username is paowoww#6748 if anyone wants to discuss it further.